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Chapter 4: The Beauty Of Shunri Paradise

Joining the lineup of slum dwellers outside, Atrixus felt an odd sense of camaraderie. Among them was Jael, a rugged man whose life in the slums had etched lines of determination deep into his face.

Beside him stood Elara, a young woman whose eyes sparkled with a mix of fear and excitement, her spirit undimmed by the hardships she had faced.

There were many others with rough faces and tattered clothing. His outfit wasn't so great either.

As the trucks arrived, a hush fell over the crowd. The reality of what they were about to do—venturing into Shunri Paradise, a realm off-limits to ordinary people—settled over them like a heavy cloak. Atrixus couldn't help but wonder about the legality of their expedition, but the need for money silenced his thoughts.

The journey beyond the city limits was a revelation to Atrixus. As the urban landscape gave way to wilderness, he felt a thrill of apprehension and wonder. The vast expanse of sand and the imposing silhouettes of large rocks painted a scene of desolation and beauty, a world untouched by the hands of progress.

Arriving at their destination, the group was greeted by an unexpected sight. A large cavernous entrance, flanked by tents, which he suspected marked a threshold to Shunri Paradise. The air was charged with an energy that set Atrixus' heart racing, a potent mix of fear and anticipation.

'I never imagined I'd set foot in Shunri Paradise after failing evaluation,' Atrixus mused, his eyes fixed on the entry point of the cavern. 'And yet, here I am, standing on the edge of the unknown.'

The group was ushered towards the tents, where briefings began in earnest. The mission was simple in theory but fraught with danger in practice. They were to retrieve specific items that looked like greyish stones, the nature of which was shrouded in mystery, and return posthaste.

The grayish stones had weird markings on them, which would help them distinguish from ordinary rocks.

The promise of 12,000 runis suddenly seemed a meager sum compared to the peril they were about to face. They recalled that they were slum dwellers and not System Bearers, so it was incredibly dangerous.

However, their employers assured them that it would be fine.

As Atrixus prepared to enter the cavern, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning, he found Jael looking at him with a steely resolve.

"We stick together in there," Jael said, his voice a low rumble. "And watch each other backs."

Elara nodded in agreement, her hand gripping a makeshift weapon with determination.

"We're all we've got," she added, a fierce glint in her eye.

"Weapons don't actually work in... never mind," Atrixus wanted to inform them that the laws of physics and naturalization that governed Shunri Paradise were much different than Earth's, but he could already tell that they wouldn't believe him.

He was a slum dweller like them, so who would think he had better knowledge of Shunri Paradise compared to others?

As Atrixus stepped through the rippling purple rift, a wave of disorientation momentarily seized him, as if the very fabric of his being was being reshuffled by an unseen hand.

The sensation passed as quickly as it came, leaving him standing in a vast underground expanse lit by the otherworldly glow of stalactites and stalagmites, their luminous hues painting shadows and light across the rocky terrain.

The realization that they were indeed not on Earth anymore settled in with a weighty finality as Atrixus observed the tiny critters scurrying about. The creatures, resembling lizards with glowing protrusions extending from their heads to their spines, moved gracefully, their bodies casting prismatic shadows on the rough cavern walls.

Around him, the other slum dwellers, now fellow explorers, shared looks of awe and trepidation. Dr. Pupa, the enigmatic leader of their hazardous expedition, watched them with an unreadable expression, his eyes hidden behind the reflective visor of his hazmat-like mask.

"We're not in Kansas anymore," Jael murmured, his attempt at humor barely concealing the undercurrent of fear in his voice.

"What is Kansas?" Elara's eyes twinkled in confusion.

"...uh never mind," Jael muttered.

Elara decided not to pay it any heed as her gaze fixed on the luminescent flora, "It's like stepping into a dream... or a nightmare."

Atrixus couldn't help but agree. Shunri Paradise, with all its alien splendor, felt both mesmerizing and menacing, a place of beauty teeming with unseen dangers.

Dr Pupa cleared his throat, drawing the group's attention.

"Remember, you have twenty-four hours. The suits will protect you until then, but after that, this paradise will become your tomb. Stay sharp, stay focused, and above all, stick together."

The gravity of their situation hung over them like a shroud as they began their trek toward the outskirts of the cavern. The path was uneven, the terrain rough, and difficult to traverse.

Every step took them further from the world they knew as they met with two System Bearers who had been waiting for them.

As they traversed the landscape of Shunri Paradise, the entourage of slum dwellers, led by two System Bearers named Corin and Talia, made their way towards the blue summit that loomed in the distance.

Corin, with his stern demeanor and eyes that seemed to have seen the breadth of the otherworldly domain, walked with assured steps. Talia, on the other hand, constantly scanned the horizon for potential threats as they moved.

They were both clad in scale-like armor that faintly glowed, giving them the appearance of mythical warriors from a distant universe.

Atrixus, amidst the ragtag group of explorers, found himself captivated by the surreal beauty of their surroundings.

The skies of Shunri Paradise, a sight of swirling purples and blues, stretched overhead with seven moons hanging like silent guardians over the land.

The sun, a massive orb of radiant energy, hovered low on the horizon, bathing the world in a light that seemed too intense, too close.

"The magnificence of this place never ceases to amaze," Atrixus whispered to himself, his voice a mixture of awe and disbelief.

He watched as streams of water flowed serenely above the ground, defying the laws of gravity he had known all his life. The grass underfoot, a vibrant shade of purple, swayed gently, though no breeze could be felt.

Every step revealed new wonders: trees with bark that shimmered like gemstones, flowers that exuded a soft luminescence, and critters that skittered about, their bodies adorned with glowing patterns.

The slum dwellers, many of whom had never ventured beyond the confines of their impoverished existence, voiced their amazement with every marvel they encountered, their exclamations of wonder echoing through the air.

Corin, ever the stoic guardian, cast a glance back at the group, his expression unreadable beneath his helmet.

"Stay focused," he reminded them, his voice carrying over the sounds of Shunri Paradise.

"This place may be beautiful, but it's equally dangerous. Even the tiniest misstep could result in your end."

Talia, with a smile that suggested she found some amusement in their reactions, added, "You haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until we reach the summit."

And reach it they did...

After three hours of trekking through the fantastical landscape, the group arrived at the base of the blue summit. The mountain hue, a striking contrast against the vibrant skies, rose majestically with its peak hidden among the clouds.

"The entry point is above," Talia pointed forward.

Atrixus gazed upwards, his heart racing with anticipation.

"We're going in through the top?" he asked, his voice laced with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Yes," Talia replied, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "It's not every day you get to enter a mountain from the top, now is it?"

The climb proved to be less daunting than Atrixus had anticipated. The mountain, for all its imposing appearance, offered a path that wound gently up its side, the ascent aided by strange, vine-like growths that acted as natural handholds and steps.

Upon reaching the summit, the group was met with a breathtaking view of Shunri Paradise that stretched endlessly in every direction. The seven moons, now aligned perfectly with the setting sun, created a view so mesmerizing that even Corin and Talia paused to appreciate the spectacle.

"The pinnacle of a blue summit," Corin announced, his voice taking on a reverent tone.

"From here, we descend into the heart of the mountain."

The way in, as Talia had hinted, was indeed through the top. A large hole, its edges worn smooth by time and the elements, opened up before them, revealing the darkness that awaited below.

The descent into the heart of the blue summit was like stepping into another realm.

The vast interior space, illuminated by the ethereal glow of luminous rocks jutting from the walls and ceilings, unveiled a landscape so alien, that it was as if they had crossed into a dimension untouched by time.

The air was thick with a cloud of glowing dust, casting an otherworldly haze that hovered just above the ground, painting everything with a dreamlike quality.

System Bearers Corin and Talia, veterans of Shunri Paradise's unpredictable temperament, instructed the gathered slum dwellers to divide into groups.

Their objective was clear: locate and extract the greyish stones critical to their mission.

The atmosphere was charged with a mix of excitement and apprehension as the teams dispersed, delving into the network of rocky passageways that branched out like veins from the heart of the cavern.

Atrixus, alongside Jael and Elara, found themselves navigating a particularly treacherous section of the cave. The stones they sought, contrary to the images they had been shown, were enormous, requiring significant effort to move. The task was daunting, but the promise of the pay that awaited them spurred their efforts.

Hours slipped by as they labored, shuttling the massive stones back to the entrance. Yet, as they worked, Atrixus couldn't shake the feeling that the area they were in was dangerously unstable.

The occasional tremor underfoot and the subtle shift of rocks above — all hinted at the precariousness of their endeavor. His warnings to hasten their efforts were met with nods of agreement, but the task at hand demanded their all, leaving little room for haste.

Unfortunately, their situation took a turn for the worse when they suddenly stumbled upon a creature from the depths of the pathways.

It had appeared out of nowhere, taking them by surprise since they were told that the environment was Evo-free.


The Evo resembled an elephant-sized mammal but bore a horn of fiery red, five feet in length, capable of drilling through the hardest stone.

They watched in horror as its dark hides swayed and charged at them with bloodlust.

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