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Crime Lord in Marvel Crime Lord in Marvel original

Crime Lord in Marvel

Author: TwentyOneNovel

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: 1

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" inquired a tall lean boy with long dreadlocks, chocolate skin, a pencil mustache. He quickly dropped his bookbag on the ground as he stared at the idiot infront of him who thought that words had no consequences, luckily school was already out, if he fought a fellow student in school he'd no doubt be forced to attend the alternative school for longer.

"I ain't like them other kids, You don't scare me." the other kid responded with a haughty look upon his face. The boy with the dreadlocks scoffed, he didn't care what was coming out of the boy's mouth no more he just needed to make sure he never spoke reckless again stepping foward at a steady pace his stance switching as he threw a quick hook at the kid's chin causing him to fall unconscious on the concrete.

The lean boy walked over to the unconscious kid and kicked his face, "Watch your mouth next time," he said as he crouched down and started rummaging through the boy's pocket looking for anything that had any sort of value to no avil, but fortunately when he checked the wallet a few hundred dollar bills came in his view.

'Jackpot.' he thought as he put the hundred dollars in his pocket and got up making his way out the alley not forgetting to deliver one more kick to the ugly bastard's head before picking his backpack up and walking home, the sun beamed down on the streets of arguably the best borough depending on who you asked but the boy thought that his home was the best.

He maneuvered through the crowds of people with ease, he had been living in the Queens for his whole life so he already knew how to quickly get to his destination with no delays, reaching into his bag he pulled out some headpones and started to drift away to the music playing in his ears.

He came to a stop as the traffic at the stop sign had no intention of slowing down, He stared at the pearlescent white screen in front of him.


[The Crime System]

Host: Rico Cardarion James

Age: 17






Rico let out a sigh it hasn't even been 48 hours since he had the system and he was already frustrated with it, he checked the quest issued to him the night before his eyebrows furrying annoyance.


[Main Misson]

[Stop Being A Bum]

Your life is depressing, get yourself together and make some money for your daughter.

Gather 50,000 Dollars by the right means


Rewards: 10 stat points, ???, Reputation Increase

Faliure: Removal Of System, Death Of Imani James

Duration: 1 month


'How the fuck am I supposed to get that much in this short of time?' he was tempted to pull out his dreads everytime he looked at the number he had to reach, the screen disappeared as he walked across the street, the money he stole from the boy was the only thing that counted in all the money he tried to make this week, he sold cans and did odd jobs all over the city but it was never counted by the system.

'Guess this truly is a crime system,' he mused arriving in front of an apartment building that was surrounded by many other like it, removing his headphones he walked up the porch entrance pushing open the door and making his way up the staris brushing past his neighbor which he gave a curt nod to as a sign of greeting.

He stopped infront of the door numbered 210, taking his key out his pocket and unlocking the door. A small apartment came into view it was plain with a small tv mounted on the wall, Rico took a step into the apartment hearing something crush below him he picked up his foot and looked at the crushed lego and kicked it to the side before fully walking in and closing the door.

"Rico, You're back!" a wobbly voice sounded from the couch, the owner of the voice was a petite old lady who got up grabbing her little purse and made her way to greet the boy at the door,

"She was good as always," the old woman said with a kind smile on her face, "Thank you for watching her," Rico thanked the woman with sincere graditude in his voice . If not for her, he had no idea where he'd be living right now.

"You know it's never a problem," she laughed before walking across the hallway to her respective apartment, "Have a great rest of the afternoon Ms. Willow." He smiled before closing the door to his apartment.

"Daddy." a light mellow child-like voice sounded from behind him, Rico turned around his eyes locking with the owner of that voice, a little girl that resembled him slightly but if there was one thing they undeniable had in common, their honey brown eyes. She quickly ran to him and hugged his leg which prompted Rico to pick up his daughter.

"Hey Sunshine," he greeted with a toothy grin spinning her around in his arms like the princess she was to him, much like her father she sported toothy grin as she was excited to see her father. Rico had his daughter at the beginning of his highschool year. Now nearing the start of his senior year his daughter was turning 4 at the end of the year.

He sat on the couch placing his daughter on the floor infront of him allowing her to keep playing with her toys he switched on the tv, "The Avengers Battle Again!" an enthusiastic spoke but was quickly cut off. Rico hated hearing news about things going on in the world, it seemed like nothing ever went right whenever he watches the news.

Unable to find anything to watch he turned the tv off and just sat pondering about what he was going to do, there was no way in hell he was just gonna let his daughter die.

'I can't just beat people up and rob them until I reach my goal it would take to long,' even though it wasn't a bad idea it was definitely gonna take longer than the designated period of one month, his thoughts were interrupted by a sudden weight on his lap.

"Daddy Nap," the child said innocently, Imani's big eyes peering up at Rico. He laughed and nuzzled the girl into his arms and slowly rocked her to sleep, he glanced at the time '3:24' it read out. "I guess it's a good time for a nap." he said slowly closing his eyes leaning his head back on the couch and rocking his daughter to sleep.



The sound of pounding entered his ears, immediately going on the alert he laid his daughter on the couch it was a suprise that she didn't wake up to the aggressive banging. Rico's face contorted with fury at the audacity whoever the person was banging on his door had.

"Who the fuck is it?" asked Rico arriving in front of the door his anger evident in his voice, "Does Rico James live here?" a gruff voice asked from behind the door, the voice didn't ring any bells for Rico so he responded "Depends on who it is." The door flew open coilding with Rico's nose causing a crack to resound in the room.

Rico held his bleeding nose, watching as a group of muscler men entered his apartment. The one he suspected to be the was by far the most intimidating, he was bald and a scar graved his rough ugly face streching from his eyebrow and his nose bridge and four equally as ugly men behind him but there was something familiar about the bald one but Rico was sure he'd never interacted with this man before.

"Are you the fucker that gave my brother a concussion?" the bald man asked Rico immediately the face of the boy who he knocked out and left lying in the alley crossed his mind.

'No wonder I found him familiar, they are familiar alright,' Rico hissed in his head looking at the crooked nose of the bald man

He sucked his teeth there was no mystery why these men barged in his apartment it looks like he was in some deep shit this time, but he wasn't gonna let them have their way in his apartment his daughter was still slee-

"Dada?" Imani's cute voice rung out in the quiet room as all heads turned to snap to her, a chill running down her spine as some of the men looked at her with a gaze that could be deemed nothing but perverse.

"Cute little sh-" the scarred bald man's words were cut short as he was caught off guard by punch to his liver, he grovelled over but was swiftly met with a knee to the face knocking him out cold. The rest of the goons looked at their leader knocked out cold with anger in their hearts all of them charging at Rico.

Slipping under as many punches as he could, Rico manuvered through the living room. He slipped under a jab delivering a clean punch to one of thugs solar plexus causing him to fall to the ground in pain he hurriedly and stomped on the thug's head hoping he'd never get up. His senses tingled as he ducked underneath and stepped back weaving punches.

Rico tried his best to keep dodging but a few punches slipped past him hitting his liver and his face, seeing his odds being turned he grabbed a nearby chair slamming it down on Goon 2's head, his head being lodged in the seat Rico elbowed the goon's head as a result falling unconscious on the dining room table.

Turning around switfly he stood staring at the last two goons, they looked at him with caution and slight fear in their eyes. He just took out the other 3 with ease so their caution was warranted. One of them pulled out a knife and barred it as both of them rushed towards Rico attacking wildly.

Rico grabbed the body of the unconscious chair head goon using his body as a shield from the slashes and punches of the two other goons, Rico threw the chairhead goon's now dead body at the unarmed goon which he dodged but Rico grabbed his neck and yanking him to the side, The goon's life was cut short as his brain was pierced by a knife that was clearly aimed at Rico's heart, letting go of the goon's neck Rico stared at the last goon with an unsure look in his eye.

"You made a mistake today!" the goon wielding the knife voiced slashing at Rico even piercing his stomach. Rico clenched his teeth and grabbed the arm of the knife wielding goon headbutting him. Rico then delivered a spartan kick to the man sending him crashing through the window and onto someone's parked car causing the alarm to go off the glass from the window piercing his body as he bled from every orifice on his body.

Clenching his bleeding stomach, he turned around an unpleasant scene before his eyes, The bald man was up on his feet wiping the blood off his nose with a laugh that contained nothing but malice, he stopped smiling and rushed at Rico uttering one word.

"DIE." the bald man hissed pushing Rico out the window onto the same car that the other goon landed on breaking a shit ton of bones on his body, Rico roared out in pain at the feeling of so many bones being broken. "DADA!" Imani wailed at the sight of her daddy getting pushed out the window.

'So much pain.' Rico thought as he felt like he got hit by a train, he tried to move his body but his muscles refused to listen. "Imani," he called out trying to keep himself from losing consciousness. He couldn't leave his daughter up there with that man he thought as he rose like a zombie from the dead, sirens wailed in the distance no doubt approaching his current location.

He looked to his right, the dead body of the knife wielding goon was there still hanging onto that knife which he promptly snatched out of his deceased hand.

Rico hopped off the car but his broken leg didn't provide support causing him to collapse on the ground, gritting his teeth and pushing himself up he limped inside the apartment building. He heard his daughter's cries from the stairs as he dragged his body up the stairs and to apartment 210 gripping the knife.

Leaning on the door frame of his busted open apartment he saw the bald man on talking to someone on his phone and his daughter tied up on the floor with tears running down her brown cheeks, Rico carried his broken body quietly through the living room.

"I know Mr.Fisk, I didn't mean to cause a ruckus," The man spoke in an apologetic tone, "I will not do this again sir, but on the bright side sir the boy had a daughter who could go for a good amou-" to his suprise his words did not come out, he looked down at the scorching pain coming from his neck and seen the blade of a knife lodged through his neck.

He dropped his phone as he tried to grasp the blade but he could feel it pierce his throat deeper, the bald man turnt his head around catching a glimse of his killer before falling to the ground trying to cover the hole in his neck. Rico dropped the knife still holding his bleeding stomach, " I lost too much blood," he whispered looking at the red spot in his white shirt grow every minute.

'I've got to get Imani out of here,' he scolded himself for almost losing consciousness, he turned around and walked to the couch crouching down and untying the rope that held his daughter hostage and removing the cloth that prevented her from talking. Imani grasped onto her father like her life depended on it, she was so close to losing him she was afraid of it happening again.

Rico held his daughter as the window lit up with blue and red lights and sirens wailed loudly , He slowly got up dragging his broken leg behind him he left the apartment and walked down the stairs intending to take the back exit out the building, the exit led to a dark alley as cats scurried away at the sudden intruder.

Rico walked down the alley ignoring the ding's in his head he trotted forth with only one goal, to get to safety. He exited the alley making sure not to get spotted by any officers he entered another alleyway before collapsing on the ground, his daughter shook him trying to keep him awake but his eyes slowly shut the last image in his mind the tearful face of his daughter.

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