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Chapter 11: Utter Defeat

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As the tension from the confrontation at the party transformed into the anticipation of an impromptu rugby match, the atmosphere thickened with excitement.

Sigma Chi, the host of the party and a prominent figure on campus, quickly organized the setting in his spacious backyard, which was perfect for such an event. With his charismatic charm and easy smile, Sigma directed the setup, marking the makeshift try lines with party decorations.

"All right, folks! Let's take this energy outside and see some real action on the field," Sigma announced, his voice booming over the lively chatter.

His tall, athletic build and confident demeanor made him a natural leader, and the crowd followed eagerly, drawn by the promise of an exciting showdown.

Under the string lights and the fading twilight, the yard transformed into a rugby pitch. Someone produced a rugby ball as if by magic, adding to the night's spontaneous spirit.

Miles felt a mix of nervousness and adrenaline as he watched the preparations. The idea of facing Derrick, one the campus's celebrated rugby player, in his own game was daunting. Still, the night's unpredictable turn of events had left him little choice but to rise to the challenge.

Before stepping out to face his challenger, Miles excused himself to use the restroom under the guise of needing a moment alone. The murmurs followed him. "He's just scared," some whispered, believing he was making an excuse to back out.

Inside the washroom, Miles focused on the task at hand. He summoned the dice, which glowed softly in his palm, displaying the 'Abilities' label and the numbers 1 through 4.

He needed agility and reflexes, hoping for Cat Woman Reflexes to give him an edge.

"Come on, let's do this," Miles muttered, shaking the dice and letting it roll across the floor. It seemed to spin endlessly, a beacon of his fate under the fluorescent lights.

It finally stopped on number 1—

[ Activating Gorilla Grodd Intelligence ]

Miles's heart sank momentarily. Intelligence was powerful, but not the immediate advantage he hoped for in a physical match.

However, as he stood, considering his options, a realization struck him. Earlier, he had been able to dodge Derrick's swings not just by chance but because of his enhanced speed and reactions—traits he had already begun improving through his points system.

Quickly, he accessed his system interface, noting he had 49 points available.

**Superhero name: Nil**

**Strength: 10**

**Speed: 8**

**Attractiveness: 17**

**Intelligence: 11**

**Abilities: 3**

**Characters: 3**

**World Likeability: 0**

**Popularity: 0**

**[ Points accumulated: 49 ]**

Now he was glad he managed to complete a few tasks this week and raise the points to 49.

With a strategic mind, fueled now by Gorilla Grodd's famed intelligence, he allocated thirty points to speed and nineteen to strength.

**[ Points distributed: Speed +30, Strength +19 ]**

The enhancements took effect immediately, his muscles tensing with newfound power and body feeling incredibly light.

Feeling reinvigorated, Miles stepped out of the washroom to a crowd buzzing with anticipation. He walked back to the makeshift pitch with a calm demeanor, masking the surge of strength coursing through him.

Ron met him halfway, his expression a mix of concern and excitement. "Man, you had us worried for a sec. Ready to take on Derrick?"

Miles nodded, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Let's just say I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

Derrick, known for his dominance on the rugby field, looked smugly confident as he sized up Miles, who appeared far less imposing. Sigma Chi, ever the charismatic host, announced the rules to the eager crowd gathered under the string lights.

"Alright, gentlemen! First to three scores wins, but you've got five tries. Let's keep it clean and competitive," Sigma declared, his voice carrying effortlessly over the murmurs of the crowd.

The rugby ball was placed in the middle of the makeshift field, and as Sigma shouted 'Go!', both Derrick and Miles sprinted towards it. Miles, fueled by the enhancements he had secretly applied to his speed, reached the ball first. He was almost like a blur as he grabbed it seconds before Derrick.

His swift movements surprised the onlookers, especially those who had pegged him as the underdog.

Derrick, not one to be easily outdone, charged at Miles with all the force of his training and experience.

The first clash was inevitable—a test of strength Miles hadn't anticipated being in his favor.

As Derrick collided with him, expecting to bulldoze through, the crowd held its breath, expecting Miles to be sent flying.

Instead, Miles felt his body react instinctively, his muscles tensing with a strength he hadn't fully realized he possessed. Instead of tumbling backward, he stood his ground, pushing back with equal force. Derrick stumbled, unprepared for the resistance, and the crowd erupted in cheers and gasps.

Miles's confidence surged. With a newfound realization of his physical capabilities, he dodged Derrick's subsequent attempts to tackle him and made a break for the try line, scoring the first point with a swift dash that left spectators in awe.

His speed, combined with unexpected strength, was proving to be a formidable advantage.

-"What the hell? I thought this guy was a random loser?"

-"How is he moving so quickly?"

-"That speed will rival track runners,"

'I need to show restraint so things don't get too suspicious...' Miles tried to suppress his explosiveness after discovering it was beyond his expectations.

As the game resumed, Derrick adjusted his strategy, now wary of Miles's physical prowess. The second round saw Derrick using more technique than brute force, trying to outmaneuver Miles rather than overpower him.

However, Miles's agility allowed him to intercept Derrick's maneuvers, and he scored a second point, increasing the disbelief and excitement among the crowd.

Ron, watching from the sidelines, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Look at him go! That's not just luck; that's skill!" he shouted to anyone who would listen, proud of his friend's unexpected dominance.

Derrick, now visibly frustrated, decided to leverage his experience, managing to score a try on his third attempt by capitalizing on a slight misstep by Miles.

He had no idea Miles did that on purpose because it would make no sense for a popular dude who is a part of the campus football team not to score at least once.

The score was now 2-1, and the intensity of the game ramped up.

The fourth round was the most dramatic yet. Derrick, desperate to even the score, came at Miles with a renewed vigor.

Their bodies clashed mid-field in a collision that echoed through the yard.

This time, Miles not only used his speed to sidestep but also his newfound strength to hold his position. As Derrick attempted to push through, Miles anchored himself and pushed back, using Derrick's momentum to spin him off balance and regain possession of the ball.

Utilizing both speed and strength, Miles outpaced Derrick, trotting forward at a speed that left white marks on the ground.

Without even having to leap, he arrived at the other end, scoring his third and winning point.

The crowd, having been on the edge of their seats, burst into cheers and applause, some jumping up and down, others clapping wildly. The underdog had triumphed, and the upset was complete.

Sigma Chi clapped Miles on the back, beaming. "That's one for the books, folks! Let's hear it for... what's his name...?"

"Miles," Miles voiced out.

"Let's hear it for Miles!" he announced, turning to the crowd, which responded with another loud cheer.

Ron pushed through the crowd, a wide grin on his face. "I knew you had it in you, man!"

He wrapped his hand around Miles's shoulders as they soon got surrounded by curious peers and new admirers.

Even Tara approached, a smile playing on her lips. "That was impressive, Miles. Didn't know you had it in you," she said, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Well now you do," Miles responded confidently.

"Truly spectacular... You should play more matches in the future," Tara mused.

"I'm not in the team but I could certainly show you a private match later," Miles smirked while making eye contact.

Tara smiled back and proceeded to step forward, placing a piece of paper in his pocket.

"Call me," She whispered in his ear before walking away.

The surrounding crowd was in awe. Miles managed to get the attention of not just everyone but even the campus Belle.

He had certainly become the star of the night.

Derrick had stormed out, his ego bruised by the unexpected defeat, leaving behind a buzzing crowd that was all too eager to discuss the upset.

In the midst of the chaos, Miles found himself thrust into the limelight, his phone buzzing incessantly with notifications from new followers and messages from girls who had just handed him their numbers.

The party swirled around him, a vortex of congratulatory pats on the back and awe-struck stares. Yet, amidst the revelry, Miles noticed Sarah standing alone, her expression a stark contrast to the mirth around her. She was tucked away in a corner, her eyes distant and her mood somber.

Approaching her, Miles's expression softened. "Hey, Sarah, you okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned as he noticed the gloom that seemed to envelop her.

Sarah looked up, her gaze meeting his. "Oh, Miles... it's you," she attempted a smile, which quickly faltered. "Yeah, I guess I'm no longer feeling the party tonight."

"What's on your mind?" Miles prodded gently, sensing her need to talk.

"It's Derrick… he left in a rage, and honestly, it's just the icing on the cake. He does this all the time—storms off, leaves me behind. Acts like I don't know he's messing around with other girls," she confided, the hurt clear in her voice.

Miles listened intently, his earlier excitement from the game giving way to empathy. "That sounds really tough. I'm sorry you're dealing with that," he said sincerely.

Sarah sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Thanks, Miles. It's just… sometimes I wish I could escape it all, you know?"

Miles nodded, understanding more than he let on. "If there's anything I can do to help take your mind off things, just let me know," he offered with a gentle tone.

Sarah looked at him, her eyes searching his. After a moment, she seemed to come to a decision. "Maybe there is something," she said, a hint of mischief returning to her eyes.

She closed the distance between them, her hands reaching up to draw him closer. "Let's forget about everything else for a while."

She placed her lips on his after shutting her eyes.

Their kiss was sudden but not unwelcome, a rush of warmth in the cool night air.

It was a kiss born of a need for connection, for comfort, for forgetting—even if just for a moment.

As they broke apart, breathless, Sarah's eyes sparkled with a mix of impulsiveness and determination. "Come with me," she whispered, tugging at his hand.

Led by Sarah, they navigated through the crowded house, slipping away from the noisy celebration downstairs to the relative privacy of the upstairs hallway.

Sarah guided him to one of the restrooms, her grip firm and reassuring. Once inside, she locked the door, the click of the latch sounding decidedly final.

The small space was suddenly charged with an intimate tension, the kind that fills the air when two people decide to shut out the world. Miles leaned against the door, watching as Sarah turned to face him, her expression a complex mix of vulnerability and boldness.

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