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Chapter 17: Chapter 14: The Adventure of Roe (8)

As I thought more about Cain's story and how it affected Adam and Eve, I started feeling really sorry. I realized that the problems they had, like the fight between Cain and his father, were kind of because of me. I was the one who made Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, and I made sure it had all these rules and warnings, like the ones you see in the Bible.


I didn't include heaven and hell in the fruit's teachings because I planned to introduce them to Jesus later. I wanted them to experience divinity firsthand, with a god appearing before them to explain concepts like heaven and hell in person.


And Also I realized it was my fault that Adam become like that. Because I fast-forwarded time, and during those moments, Adam often wished to hear my voice and prayed. However, I didn't respond because I was fast-forwarding the planet Eldan, leading Adam to misunderstand that I was angry with him.

As a result, Adam became increasingly paranoid, He started thinking that if they made more mistakes, I would get more even angrier with him. His innocence made him thinking to those things, these fears really bothered him. And seeing him so scared that I might abandon him made me feel really guilty.

Thats why I felt intense guilt for what I had done to them. I could have simply followed Charles Darwin's theory, creating creatures like hominins, but I chose the Adam and Eve narrative because I wanted to give the Eldoan people a sense of history and origin. If they originated from hominins, what would be the name of their first father, the origin of hominins, or the name of their ancestors? None of these questions would have answers. That's why I made Adam and Eve their ancestors, giving them a sense of identity and heritage that would endure for billions of years, ensuring they would never forget their history.


But in my pursuit of shaping their history, I overlooked the emotional toll it would take on Adam and Eve. They were unwittingly manipulated, becoming pawns in my grand plan, that would haunt them with regret.


If I ever created another universe, I promised myself to follow Charles Darwin's theory. That way, beings could develop on their own without me messing things up.



Back to the Eldan world, I continued on training the villagers, helping them improve their skills, and engaging in sparring matches to assess their growth. Of course, I refrained from using my Aang method; I wanted to keep it a surprise, saving it for a moment when it would truly Memorable to them like fighting some big boss eheheh. Instead, I dedicated myself on teaching the basics of magic to the newcomers.



Meanwhile, Belz, too, was immersed in her training, diligently imparting her knowledge to others. However, one particular day, amidst our bustling training grounds, Belz approached me with a determined look in her eyes.


"So, you want to spar with me?" I asked, noticing the resolve in her demeanor.


"Yes, Sir Roe," Belz said, her voice retaining a formality that hinted at her respect for my position.


"No 'sir', just Roe," I gently insisted, hoping to break down the formal barrier between us.


Belz nodded, but then added, "Roger, Apostle Roe."


With a soft sigh, I gave in, realizing her insistence. "Suit yourself. Are you ready to begin? Now?" I asked, my tone showing that I was both eager and prepared for the upcoming mock battle.


Belz looked at Jono, maybe for some encouragement or just to acknowledge him being there. "Yes, I'm ready now, Apostle. I know you are strong," she said, her voice sounding a bit excited and respectful.


Modestly, I replied, downplaying my own abilities. "No, I'm not," I stated, though internally,I felt a bit confident, knowing that this spar would be an opportunity for both of us to grow, well afterall I want some more battle experience against strong opponent.


Then as the two of us prepared for our spar, a crowd had gathered around, eager to witness the spectacle. Villagers of all ages and backgrounds had come to watch, their faces filled with anticipation and excitement. Some cheered for Belz, while others rooted for me, and it made the whole scene really exciting.


With everything ready, Belz and I stood face to face, prepared to show off what we could do. Everyone was excited, and you could feel the tension in the air as we gave each other a quick nod, agreeing silently that it was game on.


[Meanwhile Jono side]


Jono couldn't help but wonder about the outcome of a potential battle between Belz and Roe.


"Grandpa Momoa, do you think Grandma Belz could defeat Roe?" Jono asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.


Momoa chuckled at Jono's choice of words. "Grandma? You really called her grandma, huh?" he remarked with amusement.


Caught off guard, Jono laugh slightly. "Well, I'm 15, and she's over 400 years old. It just feels right," he admitted sheepishly. Then, with a mischievous grin, he added, "And don't tell her I called her grandma. Tell her I called her aunt."


"O-kay," Momoa replied with a bemused expression. "Anyway, your question about Belz defeating Roe? Hmm..." He paused, deep in thought, before continuing, "I think Belz has a good chance. Don't get me wrong, Roe is an apostle of God, Jesus, but..." He glanced over at Belz, in the distance. "I spar with Belz all the time, and she's strong."


Jono nodded in agreement. "But you also saw how strong Roe is, Grandpa. He defeated some of our villagers despite using some weak magic," he pointed out.



"That's a valid point," Momoa acknowledged. "But that's exactly why I think Belz might win against Roe. She has three affinities of magic—fire, water, and air. Do you really think someone who fights like Roe, using only weak basic spells, could defeat Belz, who has managed to create powerful spells stronger than the basic ones Jesus gave us?"


Jono considered Momoa's words carefully. "That's true," he admitted, realizing the logic behind Momoa's assessment.

Just then, Cain interjected, surprising both Jono and Momoa with his sudden presence. "I have faith that Apostle Roe could defeat Belz," he stated with confidence.


Jono turned to Cain, addressing him respectfully. "Grandpa Cain," he greeted.


Momoa echoed Jono's surprise. "Grandpa Cain, you're here?" he exclaimed.


Cain nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I am," he replied calmly.


Curious, Momoa asked, "Why do you think that, Grandpa? what makes you think Roe could defeat Belz?, especially when we've only seen Roe using weak magic spells in his sparring fights, unlike Belz, who has mastered powerful spells?"


Cain chuckled softly and glanced in Roe's direction. "My dear boy, when I saw Roe, I couldn't help but notice that he was holding back during his spars with the others."


"In what way?" Momoa inquired, intrigued by Cain's observation.


Cain continued, his eyes fixed on Roe. "Because he was smiling, and his eyes seemed calm, almost as if the outcome of those fights had already been decided. If his eyes had shown burning passion like Belz's, then I would believe he wasn't holding back. But what I saw was different—a sense of ease and confidence that suggested he was capable of much more than he was showing."


Jono and Momoa exchanged glances, contemplating Cain's words. It was a perspective they hadn't considered before, one that added a new layer of complexity to the question of who would emerge victorious in a battle between Roe and Belz.


[Roe side]

The tension crackled in the air as Belz and I faced off, ready to engage in our mock battle.


"Ready?" I asked, locking eyes with Belz.


"Ready," she replied, her expression determined.


Belz swiftly conjured a circle in her palm, channeling her fire magic towards me, , encircling me in flames and restricting my movements.


"Interesting, fire huh?" I remarked casually, taking note of her chosen element.


Finally, it was my time to shine. I'd been waiting for this chance to show off my skills using the Aang method. With a quiet determination, I chose to ditch the usual magic chants and circles, going for something different instead. I was sure they'd be surprised when I pulled this off kekeke.



With a quick and fluid movements, I mimicked Aang's fighting style, using my feet and hands to manipulate the air around me. Just like Aang or Tenzin from the avatar.


[Well, why did I use those Avatar moves as my techniques? Because, come on, they're easy to mimic, right? Like, who hasn't tried bending some elements as a kid, huh? Ahem, guilty as charged! I knew some of you have done it too!]


Anyway With a quick motion, I raised my leg, creating a current of air around it, then lifted my hand, mirroring the same airbending technique. The gust of wind I summoned extinguished the flames encircling me, leaving the onlookers awestruck.


Gasps and murmurs filled the air as they witnessed my unconventional use of magic.


"What did he do?"


"It looks foreign..."


"Did he just use magic without chanting?"


"Yeah, he used magic without forming a circle!"




Belz, stunned by my display, voiced her astonishment. "What is that? How did you do that?" she asked, her gaze fixed on me with a mixture of respect and confusion.


I met her gaze with a smirk, reveling in the moment. "Well, let's just say, Maybe because I am the Apostle," I replied, leaving the explanation open-ended, teasing her with the mystery of my true abilities.


[Meanwhile Jono side]

Jono's eyes widened with shocked as he turned to his grandfather, eagerly seeking his opinion. "Grandpa, do you still believe that Grandma Belz could defeat Roe?" he asked, his voice filled with uncertainty.


Momoa's astonishment mirrored Jono's, his eyes widening as he struggled to comprehend what he had just witnessed. "H-how did he do that without casting a circle?" he stammered, his mouth hanging open in shock at Roe's incredible display of power.


Cain, however, remained composed despite his surprise. Drawing upon his centuries of experience, he quickly regained his composure and offered his insights. "I'm also surprised by what he's capable of, even though I sense he's hiding something," Cain admitted, his tone reflecting a mixture of admiration and intrigue. "Apostle Roe is truly something extraordinary."



[Back to Roe side]


As Belz cast her spell, creating a swirling sphere of water in front of her, I watched her closely, understanding her plan. Moving quickly, I used the earth below me to my advantage. With a simple motion of my feet, I made the ground rise up, creating a strong earth barrier like Toph's Earthbending we see in Avatar.


As the water sphere hurtled towards me, I stayed sharp and did my thing. I kicked up a barrier earth real fast and sent it crashing into the water. Boom! The collision between the two elements created a dramatic spectacle, causing ripples of awe and surprise among the spectators.


"Wow, did you see that?"


"What kind of magic is that?"


"So cool! He just kicked the ground, and poof! There's an earth that similar to the spell we learn!"


The spectators were amazed, their murmurs echoing with disbelief and admiration as they witnessed the spectacle unfolding before them. Belz, too, was taken aback by my unconventional tactics, her eyes wide with surprise and intrigue.


Belz looked at me, totally amazed and impressed. "How did you really do that?" she asked, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Even I can't make something like that, and I'm pretty good with spells. But this It's too much for me to comprehend!"



With a reassuring smile, I replied, "Well, for now, let's just focus on the battle." I knew that explaining my abilities would only add to her confusion, and it was better to finish this battle first.



With Belz momentarily stunned by my unexpected move, I seized the opportunity to press on with the battle. Channeling my elements, I prepared to launch my next attack.



I need to finish this once and for all because I only have a little bit of mana left. This body isn't that good at magic; it's only at 40 percent. But even with that, I can still create a similar style to what benders do in Avatar. So yeah, it's like fighting an ancient powerful mage, like they use traditional methods while I use an easy method, which giving me an advantage over them.



Drawing upon the air element, I extended my left arm forward, while my right arm drew back to gather energy. Mimicking the posture of a kamehameha, I released a strong blast of air, kinda like when Tenzin used his move against the Red Lotus in Avatar.



As Belz desperately attempted to conjure another spell, my sudden air blast surprised her. It pushed her back hard, and she let out a startled cry as she hit the ground.


"Aurgh!" Belz exclaimed in frustration, her body jolting upon impact.


Realizing that there was no point in trying to fight against my unorthodox style, Belz gave up. She got back up, brushed the dirt off her clothes, and looked at me. She seemed both disappointed and impressed.


"I give up," she admitted with a sigh, acknowledging my superiority. "I can't beat you, especially not with those unique movements. They're unlike anything I've ever seen before."


Even though she lost the battle, Belz was still eager to learn. She looked at me with hopeful eyes, her expression begging for guidance.


"Please, Apostle Roe, teach me your techniques," she pleaded, her voice filled with a mix of eagerness and desperation.


"Alright, Belz, I'll teach you," I responded, my tone filled with determination. But whether you can master it or not is up to you."


With Belz's admission of defeat stunned the onlookers, Then they erupted into a chorus of gasps and astonished murmurs.


"Did you see that?!"


"That was insane!"


"Roe's moves are unbelievable!"


"I can't believe what I just witnessed!"


After the conclusion of the intense battle, a wave of excitement swept through the crowd. They erupted into a chorus of cheers, chanting "Roe! Roe! Roe!" in unison. The villagers, overcome with awe and admiration, hailed me as if Iam a hero. "Apostle Roe! Roe! Roe!" they exclaimed, their voices echoing throughout the training grounds


With that We turned to the crowd, who erupted into cheers and applause. It was a moment of shared victory, increasing our growing experience in battle so its a win win in our part.


To be continued


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