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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Going to the JJK World

The sunrise bathed the world in light, signaling the start of another day in the city of Nagazora.

Accompanied by the melodious chirping of birds, the morning in this city was exceptionally beautiful, awakening all its residents from their slumber.

And one such beam of sunlight shone into an apartment where our main character resided.

"Umm…" Itsuki's eyelashes fluttered before his eyes slowly opened. He rubbed his sleepy, confused eyes.

What a weird dream that was. Why would I dream about Kiana and Raiden Mei trying to kill each other as if they were sworn enemies?

Itsuki thought so as he found the dream bizarre, especially considering the close relationship between the two in the original timeline; such animosity seemed impossible.

Indeed, they had argued before, but those were merely disputes over differing opinions, not a conflict severe enough to lead to murder.

Itsuki was right; after witnessing their fights in animations, he knew their relationship had always returned to normal when they met again.

So he wondered, what could possibly drive them to such extremes, and more importantly, why would he dream something so strange?

Shaking his head, Itsuki dismissed these unnecessary thoughts and smiled as he realized his body didn't ache despite the excessive exercise from the day before.

In haste, he lifted and looked at his arms, shocked by their size, "What the heck?! My arms are this big?! W-wait! My voice too…"

Noticing other odd changes, he stood, realizing he was taller and felt lighter than before.

"I-I've become taller?!" In disbelief, he rushed to the bathroom to check his reflection.

"Damn it!" There, he saw a strikingly handsome, tall, muscular man with a perfectly sculpted body, not too bulky yet distinctly defined.

This man had a face that could surpass Korean models and artists, with long, thick hair down to his neck, a sharp nose, and a jawline that screamed masculinity.

Staring back at his reflection, Itsuki was ecstatic to realize he had become incredibly handsome, feeling one of the benefits of time travel—a drastic change in appearance.

"But this face… I've seen it before. Ah! It's Seongji Yuk from Lookism!"

Seongji Yuk, a character from Lookism who appeared in the latest chapter before Itsuki was reincarnated, was memorable for his brief appearance and unique trait of having six fingers, as well as being a first-generation King.

"Fortunately, I don't have his six fingers, though it's cool to see in comics; it would be weird in reality," he sighed in relief, seeing his normal five fingers.

But then he smirked before bursting out laughing, "Finally! I can experience what it's like to be tall now, hahaha!!!"

His laughter, unfortunately, woke up Kiana, who had been comfortably sleeping and dreaming about eating.

"Ugh! Annoying!" Kiana tried to cover her ears with a pillow, but the laughter still rang loudly.

Frustrated, she got up angrily, "Hey, Itsuki-senpai! Please lower your vo-" Her voice halted, and her expression changed as she realized that this was not the familiar voice of Itsuki.

Could someone have broken into the apartment? And where is Itsuki-senpai now? Don't tell me he was…

With a worried and panicky face, Kiana tried to sneak silently and search for Itsuki in every room while holding her breath, hoping not to alert the intruder.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find Itsuki anywhere, which worsened her mood because her fears seemed confirmed.

"Damn it! As a Kaslana, I should have been aware of any danger near me!" she muttered while gritting her teeth, trying to calm herself before angrily approaching the source of the noise.

Kiana slowly approached the intruder, ready to knock them out. As she neared, she opened the door and prepared to launch a powerful punch.

"Bold intruder, prepare to be punished by this lady-" but before she could finish and strike, a quick punch came into her view before she could react, hitting her face and knocking her unconscious.

Once again, Kiana was KO'd on the spot.

"You pervert! Why did you barge in without knocking fir- eh? Kiana?" Itsuki, pretending to be shy while closing his eyes, fell weird, not hearing any reaction from Kiana.

He then opened his eyes and was dumbfounded to see Kiana unconscious in front of him.

"Kiana, she's… so weak…" he murmured, observing Kiana collapsed from his unintentional blow.

Thirty minutes later, after waiting for Kiana to regain consciousness and reassure her of his identity as Itsuki.

"Wooo… Itsuki-senpai, you're so mean! I had good intentions trying to save you from an intruder, but is this how you repay my kindness?"

"I'm sorry…" Itsuki bowed his head.

"Hmph! I don't want to forgive you!" she snorted and averted her head.

"I'm really sorry…" he said again, bowing deeply, his face filled with regret and guilt.

Seeing Itsuki like this, Kiana finally felt a twinge of sympathy and decided to forgive him. "Hmph! Since this lady is so magnanimous, I'll forgive you this time! Ah! Hiss… it hurts," she said, touching the lump on her head.

Itsuki raised his head, feeling guilty once more. He had originally wanted to joke with Kiana by pretending to be an anime girl surprised by a male character while changing clothes in the bathroom since he noticed that she approaching him quietly.

But who would have thought his playful punch would knock out Kiana, a Kaslana? He thought she might feel just a little pain from his hit or perhaps dodge it with her Kaslana combat instincts.

It seemed he had either overestimated the Kaslana resilience or underestimated his own newfound strength. With his rapid growth cheat, his punches now could potentially crush someone's skull if they weren't a Kaslana like Kiana.

"As an apology, how about I make you my special fried rice for breakfast?" Hearing about food, Kiana's ears perked up, and her eyes lit up with anticipation and impatience.

Itsuki smiled at her reaction, then headed to the kitchen to prepare. He was fortunate to still have a good stock of food ingredients, especially since his money was now nearly gone.

I'm so lucky I learned to cook from my mother before. If not, I might be struggling and forced to rely on takeout.

"Now let's see if my cooking skills are rusty or not," he said, tying an apron around himself and beginning to cook.

For the next 30 minutes, Kiana watched, utterly fascinated, as Itsuki cooked with graceful and professional movements, making him appear not as an ordinary young man in the kitchen, but rather like a Michelin-starred chef.

Somehow, watching him cook, Kiana found herself dazed and daydreaming about a life with Itsuki as her househusband.

In her fantasy, she gazed lovingly at her husband Itsuki as he cooked. They looked at each other, exchanged loving smiles, and then, in her daydream, she approached Itsuki and hugged him from behind. They kissed; she kissed his neck, caressed his body, and then…

Stop!!! Why am I suddenly fantasizing like this!!! Remember, Kiana! Your preference is beautiful women! And not a big, tall, hot—no! I mean, a handsome guy who casually punches women!

Kiana slapped her own cheek hard, trying to dispel her bizarre daydream, although it wasn't entirely successful as her face began to blush deeply, looking as though steam might burst forth.

Itsuki, noticing her odd behavior, felt puzzled but chose not to ask anything and simply brought the food over to Kiana.

"Here's a special fried rice made by me, please enjoy~" With the demeanor of a chef serving a customer, Itsuki placed the warm, fragrantly enticing plate of fried rice in front of Kiana, before setting down his own portion at the table and sitting down.

"Gulp…" Kiana swallowed hard at the sight of the fried rice in front of her. Its aroma and appearance greatly appealed to her appetite, her saliva nearly dripping out in anticipation.

Even though I knew it would be delicious from the smell, I didn't expect it to look so incredibly appetizing! I can't wait to try it!!!

"Itadakimasu!" They both clapped their hands together.

With trembling hands, Kiana brought her spoon to her mouth, opening wide as the spoon entered, and her eyes widened in astonishment.

A burst of flavors exploded within her like a culinary big bang, momentarily stopping her body as it struggled to process the extraordinary taste of the dish.

Then, before she knew it, she was waking up in a beautiful grassy meadow, being embraced by Itsuki.

"Kiana, for your forgiveness, please accept my love!"

"Eh? Why did y— Hyaaa~~" Before she could respond, overwhelming pleasure enveloped her.

"I-I'm gonna explode!!! Hyaaa~~~"

Her brain finally began to process and accept these irrational feelings, flooding Kiana's entire body with dopamine instantly.

"Hyaaa~~" Kiana moaned loudly, her head thrown back, her eyes rolling back, and her tongue lolling out.

"…" Itsuki, witnessing this, was both shocked and dumbfounded. He hadn't expected Kiana to react like this to his cooking.

She…did she just experience a foodgasm from eating my cooking? Wait! Does that mean my culinary skills have reached the level of a character from *Shokugeki no Soma*?

Feeling curious, he then tasted his own cooking, paused momentarily, and then recovered with a satisfied smile nodding in approval.

"My cooking has definitely improved from before! It seems this is thanks to my rapid growth effect! But… this doesn't usually lead to a foodgasm," he mused. To be honest, while it was the best food he had ever made, he didn't feel it was exaggerated enough to warrant such a reaction.

So, he wondered why Kiana reacted with such an extreme foodgasm. Could it be that her resistance to delicious food is lower compared to his?

"Itsuki-senpai~~" Kiana called out in a flirtatious tone, her eyes blurred, her face turning charming under her expression.

"Kiana… are you alright?" Itsuki asked, but Kiana didn't respond as she bit her lip, making him blush at the sight.

Kiana then began to approach, her breaths heavy, the distance between them just a few centimeters before they could kiss each other.

"Kiana, you…"

"Senpai… I want y—" but before she could finish, Itsuki karate chopped her head lightly.

"Snap out of it now!!!"


"It's hurt!" Kiana woke from her daze, touching her head painfully with some tears in her eyes.

"Sigh, you girl... I never thought you could react this way after eating my food," he said as he rubbed his forehead, troubled.

"Eh? W-what happened just now? And what did you mean by that?" Kiana asked, clearly confused by the whole situation.

"You don't remember?" He raised his eyebrows, then explained, "You just experienced what's called a foodgasm after eating my cooking."

"Foodgasm?" she tilted her head, puzzled by the term.

"Yeah, it's literally getting an orgasm from eating food. But the point is, your reaction was even more excessive than usual—your eyes rolled back and your tongue stuck out," he explained, causing Kiana's face to turn beet red with embarrassment, and she quickly bowed her head in shame.

"Woo… this, this lady can't get married anymore, woo..." Itsuki's lips twitched seeing Kiana react this way. He quickly finished his meal, then got ready to leave.

"I'm going for a jog. If you want to go out, take the spare key I keep in the cabinet near the TV. So, bye~" Itsuki then left Kiana alone there, who stopped feeling sad and, with a face still red, continued her meal before experiencing another overwhelming foodgasm.

That day, Kiana hurriedly washed her wet underwear before Itsuki returned.

Now back to our protagonist, he could be seen casually jogging on the streets while occasionally being eyed by other pedestrians, some whispering about whether he was a model or an idol.

But he didn't care, his mind preoccupied not with the attention but with a somewhat annoying feeling that someone might be observing or stalking him from somewhere.

Ever since he stepped out, this sensation had emerged, and Itsuki, as a user of a powerful cheat, greatly trusted his instincts. Beneath his calm and relaxed exterior, he was considering numerous possibilities about where this spying sensation could be coming from.

Could it be Otto? Possibly, considering how important Kiana was to his plans. It seemed unlikely that someone as suspicious as myself, who had even 'abducted' Kiana, would go unnoticed by him.

He thought so, although he was no longer too afraid of Otto, he still did not want to confront him. After all, Otto was known to be one of the trickiest characters to deal with in this world.

But first, I need to escape his surveillance so I can travel to the JJK world. Even though escaping his gaze might increase his suspicions, it's a small price to pay rather than if he finds out about my capabilities and cheat group.

Yes, he intended to go to the world of Yuji Itadori, the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. He had planned this after returning home from treating Kiana, following the appearance of the chat group.

He needed this because he required supernatural powers to face the threats and dangerous situations in the Honkai world. Although his super strength is technically considered a superpower, what he desired was a power related to types of energy like magic, cursed energy, or Honkai energy.

The reason he didn't experiment with Honkai energy was due to his cautious nature; moreover, he didn't want to risk something going wrong and dying because he had overestimated his cheats.

That's why he chose to go to the JJK world, since cursed energy seemed more user-friendly and safer to control compared to Honkai energy.

As for why he didn't opt to go into the worlds of Rimuru/Satoru Mikami or Makoto Misumi, it's because they both hadn't been reincarnated or transported to another world.

"Well, let's do this then," Itsuki muttered to himself. He regulated his breathing and lightened his steps to make no sound, trying to blend in with his surroundings.

Slowly but surely, his presence began to fade from everyone's sight until he completely vanished. Knowing he had succeeded, Itsuki smiled before running towards a secluded alley and disappearing from this world.

Moments after Itsuki vanished, a small, cute girl with an expressionless face and grey hair styled into double drill-shaped pigtails appeared at the spot where he had been jogging. She looked around, searching for Itsuki, but her efforts were in vain as there was no sign of him anywhere. Realizing this, the grey-haired girl moved to a secluded area.

Suddenly, a holographic layer materialized in front of her, displaying an adult woman with blonde hair, clad in a military uniform. Her initially stern expression softened upon seeing the grey-haired girl.

"Bronya, what's the situation?" the woman asked gently.

"Sorry, Mother-Cocolia, but Bronya failed to tail him and interrogate him. The target suddenly vanished from Bronya's sight; it seems he realized he was being followed," replied the grey-haired girl named Bronya.

"Is that so?" a sigh emanated from the woman, Cocolia. "In that case, return to observing Raiden Mei. He might go there."

"Bronya understands."

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