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Chapter 6: Trial

Marcus stood in the middle of a large atrium. A dome-shaped ceiling loomed above him. The sheer height of the room was taller than many of the largest towers in Naples.

The walls of the massive room were made of a dark, almost black, variant of the marble the Blue Palace was built from. Murals of the twelve Olympian Gods lined the walls, seeming to shift and shimmer under Marcus's gaze.

Assembled in a circle on the outskirts of the atrium were large platforms full of people dressed in the most lavish clothing Marcus had ever seen. Upon the boys' entry, the room quieted to a soft murmur.

As he entered, Marcus felt the gazes of Italy's most powerful elite snapping onto him. Trying not to look at the nobles, he turned his attention to a huge dais in the center of the Atrium.

On the lowest level of the dais sat Italy's Ten Ministers, each responsible for a facet of the country's functions: ranging from agriculture to commerce.

On the next level, in slightly more ornate seats, were Italy's five generals, each commanding hosts of ten thousand troops.

On the third and Final level of the dais sat the members of the royal family. Marcus's heart leapt at the sight of Seyda, as he tried to catch her eyes.

When their gazes finally locked, Seydas' expression showed cool indifference, as if she had never met Marcus.

Sitting behind each member of the Martino Royal family stood a Drake of varying sizes. Seyda's drake had distinct, purple scales and was still very small, only about two feet tall.

The Current Queen of Italy's throne was empty, but a carving of the queen's green drake remained in her place.

Marcus finally scraped together the courage to look up at the most distinctive part of the Atrium.

King Tacitus's Drake stood fifty feet tall, with its scales colored deep black. The Drake held its massive head proudly above the dais, holding itself in an almost… sentient way.

King Tacitus was not a particularly strong-looking man, but he wasn't fat or skinny. His most distinctive feature was his long, black hair, which was tinged with bits of blue and worn in a braid adorned with golden clasps.

The team of guards led Marcus and two other people into the middle of the room. At the sight of his mother and father, beaten and in chains, Marcus almost broke into tears.

As they were brought together in the center of the atrium, Joseph wrapped his son in a tight hug, whispering into his child's ear, "It's ok son, just let me do all the talking."

A wave of relief flashed over Marcus. Father is here, everything will be fine.


King Tacitus waited for the atrium to quiet before he spoke, his magically enhanced voice filling the room.

"The Arium family stands accused of the Kidnapping and Manipulation of Heir Seyda Martino. We will first hear my daughters' account."

Seyda stood up, her voice rang out clear and crisp:

"Honored Members of the Senate," She paused for a few seconds, the crowd hanging on her every word, "The Arium Family has tarnished me." 

What? She's lying!

Murmurs broke out among the nobles as Seyda continued, "One day ago, I snuck out of the castle, taking to the streets of Naples. I did this because I care about the common people, and wanted to understand their pains."

Seyda was a fantastic actress. Marcus would've believed everything she said if he didn't know the truth.

"While roaming the streets, a vile man grabbed me, taking me back to his home." Seydas' pained expression stirred feelings within Marcus, he wanted to protect her from this vile man.

I'm the 'vile' man! What's going on?

Marcus racked his mind, trying to figure out why he was believing a story that he knew was false. Thinking back to the hundreds of Olympian magic techniques he'd studied, Marcus realized, she's using psychological magic!

Marcus recognized the hate-filled stares of the lower nobles, but the powerful figures on the dais seemed too strong to be affected by Seydas' magic. 

King Tacitus even looked bored as his daughter worked her manipulation on the crowd.

A deceitful tear slid down Seydas' cheek as she continued, "That man stands before us today. Marcus Arium planned to smuggle me out of the Kingdom to our most hated enemies, the Egyptian Empire, and sell me as a bargaining chip!"

Marcus couldn't take it anymore, "That's not true Seyda! We've been friends for five years-" the soldier standing behind Marcus slammed the boy with his spear, sending Marcus sprawling into the cool marble floor.

"The Ariums attempt to manipulate you, honorable members of the Senate! I propose they all be gagged as to prevent further disturbances."

Three guards stepped forward, placing large iron mouthpieces carved into the shape of bestial heads over Marcus and his parents' mouths.

With the Ariums silenced, Seyda made her closing statement, "The kidnapping of a noble is one of the highest forms of treason. Allowing the Ariums to walk free would set a dangerous precedent. I propose that the entirety of the Arium Bloodline be eradicated."

As Seyda spoke those words, Marcus's deepest fear came to life. The woman he was going to marry, who he loved, had betrayed him.

One thought echoed through his mind: Why? 

Why would she do this, I don't understand. 

Marcus's mother and father struggled against their iron gags, attempting to defend themselves before the court. 

A few quickly hushed gasps broke out from among the crowd. Executing the perpetrators was one thing, but a whole bloodline...

King Tacitus spoke, not bothering to rise from his throne, "The facts are clear, Seyda. Let us finish this trivial matter so we can move on to more important things: Princess Nubia and the Rampaging Man must be dealt with immediately."

Though he couldn't speak, unhindered tears ran down Marcus's face.

As was Italian tradition, their executions would take place immediately after the sentencing.

Thinking back, Marcus remembered Drakons' words: "Make sure you are able to get back to the cell before your execution."

The Spartan already knew what fate awaited Marcus. If only I had escaped with him moments before...

Marcus looked over at his parents, who both seemed numb with sorrow.

A guard roughly grabbed Joseph, bringing him to a plain, wooden chopping block at the foot of the dais. The wooden block seemed so out of place in the lavish palace.

Joseph's father struggled against the guards, who had to force his head into the block. An executioner clothed in black robes, their face completely hidden, raised a thin, blue blade.


Joseph Arium died.


Esmeralda was next. She didn't struggle like Joseph but kept her gaze fixed on the upper dais until her last breath.


NONONONONONONONO. This isn't happening.

Marcus felt dizzy. His head spun. 

The young man stumbled to the block. It was warm. The executioner raised its sword.

Marcus braced himself, squeezing his eyes shut.







A bolt of silver light zipped through the atriums' roof as if it were made of paper. Seconds later, a deafening "BOOM" shook the Blue Palace. 

A silver arrow pierced the executioner's head, milliseconds before Marcus's life would've been taken.

Intrepid_Author Intrepid_Author

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