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Chapter 25: Dreams of Becoming an Emperor!

The naughty behavior of the dragon deeply unsettled Lucia.

Previously, he had expressed a bizarre desire to summon his deceased friends, intending for them to confront her about unresolved debts, a chilling prospect indeed.

Although he failed to bring back his friend, he then harbored the audacious idea of resurrecting a formidable adversary who had perished many years prior.

Just the previous evening, he had appeared as a daunting and mature black dragon, embodying the epitome of malevolence. Yet, inexplicably, he had opted to reveal a more whimsical, almost juvenile demeanor to her, disguised as a harmless baby dragon, merely a day later.

Lance, the dragon in question, was undeniably an oddity among his kind.

Typically, a black dragon wouldn't dare dabble in the dark arts of necromancy, preferring instead to rely on their innate strengths: a robust physique, razor-sharp claws, piercing fangs, and a corrosive breath capable of dissolving nearly anything in its path.

Furthermore, their clan possesses a natural resistance to most source energy spells, making them disinclined to venture into the human realms to study such magics quietly.

Yet, Lance was an exception to these rules. Not only was he adept in necromancy, but he also had the capacity to wield fire energy spells. Lucia had witnessed, with her own eyes, a small flame dancing upon the tips of his claws, an ability completely foreign to his brethren.

That morning, in a light-hearted attempt to ease his solitude, she had playfully suggested, "If you find yourself bored, perhaps you could use necromancy to summon some old friends for a game of cards."

Her words were meant to temper his longing and perhaps bring a smile to his face, treating the whole idea as a mere jest.

She knew, however, that despite the vast capabilities of the Evil Dragon Society, summoning the undead was a stretch. After all, undead magic was considered a dark source energy in the human world, generally shunned by society.

In the world of humans, those attuned to source energy typically gravitated towards spells associated with the light, like those of the sun, ice, rain, and thunder, reflecting a preference for life-affirming energies over the somber shades of necromancy.

Few dare to delve into the art of necromancy, much less enroll at the Necromancy Academy or the foreboding Dark Energy Tower.

The evil dragon, known as Lance, was particularly audacious. Already a target of universal disdain, he took on a human guise and brazenly infiltrated the human world. In doing so, he risked learning necromancy, a craft loathed and feared, under the ever-watchful eyes of the temple's clergy. Such boldness could easily have led to his capture or even execution at the hands of the Inquisition.

Indeed, the temple knights, known for their formidable strength, and the paladins, even more so, were a constant threat. Some temples even boasted their own dragon knights, combining the ferocity of a dragon with the valor of a knight, they formed an almost invincible force.

Lucia, worried about the repercussions of Lance's reckless ambitions, warned him, "Lance, it's unwise to summon your powerful foes from the depths of hell. This is your lair. If they rise and recognize you as a black dragon, they might attack immediately. The fallout from such a battle could devastate your home. While you have grown stronger over the years, consider that they, lingering in hell, may have also gained formidable powers. If a conflict ensues, you would be at a severe disadvantage."

She fervently hoped her reasoning would dissuade him from invoking such dangerous spirits. After all, the sanctity of the dragon's lair was paramount.

The thrill of confronting a once mighty adversary was tempting, but it was up to Lance to weigh the risks.

"The scenario you've outlined is indeed possible," Lance responded, his voice laced with intrigue, "but the likelihood is quite slim. The 'Necromancer Summoning Contract' stipulates that the undead must not harm their summoner. Should they breach this clause, they won't merely perish; they'll become fodder for Cerberus in the underworld. Thus, typically, the undead from Hell are bound to obey the necromancer's commands without fail."

"However," he continued, a hint of mischief in his tone, "the undead are permitted to disregard certain orders without repercussions."

Lucia puzzled over this information, wondering, "What exactly is this Necromancer Summoning Contract?" Her curiosity about the rules and bindings of such dark agreements grew, reflecting her concern over the unseen and possibly perilous strings attached to the arcane practice of necromancy.

Lucia had never before encountered such a dark artifact. Although her acquaintance Eva was a practitioner of dark magic, her expertise lay in curses, not necromancy. Eva's method of combat involved casting ancient incantations that would sap her enemies of their strength in mere moments.

What Lucia understood about necromancers was nothing short of macabre. They were known for their grim fascination with defiling the dead and controlling their corpses to wage battles on their behalf. Such practices earned them the scorn and revulsion of the major temples and made them pariahs in the eyes of the world.

This was why, as a princess of the empire, Lucia had always steered clear of any contact with necromancers. Should there ever arise a dire need to consult one, it would be Eva who would undertake that grim task.

The high society rarely engaged openly with such dark and dubious figures. Although, she was aware that some nobles harbored a secretive fascination with these forbidden arts, sponsoring their studies under the cloak of anonymity.

Amidst the conversation, Lucia confessed, "I'm not familiar with what the Undead Summoning Contract entails." Her admission underscored her detachment from the shadowy world of necromancy, reflecting both her position and her personal reservations about delving into such dark realms.

"It's entirely understandable that you're not familiar with this," Lance began, his tone patient. "Most beings in the human world are unaware of the complexities of necromancy, let alone a young dragon like yourself, who has scarcely brushed against such dark arts."

He paused, ready to simplify the concept. "There are, broadly speaking, two types of necromancers."

"I know," Lucia interjected with a hint of mischief in her voice, "one type is specifically evil dragon necromancers, and the other encompasses all the rest."

Lance looked puzzled for a moment before Lucia chuckled, realizing she had preempted his explanation. She couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "There are only two kinds of evil dragons, right? One type is unique to your kind, and one for the others. How very like you, to think so highly of yourself."

She mused over his narcissism, yet she couldn't deny his relative virtue among his kin. Lucia, however, had never encountered other ancient dragons to compare with Lance. Yet, she speculated that there might be dragons far greater than him, perhaps on the elusive Dragon Island, shrouded in mystery for ages.

"Like the golden dragons, emblems of light and prosperity, or the silver dragons, symbols of the silvery moon and glory. And let's not forget the red dragons, epitomes of evil and destruction, far more destructive and powerful than any black dragon."

"If a red dragon were to venture into the human world and embrace its dark nature," she continued, "it might incite such chaos that not just legendary heroes, but entire armies would need to rise to meet it."

Lance, slightly amused by her elaborations, redirected the conversation. "You're not wrong. But when I speak of two types of necromancers, I refer to those who have forged a pact with the underworld, bound by the Necromancer Summoning Contract, and those undead mages who operate independently, without any infernal agreements."

In a realm shadowed by the dealings of necromancers, there are those bound by a sinister accord with Hell itself. These necromancers, unlike their rogue counterparts, summon the undead through legal means and adhere to strict codes: they do not harass the living, manipulate the souls of the recently deceased without cause, or desecrate the corpses of those who have passed.

Contrarily, most necromancers roam the world unrestrained, unbound by any pact. They indulge in reckless pursuits of power, using any means necessary, often plunging the reputation of all necromancers into disrepute. Over time, these renegades have relegated necromancers to the status of vermin in the eyes of humanity, despised and hunted, some even by Hell itself.

"Is it truly possible for a necromancer to forge a cooperative pact with Hell?" questioned the inquisitive young dragon, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"It seems improbable, doesn't it?" replied the evil dragon, her tone reflective. "Yet, it bears similarity to the sacred bonds between clergy and their temple gods."

"Similar, yet distinctly different," he added thoughtfully.

The conversation turned as the young dragon inquired of her companion, "Lance, have you then signed such a contract with Hell?"

"Yes," Lance confirmed with a wry smile, "I am indeed a necromancer in league with Hell. Even the high clergy, aware of my identity, are compelled to treat me with respect."

"Is that so? How remarkable," marveled the young dragon, her eyes wide with a mixture of envy and intrigue.

Lance's grin broadened, sensing her admiration. The tales of his adventures seemed to fuel her aspirations.

"Indeed, it is fascinating. Imagine, if I ascended to the throne in the human world, could I too reign with such unrestrained freedom, bending the world to my will?" she pondered aloud, her thoughts alight with possibilities.

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