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Chapter 1: 1.

What makes them better than me? What makes them be more important than me, shouldn't be the contrary? Surely, me, who was born in another world, an alien to this strange reality where fictional meets supernaturally fictional, is it because they're protagonists? Bull. Shit. There's so many people that can hold the 'protagonist' title, it's actually irrelevant.

Who cares that this city is actually called 'Twin Peaks', with one peak being recognized as Gravity Falls, while the second peak is named Gravity Falls? There's people from Glee here and fucking everything else under the sun!

Hell, I even had won a system, even though it doesn't look like much as of right now, systems are... weirdly imbalanced in novels, so I'm still trying to figure out the 'trick' to this one if there is any, but so far I don't feel like the hero of this story.

People don't go out of their way to talk with me, they don't even acknowledge my existence as it is, merely a creature that exists with no relations, no friendships, no anything. The memories of whoever the hell I am were pretty much deleted, mindfucked, retconned out of existence, take your pick. I don't have an history, and I don't think the I.D is actually official, it just feels fake whenever I touch it, but maybe that's just how I.Ds feel in this dimension, I wouldn't know, frankly don't think my pseudo-existence doesn't matter, after all there are so many other issues.

You know how there's always a 'hero' in the story, there's always someone who's supposed to stand out, that's how a protagonist works. But what happens in a world where there's so many protagonists? How can one stand out when there's so many others so much more impressive?

When I go to school, I see the likes of Jughead, Archie, they're the protagonists! ...Of Riverdale, then I walk a bit more in the school, I see Will, Rachel and Finn, and then I think, they're the main characters, but that can't be right because I can also see Miguel from Cobra Kai, and then I fall dejected understanding why I cannot stand out.

There are just too many heroes, and I'm as useful as the zero to the left, a sorry excuse for an existence. The only thing I don't need to worry about is school, and that's about it. There's no such thing as an orphanage, because everyone else is just too happy to be affected by it, and I hate it because it's basically saying I don't exist.

Invisible, forgettable, if I do nothing about it, surely I would be found dead and no one would appear on my funeral.

What could prove my existence? I scratch my head as I try to think anything, and then I decided to take pictures.

I always liked cameras, and the school really liked having someone with no bad reputation, no matter how lacking in reputation in general I was, and thus I was hired as a amateur photographer for the school's journalism paper, which impressively enough, never had me interact with Jughead or Betty, who have yet to become a couple.

Miguel have yet to become a non-asthmatic ass kicking dick, Ned has yet to begin doing his survival guide, the Warriors Wasabi have yet to receive Jack into their fold.

Don't you get it? They're all waiting for a catalyst, Riverdale's story can only begin when Veronica gets here, Miguel's story only begins after Johnny save him from Kyler, even that girl with the 13 reasons why has yet to commit suicide.

And it will all happen at once, I hate it, I despise it, it's almost like someone's holding their reins to make sure that like in a horse race, all the horses begin at the same time, fate is fickle, but even I can tell that there are too many coincidences.

But I took my time, I took pictures of the yearbook, a half-lie, and took copies of the pictures I took for my dossiers.

Ah, yes, Dossiers, multiple in fact, when I came to this world, I was just lucky enough to wake up next to a shitty phone that was able to write pieces of articles so that I could still have my memories, afraid that I would forget about it later since there's just too many things that I could eventually forget because 'it didn't seem important at that time', I didn't want it, because that would imply that I'm dumb, and I'm not stupid, no matter what people want to think of me as.

I don't have a home, and I don't want to seem homeless, so it was a heavenly grace to find an actually lost hunter's log cabin, which had a rifle in it. Canned beans and other amenities like a bathroom are the only reason why I haven't gone insane, and it's relatively close to the Riverdale's school, which is where 90% of the teenagers go.

And this stupid headache that has been hurting my head ever since I got here feels like it won't go away any time soon, gritting my teeth in anger at everything and everyone, I decided to scratch my balls and go to sleep right after, fuck this stupid crossover universe that makes absolutely no sense.

Holding the blanket that I had in with me, I could feel something heating up, and it hurts, it hurts so fucking much is actually unbelievable, this pain, damn this pain, stupid bastards, why was I in so much pain? I wake up and I can't see anything but red, no, I'm not trying to be edgy like a damn street fighter who claims "It's all over when I see red", I'm just stating that everything is red right now, or is it orange? Rubbing my eyes, I can tell that this makes no sense, it certainly looks like fire, but isn't fire supposed to hurt? Why was I fine then?

Pinching myself, I felt pain, and yet didn't wake up, did I just get powers? Am I a mutant? Oh, crap, did I burn the place? How about the forest? I tried to wave away the fire, but it simply entered me, was I fire?

I stopped myself and focused on taking away the fire that was around me, and, maybe because I was indeed special, all the surrounding fire simply came towards me, almost as if I was a magnet. The log was all burnt, the place was now inhospitable, but for some reason, I still felt safe, did I say that I had no memories of this world? I was wrong, or rather, I was duped into thinking that.

My memories were fucked, something had messed me around, and now I was missing memories, what? The chances of this being real is the same of me having a system that only activates after death, giving me a second chance or... well, being stuck in this strange world that crosses with each other.

I had a power, or was it powers? It certainly felt weird within my being, a whole clusterfuck was twirling around, and I think I know the reason why. And that's the date.

Today was the day that Veronica's supposed to get here, which means I'm rather fucked. Veronica's entering means that Riverdale's plot will begin, and if I'm correct, if Riverdale's story begins, then so will every other story that had been forcibly held back to make it make sense.

Which means 'Awwww shit, here we go again' for me, which is very annoying, and I want to die already, if I can die, can I die? Was I a Phoenix? Or some weird hybrid mix creature?

Why did I begin with almost an entire fucking year of headstart if the plot, and my apparent powers, would come on the same day? Shit, was I supposed to do something beforehand? Or maybe I had always been me from day one, but then someone sealed my abilities, it also fucked all of my memories?

As I slowly walk out of the cabin, I thank the Gods that the fire was somehow contained in my house, because I live in the fucking forest, I don't know how it didn't become a massive 'fuck me' issue, and frankly I cannot care less given the surmount of issues quickly rising just from one headache induced sleep.

My step was stumbling, it was just a couple of days before Riverdale's body plot began, I could find it before everyone else if I go now, but I also have school, granted, no one would notice the lack of lil ol' me given that I have nothing to my name, didn't matter, there was finally something happening, and I would be a part of it, because, of course, it had to be my quest in this world.

Whoever took away my memories, and my powers may have wanted things to happen later than earlier, but fuck you, I'm one spiteful heckler, and as such, I will make sure to do my best at breaking it all apart.

With the skateboard I conveniently had because I didn't have a car, I drove towards the lake area where Jason's body would be found, I, not having anything that looked swimwear, simply went with my casual clothes, and jumped into the water, my lungs didn't feel like burning when I stood swimming for longer than the usual, another change that I had never noticed, then, strange.

Thankfully, and morbidly so, Jason's body was much easier to find once I can see that weirdly red hair under all that grim, and that stupidly large bullet entry wound, also finding out that either he was much lighter than I had expected or I was strengthened, something else that I somehow didn't notice until now.

I guess the strangest thing was how Jason looked like he was shining, or was it me, and he was simply reflecting my own shine? My vision began to turve around as I took the two of us outside of the lake, another headache, a temptation to throw up, not like food, but a sludge stuck on my throat, poisonous, corrupting, a black sludge was what I threw up on the floor as I heard a coughing sound, but it didn't come out of me.

I didn't even look twice at the strange mud-like puddle that I threw up as I turned to look at Jason, who was coughing like a condemned, throwing up a whole lot of water, almost as if he didn't get shot on his head and thrown in the lake after.

But now that I took attention to it, his forehead didn't seem the giant bullet wound that he had before when I found his body. Did I do this? Or did this crossover world of ours change his backstory? I feel like throwing up again, but this time I just fell on my two feet.

Fear is the mind killer.

Fear is not knowing and being incapable of understanding, like trying to explain why has a door been shut when there was no wind, because not knowing forces us to take the worst case scenario into consideration, which isn't always the case.

Two boys walked the streets, one shouldering the other as they walked the streets, shivering because of the cold wind coupled with the fact that they were wet from the lake earlier on.

The redhead, even if feeling awful from his recent events and the hole in his memories, helped the other teen to come with him, as the redhead, Jason, understood that the other teen was the reason he hadn't drowned in the lake.

At no moment, has the teen clarified that Jason had actually been shot in between his eyes by his own father for not wanting to inherit the drug's side of business.

But Jason walked to the closest safe haven of his, which was school, which when he was walking there, he was admittedly perplexed, how long had his memories been shot that there were so many other students that he had never actually seen before?

Not even the teen that had saved him had appeared before in his memories, and right now he wouldn't even be able to answer as all of his focus were into 'walking with Jason' as it was right now.

Jason himself felt weak, feeble, the day has not been kind to him, and barely entering through the door of the place, he fell to the floor.

Shouts, screams, Jason chuckled, it's almost as if someone had died.

Ironic, isn't it?

Perhaps the strangest thing of it all, was the fact that even though his Savior had fell onto the wall and hit his head to the floor without anything stopping it, it was Jason that everyone drove to, asking where he was this entire time, how he was.

Shaking his head, Jason didn't even have the strength to answer those questions, and just as his Savior, he also fell asleep, although there were people tending to him.

The day has all been flipped, Veronica, on her first day, found out that she wasn't the only new person at school, as apparently, an entire city had been destroyed by an freak tornado, and they came here for refuge while their town were being rebuilt.

Then, someone who had apparently been missing, if the gossip was true, had mysteriously been rescued by the school's 'resident peeping ghost', which was an entire issue of it's own.

"What do you mean, this school has a ghost?" Veronica didn't believe in ghosts, but still.

Quinn, who was one of the two Queen Bees in the cheerleaders, had so far been helpful as Quinn always wanted to learn more about the places outside of Riverdale, and as such, been exchanging answers for questions of how her life was in New York.

"Not an actual ghost, James... if that's his name, just exists, he's in the photojournalism club but at the same time, has no friends nor talks with anyone, he just takes pictures, didn't take him for a hero though, granted, I don't think anyone has ever taken him for anything really," Quinn said as Veronica nodded to her words.

But no one was more confused as 'James', his actual name being Abel, at least according to the I.D he had found on himself some time ago. Now stuck on a medical bed and almost no recollection on how he got there, he was struck from a complete blindspot.

"You!" He said surprised as he looked at the cop and her partner, at first he had not thought much of the woman, it made sense, in fact, that a cop had come to interrogate him or Jason after the latter's disappearance, common procedure, give her some answers.

"I woke up and decided to take a dive on the lake, sometimes I find some coins and other stuff underwater, you know, like those magnetic rods, but you know, a lot poorer, then I found him there stuck at some... underwater root, took him out and threw up at the lake," Had been Abel's answer, he tried to make himself look disinterested, even though it was the contrary.

But then the other man had appeared, that's when fear struck Abel. The girl's partner was Lucifer himself, not Louis Cypher, but Lucifer, with the wings, horns, and all that shit.

"Oh my, he recognizes me!" He said affably as he turned to the cop.

"He knows me," He states a second time, to have her understand what he actually meant.

"This is just so bullshit," Abel pretty much sounded like a child at that moment, crossing his arms in a petulant manner.

"I wasn't expecting a teenager to know me," Lucifer said to Abel.

"Yeah? Well, I wasn't expecting to wake up in fire and possibly resurrecting someone somehow, yet this shit happened just right now," Abel blabbed, thankfully no one else was around to hear him as the room was private.

"Resurrecting?" The cop, Chloe, asked him as Abel rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, you're Lucifer's sidekick, should've been able to tell that Jason had been murdered recently," Chloe looked at Lucifer, who raised an eyebrow.

"I don't have that kind of powers," Lucifer said as s rolled his eyes.

"Right, but you should've been able to tell that he hasn't been alive for long, regardless, his dad killed him, shot him in the head because he's a drug dealer and Jason didn't want to inherit shit, planned to run away with Polly, his girlfriend who's pregnant, but he got found, tortured, beaten up, shot dead, and had the body dumped in the lake," He said.

"Well, it is true that the kid had something in it, but I have never seen an true resurrection with my eyes, didn't think it was a thing humans could even do," Lucifer said as Abel tried to get up from his bed to level his eyes at Lucifer.

"By the way, what in the actual hell is this world?" Abel asked as Chloe was perplexed with the question.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"Lucifer's supposed to be in Los Angeles, so are you, Riverdale is not supposed to be next to Gravity Falls, there's universe where Gravity Falls and Riverdale together form the monstrosity that is 'Twin Peaks', there's too many motherfucking vampires, werewolves and musicals for my own sanity, the fact that I've seen three guys walking around with the name of Louis Cypher and Lucifer is annoying as shit, not to mention the entire clusterfuck that is Greendale's coven," Abel laid back down as Lucifer snapped his finger.

"Now that you mention, it has been strange that I decided to stay around this area instead of anywhere else, but what's this with this... Gleendale, you say?" Abel shrugged.

"Besides the fact that there's a moron running around named Louis Cypher collecting souls, I know for a fact that every witch in Gleendale offers their virginity to 'Lucifer', the dork lord and whatever the fuck that guy's on," Abel said as Lucifer was stupified.

"What?" The Demon Prince had asked, he was certainly not dealing with witches, and he hasn't even left this place in so long.

"Right, and that Lucifer, assuming it's a different guy and not that you haven't just inherited his story, but with none of his memories, that Lucifer has a daughter," Abel sighed, Sabrina was cute, but she had a boyfriend right now.

"Anyways, fuck this, I'm-" "Going home of course, master Bel," Someone said as they entered the room with a butler outfit, he was an older man, but admittedly very buff looking as well.

Abel had been so distraught that he didn't even say anything as the butler man had talked with everyone and soon enough, dragged him away back to his 'house', which was a mansion.


"Wait, hold on, so you're saying I'm rich rich, like filthy rich rich and I just didn't remember any of this for the last few months?" Abel had asked his butler, name actually being James.

"Couple months ago, someone attacked us with magic, our memories are admittedly less hazy than yours, but we had been affected to the point where we couldn't remember who we worked for," Well then, Abel guessed he wasn't awfully poor and underpowered as he was led to believe initially.

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