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Chapter 26: Hearts Ablaze

In the Class 1-A waiting room, the air was thick with nervous energy. My classmates were scattered around, each dealing with their pre-festival jitters in their own way. I sat in the corner, eyes closed, trying to find a center of calm in the storm of my own thoughts.

Sensei Kuro's words echoed in my mind. "Breathe in your excitement, your fears, your anger," he had told me. "Acknowledge them, accept them. And then, with each exhale, let them go. Let the breath carry them out, leaving only clarity and focus behind."

I followed his guidance, drawing in a deep breath. I felt the anticipation, the nerves, the fierce desire to prove myself. I held them for a moment, letting them fill me up, letting myself feel their weight.

And then, slowly, I exhaled. Imagined the breath carrying all that chaotic energy out of me, leaving behind a stillness, a quiet readiness.

Mina's voice cut through my meditation. "I can't believe we can't wear our hero costumes! I had the perfect look planned."

Ojiro replied, "At least we're all in uniform. Keeps things fair."

Sero chimed in, "What do you think they've got planned for the first round?"

"Whatever it is, we need to stay sharp," Tokoyami said.

Shoji grunted in agreement, his multiple arms flexing.

I stood up. As class president, it was my job to keep everyone focused. "Alright, everyone," I called out, "get ready. We'll be entering the arena soon."

I turned to see Todoroki approaching me, his eyes fixed on mine. The room fell quiet, everyone watching the impending confrontation.

I nodded at him. "Todoroki. What's up?"

He stopped a few feet away, his expression unreadable. "Objectively, you and I are the strongest in the class," he said, his voice even. "I want you to know, I'm going to beat you."

Kaminari laughed nervously. "What's with all the declarations of war? First that purple-haired guy, now this?"

Kirishima put a hand on Todoroki's shoulder. "Hey, man, why are you picking a fight right before we start?"

Todoroki shrugged him off, not breaking eye contact with me. "We're not here to be friends," he said coldly. "This isn't a team effort. Don't forget that."

I felt a flicker of annoyance but kept my face neutral. "Todoroki."

He paused, halfway turned to leave, and glanced back at me.

"You're not the only one here to make an impact," I said, meeting his gaze steadily. "Everyone in this room has something to prove. We're all aiming for the top spot, not just you and me."

I looked around at my classmates, taking in their determined faces. "This is Class 1-A. And every single one of us is ready to fight for our place." I turned back to Todoroki, holding his gaze. "So if you want to beat me, you'd better bring your A-game. Because I'm not going down without giving it everything I've got."

Todoroki's eyes narrowed slightly, but he said nothing.

The silence that followed Todoroki's declaration was thick, heavy with unspoken tension. But before it could reach a breaking point, a buzzer sounded, sharp and insistent. It was time.

I stepped out into the arena, and the roar of the crowd hit me hard. Sunlight drenched the stadium, glinting off the metal scaffolding, the concrete steps, the thousands of excited faces.

Despite the nerves buzzing beneath my skin, I felt a grin tug at my lips. This was it. The stage was set, the audience ready. Let the games begin.

Standing among the gathered students from various courses, the energy in the arena was electric. The stands were packed with spectators, their excited chatter filling the air like a buzzing swarm.

Then, a hush. A figure strode onto the stage, all curves and confidence, a presence that commanded attention. Midnight, the R-Rated Hero, her costume leaving little to the imagination.

She cracked her whip, the sound echoing in the sudden quiet. "Now, for our introductory speech!" Her voice carried, rich and sultry.

The crowd erupted again, a chorus of masculine appreciation. Snippets of conversation reached my ears, guys marveling at Midnight's appearance, lamenting that their own classes never got such a view.

Another crack of the whip, silencing the hubbub. "Quiet, everyone!" Midnight's gaze swept the arena, settling on me. "For the student pledge, we have... Izuku Midoriya!"

As I made my way to the stage, I heard the crowd's reaction shift. Gasps, squeals, a rising tide of feminine excitement.

"Oh my god, he's so hot!" one voice rang out, unabashed.

"Midoriya, over here!" Another, begging for attention.

I waved, smiling at the crowd and Midnight handed me the mic, leaning in close. Her lips brushed my ear as she whispered, "Looks like someone's popular."

I readied myself, looking out over the sea of faces before me.

In that moment, Sensei Kuro's words echoed in my mind. "In this world of heroes, young Midoriya, there are many roles to play. The fighter, the thinker, the supporter. But the greatest role, the one that defines a true hero? It's the role of the leader."

I had laughed then, unsure. "Me, a leader? I don't know, Sensei. I'm just a kid trying his best to be a hero."

He had smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "And that, my boy, is exactly why you have the potential to be a great one. You understand hardship, struggle, the need to fight for what's right. That understanding, that empathy? It's the heart of a true leader."

Standing at the podium, that conversation replayed in my head. I looked out at the sea of faces, my classmates, my rivals, my peers. They were all looking to me, waiting for me to set the tone.

I took a breath, letting it fill me up, letting it steady me. Then, I began to speak.

"Today, we stand on the edge of something great." The words felt right, resonant. "Each of us has poured our blood, sweat, and tears into earning our place here. But being a hero isn't just about strength or skill. It's about the fire in your heart, the unshakeable need to make a difference."

I could feel the crowd's energy shifting, their focus narrowing to me, to the conviction in my voice. "In this life, nothing worth having comes easy. If you want something, truly want it, you have to be ready to fight for it. To push past your limits, to stare down your fears and keep moving, no matter what stands in your way."

My gaze swept over the sea of students, taking in the different uniforms, the varied quirks and courses. "Today, we all have a chance to show what we're made of. For the hero course, it's a moment to prove we have what it takes to be society's guardians. But for general studies, support, business - this is your time to shine too."

I saw faces light up, eyes widening with surprise and tentative hope.

"To my friends in general studies - this is your opportunity to showcase your incredible abilities. To prove you have the potential to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the hero course. To support - your ingenuity, your creations, they're the bedrock heroes stand on. Never doubt how vital you are. And business - your skills in management, marketing, strategy, they're the lifeblood of the hero industry. Your behind-the-scenes work is the key to our success."

A voice rang out from the crowd, high and bright. "So inspiring!" A wave of agreement followed, a subtle shift in the atmosphere.

I smiled, letting the warmth of it spread over my words. "So I ask you, my fellow students, my future comrades... are you ready to seize this moment? To rise to the challenge and show the world what you're truly capable of, no matter your course?"

The response was a roar, a deafening "YES!" that seemed to make the very air vibrate.

"Then let's do this. Let's give it everything we've got, and show them the birth of a new generation - of heroes, supporters, leaders, innovators!"

My voice grew, passion and volume rising in tandem. "Remember, true greatness knows no bounds. It's not about labels or titles. It's the strength of your convictions, the size of your heart, the depth of your determination."

The crowd was rapt, hanging on every word.

"So let's get out there and show them what we're made of! Let's prove the future is bright, that the next generation is ready for any challenge that comes our way!"

I thrust my fist into the air, my voice booming, echoing. "That's what it means to go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

"PLUS ULTRA!" The chant erupted from the stadium, a thunderous mantra. "PLUS ULTRA! PLUS ULTRA!"

As I descended from the podium, the roar of the crowd was a physical presence, a pulsing, living thing that seemed to vibrate in my bones. Midnight took the mic, her grin wide and fierce under the stadium lights.

"Let's hear it once more for Izuku Midoriya!" Her voice cut through the din, amplified and electrifying.

The crowd's response was a tidal wave, a surge of sound that crashed over me, threatened to sweep me away. It was deafening, overwhelming, a testament to the power of words, of conviction, of shared purpose.

Only the sharp crack of Midnight's whip could tame it, could bring that raging sea of noise to heel. In the sudden, expectant silence, her voice rang out again.

"Without further ado, let's kick off this first event!" She gestured grandly to the massive screen above, a conductor orchestrating the anticipation of her audience.

Every gaze turned skyward, drawn to the spinning slot machine that dominated the display. Its reels were a blur of color and motion, a kaleidoscope of possibilities that held the fate of every student in its whirling dance.

The tension was a living thing, a collective held breath that seemed to suck the oxygen from the air.

"This is the qualifier!" Midnight's voice was the only sound, a dramatic whisper that carried to every corner of the stadium. "The event that sends so many home in tears each year! And the moment of truth will reveal..."

The reels slowed, each click of the mechanism a spike in my pounding pulse. One by one, they jolted to a stop, their final alignment blazing across the screen in bold, uncompromising letters: "OBSTACLE COURSE."

"An obstacle course," I murmured, the words a steadying mantra. This, I could handle. This, I was ready for.

Midnight's explanation washed over me, details filtering through the haze of my focus. Four kilometers. The stadium as the track. No holds barred, no restrictions save the boundaries of the course itself.

"Racers, take your positions!" Her command was a whipcrack, a starting gun.

I drifted to the rear of the pack, letting the jostling and jockeying of my fellow students fade to white noise. My world narrowed, my senses turning inward, seeking the wellspring of power that pulsed in my core.

"Breathe in," I whispered, a ritual, a centering. "Breathe out."

The world fell away, the cacophony of the stadium, the weight of the eyes upon me, the smell of sweat and anticipation in the air. There was only the course ahead, the challenge, the promise.

My eyes snapped open, just as the buzzer split the air. Midnight's voice, the starting gun: "BEGIN!"

And then Present Mic, the color commentator, his voice a boisterous counterpoint. "And they're off! What a start to this sports festival! Care to weigh in, my grumpy friend?"

Aizawa's unamused voice came through, a stark contrast to Present Mic's enthusiasm. "How did you talk me into this?" he grumbled, before sighing. "The start is what we should pay attention to at this point in the race."

I exploded forward, my legs pumping, my heart hammering in my chest. The pack surged around me, a jostling, chaotic mass of bodies and quirks. But I didn't let it faze me, my eyes fixed on the narrow passage ahead, the first chokepoint of the course.

I could see the bottleneck forming, students shoving and clawing for position. But before I could strategize a way through, a blast of frigid air slammed into my back, sending a shiver down my spine.

A quick glance behind me confirmed my suspicions - the ground was slick with ice, Todoroki's handiwork. Yelps and curses filled the air as students slipped and skidded, their progress halted by the treacherous footing.

But I didn't have time to dwell on it. I pushed forward, my traction holding steady as I wove through the struggling mass of bodies. The Tandava's grace guided my steps, keeping me upright and moving as I burst free of the pack.

Emerging from the passage, I found myself neck and neck with Todoroki, his breath misting in the air as we pounded down the track. For a moment, it was just us, two rivals locked in a dead sprint, the rest of the field falling away behind us.

But the moment was shattered by a thunderous boom, a shockwave of heat and force that sent a ripple through the air itself. Bakugo's voice, raw and furious, echoed in its wake.

"Don't you dare leave me behind, Icy Hot, Deku!"

I risked a glance over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of Bakugo rocketing forward, his hands blazing with the force of his explosions. His eyes were wild, his teeth bared in a snarl of pure, unbridled determination.

"And Katsuki Bakugo makes a dramatic entrance, blasting his way into the top three!" Present Mic's commentary boomed over the loudspeakers, his excitement palpable. "This is shaping up to be quite the showdown, folks!"

I turned my attention back to the track, just in time to see a new obstacle looming ahead. A horde of robots, their metal bodies glinting in the sun, blocked the path, a solid wall of gleaming steel.

"Looks like we're in for a treat!" Present Mic crowed. "How will our leaders handle this mechanical menace? It's a ROBO INFERNO!"

Todoroki was the first to react. His arm whipped out, a blast of ice surging from his palm. But instead of freezing the robots solid, the ice snaked along the ground, forming a slick, uneven surface beneath their feet.

The effect was immediate. The robots wobbled and teetered, their balance thrown off by the sudden shift in terrain. They flailed their arms, trying to compensate, but it was too late. Todoroki was already moving, darting between their legs like a pale ghost, his feet finding purchase on the treacherous ice as if it were solid ground.

A heartbeat later, the robots toppled, crashing to the ground in a cacophony of screeching metal and shattering ice. The impact shook the earth, sending a plume of dust and debris billowing into the air.

Bakugo was next, his approach as brazen and explosive as ever. He thrust his hands behind him, his palms igniting with a thunderous boom. The force of the blast sent him rocketing into the air, his trajectory a steep, smoking arc that carried him clear over the struggling robots.

"Out of my way, you oversized tin cans!" he roared, his voice raw with savage joy.

The robots were already turning, their attention drawn by Bakugo's flashy entrance. I seized the opening, darting forward, weaving between their grasping arms and stamping feet.

The Tandava guided my movements, each step a precise, fluid dance. I spun and dove, twisted and leaped, always a hair's breadth ahead of the robots' clumsy swipes. I could hear the whine of their joints as they strained to keep up with my erratic movements.

I slipped through their grasp like smoke through fingers, my body bending and contorting in ways that scarcely seemed human.

"Wow! Would you look at those moves!" Present Mic's voice boomed over the loudspeakers, his enthusiasm infectious. "Izuku Midoriya is putting on a masterclass in evasion! Those robots don't stand a chance against his fancy footwork!"

I burst through the other side of the robotic inferno and ahead, I could see Todoroki and Bakugo, their forms blurred by the haze of settling dust.

It's time to go beyond. Plus Ultra.

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