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Chapter 19: Chapter 19: When The World Needed Him Most Part 10

Kel stared down at the bunch of magazines featuring nude photos of Angelina Jolie. "What the fuck?" he muttered, disappointment heavy in his voice.

Sylvia tilted her head in confusion. "Is something wrong, Don Kel?"

Kel rubbed his temples, feeling a headache forming. "I asked for Angelina Jolie, not a bunch of nudie mags."

Sylvia blinked her beady penguin eyes. "The Mistress decides what to send. This must be her interpretation of your request."

Kel's face went through several expressions in rapid succession: confusion, frustration, contemplation. Then, in a complete 180, he put on a gracious smile. "Well, if it's the Mistress's choice, then who am I to complain? These will do just fine."

Sylvia nodded. "Is there anything else you need, Don Kel?"

Kel shook his head. "No, that's all for now. You can go. Thanks, I guess."

With a slight bow, Sylvia waddled out of the igloo, leaving Kel alone with his new 'gifts.' He sighed, rubbing his hands together. "Alright, time to turn this place into a den of ambiance."

First, he looked around at the traditionally decorated igloo, noting the functional but plain setup. He moved to the workbench, which was currently littered with tools and supplies. Clearing it off, he began to repurpose it into a makeshift massage bed. He grabbed some of the thick blankets from his bed and spread them over the workbench, creating a padded surface. He made sure to add a few more blankets for extra comfort.

Next, he rearranged the few pieces of furniture in the igloo to create more space. He moved his bed closer to the wall and placed the small table in the center, making it more accessible. He found some pieces of driftwood and fashioned a simple but effective rack to hang his clothes on, freeing up more floor space.

Kel then took out the scented Thai oils, opening one of the bottles and inhaling deeply. The fragrance was soothing, a blend of lemongrass and coconut that reminded him of tropical beaches. He placed the bottles strategically around the igloo, creating an aromatic atmosphere.

He took one of the glowing stones that acted as the igloo's primary light source and placed it inside a carved-out chunk of ice, which diffused the light and cast a soft, ambient glow around the room. The flickering light added a touch of warmth to the otherwise cold environment.

Finally, he stacked the Angelina Jolie magazines neatly on the small table. As he looked around his newly transformed igloo, he nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad for a makeshift bachelor pad in the Arctic."

Kel stretched and then sat down on the newly created massage bed, feeling the tension in his muscles start to ease. He knew that when Katara returned, she'd be in for a surprise. "Alright, Kel, you might just make this work yet," he said to himself, feeling quite proud of his setup. 

Just as he was about to settle in, he heard footsteps approaching his igloo. He tensed, then heard Katara's voice calling, "Sokka, are you awake? I brought you lunch."

Not wanting her to see his transformed igloo just yet, Kel quickly moved to the entrance and opened the door just slightly ajar. "Hey, Katara. Just hand me the food through the door, will you?"

Katara frowned, clearly irritated. "What are you hiding in there, Sokka? Let me in."

Kel shook his head. "You'll see later. Trust me. Just leave the food for now, and come back later."

Katara's frown deepened, but she relented. "Fine," she said, stomping her foot in frustration before turning to leave.

As she walked away, Kel couldn't resist. "Hey, Katara!" he called out.

She stopped and turned around, her expression a mix of annoyance and curiosity. "What?"

Kel grinned. "Cute butt."

Katara's eyes widened in anger, and she glared at him. Before she could respond, Kel quickly shut the door, chuckling to himself. He knew he'd pay for that comment later, but it was worth it.

Once inside, Kel examined the food Katara had brought. It looked remarkably similar to the meals he'd had at boarding school: simple, unseasoned, but at least it was fresh. He took a bite, musing to himself, "Well, it still beats those mystery meat days."

As he ate, Kel couldn't help but think about how well things were going so far. His igloo was cozy, he had managed to keep Katara intrigued and slightly off-balance, and he had a stash of Angelina Jolie magazines... to pass time of course. 

 "Alright, now we wait." 

As night fell, Kel was busy flipping through one of the Angelina Jolie magazines, thoroughly engrossed in his new 'reading material.' He was brought out of his reverie by an impatient voice outside his igloo.

"Sokka, are you in there? I want to see this your 'surprise' quickly. Unlike you, I have to wake up early!"

'So impatient.' Kel quickly shoved the magazine under his blanket and moved to the entrance. He opened the door to find Katara standing there with her arms crossed, looking both annoyed and curious.

"Alright, alright, come in," Kel said, stepping aside to let her enter.

Katara's eyes widened as she took in the transformed igloo. "Wow, how did you do all this?" she asked, genuinely surprised.

Kel shrugged nonchalantly. "Just a talent of mine."

Katara rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her impressed expression. "Okay, so what's the big surprise? I need to get to bed."

Kel led her over to the massage bed. Katara looked at it and then back at him, confused. "It's just a normal bed, Sokka."

He smirked. "Not quite. Do you notice anything different about the room?"

Katara sniffed the air and looked around. "Yeah, it smells... really nice in here actually. What is that?"

Kel puffed out his chest. "That's just my masculine aura."

Katara frowned, clearly irritated. "Is this what you wanted to show me?"

Kel shook his head. "Nope. What I wanted to show you is how to get the best massage of your life. But first, you need to undress into your underwear and lie on the bed."

Katara's skepticism was evident. "You're joking, right?"

Kel raised an eyebrow. "If you're not satisfied, you get to boss me around for a week. Deal?"

This proposal intrigued Katara. She thought for a moment before nodding. "Fine… deal." 

With that, Katara began to undress. Kel watched as she started with her boots, sliding them off to reveal her slender feet and ankles. She then moved on to her tunic, pulling it over her head to expose her smooth, tanned skin. Her slender legs came into view as she removed her trousers, her movements slow and deliberate. Her hips were curvaceous, her thighs toned and inviting. Finally, she slipped out of her top, leaving her in just her underwear.

Katara stood there, her body a perfect blend of strength and grace. Her curves were accentuated by the soft light in the igloo, her skin smooth and flawless. Her chest rose and fell with each breath, her toned abdomen and arms showing the results of her training. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulders, framing her beautiful face.

"Alright, I'm ready," Katara said, breaking his trance.

Kel nodded, his tone serious but his eyes still appreciative. "Lie down and get ready for the massage of your life."

God_Of_Brutality God_Of_Brutality

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