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Chapter 2: I Rough Start

Hey guys quick message before the chapter. Make sure to take some time to read the auxiliary chapters please. They will be essential for understanding the story and what's happening as they hold important information. I plan on updating it as I progress through the story. Besides that enjoy the chapter!


Entering the main area of the tavern left me in a state of surprise. The place was actually bigger than I thought it'd be. Shocker.

Compared to the in game version, this version of the tavern held much more space. Honestly, I should've realized the difference instantly when I saw that there were rooms on the second floor, many of them in fact, compared to the original straw mats that adorned the second floor in a neat row with no privacy. But my situational awareness was utter shit before due to the lingering pain and coming to gripes with my powers and reincarnation.

Oh well you live and you learn, I'm all good now so I'll be keeping my wits about me.

Leaving my thoughts and finishing my descent from the duel flight of stairs I took the time to do a quick intake of the new tavern.

There were at least double the amount of tables along side a second hearth that was located on the opposite side of the first one. There was also an additional side room that was most likely the kitchen given the smells that were emanating from it. Overall It gave off a lively atmosphere with the various candles and lanterns strewn about. The mead was flowing and the food gave off a heavenly aroma that wafted from the kitchen into the main hub.

'They actually have good smelling food here color me shocked. Hopefully it tastes as good as it smells because I'm hungry as hell. I wonder what type of seasonings they use here too.' A sudden grumble roared from my stomach like a raging beast at the various scents of spiced meats and vegetables reminding me that I indeed haven't eaten yet.

'Yeah yeah I hear you, sheesh if it wasn't for the music I'm pretty sure the whole tavern would've heard that.'

Choosing to quickly find some food to quiet my gut I went straight to the tavern counter to order some grub. As I approached the counter I decided to test out another feature of the system real quick. Looking at the bald headed tavern keep I let a single word echo in my mind.



Name: Torygg Dirtmug

Age: 46

Rank: E

Species: Human (Sturgian Descent)

Profession: Innkeeper

Mood: Annoyed


'Neat. Not as detailed as the observe I've seen in most stories, but it's decent. I suppose giving an overall basic rundown of someone's information is good enough. Though there is that Rank thing again, and it seems like his is lower than mine. Makes me curious on what the differences in ranks are. Food for the thought. That mood section on the other hand is interesting. Being able to tell how someone is feeling could be helpful in the future I suppose. I wonder what he's annoyed about though.'

Just as I approached Torygg to speak a loud thump ended up catching both of our attention. Looking back I saw an… Odd sight to say the least. 'How the hell is that midget strong enough to lift that fat fuck… What is even happening right now.'

Standing on top of a table was a short dark skin man standing at a proud and respectable 4ft9in. He had black greasy hair that was tied back in a single Viking style braid with the sides of his head shaved. Covering his toad like face was a dirty unkempt beard accentuated with a disgusting sneer.

Just like I noted previously, he held a rather obese looking man in one hand. How he was able to lift him was lost on me currently, the man was easily a good 300lbs and maybe 5'6. The guy was practically lifting the equivalent of Rod Wave with one hand.

'This guy is probably why the innkeeper is annoyed. Let's see what we got here, Observe.'


Name: Yorig the Giant

Age: 33

Rank: C

Species: Human (Sturgian Descent)

Profession: Raider

Faction: Greyskull Raiders

Mood: Angry


'So this guy is a rank higher than me, that's probably how he's able to lift that guy so easily. Even with this new body of mine I don't think I'd be capable of a feat like that just yet, the strength difference is kind of scary. Though his small size takes away from this, he looks kind of goofy.' Trying and failing to suppress a grin from spreading across my face I looked down at something else that caught my eye.

'Faction? That's new, strange that the Innkeeper didn't have that. Something else to figure out and look into I suppose. Though the name Grayskull Raiders sounds very familiar.' Brows furrowed in thought I was lost staring at the name. Looking at the man who was now shaking the fat pig and yelling obscenities and then back at the status screen things slowly started to click in place.

'No fucking way… Is that one of my fucking characters from the game!? E.B you dick!'

Sitting down at the counter I could only sigh in frustration. Of course that prick wouldn't tell me about something like this, he's probably sitting in limbo laughing at me right about now too.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not that worried about Yorig. He was a simple gag character I made to play as a Raider for a day. The fact that he's only considered a C rank is something considering I never used him much.

Sucks that his ugly ass is stronger than me though. I'll have to change that soon.

Besides that the main thing that has me frustrated is the fact that I could encounter other characters I made. If their accomplishments were anything to go by, they'll be strong as all hell in this world, with some of them probably causing greater strife than little Yorig here. Getting stronger and building up a strong Warband is a must now if that's going to be the case. Lord knows I'll need it if Jagutai ends up being here. He was undoubtedly my most evil and vile play through I had, and I ended up using him to lead the Khuzait to glory.

Let's just hope he's not here. Let's also hope Murphy doesn't decide to fuck with me.



'Ok that fucking hurt! And why is this fucker so sweaty!' Letting out a grunt of irritation I was quick to push the fat man off of me.

Standing up from the now destroyed counter with a huff I glared hotly at the ugly ass goblin that started all of this. 'I'm starting to seriously dislike this motherfucker. Loud, obnoxious, and now he throws that sweaty fucker at me? Yeah it just might be up for him. Doesn't help that he's a damn Sturgian too.'

With a quick kick to the fat man as a gesture of displeasure, eliciting a quiet groan of pain from the man as well, I point down at it in disgust.

"Was that really necessary? You could've thrown him literally anywhere else, but instead you chose to throw him directly at me." Gritting my teeth in frustration I fought hard to hold back the insults that were bubbling to the front.

While I was heated, I wasn't going to crash out just yet. I still don't know the difference in strength between ranks, so acting rash could end up with me getting embarrassed by a deformed dwarf. Then again though knowing me I'm bound to crack eventually.

Watching Yorig snort and spit on the floor sent waves of disgust through my body causing me to shiver. 'I swear I make the UGLIEST gag characters. He's making it really hard for me right now too to not insult his entire bloodline. Just look look at him. That's not even a face a mother would be able to love.' (Image here)

"I didn't like the way you were looking at me boy. Jus like the way yer lookin at me now. Tell me lad is there a problem? Something on me face mayhaps?" The short man had hopped off the table as he started speaking, and as he finished he stood right before me looking up at me causing me to cringe at the proximity and his rank breath.

"Ok, first of all back the fuck up. You smell like straight shit. Secondly, mayhaps isn't even a word you dumbass."

Five whole seconds. I lasted Five whole seconds before I said something. God damn it Floki.

Yorig glared up at me, eyes hot. "You don't know who I am do you boy?" His words came out low and threatening. "You should learn to mind yer manners and yer elders."

This ugly little fuck…

"You have a lot of nerve to talk to me about manners when you threw a lardass at me and invaded my nostrils and personal space with your stench! Some advice for you toad, water is free. Use it. Now out of my face." Giving another kick to the fat man I made sure to emphasise, "And take your little butt buddy with you."

From the way Yorigs face started to heat up I could tell he was mad. Add on to the fact that there were a few chuckles going around at his expense I just knew I may have fucked up. 'Man it's only my first day out here. But fuck it he violated my personal space with that smell. That can't be forgiven. And mama didn't raise no bitch either.'

Looking around at the people laughing at him Yorig started to slowly twitch until he suddenly calmed down, turning back to me with a mischievous grin. "You got jokes ay lad? Those were pretty funny, and I appreciate the advice. Here's some for you in return." I think I know where this is going…

'He's finna rock my shit.'

The moment he said those words he jumped up while grabbing the straps of my armor. Forehead flying straight at me. Already expecting something I had my armament haki already coating my face.

"Don't let anyone get this close!"


'Damn, he really rocked my shit.'

My head rocked back violently from the sudden impact of the headbutt. I felt his grip leave my armor and I crashed back into the wreckage with a loud thud. That hit had my ears ringing and vision swimming like mad.

'What in the FUCK is his head made of! Fuck it hurts to even think, what's the point of armament haki if it doesn't protect shit! I wanna damn refund IMMEDIATELY!'

I swear it felt like a damn boulder cracked me right in the face. That man's head is tougher than steel honestly. I'm surprised it even got past my armament, regardless of if I technically just unlocked it. I'm pretty sure my nose is broken too, blood won't stop gushing down my damn face.

Through the haze of pain and blurry vision I noticed Yorigs figure leaning over me with a grin. "Next time learn some respect lad," standing up he dropped a napkin on my bloody face and walked off with some parting words. "Now clean yourself up."

The disrespect… Yorig is now on my shit list.

Another groan of pain escaped my lips as I sat up gingerly holding my head, with the napkin covering my nose. 'Guess this is a good time to figure out the extent of my healing factor. And now I know at least somewhat what the differences in ranks are. Yorig is undoubtedly stronger than me physically by a large margin. Whether that's the extent of the difference or not, I'll have to find out later on. In the mean time I need to finally eat. My stomach constantly grumbling isn't helping my current situation.'

After a few seconds I finally managed to stand up, with some difficulty at least. Though my healing factor was already at work, I could feel the headache slowly ebbing away with my nose having stopped bleeding and, from what I could feel, the break I got was slowly starting to mend itself. 'Give or take the break will be fine by the end of the day if it keeps healing at this rate. This healing factor is a godsend, I just got this new face and I am NOT trying to ruin it yet.'

Shaking my head of any remaining pain I took a tentative step forward out of the rubble. Ignoring the fat man's incessant groaning I managed to catch myself from stumbling forward with the help of someone else.

"Woah there friend, easy now. Yorig may be small but he packs quite the punch, you shouldn't be moving so soon. How's your head?"

Looking over at the voice who ended up catching me I couldn't help but take note his familiarity as well. Another character of mine? Deciding to answer before it got awkward I nodded at him in thanks. "Thanks for the catch pal. But I'll be fine, trust, and you're right about that one. The little fucker is strong alright."

With his help I was able to finally balance myself and clear my head after he lead me away from the wreckage. With my mind clear I finally could get a clear look at the man before me. He had Bronze-like skin with a thin mustache and goatee, and wore a white turban that covered his entire head and neck. 'Is this..?'

Deciding to out a hand in greeting to the man I let a large grin eclipse my face. "The names Floki Wolfsbane, merc for hire. Who might you be?"

Returning my grin with a sly smile of his own the man accepted my handshake and nodded at me, "Hail there Floki, greetings to you. I go by Shumsan the Swordsman, a fellow 'merc for hire' as you would put it."

I knew he looked familiar. Ole boy Shumsan in the flesh!

During one of my recent campaigns before I died I had this guy as a companion in my party, and let me tell you this man was a beast! I'm talking about averaging 12-16 kills per battle by himself! He was undoubtedly my favorite companion. I was going to go look for him eventually but it seems fate had other plans and brought him to me.

Gesturing towards a free table I offered him a seat, "Come, sit and share a meal with me my man. It'll even be on me as thanks for helping me just now!" Of course that was utter bullshit. I'm just trying to butter him up so he'll be more likely to join me on my journey.

"Well only if you insist!"

Oh I most certainly do. Taking Reaper off my back and setting it to the side of the table I finally took my seat and ordered my first meal of this lifetime.

With us both seated I took the time to scan him while we waited for the innkeeper to come and serve us.



Name: Shumsan the Swordsman

Age: 28

Rank: C+

Profession: Mercenary

Species: Human (Aserai Descent)

Mood: Pleased


'Oh? He doesn't have a faction just like the innkeeper. But Yorig did? Maybe the Faction section only shows up if they're actively in a Faction? Seems plausible I guess. Now onto that Rank. C+? Things just get more and more confusing I swear.' Mentally swiping Shumsans status away I decided to zone back in just as the food came.

Man this spread smelled amazing. Seared lamb, mashed potatoes with some kind of gravy, and lastly some grilled asparagus. Now me personally, I hate asparagus. But that first bite? This innkeeper just made it on my safe list. I'll make sure to spare this place when I burn this kingdom to the ground in the future.

After a few more bites I finally decided to spark a conversation, "So tell me about yourself Shumsan, you're from the Aserai Sultanate right? What drove you to come all the way to Sturgia?"

"Ah that's a tale in itself my friend, one I'm willing to share if you'd lend your ear." The whimsical look on his face as he strolled down memory lane had me raising my eyebrow slightly. But nevertheless I motioned for him to continue on.

And continue on he did.

"As you can tell, I grew up in the Nahasa desert, but I wasn't apart of any of the Banu Aserai clans. I was raised by a group of brigands instead. We lived far from the Oasis on the outskirts of the desert, well away from the rich lands of the Banu Hulyan and their supporters. With food and shelter being quite limited we were forced to raid caravans to get by. As the years went by and as I grew older we gained more and more riches and power from the caravans we robbed granting us a large influence over the trade routes of the Nahasa. Finally it all came to a tipping point when I 24 years old." I blinked as he finally took a quick break to catch his breath and eat his food. So far his story is sounding much different from the one told in the game. But I digress, this one sounds much more interesting.

Once he swallowed his food he took a sip of mead before continuing his tale, drawing me back in.

"I had just reached a new level with my sword skills as well as a new understanding of my Mantra. These in turn made me a Grade C warrior, something that was unheard of from the outer lands."

Hold. Grade C warrior? So they do acknowledge this weird ranking system, they just refer to it as Grades. Interesting, interesting indeed. Holding my questions for later I tuned back in so I wouldn't miss anything that could be important.

"With my ascension the Banu Hulyan believed that I would end up becoming even stronger, and therefore a true threat. So they gathered a few banner men, and hunted me and my family down." My hand suddenly shot up to pause his story.

"I'm sorry I don't want to cut you off like this but I just have a quick question, because I'm still new to this Grade stuff. But how would you ascending to Grade C make you a threat? To an entire kingdom nevertheless." I wasn't trying to be rude or anything either, I was genuinely lost as to how he would be perceived as a threat if his rank was low. "Could you actually explain these grades to me? I'm from a land far away, so I'm kind of lost on them."

"No worries friend!" Waving off the apology, Shumsan was all too eager to answer my questions. "See a Grade is essentially a bar, or level of power that one reaches. Ascending to a higher grade isn't really as magical as it sounds. Basically once you're Mantra or Mana levels reach a certain level, and your capabilities and knowledge of spells and/or mantra skills reach a certain level, you would be considered that Grade. You following so far?"

Humming in thought I just gave him an absent minded nod motioning him to continue his explanation, things were starting to become clear now.

"Good. Now, as to why it'd be seen as a threat is simple. The difference in power between each Grade is marginally wide. And each subsequent Grade becomes harder and harder to reach, as while everyone is born with Mana and Mantra not everyone is as capable of harnessing either power as others are. UNLESS you have a decent teacher that is. Honestly, most people don't even make it past Grade C, the vast majority not even reaching such a level without guidance."

Ah. I see. Now it makes sense.

"I see you're starting to understand?" Hearing his question and seeing him take a quick break to eat once more I decided to take over for a moment.

"I can understand it, I think. From my understanding, they probably thought you would be capable of training your fellow brigands, in turn bringing them up to Grade C. And considering that getting to Grade C and beyond is Rare, an entire group of Grade C warriors running wild in their territory would be a serious threat considering they wouldn't have the warriors to combat them. Am I correct?"

Shumsan shook his head causing me to frown slightly. Was I not even close?

"You're partially correct. Even if they're one of the weaker kingdoms, the Aserai are still capable of handling a mere group of C Grade fighters. They would have the firepower to fight them head on easy, it's just the fact that it's all of that power packed into a mobile force, so tracking them down would be hard to do, and the damage they could do in a short time would be too quick to stop before a proper force could be mobilised to stop them."

Huh, guess that also makes sense. "So to avoid all those complications, they just hunted you all down before that could even become a possibility. Smart yet ruthless, no offence to you of course." While I didn't get all the answers I wanted, I at least got a gleam of information regarding Ranks.

This is really a vastly different world compared to the base game. But it seems interesting honestly.

"None taken friend, this is all in the past and I've long since moved on. Since the incident I've taken to travelling, exploring the different kingdoms and working on my swordsmanship and mantra skills. As of late I could feel myself getting closer to the next Grade so I decided to travel here to Varcheg. I heard rumours that a tournament would be taking place in the oncoming days and I figured this would be the push I need to reach the next level. But that's enough about me, what of you my friend? You say you're from a different land. Why come to Calradia?"

Oh? Looks like it's finally my turn. And it's also nice to finally know where I'm at. Varcheg isn't a bad place to start honestly. And he's saying he's close to the next level, so that's probably where that + comes from. It's all becoming clear now, kind of seems like common sense now that I think about it. Damn I really am slow.

Self deprecation aside, this is where we now try and craft a long and drawn out tale!

Sike that's too much work in such a short amount of time, I'll just make it short and sweet maybe even plagiarise a little. "Well it's not much really, but I'm from a land far far away across the northern oceans. It was struck with strife just like this one, plagued with constant warfare. I come from a pretty unique clan, and due to our abilities we've been hunted down as slaves for lord knows how long to help fuel their wars. Considering how distinctive my clan looks with our red hair I decided to come to Calradia to escape any would be pursuers looking to add me to their personal collection of slave soldiers. Ended up here in Varcheg and have been here the past few days. Been looking for work ever since."

Looking over the rim of my mug I could see Shumsan wince a bit in sympathy. Aww isn't that nice, but it's a fake story so the sympathy isn't really needed. Not that he needs to know that. I did end up giving him a "grateful" nod at the sympathetic pat on the shoulder though.

"I see, sorry to hear about the troubles that ails your clan. But at least you managed to escape that fate no? Calradia is a land of opportunity, you'll be able to build a better life here one day."

I could only nod in agreement at that. I often played as a pure mercenary some play throughs just so I could profit off of the constant war that plagued Calradia. While starting a business or trading caravan would be dangerous due to bandits and constant warfare, I would make a profit off of selling the gear of my dead enemies.

Ended up a millionaire within a year in the game. Worked every time. And it should work here too to start up a good capital so I could get into some businesses. Considering that this is reality now I'm sure owning work shops would actually be profitable to me now considering these towns gotta be heavily fortified what with magic and all.

Looking over at Shumsan I decided to bring up something he said that caught my attention. "You said you were here to enter a tournament correct? Pray tell, what kind of tournament will it be? And is it too late to enter?"

Tournaments have and always will be the best way to make money starting out. From betting on yourself, to getting good gear as prizes that you can sell for a large sum of denars. It was also a good way to get my name out there too. If I do well and get far in the tournament, hell or even win it, then that'll show my own battle prowess. It'd make recruiting that much easier.

Since I'm only 20 years old now, I'd need the renown to actively get recruits. Because let's be realistic, most of these soldiers are grown men or recruits my age, why would they trust someone like me who just entered his 20's? I'd have to prove that my age isn't a factor in all of that, and the tournament could help with that.

Shumsan was quick to nod and leaned forward with that grin of his. "Why yes I am. I'm guessing you're interested in participating so I don't mind sharing the information I got, the tournament is only a week away so there's still time to sign up. It's set to be a series of team melee battles this time around with the prize being a Palmation, a thoroughbred noble horse. Apparently there will be a few lords participating so the prize is valuable this time around."

Oh say less. Looks like I don't have to buy a brand new horse after all, and I got a week to practice what skills I currently have too so I'm not just floundering around. Nodding in satisfaction I made my mind up to sign up for the tournament.

Standing up with a stretch I sighed in contentment, patting my now full stomach in appreciation. My stomach is full and some new information has been acquired, I consider this a mission accomplished. Looking down at Shumsan who had just finished his plate I gave him another nod in thanks for the info.

"I see, thank you for the information pal! Say, could you show me the way to the arena grounds? It's only my third day out here, haven't been out to explore much really." Please say yes. Please say yes. I got a plan in motion to get him as a travel companion and I just need him to agree to show me the way to initiate it.

"Sure I don't see why not."

Bet, that makes things so much easier. We can talk on the walk there and I can hopefully try and get him to agree to be my sparring partner for the week after we get me signed up.

I'd get some training in with a legit swordsman as well as build up a solid bond to recruit him.

While I could easily pay him as a contracted fighter, I'd prefer to have him as a genuine travel companion on my journey instead. Saves me money and I can get a loyal partner to watch my back in these tumultuous lands.

Grabbing Reaper from the side of the table and strapping it onto my back, I looked over at Shumsan who was also fully prepared and gave him toothy smile. "Well then let's be off, we can talk more as we walk!"

It's been a rough start so far, but things ended up alright eventually I guess. With that we left the tavern and set off for the arena with the intentions of signing me up.


Current World News

The Cities of Varcheg, Balgard, and Car Banseth are prepping to hold a Tournament scheduled for the 20th of Winter

Grand Prince Raganvad of Sturgia and King Derthert of Vlandia declare war on the Northern, and Western empire respectively

Northern Empire has signed a temporary peace treaty with the Southern and western empire following the Sturgia/Vlandia coalitions declaration of war

Chaghan son of Monchug Khan has been married to Abagai of the Arkit

Sultan Unqid of the Aserai have declared war on the Southern Empire due to recent skirmishes along the border

The village of Alatys of the Northern Empire has been destroyed following a feud between two unknown A Rankers, where they came from is unknown but following the recent declaration of war this caused already high tensions to rise higher among the empire


Yooo Rel here with another chapter. Honestly this was probably the longest chapter I wrote in a minute. I usually keep them at about 2000 words but for some reason I've been doing the most with this story lmao. The first chapter was 3000 words and this one was almost 5000 words without the A/N. But you guys let me know, would you prefer shorter chapters or longer chapters. Just know if the chapters are longer the updates will be more spaced out compared to the shorter chapters. But enough of my rambling, hope you all enjoyed the chapter and make sure to leave a comment and a review 🙌

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