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Alexander von Kluck Alexander von Kluck original

Alexander von Kluck

Author: Magic2

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Naked and NOT Afraid!

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Alexander von Kluck. Please just call me Alex! I am currently butt naked in the middle of an unknown forest. I know you're wandering how I got into this situation.

I had met an end to my previous life due to old age of ninety six. Sadly, my wife died two years prior, and all my children moved to different countries, unable to visit me at the end. However, it wasn't regrettable. I had been blessed to even die peacefully.

Anyways, after my end, I met God, or at least I believed so? He looked kinda shady wearing a dark robe with a hood that obscured his face. He was sitting behind a table with vials labeled 'essence'.

He offered to 'Isekai' me. Apparently, it meant to transfer me to another world. I asked if my wife or kids would be there and he shook his head. Anyways, he told me to pick from the essences that would give me special abilities in this 'other world'.

He gave me a brief description of the 'Essences' out of the many he offered. He limited me to three, and I had to make my decision carefully. All of the 'Essence' seemed very powerful.

I have chosen the essences of warlord, archmage, and mad doctor. This was a powerful combination of physical prowess, magical power, medical, alchemical, and esoteric knowledge.

The idea of magic was very intriguing since it didn't exist in my previous world or at least not to my knowledge. There have been tales of supernatural forces and existences in the past. However, in my days, they have been relegated to stories and tales. So, I was excited to know the world I would be going to have magic.

Anyways, the essence of the warlord gave me the peak capability of my body, endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain. It gave me potent regenerative abilities, fatal wounds wouldn't kill me, organs would fix themselves, and amputated body parts would reattach themselves. It gave me knowledge of warfare. strategical, tactical, and logistical knowledge. Also, a supernatural understanding of many weapons, including just brawling. See how powerful these are?

Second is the Archmage. It gives me 'genius intellect' perfect memory and storage. Allows me to learn any 'magic' meaning basically any supernatural power source such as mana, chi, ki, Chakra, or even something like soul power. Also, it gives me a supernatural reactor that can take and adapt to any supernatural power source, and it will provide it for me that grows over time, basically infinite power. I can also manipulate power systems, combine, merge, or create if I wish, though. This depends on my ability.

Last but certainly not least is the essence of the mad doctor. This allows me to create potions with varying effects such as immortality, love, and regenerative effects. Maybe even heavenly aphrodisiacs? Immense knowledge of medicine, alchemical lore, and the occult. Master of life and biology allows me to create homunculi that are superior to their regular version in all areas, also perfectly loyal. It allows me to create creatures sewn together like some Frankenstein. Also, I can conjure ingredients from thin air.

After choosing the essences the God nodded, and I fell asleep. Then awoke naked in this forest, and that's how we ended here. Naked in the forest surrounded by insects and wild beasts, just fantastic, they could've at least have me clothes, goddammit!

The plan currently? There is no plan! Well, I came up with something after a second secure area, find a river or lake, make shelter and clothes, then hopefully find civilization.

After making sure I was secure and not in danger currently. I began my search, walking around for an undetermined amount of time. I finally found a river. Which is great.

I also picked up a stick for defense a while back. Now that I found a river, I should make shelter before the sun goes down.

After searching around a decent distance away from the river, I found a decent place to make a simple lean to shelter and a fire trench to keep warm. This would work well as long as the weather isn't too bad.

Anyways, the plan now was to acquire clothes and acquire resources to leave and follow the river. I read somewhere that the fastest way to find civilization was to follow a river.

Before I could start on that, the day was coming to an end, and the sun was beginning to set. I spent the last few hours foraging around and found some berries unaware that if they're poisonous or not, I just ate them due to my mad doctor essence. I have complete immunity to poison. Wasn't a very enjoyable but beggers can't be choosers.

The next day began, and I worked on making a knife. Found a suitable rock, shaped it using another rock, made a handle, and attached it using fiber.

After that, I turned my stick to a wooden spear using the knife. I began making my clothes, and since I don't have leather, I have to use plant fiber. After gathering the plant fiber, I started weaving them into fabric, this took a while.

Several days passed, and I have been sustaining myself by foraging and using the spear to catch fish. Surprisingly, this is the first time I exerted myself in this body. I felt light and powerful, of course. However, I hadn't really tested the limit. When I started spear fishing, this was the first time I put my body to the test.

I caught over a thousand fish…

I couldn't finish them all. I used salt gotten from mad doctor to preserve them, but it didn't stop the decomposition process.

The good news is that I finished the clothing. After that, I decided to put the Mad doctor to the test and make an immortality potion.

Using the knowledge gotten from the mad doctor to conjure the ingredients. Jade, cinnabar, hematite, mercury, sulfur, and a certain plant at the bottom of a lake. mix all of that in pure water and wait a while.

After that was I chugged the immortality potion.




I had a coughing fit and felt like throwing up. Good news was that it certainly worked. Even the body granted by the essence of the warlord had a hard time swallowing that filth.

Anyways after the immortality, my lifespan already at the pinnacle had to offer by warlord was extended to well… forever. With mad doctor, I have immunity to all poison and disease. The only way to kill me was by physical or magical means and good luck with that with warlord I'm already an experienced warrior with a body at the pinnacle and magic? Archmage got me covered.

Anyway, after that, I decided to expand my operations. I have been sustaining myself by foraging and fishing, but it's time for some good meat! Plus, I will be able to make leather/hide armor/clothes. Before that, though, I upgraded to an obsidian tip spear.

I made obsidian tipped javelin as well since this will be the first time I have hunted. I made a quiver for the javelins as well.

As I was out hunting, I came across small game like bunnies, I ignored them and moved since I'm looking for a larger game.

Eventually, I come across a large wolf, a really large wolf so large that it's larger than a human. It's the size of a horse for God's sake!

It's currently taking a dump the perfect time for a kill. Honestly I was a bit shaken, seeing a wolf the size of a horse was terrifying especially since this is the first time it really crossed my mind I'm in a fantasy world, expectation vs reality is quite different.

But I'm not terrified or anything, maybe its the warlord essence? but I'm feeling more excited? The thought of devouring this wolf is making my mouth water with expectations.

I take deep breaths and ready the Javelin. Warlord gave me the knowledge to master all weapons possible. I put my left foot forward, my feet shoulder width apart. Eventually, I throw with all the force my body can muster.


The strength was way greater than I expected with a booming sound the Javelin speeds through the air with speeds greater than I thought possible.

When the javelin made contact with the wolf's head, it decapitated the wolf! stuck to the Javelin, eventually it hit a tree, but it tore the tree apart and kept going, eventually hitting multiple branches and other shrubs, eventually coming to a stop.

Oops, did I do that?

Out of my stuper, I immediately run to retrieve the Javelin. The wolf's skull was badly deformed after Javelin came into contact with it. I really wanted a large wolf skull to hang in my home when I get one…

The Javelin, too, was pretty messed up. I go back to the horse sized wolf's decapitated corpse, and I immediately skin it. The amount of fur was too much, but I eventually skin it fully without getting interrupted. lucky.

Maybe its pack got scared off? Do these things even have packs? They might be solo hunters. Decapitated while taking a number two, what a terrible fate. I run back to the shelter.

Magic2 Magic2

You see where the story is going probably? Anyways I suck at writing, and I'm doing this for fun, so don't expect this to be good or get stable updates. I might just stop writing as I get bored, or life eventually catches up to me.

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