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Chapter 2: Enter The SDM

Dominic arrived very soon in the fantasy land of Gensokyo, he looked around to find that he specifically found himself near a gate leading to a rather big mansion. 

He also notices a woman who seems to be standing by the gate... she is also asleep as well.

Dominic: "Well this must be the Scarlet Devil mansion, this woman guarding the gate must be Hong Meiling then... wow she really does sleep on the job"

He moves closer to her and waves a hand in front of her face to see that she really does seem to be asleep. Seeing this he decides to approach the gate to enter through it. 

Before he can open the gate however a hand grabs his wrist to stop him as he looks over to see Meiling with one eye open. 

Dominic: "...hello there"

Meiling: "No trespassers allowed"

She lets his wrist go as Dominic steps back a bit and looks at her, she had greenish blue eyes and ginger hair. She was a taller woman too with a slim but athletic built befitting of the martial arts she practices. 

Dominic: "I am Dominic... ummm... Armstrong, who are you?"

Meiling: "I'm Hong Meiling, please don't try to sneak in again"

She had a very laid back attitude right now that betrayed the skills she possessed, Dominic was sure she'd be able to beat any of the martial artist back on his earth. 

Dominic: "So are you a guard for this place? Must get boring to just stand around this gate for so long in the day"

Meiling: "Like you wouldn't believe, still it's my job and I do it... just wish Sakuya would stop nagging me about slacking off"

Dominic: "...but you were just slacking off?"

She gets a little bit of an embarrassed look 

Meiling: "Well I can't help it! what else am I suppose to do when nobody is around for so long in a day? I get bored and when I get bored I get tired"

Dominic: "That's fair, still maybe you can find something to do in the meantime so that you can at least not fall asleep too much when doing your job?"

Meiling: "Maybe... I tried practicing my martial arts to pass the time but Sakuya even got on me for that! She told me to stop playing around and focus on guarding the gate" 

Dominic: "Well that one I don't agree with, I think practicing your skills can be fine to pass the time as long as you still keep an awareness to do your job"

Meiling: "I do! though I don't think she believes that..."

Dominic: "I see, well in any case I do believe I've heard of you before actually, you are Meiling the legendary martial artist yes?"

Meiling: "Legendary? I-I mean yeah! that's me!"

She puffed out her chest with pride. 

Dominic: "Ah good good, I actually did want to meet you eventually to ask you something"

Meiling: "Oh? ask me what?"

Dominic: "I wish to challenge you to a good old fashion match, your martial arts skills vs mine. I want to see how much what I've heard about you holds up or not."

Meiling: "Oh? very well! I accept your challenge" 

She gets into a fighting stance as Dominic walks a distance back before doing the same, Meiling looked impressed once she saw his stance for it was the perfect stance with nothing to exploit in it. 

Meiling: "I can tell your a skilled one just by that stance and your form... ready?"

Dominic: "Ready when you are"

The two wait a bit longer sizing each other up before they finally charge at each other and engage in close combat. They trade blows blocking each other's punches and kicks as they go back and forth. 

Meiling wasn't able to land one punch on Dominic cause he would dodge or block all of her hits, Jojo however was able to start landing more blows on her while she hasn't yet. 

She was very impressed by the skill Dominic was showing, his movements and fluidity and precision seemed to be on a whole other level compared to hers. It felt more like he was dancing than fighting in a way with how he was moving around Meiling. 

They go back and forth for longer until Dominic is able to gut check her and then roundhouse kick her into a tree. Meiling gets up clutching her stomach cause that one especially hurt a lot. 

Meiling: "How are you... this good? ...this is beyond any skill I've seen before for martial arts" 

Dominic: "Ehhh I'm nothing special, I'm just a novice really" 

Meiling: "...what."

Dominic: "Yeah, I just learned martial arts like... yesterday" 

Hong Meiling had a very confused and annoyed and flabbergasted expression right now while Jojo was keeping a straight face but laughing in his head at how he was messing with her. 

Meiling: " just started yesterday? ...t-that's bullcrap! there's no way!!"

Dominic: "Yeah I'm still pretty inexperienced and new to this stuff, that's why I wanted to fight you to test where I'm at right now to be honest."

Meiling: "Ok you have to be lying! I just saw and experienced your skill and there is no way you started learning just YESTERDAY!!"

Dominic: "Hmmm... ah! silly me your right, it wasn't yesterday... it was about maybe an hour ago?"

Hong Meiling went silent at that before gritting her teeth.

Meiling: "are you mocking me?"

Dominic: "Hey it's true, I honestly learned martial arts not that long ago" 

She seems to get pretty heated and turns up her Qi as energy flair's around her. 

Dominic: "Oh we using Qi now? Or is it Ki?... or Chi?... eh either or works for me"

She shouts and charges Dominic again as they engage in more combat, she does a little better now but still can't land a solid hit on him.

Dominic: "Not bad, let me do the same"

He then turns up his Qi as well shocking Meiling with the sheer vast amount of Qi she could feel he had. It felt like an Ocean compared to her Qi which felt like a large lake, it was kind of overwhelming her now. 

She charges a punch with energy and throws it as Dominic stands there this time and takes the punch across his face. Meiling is smiling before her smile quickly vanishes as she see's Jojo recover from the punch very easy like it did barley any damage. 

Before she can respond Jojo gently raises two fingers over her chest before delivering a Bruce Lee style One Inch Punch that knocks the wind out of Meiling and sends her to the ground gasping for breath. 

Dominic: "If you wish to defeat me train for another 500 years" 

Hong Meiling's Qi already felt almost empty just from that blow as she looked up at Dominic with a bit of fear. 

Meiling: "W... what are you?"

Dominic: "I'm just Dominic, nothing special"

Meiling: "Nothing... s-special?!"

Dominic is surprised when he sees her actually start to tear up.

Dominic: "Uh.. you ok? Are you crying?"

Meiling: " you keep saying your a novice... how do you... out class me by this much?!... How am I so weak?"

Dominic: "Ah geez..." 

Now he was starting to feel a little bad, maybe he should have held back just a little more? he decides on what to do to help her feel better as he kneels down to her level as she lays on the ground. 

Dominic: "The truth is Meiling... it was never fair from the start, but not for reasons you think"

Meiling: "...w... what do you mean?"

She sniffled, Dominic then places a finger on her head softly. 

Dominic: "This is easier to explain if I just show you"

He then sends what would look like basically a montage of visons in her head giving her the quick version of showing that he is the Creator or God of the Universe. 

Dominic: "I am... The Zenith" 

Also while Meiling is seeing the montage in her head she swears she can hear music in the background for it. 

"But you didn't have to cut me off

Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing

And I don't even need your love

But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough"

(If you know the meme then you know the meme for how he's showing his "lore" lol)

Once he's done showing Meiling the little montage she passes out for an hour to process the information before she wakes up again. She looks around and then notices Dominic still sitting next to her as she begins to realize. 

Meiling: "..y...your God... THE God...that's you?!!"

Dominic: "Bingo"

Meiling: "I...I fought The Creator?!"

Dominic: "I was holding myself back but yes you fought me"

She then gets on her knee's and does a bow to him. 

Meiling: "Sorry! I'm sorry if I offended you!"

The Zenith just puts a hand on her head and pats it.

Dominic: "Don't apologize, I'm the one who challenged you to a match remember? I was honest when I wanted to see how skilled and strong you are. It's only cause I am who I am that I was so much more stronger and skilled than you and I'll admit... I got a bit carried away for a friendly match."

Hong Meiling seems to calm down a bit as as she breathes a sigh of relief. 

Dominic: "Still... that was fun, out of many martial artist I knew of from a different world I think you'd beat almost all of them in a fight. I enjoyed our match and the skill and strength and guts you did display." 

He stands up and looks at Meiling as she looks back with surprise. 

Dominic: "Stand proud... you are strong" 

Hong Meiling begins crying again but this time it's tears of joy, God themselves just said she was strong and to stand proud which was quite the compliment to get from the Creator of the Universe. 

Dominic offers a hand to help her up as she takes it and stands up before wiping her tears away from her face. 

Meiling: "T-Thank you Zenith!"

Dominic: "Please just call me Dominic, no need for titles now"

Meiling: "Ok... Dominic"

They both smile as Jojo casts some healing magic to quickly heal any bruises or injuries she got from the fight. 

Dominic: "By the way, please don't spread around who I am to anyone else, I'm sort of on a vacation of sorts right now"

Meiling: "I understand Dominic! Can I at least tell my mistress?" 

Dominic: "Hmmm... I will allow some of the others in this mansion to know, BUT I'll be the one to tell them later. For now don't tell anyone until I let them know"

Hong Meiling nods as Dominic gestures to the gate. 

Dominic: "Speaking of which I do want to meet the others here, may I enter the gate?"

Meiling: "Of course you can! Go right ahead!"

She moves out of the way and opens the gate as Dominic thanks her before walking through. Jojo gets to the mansion and enters through the front doors as he looks around the inside. 

Dominic: "Gonna be hard to only use my martial arts and magic while here... I may be tempted to still use my Omnipotence from time to time to spice something up... eh I'll just do as I please."


The Scarlet Devil Mansion looked very cool in his opinion, had a bit of a Gothic Victorian style to the aesthetic which made sense since the owner of this place was a Vampire girl presumed to be from England or somewhere similar. 

He wanders through the halls until he passes through a door that leads to a large library with quite a large number of books in it's shelves. Dominic starts looking around as he explores this library. 

Dominic: "Not bad not bad at all, this is quite a relaxing looking Library, would be nice to chill and read a book in here on a rainy day."

?????: "Can I help you?"

Dominic looks over to see a woman with purple hair and wearing a night gown, she looked tired and was in the middle of reading it seemed. 

Dominic: "I'm just a wanderer named Dominic Armstrong, who may you be?" 

Patchouli: "I'm Patchouli Knowledge, Librarian for the Scarlet Devil Mansion... how did you get in here?" 

Dominic: "Meiling let me in, I was a good friend of hers and had an appointment with her mistress" 

He lied as easy as he did breathe. 

Patchouli: "....I'm too tired right now to care if your lying or not, just don't break or steal anything and we'll be fine"

Dominic: "Cool cool... so what are you reading?" 

Patchouli: "Reading up more on the practice of Necromancy"

Dominic: "Ahhh, a dark and taboo magic but one with it's uses depending on how used"

Patchouli: "How so?"

She raised an eyebrow as Jojo sat in a chair next to her. 

Dominic: "Well use of this magic can depend on the user's mortality when it comes to manipulating the dead but if you have no issues with that then for one, you could start by using something already dead instead of having to kill someone-"

He began talking with Patchy about Necromancy as she found herself listening to his every word, he seemed very knowledgeable about the subject. 

The conversation eventually lead to talking about other types of magic as the two went back and forth disusing the various kinds of magic arts and their uses. They both seemed to be really getting into the talk and enjoying the conversation. 

Dominic may have just made a friend. 


*To be Continued* 

RealityEldritch101 RealityEldritch101

Dominic is now gonna meet the Scarlet Devil Mansion girls as you can see. He's trying to limit his use of his Omnipotence but he's a true sandbox gamer at heart and most likely won't be able to help himself later on.

Let me know of you have any ideas for a world Dominic could visit after he's done in Touhou!

Also if you liked this please comment and etc! would be nice lol.

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