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Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Non-existent Skills and The Compensation?

Koichi was hit by a truck after they saved a child, and was supposed to be dead.

Simultaneously, he and another individual bearing the same name found themselves in an unknown white place or space, where they encountered a woman in kimono identifying herself as the world administrator.

The other Gotou was eventually reincarnated in another world.

However, it appears that Koichi's death was not intended, and with his original body, he was given a useful skill called 'Standard Skill Set' and some leftover skills from other Gotou in order to transfer to another world, and the Miss administrator stated that it could not be avoided and was imminent.

I will not be able to return to Earth, and I will not be able to see Mother again....

...Or so it should be, but this is modern-day Japan, no matter how you look at it.

Was that a dream caused by the shock of losing consciousness in the accident?

What was that again? A flash of life (Sōmatō)?

No, it is not the same; it did not replay any of my life events, but I did come across an unusual situation.

I also met the other Gotou.

This is weird, I need to find out.


Nothing happened at all. Or at least, Koichi seems to think that way.

He had read in an article that it is not a good idea to get up suddenly after a long period of sleep, even though strangely his body does appear fine, so Koichi looked at the ceiling light and the equipment on the side while lying down and saying,



"What is this supposed to mean?" he wondered, but there was still no response.

He also tried saying it aloud, but to no avail.


Nothing happened....

After a while, a young male doctor came to Koichi's room and confirmed various things.

First of all, the company the truck driver belonged to, would pay for all the medical treatment and tests, and he would have a full examination tomorrow.

Because the injury was just approximately half a day old, there was no fear of acute pulmonary thromboembolism (internal bleeding), and while he could stand and walk, he was not allowed to engage in rigorous exercise or leave the hospital just yet.

"Excuse me, was there another person beside me involved?"

Koichi asked suddenly, breaking the silence that hung in the air.

"Well, yes, but I'm afraid that he's...."

The doctor trailed off, his expression is grave.

He thought he and and the other young man who was brought here was acquittance of some sort, also surprisingly they share the same name.

But listening to him, it seems they are not, and the state they have found the other victim is too much to even mention it to Koichi.

The doctor was genuinely shocked by Koichi's luck; after being involved in a semi-heavy truck accident, as you know, the results are not attractive, and the personnels on the recovery site have had difficulty recovering the deceased victim.

Perhaps the gods are on his side, thought the doctor, but that god did not spare the other from his horrible fate.

"I see..."

"Are you okay, Koichi?" Ayumi asked, noticing his distress.

"I'm fine, Mom. Just thinking," Koichi replied.

It appears that there was another person at the accident scene, and that person died.

Koichi wanted to confirm the person's identity, but they refused to reveal it due to concerns about personal privacy.

It was disappointing for him, but he was also relieved by the hospital's high level of compliance awareness.

Perhaps it was because he had a good half-day rest or because of the medical treatment, such as the IV drip, but Koichi was feeling great.

Ayumi, her mother, on the other hand, rushed out from work as soon as she received the news of the accident.

She couldn't help but break down when she saw Koichi's state.

As Ayumi sat by Koichi's bedside, she couldn't shake the worry that she felt at her insides like a persistent ache.

Koichi, her son, had been involved in a truck accident, and even though he was awake and seemingly okay, Ayumi couldn't help but fear the worst.

"I am sorry for worrying you, Mom."

"It's okay, don't worry, Koichi. You're safe now. Don't ever do that again, alright?"

Koichi thought for a second,

"Even if I save a child?"


Koichi tried to joke with Ayumi, but seeing Ayumi's troubled face, the joke died down.

"I was joking Mom, I won't do it again."


"Also, what about work?"


Seeing her dumbfounded face, he knew he had to be worried.

Although he almost fell and broke down for leaving her mom behind, he's still here surprisingly, with less than a scratch from the accident.

The administrator granted him his wish.

"Mom, don't worry about me. I'll be fine here," he assured her.


"Mom, I'll be fine, but I think your work won't, I don't want you to lose your job just for me, I am fine. It's not much of an injury anyway.

"Okay, I'll understand, Mom will work hard to pay for bills."

Her mother's attempt to make him laugh made Koichi smile and eventually chuckle.

With a kiss on his forehead, Ayumi left for work, her heart heavy with worry. But she knew Koichi was strong, and that gave her assurance.

Anyway, Koichi became unusually hungry, and because he was dissatisfied with the hospital food and her mother's bento that she had brought for him, he went to the hospital shop and purchased another sandwich and a can of coffee.

Because they did not inform him of their dietary limitations, he purchased the coffee and sandwich he wanted.

He figured he could reward himself with just this bit of leisure.

The next day, he had an MRI and an X-ray, and in between, the police came to question him.

They asked him to explain as far as he can remember.

"And, what about the driver who caused the accident?"

"He's dead. He died of a myocardial infarction(heart attack). That's what caused the accident."

"Is that so...Thank you for informing me."

'I thought that guy was another drunkard.'

Well, heart attack can stem from being alcoholic, so Koichi is not technically wrong.

"You're welcome. By the way..."

The police officer offered Koichi a written statement about whether or not he wanted the perpetrator to be severely punished, in which he stated that he no longer wanted to blame the dead and was not seeking punishment.

"You might want to ask that to the other guys family."

"Well, they did pretty much did that."

Instead of that, he asked them to see if he could tell him about the other victim, but then again, he was rejected.

"Then, the information about the driver's company..."

"Unless you want to open a formal investigation, I do not see why you need that. Hey, I'm an officer, you know?"

"But how am I supposed to pay for the medical treatment here..."

"We can do that without needing you to see each other, so don't worry."

Koichi being an inexperienced young man, can't help but be suspicious.

'I've been told to apply for compensation for any damaged items on my person, but miraculously, my belongings and the contents of my bag are perfectly intact. There were a few more procedures after that, but since there was nothing worth mentioning, I'll skip it.'

By the time the inspection was complete, it was well past dark.

He was told that he could go home or stay one more night, so he decided to stay, since it was a rare thing for somebody else to shoulder his hospital bills, so he had to see it through.

However, at the hospital's request, he was moved from the private room to a larger room with numerous patients, maybe to make way for others who required isolation.

Koichi walked down the hospital's corridor, following the nurse who was leading Koichi to the large room.

The nurse walking in front of Koichi is wearing short-sleeved clothes and nine-quarter length pants, both white on top and bottom.

The nurse is a woman about his height(175cm) with chestnut-colored hair in a short cut.

The majority of her face is hidden by a mask, but just glancing at her eyes, he knew she was a lovely person with a glossy appearance.

Regardless of whether she was wearing the wrong size or it was planned that way, the curvature of the nurse's slightly big buttocks was obviously accentuated in her practically body-hugging outfit. Koichi couldn't help but fix his sight on that buttock, which swayed slightly as she went.

'Huh? What exactly is wrong with me? Has my near-death experience made me perverted?

Imagine what her mother Ayumi, going to think if this goes out of hand.

I mean, isn't the way she walks kinda erotic?'

It's difficult to say if it's just how she is, but the movement of her waist is somewhat sexy, he couldn't help but notice.

Koichi can't help but be embarrassed at his own thoughts, he suspected he might have accidentally hit his head during the accident, and now he's going crazy, thought Koichi.

'Get a grip, me!'

"We're truly sorry, Gotou-kun, as we'll have to move you to the common ward," the nurse says, turning around softly.

"Eh, ah-, Yes?"

Koichi, whose attention was completely concentrated on the nurse's ass, quickly muffled his panicked voice.

"We apologize for the inconvenience..."

A private room would have cost more, but the company that caused the accident was willing to accept the payment anyhow.

Normally, a private room was the best option, but around midday, one patient approached them.

After an emergency procedure in the ICU(intensive care unit), and due to a lack of vacant rooms? Somehow, they asked him, the most qualified candidate for discharge, to transfer.

Koichi, who believed that the only thing left to do was sleep till tomorrow, was unconcerned about giving up his private room.

"No, no, it's fine."

"Fufufu. We're grateful to have you say that," the nurse added as she stopped walking.


Koichi, who was directly behind her, was caught off guard by the unexpected stop and lightly bumped into her.

At that point, a distinct female aroma emanates from the nurse's nape.

Koichi's nose sniffed lightly in reaction to the scent.

"I apologize." It stinks, doesn't it?"

The nurse lowered her brow and gazed at Koichi before straightening her collar, which was not even wrinkled in any manner.

"I've been so busy doing my night shift that I haven't been able to get home yet."

"I didn't even have time to wash my face,"

She remarked, but her tone did not indicate embarrassment.

Instead, she looked to be oozing an inviting mood, which was in stark contrast to her circumstances, but Koichi questioned whether it was simply his imagination.

"Eh? I don't think so, you smell nice on the contrary.

Koichi muttered as he gently pulled the collar of the hospital pajamas he was using, sniffing his chest.

"I think I'm the one who smells more."

Now that I think about it, I haven't taken a bath since yesterday.

"Ara, but I don't hate the smell of a man, you know?"

The nurse looked up at Koichi as she spoke, her eyes appearing to smile bewitchingly.

'....Eh? Eh? What's actually going on right now? Is-, is she, inviting me? Ehhhhhhhhhh!?'

"W-well, I, uh, I don't hate the smell of a woman's sweat, either."

'I called her a woman! Eh! What should I do? Am I going to get reprimanded? At Least don't let my mom know!'

Koichi could feel his younger brother getting more and more agitated as he took in the nurse's behavior, her words, and, most importantly, her billowing scent in his nostrils.

'Shit! How come women smell so nice! Oh God, Miss Administrator, someone, please help me in this predicament.'

But, throughout all of this, Koichi appeared to be standing firm, unaware how to back up. Simply ignore his inner turmoil, and he will appear strong-willed like a towering knight preparing to resist an attack of invaders.

The nurse, who had been smiling at Koichi, suddenly lowered her gaze.

Koichi is currently wearing pajamas borrowed from the hospital.

Because his loose pajamas were composed of thin knotweed cloth, a towering sh*eld h*ero was immediately visible, rising abruptly between his legs.

"Ara, this is quite terrible."

Following this understanding, the nurse switched her gaze back and forth to her surroundings.

At that point, she noticed there were only two people in the corridor, she and Koichi.

After verifying this, the nurse turned the "open" lock on the nearby restroom. The toilet door swung open.

"Come this way."

She grabs Koichi's hand and drags him into the toilet before clicking the 'shut' button.

A quiet noise was made as the door slammed shut.

The door appears to automatically lock when you press the "close" button from the inside.

It was the only restroom on the inpatient ward, and it was quite large, possibly for the convenience of patients in wheelchairs and those entering with caregivers.

"Um, hello- Miss Nurse?"

The nurse pushed Koichi against the seat after bringing him into the toilet without explaining why.

She then drew Koichi close to her body.

The scent of sweat filled his nostrils, and he could feel her tense breasts through her clothing.

'Eh?! "No way am I going to lose it?"

"This can not continue, will it? It is bad."

The nurse puts her hand through Koichi's pajamas and rubs her penis while she speaks.


Koichi gives a quick gasp and quickly shuts his mouth.

"Fufu, what a cute little guy."

He felt the sensation shoot straight to his head.

The nurse then stops caressing his penis and places her hand on Koichi's waist, pulling his pajama pants and trunks down in the process.

And there in the open was a towering rod of flesh.

"Ara, the top is already slimy."

Looking straight into Koichi's eyes, the nurse continued to touch him, keeping her body close to him.

Subsequently, she removed the mucus from Koichi's penis tip using her index finger and pressed it against her thumb, seemingly to gauge the mucus's viscosity.

"Uhm, Miss nurse, what are you…?"

Bewildered by the abruptness of the situation, Koichi asks the nurse to reiterate her intentions.

"Is this alright, Miss Nurse?"

"You do not like it, hmm?"

"No, it's not that I don't like..."

"So you will not mind the little things, is that correct?"

"Yeah, but even so..."

Even though it seemed to be taking longer, the nurse kept touching Koichi's meat rod, almost caressing it.

"You know what? It is Gotou-kun's fault, fufu."

The nurse points the finger at him before poking her nose out of the mask with her free hand.

Then, with her nose almost touching Koichi's nape, she inhaled deeply.

" make me smell something this good."

Owing to their close proximity, Koichi was overcome by the nurse's aroma, which prompted him to give her a hug and inhale deeply.

"It has been a while since I took a shower, but you still said I smelled good."

Repositioning her mask, the nurse deftly undid the fasteners by running her hands over her own waist.

The nurse's uniform pants did not require a belt because they were constructed with a firm garter. The nurse undid her underwear and her own panties at the same time, doing the same for Koichi.

Although it was difficult to understand the situation, Koichi could tell by the nurse's movements that she had pulled her pants down.

He attempted to look down over the woman's back, but she was so close that he could only see a small portion of her ass.

It was a well-shaped ass, as one could expect from the top of her pants, and just seeing a portion of it was obscene. Still, it is natural for a man to want to see more of it in any way.


But he can not because the nurse has raised her back, preventing him from seeing any more of her ass.

Koichi, who had already given up, raised his face, but then let out a gasp.

It is because when he looked straight ahead, he witnessed a magnificent spectacle.

The toilet door's metallic mirror was the culprit. The nurse's backside was fully visible as she hugged him.

And between her buttocks and thighs, her private parts, which were so wet they glistened.

There was also some darker flesh twitching in time with the nurse's breathing, as well as love juices trailing down from it to the pants that had been lowered.

"My private space; can you also touch me there?"

The nurse whispers into Koichi's ear, like a succubus in heat.

Although Koichi was shocked by his situation, he did not feel the need to resist; rather, he was nervous right now, trying to figure out what to do next.

His mind goes blank as to what to do, but he recalls a certain bald actor from a western orange and black website he occasionally visits.

As he was urged, he reached for her crotch from the front.


Koichi felt the texture of the fluffy pubic hair in the palm of his hand and lightly placed his middle finger against the crack until it reached halfway, causing the nurse to gasp and shudder.

The crack appeared to have already opened, and the moment he touched it, his finger became wet and quickly sank into the mucous membrane without needing to scratch it.

Koichi slowly bent his middle finger, feeling the warm, sludgy sensation that enveloped him inside.

"Ahhhn, it went inside me!"

He watched through the mirror as his middle finger effortlessly sank into the nurse's vagina.

It went deeper, eventually swallowing the entire thing.

Following this, the nurse's hand resumed movement, which had stopped after the finger was inserted. Her other hand, which had been resting, switched sides and is now firmly gripping the rod as it begins to scrub it.

Her act is not very different from the typical act of masturbation without lotion.

However, being held and rubbed by a woman's soft and warm hand is not the same as being rubbed with his own.

"Hey, let's do it."

The nurse whispers in Koichi's ear while breathing heavily.

When Koichi heard those words, she started stirring her vagina with his middle finger.

"Ahhh.....! "Gotou-kun, good.....more....!"

As Koichi stirs her insides, the nurse continues to moan softly, taking care not to let her voice escape from the toilet.

Meanwhile, Koichi inserts his ring finger, and the nurse becomes even more disheveled as two fingers are inserted up to the root of her vagina.

"Hnnnnn, yes, yes! Squirm it even more!!"

Even though the nurse was whispering in Koichi's ear, she was moaning heavily.

Her body tenses up as she places her entire weight in Koichi's capable hands, and as she does so, her hands tighten their grip on the meat stick, and her hand movements become more intense.

Feeling the nurses' weight on him was an entirely different sensation.

The nurse's private parts were constantly gushing with love juices, as seen through the mirror, and her buttocks and the base of her thighs were already wet, most likely due to Koichi's hard movements.

"Aaaaaaah, I am chumming!" I am cummiiiinngg, Gotou-kun!"

The nurse's body began jerking and twitching.

"Miss Nurse, I am about to..."

Around the same time, Koichi was nearing the end of his endurance.

"Hnnnnn, it is fine; let it out whenever you want..., nhaaaaaaa!!"

Suddenly, the nurse's pussy tightened. It clamped Koichi's finger shut.

Because the sensation is too good, Koichi eventually reaches the peak.


The sperm was released with a splash.

But things did not end there. Koichi just felt the tip of his rod become blocked, and he expected it to cause a mess.

His penis pulsed again and again, and each time it did, his brain was stimulated by an incredible amount of pleasure. He had so little energy to even check it out because it was so intense.


The nurse gave a short gasp when Koichi withdrew his finger, sensing that her climax was over. Despite her happiness, it was clear that she had not had enough.

After relaxing a bit and gathering enough energy, Koichi took a look at his crotch, first and foremost. Surprisingly, he noticed that the nurse had placed her hands around his dick's head to keep the semen from leaking.

When she saw the nurse bring her hand close to her face, she lifted the mask and refused to remove it.


Koichi saw the nurse let his sperm flow into her mouth and swallow it.

'This lady.....isn't she pretty used to this?'

However, seeing this scene caused more red blood cells to rush to his lower body, prompting his proud little brother to stand once more.

While Koichi was stunned, the nurse grabbed a stack of toilet paper and attempted to wipe her crotch.

But she froze when her gaze landed on Koichi's rod.

"Ara, you are very energetic, Gotou-kun."

Koichi gulped as he looked at the nurse's more fervent and devious expression.

"Are you interested in trying something else? Gotou-kun."


Koichi did not understand why at first, but after being dragged into the toilet, he realized the nurse had been successfully leading him all along.

The nurse took a bunch of toilet paper and, after wiping her crotch of his sperm, she removed the attached napkin from her slipped panties, quickly rolled it up and threw it in the sanitary bin, then took a new napkin from her pocket and attached it to her panty again. All in one smooth motion.

He was worried at first that someone would show up at his and her mother's apartment and claim she was pregnant with his child.

The prospect made him shudder, but the nurse assured him that she had taken that type of (medicine), so everything would be fine, and then he was straddled and sucked dry...

When Koichi was about to get his own toilet paper, the nurse lowered his head and licked and sucked the remaining fluid from his exhausted little brother.

To say Koichi is exhausted after being demanded to release three times, a day's worth of cum, is an understatement.

The nurse, who said she was tired and had been working the night shift for a long time, stood there more energized than him; it felt like her stress had vanished, though her movements were sluggish and shook here and there.

The nurse, who had completed the post-processing so deftly that the word "briskly" would be an apt description, had pulled up her pants and trousers and returned to her normal appearance, so much so that he could not believe she had engaged in obscene acts with him just a few minutes ago.

Koichi's eyes met with the nurse's, who chuckled lightly as he watched the situation, half impressed and half dazed.

"Fufufu….Should I raise it for you?

The nurse's fingers pointed at Koichi's crotch.

The sluggishly deflated, halfway large penis was still visible after he had ejaculated.

"Oh, no. It is fine."

Koichi hurriedly pulled up his pants and trousers by himself.

"Do you feel refreshed now?"

'I do not!'

"Oh, yes, very. Thank you very much."

"Fufu, what a lovely guy."

As she spoke, the nurse walked over to Koichi and slowly moved her face closer to his, until their bodies were just barely touching.

The nurse quickly takes off her mask and places her lips on his.

Koichi's lips receive a soft, warm touch.


Within seconds, the nurse pulled back and quickly reapplied the mask. Then she walked straight past Koichi's side and into the bathroom, pressing the 'open' button in another fluid motion.

The nurse summons Koichi after inspecting the corridor as soon as the door opens.

"All right, Gotou-kun." It is safe now."

"Ah, um, yeah."

Koichi responds quickly and follows the nurse out of the toilet.

'I did not get a good look at her face.'

She shifted her mask to reveal her face just as the kiss began, but the distance was too close for him to see her properly. However, Koichi thought this was a good thing.

Despite the events, he was still staring at the nurse's ass as she walked in front of him.

There was no one else around, and since he had just committed such an act with her, he did not hesitate to look at her buttocks, thinking it would not matter anymore. In his mind, the ass seen through the nurse's uniform pants and the raw ass seen through the toilet mirror merged.

Koichi could feel blood gathering in his crotch again, but he needed some time for his penis to regain tension.

He had this sudden urge to walk beside her and grope her ass while walking, but seeing people and cameras around, he dared not do it.

After a while, they arrived at their destination. He can't believe that his transfer took a lot of time, mostly dedicated to the detour in the toilet, but nonetheless, he was happy.

Men are such simple creatures.

"All right, Gotou-kun, enjoy your stay."

After finally leading him into the larger ward, the nurse said those words as a parting gift and slipped something into his pocket.

He felt grateful for her and wanted to say more, but he stopped.

After all, it doesn't matter where he stays tonight; he will be discharged tomorrow.

Furthermore, the nurse appears to have been working from the end of the night shift until now. He was certain it was already time for her to go home, and he could not imagine working until the evening after a night shift and then returning to work the next day.

He will most likely never see her again.

Or so he thought when he felt something in his pocket, a folded piece of paper, and opened it to find an email address and a phone number.

Well, now he knows there is more after this, and the prospect of receiving a benefit for free only adds to his excitement.

After getting into bed, Koichi considered taking a nap, but remembering the white space incident, he decided to check and verify everything he could and went to the inpatient ward's dining room.

It was a public area with a small kitchen equipped with only a vending machine, a microwave, and a sink, as well as a large television and a variety of newspapers.

Because it was already dark, there were few people in sight.

He gathered all of the newspapers that had been left on the floor and sat down at one of the tables, knowing that no one would find him bothersome.

After flipping through the newspapers, Koichi discovered the name he was looking for in the local paper's obituary column.

Gotou Koichi(After Wisteria Tiger One).

His memorial service was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

He then looked at the English-language newspaper.

"I can't read it..."

It appears that the [Language Comprehension] skill is also not activated.

He returned to the hospital room and checked his belongings, which only included the school uniform he was wearing that day, his phone in his school bag, his wallet, and a textbook.

There was also a pet bottle of Oolong tea back there, but it was discarded for hygiene reasons and left with a note.

Thanks to the fact that there were no severe injuries on him, which is suspicious as hell, his clothes were not cut and were washed clean.

When he returns, he discovers a fruit basket on the floor beside his bed, which he may not have noticed before. It appears that the hospital staff brought it there on request and placed it at the reception desk by some people.

When he asked where it came from, he discovered that it was from the same company as the driver, which was also involved in the accident.

Koichi, who has a habit of actively eating fruits, took one of the apples and ate it right there, while others were shared with his roommates.


But, just as he had finished eating all of the fruits, he discovered an envelope at the bottom of the heaping basket.

It had nothing written on it, but it held 100,000 yen in cash.

There is no evidence of a document or note being attached.

He has heard that receiving such a thing will be detrimental to the settlement later, but because it was in an unmarked envelope and there is no proof of receipt or anything, he will not have any problems receiving it.

So Koichi decided to accept the 100,000 yen with gratitude.

He then picked up the smartphone that had caught his eye and tried to think of different ways to store it in a different dimensional space, but, contrary to his expectations, there was no particular reaction.

He is not even sure how to do it.

"I wonder if what happened in that space was just a dream after all..."




Shori_Zoen Shori_Zoen

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