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Chapter 11: I Will Kill My Heart

Naruto and Sasuke returned back to Tazuna's house after training hard.

Ughh... Naruto slumped onto the table and directly snored. Inari remembered his father telling him to not cry. He felt frustrated seeing them trying so hard. 

He screamed out in frustration, telling Naruto no matter how much he train he is still no match for Gato's men. When facing the strong, the weak will only end up getting killed.

Everyone is quiet hearing Inari's words.

"Whatever kid... I am not like you". Naruto replied in disdain.

"I would hate to be like you! I am different from you, you are always clowning acting cheerful. You don't know how hard life can be!". Inari cried out in frustration.

Naruto snapped hearing his words. It really hit a nail in his heart.

'Just keep on crying forever you idiot! You little sissy!'. Naruto directly spat onto the little kid's face.

Everyone went quiet again. Sakura scolded Naruto for being so mean towards such a little kid. Inari went out of the house, to have his own space while watching the night sky.

Kakashi went to follow him and tells him about Naruto. His life was not easy at all. That, he's probably sick and tired of crying. Naruto may understand Inari's feelings more than anyone else. This makes Inari realized he misunderstood him.


"Is the ambush ready?!". Gato spoke through the walkie talkie.

"Hey Zabuza! Are you listening? Hey?!".

Zabuza simply throw it to the ground and smashed it. That guy is annoying. He just wants to do his job and yet why is this useless guy acting like he's something? 

'Shall we go?'.

"Yes". The three of them head to the bridge, to complete their mission.


Naruto who had just woken up is in panic. He overslept! He felt aggravated that everyone leaves him behind, and no one bothered to wake him up!

He changed his cloths quickly and rushed out fast. But on his way... he noticed something is weird... the trees are cut, as if someone is playing with swords.



Tazuna panicked seeing his men are all beaten up badly. Zabuza had beaten them up until they cannot move. It's a part of Gato's order since his goal is to prevent the bridge from completion.

Shou and Haku remained quiet, even if in their heart they do not condone it.

Kakashi noticed the mist that begins to surrounds them, growing thicker and thicker.

"Here they come!". So he IS alive... and he's already here...

'Kakashi sensei, this is... This is his Hidden Mist Technique right!?'. Sakura exclaimed.

Sasuke body starts to shake seeing the mist growing.

Long time no see Kakashi. I see You are still with those brats... He's shaking again, poor kid...


8 water clones appears out of nowhere surrounding Kakashi and his team.

"I am shaking from excitement!". Sasuke corrected Zabuza.

'Do it. Sasuke'.

Dash! Woshh! Slash!

All the water clones bursts into water through Sasuke's skillful display of kenjutsu with his kunais.

"Hmm... He saw through the water clones. That brat has grown. It looks like a rival has appeared... eh Haku?".

'It does indeed'. Haku also noted how Sasuke has grown in such a short time.

"That masked one... He's obviously Zabuza's comrade, standing right next to him and all...".

'I will fight him'. Sasuke said confidently.

"An impressive young man. Even though the water clones only have 1/10th of the original strenght... still very impressive". Haku is honest about his review.

'But we have gained the first advantage, GO!'. Zabuza commanded Haku.

Haku swiftly use his Wind Style movement technique and rushed towards Sasuke.



Zori and Waraji break into Tazuna's house to take his daughter hostage.

"Mom!!!" Inari screamed seeing her mother in danger.

'Should we take him too?'. 'We only need one hostage'.

'Then... hehe... should I kill him?'. Waraji unsheathe his blade and licked it, showing his villainous nature.

"Wait! If you touch that child... I will bite my tongue and kill myself! You want a hostage right?". Inari's mother threatened them. They simply take her away and leave the child alone.

Wuwuuu... Inari cried, thinking how weak he is. But... remembering Naruto's words... seeing them trying so hard...

He stood and firmed his resolve. He wants to be strong like his dad! He chased after his mother.


'It's that kid...'. They looked at what this child is doing.

"Get... get away from my mom!!! UAAA!!!!!". Inari quickly rushed towards the 2 samurais with battle experience and 2 long katana. He is courting death!

'Cut him'. 'Sure'.

"Inari!!!!!". Mother screamed.

But when they cut him, suddenly he turned into a log! Substitution jutsu!?

"Sorry for being late... but a hero usually shows up at the last second!".


"Great job, Inari!". Naruto sees his courage and felt proud.

Zori and Waraji thought nothing of him and rushed to kill him. Naruto throw his shuriken, which is useless.

'Heh. Like that will work against us!'.

"Idiot!". Naruto smirked. His two clones flickered to both of them from behind, directly beating them easily.

He apologized to Inari for calling him a sissy and praised him as strong. Inari cried again feeling Naruto validation on him.

Naruto leave the place to Inari and went ahead to go to the bridge to meet his team.


Haku kunai clashed with Sasuke's. Zabuza commented how he could keep up with Haku's speed which is at Elite Chunin. Kakashi also observed them. He believes Sasuke can handles Haku.

"Sakura! Step in front of Tazuna-san and don't leave my side. We will let Sasuke handle him".

'Yeah!'. Sakura immediately position herself ready to protect Tazuna with her life.

"I don't want to have to kill you... But you won't stand down, will you?".

'Don't be foolish'.

Haku is solemn. For him, he does not want to hurt 12 years old child. For him, it's not right. He had a little brother the same age as him. It's just... unfortunate that their path clashed.

"I see... But you won't ne anle to keep up with my speed next time. Plus, I had two advantages".

Their arms shaking from fending each other's kunai.

"The first is the water on the ground. The second is that I occupied one of your arms. You can only run from my attacks".

Haku showcase single handed seal weaving.

Nandato!? Kakashi is dumbfounded. He had never seen that his entire life. He was an ANBU, elite among jonins, went on dangerous missions against S-ranked ninjas, but this???

Water Release: Flying Water Needles.

Haku stepped on the puddle of water below his feet; the splash forms hundreds of water needle in the air.

Zabuza look at the hundreds of water needle, he doubt whether Haku really does not want to kill. That would kill, wouldn't it? But knowing him he already know the answer.

Sasuke quickly channeled his chakra to his legs, remembering his practice in chakra control.


He manage to flicker just in time before the needles pierce him.

He's gone!

Haku is surprised. Where is he?

! Above!

Haku quickly dodged the shurikens being thrown at him from above and send a senbon to clash on an incoming shuriken in the air.

But just as Haku gained his footing...

"From now on... you will only be able to run from my attacks". Sasuke flickered behind Haku.

He used his right hand to stab him, but Haku blocked it. He used his left hand and throw the Kunai to his face- Haku ducked quickly to dodge.

! Sasuke immediately kicked Haku's face, sending him flying!

What!? Haku lost in speed? Zabuza is surprised in his heart. Shou gritted his teeth watching it from afar. Haku...

When it comes to direct hand-to-hand combat, its actually their weakest point.

Kakashi proudly explain how Sasuke is Konoha's NO.1 rookie. His skill is already Elite Chunin by the time he graduated. And his speed cannot be underestimated. Sakura is the smartest, while Naruto is some hyperactive kid.

"Hehe. hehehe. Haku, do you realize? At this rate we will be driven back". Zabuza really felt its funny. And felt happy to show off his tool.

'Yeah. We can't have that'.

Sasuke felt chill coming from Haku.

Haku weaved hand signs...

Ice Release: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystal Technique.

Rectangular Ice mirrors formed in dome shape, trapping Sasuke inside. Kakashi is shocked seeing it. What's this jutsu?

Haku calmly walks into one of the mirror, further surprising everyone.

Damn it! Kakashi rushed in to save Sasuke. But Zabuza quickly stopped him.

"Hey. You opponent is me".

"Against that jutsu, he's finished". Zabuza smirked behind his covered mouth. He loves to show his opponent how amazing his tools are.

I will show you my real speed.

Haku moves between mirrors at lighting speed, to a point that Sasuke does not know where the attacks come from!

AHH!!! Sasuke felt his body is cut up all over and pierced by needles.

"Sasuke!!!". Kakashi felt worried for Sasuke hearing him scream.

"If you get by me, I will kill those two". Zabuza said so.

There's also Shou hiding somewhere. He's not sure what Shou wanted to do. Although Zabuza never said it verbally, but he never expects them to kill young children or a weak old man like Tazuna since he already know they are kind and respect their feelings. He does not mind honestly if they leave the killing to him. So for Shou to act like this, he wonders why.

'Damn...'. Kakashi wants to save Sasuke but he can't.

Sakura felt worried and wanted to save Sasuke.

"Tazuna-san... I am sorry. I will leave you for a moment". 'Yeah. Go!'.

Sakura throw the kunai to Haku!

Haku simply catch it with his hand.


He blocked it!! Sakura is shocked at Haku's reaction.

Haku heard a whistling suddenly.


A shuriken suddenly come from behind him! He tried to dodge but it still manage to hit his mask!

Uh!!! He lost his control for a moment and fell from the ice mirror. Haku look at who had attacked him.

"Uzumaki Naruto!! Has finally arrived!!".

"Now that I am here everything will be fine!! The main character of a story usually shows up in these types of situations and instantly..."

"kicks the enemy's ass!!".

That idiot!!

Kakashi felt the stupidity of Naruto who show himself to enemy. Everyone just looks at him.

Zabuza waste no shit and just throw shurikens at him. He's so annoying.

But immediately Haku send his needles and intercept them!

"Haku... what is this?". Zabuza had never seen Haku disrupting his kill.

'Zabuza-san... these kids... please let me fight them my way'.

Zabuza went quiet for a second. Haku never killed children, he guessed that Haku is kind as ever.

"So you don't want me to interfere, Haku? You are soft as always".

Sasuke also noticed it. All the needles hitting him, but none of them hit his vitals. Is he trying NOT to kill me?

Sasuke kept his calm. He tried to figure out what's the purpose of the mirrors. Well... he can only place hope on Naruto to save him from outside.

"HEY!! I come to save you!". Naruto appears out of nowhere in front of Sasuke.

"BAKAAA!!! Use your head!! Why did you come inside the mirror!?".

Kakashi also complained in his heart. If he go to them, then Tazuna-san will be in danger... But I can't leave them... If I use shadow clone, his water clone will stop his. It's just wasting chakra.

Haku get inside the mirror again. Sasuke sees the real body and placed his hand readying his shuriken.

Over here. Haku kindly tells Sasuke that he already moved.

!! He moved!? 

Then I will just burn these mirrors! It's ice, and so...

Fire Release: Great Fireball technique!

Fire engulfed the ice mirrors. But once it dissipates its clear it have little no effect!

Damn it!

Haku throw some needles to them. He told them they can never follow with their eyes. It's just impossible.

"Bah! Kage bunshin no jutsu!". Naruto with his 200 IQ decides he can simply crush all of them!

But Haku simply use his speed to destroy all clones all at once!


Haku generously explain how his jutsu works. Using reflection to transport himself.

Zabuza laughed. Hehehe. 

Kekkei Genkai! Kakashi explained it to Sakura, how its a jutsu passed down by your ancestors. Much like sharingan.

"Damn it!! So what!!!". Naruto is not giving up.

"I can't die here... I have a dream I must fulfill!!". Haku remembers Naruto's words. That he wanted to be the best ninja.


Haku reminisce the past. When he was cold and hungry, when they have no one left, no one to depend on, Zabuza is the one who come to save them.

"Becoming a true shinobi is difficult for me...". Haku chimed in about his own dream. If possible he don't want to have to kill them, nor have himself killed.

"But if you come at me... I can destroy my kind heart with a blade and become a true shinobi".

"This bridge is the place where we fight... to connect to our dreams".

"Me, for my dreams. And you, for your dreams".

"Please don't hate me. I want to protect those that are precious to me. To work for him, to fight for them, to make his dream come true. That is my dream".

"For that, I can become a shinobi. I can kill you". Haku said what he wanted to say and wished he could do. It is his dream to be someone that Zabuza expects him to be.

Naruto and Sasuke listened to his resolve. Their resolve strengthen, to fight for their dream.

Sakura also cheered them up, before Kakashi stopped her.

He explained how even if they can get through the technique, they cannot beat Haku because they cannot kill their hearts and kill another person.

Zabuza proudly pointed out how Haku knows the pain of being a true shinobi and judged them all for coming from a peaceful village.

Kakashi felt the threat and wants to end it instantly. He placed his hand on his head protector covering his left eye, ready to use his sharingan.

"Hehe... Sharingan again? Is that the only you can do?".

Before Kakashi can lift up his headband, Zabuza rushed to stab him. He manage to block it however.

"You are afraid of the Sharingan...". Kakashi commented.

'Hehe... A shinobi's supreme technique... is not something that should be showed to opponent over and over again'.

Kakashi tells him he should be honored since he is the only person to see it twice. Zabuza also wants to counter-brag and tells him about Haku - how even Kakashi cannot win against him!

He taught him many skills since he was a little kid. Even facing greatest adversity he has succeeded; with no heart nor fear. A fighting machine known as shinobi. Not to mention, the terrifying Kekkei Genkai.

"I gained a high quality tool for myself. Unlike scrap that follow you around. And... hehe... there's also...". Zabuza wants to laugh really. He wants to tell Kakashi about Shou too and imagined how Kakashi would shiver in fear knowing Shou is somewhere and is kindly not participating on their fun- He's high on bragging rights.

"There's nothing as boring as a man's bragging". Kakashi had cut off his speech before he could say it.

"Let's get this started!". Kakashi reveals his sharingan.

'Hold on for a second. I will your own words about bragging'. He proudly repeated his words how the same jutsu won't work twice. He pointed out how the sharingan work, and how Haku had observed from behind observing him. He also come up with a way to counter it right after!

Water Release: Hidden Mist Technique.

The mist appears and thickens, eventually engulfing Zabuza's figure. Zabuza realized he forgets to mention Shou because he wants to repeat Kakashi's words... he wonders what he's doing. No matter. Haku is already enough to kill the two kids if he wants to.

All the while Haku is playing around Naruto and Sasuke. His chakra is getting low and his speed is getting slow too. He hopes they would back down but they just won't.

The mist is super thick, so thick even Zabuza shouldn't be able to see...

!!! Kakashi sensed an attack from behind and quickly blocked it.

Impressive that you blocked those...

Kakashi is shocked seeing Zabuza had his eyes closed the entire time! Zabuza starts to explain how Kakashi's abilities work. He can't read mind or see the future, it's just a trick to make them think they can. And so the answer is simple, the mist will make his eye useless!

Kakashi was punched away all of a sudden. He asked how as Zabuza himself shouldn't be able to see anything either.

Have you forgotten? That I am a genius at silent killing, taking lives just from their sound.

Damn it... I am worried about Sasuke and Naruto too. And it's been too long since he is under such a dangerous situation...

Relax. Think. What would he do...

! Tazuna!

As expected, Zabuza really ignored Kakashi and go straight for Tazuna.

Kyaaa!!! Sakura screamed. Zabuza managed to slash Kakashi's chest! 

'Kakashi sensei!!'.

Zabuza bragged again, calling him slow. Pointing out how Kakashi ability to read his movement is dimming.

"Hehehe... Let me enjoy this more, Kakashi... I want to have more fun".

"Don't worry about the brats. Haku has probably killed them by now". Zabuza said that to disturb Kakashi's mind. Zabuza know more than anyone Haku most likely can't kill them but Kakashi wouldn't know that. 

He tells him he would send them to the next world, and can only apologise to them for lacking strength to protect them. Hehe. HAHAHAHA.

'Sasuke-kun won't be defeated by a guy like that so easily!!!'. Sakura retorted Zabuza's words.

Kakashi also affirmed her words. He believed in his students. Especially Uchiha Sasuke, coming from Uchiha clan!

Zabuza just snorts. No wonder Sasuke improved so quickly. Anyways, that's the same for Haku.

"Nobody has ever defeated that special jutsu". He bragged on Haku again before disappearing into the mist. 

"Sakura, stay here".

I guess I should end this fight too...

"Can you hear me, Zabuza? You seem to think I survived the world with only the sharingan".

Kakashi bragged about his experience from being an ANBU. And he will show him not just a copy, but his own jutsu!

But just as he held the scroll for a summoning technique, he felt a chilling burst of chakra!

'Is that Zabuza?'. No!! This terrible chakra.... It can't be...!!

Zabuza also had thoughts about it. It's too strong to be Kakashi's.

"Seal have been broken!?". Kakashi felt the evil chakra with focus.

It's alright. It hasn't completely broken. But the seal is weakening and the 9-tails's chakra is bursting out!

He wanted to waste no time and see to Naruto quickly.

"Zabuza. Neither of us has time to waste... Let's end the fun, AND FINISH THIS NOW!".

Summoning Technique: Earth Tracking Fang!

Hmph. Whatever you do is useless. You can't figure out where I am.

But I know exactly where you are. Kakashi, you are trapped by my jutsu.

Rumble2. !!?



Dogs suddenly exploded out the ground catching Zabuza off guard! 

"If eyes or ears don't work, then just your nose".

Kuh!! Zabuza hands and feets are bitten and locked by the dogs! He can't escape nor fight back!

"That's what happens when you have your eyes shut in the mist". Kakashi explained his tactics to him; that he purposely let his blood soaks him!

Kakashi sees the mist gradually clears as Zabuza no longer able to channel his chakra.

"The mist has cleared. Your future is death".

Kakashi suddenly sensed something, as if his chakra felt a little distorted for a second. This is, someone is sensing him...? No... is it his imagination?


Naruto and Sasuke was like hedgehogs. But over time, Haku's attack are dodged quite well by Sasuke.

"You, move well".

"But this time I will stop you".

Sasuke calms down and concentrate. He needs to...


His sharingan activates! 2 tomoe and 1 tomoe in each of the eyes!

Sasuke immediately move Naruto and dodge the incoming needles, surprising Haku.

'No way! He saw it!'.

He sees the red iris and tomoe. Its the sharingan! It's also a Kekkei Genkai...

"Then I can't fight for much longer... My jutsu uses up a lot of chakra, there;s a limit on how long I can keep up this speed". Haku realised he had to end the fight now seeing the sharingan. He's aware of it's ability to perceive and predict motion. 

His chakra is already low, and if it gets even lower, his speed would be even slower and he would lose!

Therefore... Haku will use Naruto as a bait!

"This is the end!". Haku rushed out of the mirror and go melee to 'kill' Naruto. Sasuke sees this and moved his body immediately.

Blood dripped out from skins, pierced with many needles.


Naruto lifted his head and sees Haku is on the ground, seemingly had been beaten up by Sasuke.

Sasuke told Naruto how he always gets in the way while his vision is gradually turning dark over time.

"Sasuke!! You!!". Naruto felt excited seeing Sasuke winning.

But... Naruto eyes widen seeing Sasuke, riddled with needles piercing his body and neck. Sasuke, he...

"What's... with that face... you stupid...?".

'Why?'. Naruto can't process it.

How should I know? Sasuke reminisce the times they are together. Even his first kiss. 

"But... why? Why me? I never asked for your help!!!". Naruto screamed in conflicted emotions.

'I don't know... my body just moved on its own... idiot...".

Sasuke collapsed onto the ground. Naruto quickly catched him.

'That man... my brother... I told myself I wouldn't die until I killed him...'.

Sasuke felt his consciousness and vision fading. His senses began to numb, and he felt the pain subsided even. He guessed, this what death feels like.

'Don't die too...'. Sasuke spoke his last words.

Naruto look at Sasuke for seconds. His eyes gets teary, holding onto his body that had lose it's life.

"He landed a blow on me without flinching... died to protect you". Haku lied through his mask. He really takes on after Zabuza; when it comes to 'lying'.

"To protect a precious person, he jumps into a trap. He is a true shinobi".

He looked at Naruto still stunned over his death.

"Is this your first death of a friend? This is the way of the shinobi...".

Haku calmly walk into a mirror. In truth, Haku's own heart aches seeing Naruto in pain. Although its an 'act'.

"Shut up...". Naruto look at Sasuke's body.

I won't forgive you!

I will kill you!

!!? Haku felt the sudden burst of chakra from Naruto! What is this!?

The chakra overflowing from him aren't normal. It's so, evil! The aura surrounding him is so strong it blew the ground apart!

And... the cuts on his hand... they are healing! What is this boy...?!

Naruto glared at Haku with killing intent. His eye had turned red with slit shaped pupil, with whiskers growing on his cheek. And his claws grow longer and sharper, like a beast!

Haku ready himself to fight Naruto.

He rushed out on all 4 like a mad beast! Haku throw his needles to him, but it simply deflected by the red chakra expelled from his scream!

"Deflected with chakra!?".

Haku felt scared in his heart. He never fought opponent like this before. He had moved to mirror right above Naruto, ready to stop him.

Just as he move out of the mirror, Naruto actually sensed him!

Naruto used chakra, exploding the ground with his hand to gain the speed to dodge Haku's fast attack!

Damn! I need to get to next mirror!

Just as Haku was about to move, Naruto caught his arm!

No way!!

Naruto screamed in anger as his chakra still explodes, drowning Haku in thick shockwave. He felt his hand crushed by Naruto's grip.


Naruto punched Haku's face hard, sending him flying and crashed onto an ice mirror!

Crack. Crack. Crack. All the ice mirrors breaks apart.

Naruto rushed into go for the kill-

Just before his fist can reach him, Haku's mask finally fell apart-



I am....

The fist immediately stopped right before Naruto hits him.

"You are from that time...". Seeing his face, he realized the true identify of him.

Haku looked at Naruto for a second.

'Why did you stop...'.

'I killed your precious friend and yet you can't kill me?'.

"Damn it!". Naruto was about to punch Haku but suddenly-

An Ice Mirror had already formed next to Haku.

Before Naruto knew it, he was kicked in the stomach, sending him flying and rolling on the ground.


Naruto felt confused. He looked at the figure who is calmly walking out of the mirror.


Kakashi manage to trap Zabuza and sealed his movements with his dogs.

"My future is death you say?". Zabuza kept a calm facade.

"I am sick of your bullshit".

'Don't be foolish. There's nothing you can do in this situation'.

Zabuza went quiet. He is confident Shou would save him anyway. It's just that he himself can't sense him so he don't know where Shou is. Wait... He really won't die right? Shou is watching right?

'Zabuza. You went too far'. Kakashi listed all of Zabuza's crimes and why he is the way he is.

He decides Zabuza needs to be executed.

He weaved hand signs, revealing his signature killing move.

Lighting Blade! Blue lighting chakra concentrate on his palm, taking a sharp shape.

'You are too dangerous. Tazuna-san, who you are trying to kill is this country's courage. The bridge he seeks to build is this country's hope'.

He pointed out how un-shinobi-like Zabuza is. But Zabuza does not care. He fights for his own ideals.

"I will ask you once more. Surrender".

"Your future is death".

Kakashi took one step forward, ready to charge. But suddenly-


This chakra!?

Kakashi had to turn his head. His sharingan eye widen, seeing what is happening. But he is too late to stop it.

KYAAA!!! Sakura can only scream in horror.


Feeling the Kyubi chakra, it really feels scary to a point that chill crawl down his spine.

Shou remained firm. He prepared himself mentally and use his head to simulate it for an entire week after all.

With a Ram hand seal, he molded his chakra field to scan everyone, feeling their chakra to see where Tazuna is. It's easy to point out. The weakest chakra is Tazuna.

It seems Kakashi haven't noticed, maybe.

Shou watched from afar, waited for the right moment. The mist is still covering everyone, even the sharingan. Therefore now is good for...

He silently move and prepare everything while suppressing his chakra field and used his Silent Step to his max potential.

Once the mist cleared up, Kakashi would react very quickly to him. There are some time from the moment the mirror is created to the moment he can move to it and rush to kill. So he waited for that chance.

As the mist is cleared, Shou in the distance sees Zabuza bitten by dogs here and there, locking his body.

Originally Haku would save him, and they both died anyways according to original timeline.

Shou visibly sees the blue lighting coming from Kakashi.

Kakashi took one step forward, ready to rush in to kill.

It's time...

He weaved hand signs.

Ice Release: Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystal Technique!

A crystal forms from the ground meters away from Tazuna, growing fast into a rectangular shape.

Kakashi quickly halted his step and turned his head to see.

In the mirror, a figure in blue mask had already reached out his arm from inside the mirror, the kunai held in his hand is only one inch from Tazuna's neck!

He can't make it! Kakashi tried to rush forward to save him, but he's too late!

Spurt!!!! Blood spilled out.

KYAAA!!!! Sakura screamed and fell flat to the ground.

Ahhh... She had to clasp her mouth in shock and horror. She does not noticed anything. And suddenly... Tazuna is... he is...

Kakashi had sweat dropped down his neck. Such... ruthlessness. Who is this... kid? Even younger than Haku?

Is he the one who are sensing him? Just...

Kakashi mind blanked. He never expected an enemy appearing out of nowhere... not when he thought it's over. And it really is over. It's just that...

They failed their mission.

Tazuna, dead. 

His body fell flat to the ground like a rag doll. A swift kill in a single strike, silently.

I am sorry, old man... at least, I made it quick for you. 

Shou entire arm is shaking. 

Right... Naruto.

He looked over the situation. Naruto in rage is about to punch Haku but stopped after seeing Haku's face from back then.

He hesitated. But seeing Sasuke's corpse, he feel so much hatred.

Just as he is about to rush to punch him, an ice mirror had formed right next to Haku.


Before Naruto realized it, he was kicked away, sending him flying.

Kuh! He coughed out. He looked at the figure, confused.

A boy, even shorter than Haku comes out of the mirror calmly. The kunai he held in his arm drenched in blood, while the blue mask gives him an eerie vibe. If you look closely, his arm holding the kunai is shaking. Only Haku sees it however.


Haku turned his head towards Kakashi and Zabuza, and to Tazuna's dead body.


Haku knows more than anyone that Shou was never a ruthless person. He never killed unless necessary, not to mention... Tazuna is a weak old man. 

He observed and realized Zabuza is in a predicament. Dogs locking his body with their jaws. With his bright mind, Haku knows why.

Shou... he saved Zabuza by killing Tazuna. No... perhaps...

It's also for him.

Haku let out a tear seeing Shou's shaking arm. He feels sorry that Shou had to do it for them.

"Naruto-kun... It's already over".

Shou looks at Naruto's figure calmly. He felt bad, but... at least, Haku and Zabuza is safe now.

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