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Chapter 27: Chapter 27

He had sealed the door shut behind himself and then taken the opportunity to have a quick look around. Ignoring the bizarre bell jar which contained a rapidly aging and de-aging humming bird, and ignoring the innumerable clocks that decorated the room, he approached a large, glass-fronted cabinet inside of which were stand many hundreds of small hourglasses. He opened the doors and took one out. It had a thin golden chain attached to it.

He knew what this was. It was a time turner.

Just as he was thinking about how fortune had always favoured Lord Voldemort, the door leading to the circular room exploded inwards. The suddenness of it all, combined with his shaky at best control over the body he was in made Voldemort drop the time turner in surprise. It smashed apart at his feet, but there was no time to worry about that now.

Nor was there time to grab another. A large group of Unspeakables had entered the room and had opened fire upon him. Voldemort managed to get a shield up as he launched himself towards the only other door leading out of the room.

He scrambled through it and sealed it shut behind him.

He staggered around for a few steps and then realised where he was.

He had walked straight into the hall of prophecies.

Row upon row of towering shelves stretched off in every direction for further than his eye could see. Upon these shelves sat thousands upon thousands of small, dusty glass orbs.

They were the recordings of every prophecy ever made since the beginning of magic.

Now all he needed to do was to find the prophecy relating to himself and the boy whose body he currently possessed.

There was only one problem, there were countless orbs to check, and time was not currently on his side.

He raised his wand and incanted "Accio prophesy."

Nothing happened. Deciding to be more specific he incanted "Accio prophecy referring to Lord Voldemort and Harry Potter."

Still nothing happened. Apparently the easy way was not going to work.

The door behind him gave a loud groan, signalling that someone was trying to get through.

Quickly Voldemort disappeared deep into the aisles between the shelves.

Behind him the door gave way and the Unspeakables entered. All around the enormous hall other doors were opening too.

Harry was now back before his eyes, but could not regain control. They were like windows that were six feet away from him, and he could not get closer. He was managing to fight against Voldemort just enough to keep his spells from becoming deadly, but he was struggling to gain any more control than that.

There had to be something, anything that could be used to loosen Voldemort's hold upon the control of his body, but he had no idea what that could be.

Voldemort raced between the aisles, his eyes scanning the shelves, checking for any sign that might tell him which prophecy was the one he sought, and all the while he listened for the sound of anyone getting too close.

Three Unspeakables appeared at the end of the aisle. He shielded against their curses, and then knocked them all off their feet. Another rounded the corner and aimed his wand.

Voldemort fired the killing curse, but it went wide, though it was enough to convince the man to back down. Voldemort turned back to the shelf behind him, his red eyes scanning furiously for some sign of the prophecy he was looking for.


He spun around and saw the woman who had tried so hard in recent days to be to Harry Potter what his mother had hoped she would be.

She had her wand raised, but showed no inclination to fire a spell.

"Harry, if you can hear me you have to fight him," she said in an almost pleading voice.

Voldemort sneered, something that just didn't work on Harry's face. He raised his stolen wand and incanted "Avada Keda-NO!"

The wand dropped from the hand and clattered to the floor. Harry's body staggered backwards as his hands came up hold his head.

For the briefest moment, Harry had been in control.

Sarah summoned the wand to her and she caught it before she took a step forwards, but Harry's head raised up to face her, and she saw the red eyes of Voldemort once again.

He raised his hand and with a display of wandless magic he blew apart the tower of shelves opposite him. Sarah sprang back out of the aisle and pressed herself against the wall. She watched in shock as the tower of shelves toppled backwards into the row behind. Then that row crashed into the next, and then that one crashed into the next, and the next and so on in a terrifying domino effect. So many glass orbs smashing and crashing to the ground caused a deafening noise that left a ringing in the ears. All the way along back to the main entry points Unspeakables came charging out of the aisles as more and more rows of towering shelves came crashing down.

In all the chaos Voldemort continued on. He knew that there was every chance that he had just destroyed the prophecy that he was looking for, along with all those others, but it was a risk the he had had to take. Potter's momentary reclaiming of control had frightened him. Coming down here had been a mistake. He needed to get out of here, now.

Soon he was locked in battle once again. He quickly obtained a cut on his right cheek, and his left arm was left all but useless by a numbing charm. But he had knocked out his opponents and stolen himself a new wand.

Doubling back on himself proved a useful way to go, as many of the Unspeakables were either injured or simply left stunned by the collapse of the shelf towers. He only had to engage a dozen of them in battle before he had found a door.

"What happened?" asked Cyrus, as they moved along back towards the doors, the ringing still in his ears.

"Voldemort tried strike me with a killing curse," replied Sarah "but Harry managed to break through just long enough to put a stop to it."

"He has been battling the soul fragment for years," said Croaker "even if only on a subconscious level. It makes sense that he can take back control like that."

"Is that the best we can hope for?" asked Cyrus "That Harry can take control of his body again?"

"There are other things we can try," said Croaker "But Harry doing it himself might be for the best."

Fortune it seemed did not always favour Lord Voldemort. The door he had run through had not brought him back to the time room. Instead he was in a room filled with large models of the planets, their moons and the stars.

There were two doors leading out of this room, other than the one he had just come through. After a moment's thought, he had decided on going through the one to his right.

But as he made for it, the door swung open to admit several Unspeakables, along with several Aurors and Madam Bones herself.

A quick spell saw the many moons of Jupiter providing a nice distraction for them, allowing Voldemort to dash towards the other exit.

He found himself in the circular room again. There were Unspeakables already there.

Quickly he shielded himself from their spells and backed towards another door, even as the Aurors began to spill out of the room that he himself had just left.

Another door opened and those from the hall of prophecy came through into the circular room as well. Voldemort backed through the door and ran.

The two Unspeakables were hurled against the walls, though not as hard as Voldemort would have liked.

He knew the reason for it.

"You'll not regain control of this body, Harry Potter," he said as he set off down the corridor he currently found himself in "I am too strong for the likes of you to overpower."

To his horror, Harry Potter replied using the body's own mouth.

"I kept you down for nearly fourteen years Tom. And I can do it again."

"You are a fool Harry Potter," replied Voldemort, and once again he was in control of the mouth "You are a fool who will lose everything. I shall use your body to destroy all that you hold dear, and you will be powerless to do anything other than watch."

"You can't kill them Tom," replied Harry "Or haven't you noticed that I won't let you?"

At the other end of the corridor that he was currently running along, a group of unspeakables, numbering at least twenty if not more, came into view and began running towards him.

"They will catch us Tom," said Harry "You cannot run from them forever, and I will not allow you to kill them."

"They will not stop me," replied Voldemort "They are too worried about hurting you."

The door through which he had come now had an army swarming through it, and Voldemort knew that he was trapped between the two groups.

"They need not harm my body, Tom," replied Harry "Only bind it. And then you shall find yourself forced from it, and you will join your fellow fragment in hell. You know, the one that was bashed from your old diary by my hand?"

Someone fired a disarming spell and the wand in the hand of Harry's body was torn from its grasp.

Voldemort found himself surrounded.

Desperately he took his last option and threw the body that he now only had a loose hold on towards the only door he could get to.

Several people raised their wands, but none fired.

The door swung open and he staggered almost drunkenly into the room.

And then he screamed.

For that room was the one room in the Department of Mysteries dedicated to studying the power of the very thing that Voldemort could not understand. The very thing that had vanquished him fourteen years previously.


Those outside stepped forwards to get a better look.

Harry's body stood with its back to them, emitting a scream in Voldemort's voice.

But them the scream stopping coming out of Harry's mouth. Instead it came from his scar, which burst open, emitting a black, tar-like ooze that quickly dissolved into a black mist that continued to scream with Voldemort's voice even as it faded into nothingness.

Harry's body went limp and slumped backwards.

Sarah Abbott came forwards and caught him.

Before he lost consciousness, Harry managed to say in a very weak voice three small words.

"I did it."




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