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Chapter 7: Phillips Nodded

discovering that Peggy feels perfectly molded to him.

Peggy was surprised by the kiss on the lips and realized that the slight pleasure is somehow fighting the pain, and kissed him right back, figuring if they're to die together, at least they'd die together in love.

The two of them continued to kiss as the forces around them continued; trying as best to at least stay awake and hopefully alive just long enough to be freed from the chamber.

"Steve...", Peggy muttered. "I'm here...", Steve said, trying to be the guardian for once rather than needing a guardian.

And before they knew it, the pain was decreasing as the Quantonium and Super Soldier Serum was finally drained from the glass containers outside, leaving the couple, still shaking from nerves and feeling their blood rushing through their ears and hearts.

Peggy cautiously opened her eyes, panting, and laughed, "I'm alive...Steve, we're alive!", looking at Steve, and the breath escaped her in shock and surprise, "Oh...", realizing that she's now shorter than Steve, and blushed hard as she saw the arms, pecs, and gods, the 6 pack on his abs...

Steve was the same, blushing as he can feel her arms, somehow stronger and her breasts were straining against her tank top, seeing a 4 pack on her abs through the tank top as it was doused in sweat.

They pulled back from the embrace, clearing their throats as they blushed some more, and Peggy picked up her jacket, putting it on, and realizing that it was too tight on her, "Oh, great.", before an idea came to her, and she took it off, ripping the sleeves, and then put it on, smiling as it fit better, hiding her tank top yet it's still tight.

Steve stood up, nearly hitting the ceiling, and looked over himself before realizing that he didn't feel the gunshot wound anymore, and lifted up his trouser sleeve, and blinked to see a scar, a freshly healed scar without stitches, through the trouser sleeve was soaked with blood.

"Looks like it's actually healed...Wow...", Steve commented, and Peggy hummed in thought, "Must be the Super Soldier serum. I guess the Quantonium is not kicking in just yet.".

A knock at the door sounded out, with Erskine calling, "Agent Carter, Steven?", as audible grunts sounded out, with the door slowly opening up.

The light entering the door was blinding for a moment as their eyes tried to readjust from the sheer change of night and day which they had been through before the door was wide open, revealing their new selves to the rest of the room.

"God...", Stark couldn't help but say seeing the two of them, though certainly much more so for Steve with how radical a change to his body was.

Erskine himself was amazed yet proud, smiling, "You two have surpassed my expectations of the Super Soldier Serum. How are you feeling?".

Steve spoke, "Surprisingly, I feel good...I feel like all of my health problems are gone...", and Peggy replied, "Me too, I feel good, and somehow, I feel more sharper in mind and stronger, and even my minor allergies of pollen and pet dander is gone too.".

Erskine chuckled, "Sounds like the serum fixed wrong things within your bodies, then. Now, let's hurry to the hanger in the bay. The Quantonium will kick in soon.".

"As you wish, doctor." Steve nodded, still surprised at his new self and certainly Peggy's change too. She was already beautiful to begin with to him, but somehow, now with her new 'enhancements' all over, she somehow surpassed perfection.

"We're still trying to find out how that Kraut got in. Apparently, he had a few forged documents on him, good ones too." Phillips explained. "Heinz Kruger, member of the SicherheittsDienste, the SD, Himmler's intelligence arm of the SS. The German Army's one, Abwehr, is in total shambles, if he was that, he wouldn't have gotten into the area.".

"One of Johann Schmidt men, I fear, Colonel.", Erskine said. "Schmidt must have guessed we'd try to fight fire with fire in terms of his Jötunn.".

Peggy looked around, relieved to see no injuries or dead scientists. With all her warnings earlier, most of the high-profile people and scientists made it to safety, with a few still nursing their ears, it was quite a loud explosion as it was contained in this place.

"Looks like I warned everybody in time.", Peggy replied, and Phillips nodded, "You did, and good, quick reflexes too.".

Erskine smiled, "Indeed, and they will even be better.", and led the way for the duo from the lab, with Phillips and some of the people following including Stark. On the way, like five minutes later, Peggy glanced to see Steve, secretly admiring his physique as he's currently wearing a large shirt, and blinked, "Steve, you're glowing green!", as she saw a green glow starting to appear on him.

Steve blinked in surprise, glanced at his hand, and looked over to Peggy, and widened his eyes, "You are glowing too!", seeing the same glow on Peggy.

"I think we're almost out of time then...", Erskine said. "We're going to run out of room very fast if we don't get into the hanger now.", with an anxious look. "Move it, folks!", Phillips ordered.

Steve and Peggy started to sprint to the hanger, feeling tingly pain, but not as bad as the pain in the machine enclosure, and started to gain height with every sprint, and finally exiting the corridor, pushing open the doors, and then the pain increased as they clumsily fell to their knees, partly hidden by the private planes.

Erskine called out in Phillips' radio, "Drop the tarps!", and from the ceiling, tarps fell like curtains, and the crowd listened, waited, and watched the shadows in the tarps. Luckily, the outside doors to the hanger are closed, so there's no chance for any citizens on boats or anything else to see.

"Guess we'll get a privacy screen then... they must have lied about the clothes holding.", Peggy chuckled as she took a few deep breaths, trying to stay strong during the pain. "Uh, Steve... is this...?".


"The first time I would see a woman without clothes?", Steve guessed what she was going to

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