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Chapter 12: CH 12: To the end of the line

<Horace Mann. That's the motherfucking son of a whore. Who is he? He's the shit incarnate who came up with the idea of schools and created them in 1837. I want you all to remember that. And if you ever get time traveled, don't kill him. Make the bastard's life a living hell. I know I will>


The corpse of Nick Fury laid on a hospital bed, from neck to down covered with a white blanket. Steve was leaning against the wall, Hill a little away from him, and Natasha, with tears in her eyes, was standing next to the lifeless body while gently rubbing his hand.

To anybody else, it would seem like she was just mourning for the man who gave her a chance in life. The man who protected her when who knows how many people wanted her dead.

At least that was what other people would think about. But in fact, even though she was sad about his state, she wasn't actually crying.

Being the best spy in the world would take acting after all. At the moment, while Steve and Hill thought that she was just sad, she was actually caressing his hand because her Symbiote was actually healing him!

Not completely, to the tip condition. But to a state where it wouldn't be needed for him to get taken by the Skrulls for treatment! He didn't want a damn alien who probably knew about him and his origin to be roaming around.

Because if a Skrull, who is related to that bitch, Carol Danvers AKA Captain Marvel, found out about him, her bullshit of a brain would immediately try to kill him or something.

She had quite a bad reputation for being that kind of a karen after all. That bitch would probably have a dream of him eating someone then show up and say shit like :"Oh I saw you do it in my dreams, so you're definitely going to do it in the future!"

The worst part is that has happened with Miles Morales Spider-Man... She really did try to gaslight the poor kid and try to arrest him... No way in hell was he going to let her know about him before he is strong enough to beat the ever living shit out of her!

In fact, he actually had her on the "I will either kill or make this bitches life a living hell" list! That whore is definitely getting bodied when he meets her.

Also, Captain Marvel wasn't the only one in Chaos's list. That ass face Star-Bitch is definitely getting hit too once he gets to meet him. Motherfucker was the entire reason Thanos was able to Snap.

Tony and Peter were just about to take the Infinity Gauntlet off while Mantis and the others, EXCEPT, Star-Lord were keeping the overgrown purple shit at bay.

But once he heard that his bitch is dead, he was like :"Fuck the whole operation! Fuck the whole mission! Fuck half of the population of the universe! I'm going to smack the shit out of this guy with my gun!"

Motherfucker, you could have at least stabbed him. You could have killed him! Who the fuck with a brain would SMACK the guy that put Hulk into an existential crisis?! With a fucking GUN at that?!

That clown is getting his ass beat when Chaos gets his hands on him. Fuck that bastard, along with that I'm-the-best whore.

Anyway, back to the present. Basically, Chaos was healing Fury to the point where he wouldn't need to get taken to space, and Natasha was doing a fantastic job acting like she wasn't doing anything.

"I need to take him." Hill sighed sadly. Steve, wanting to comfort his friend, walked towards her and spoke gently :"Natasha..."

"(Alright, it's done.)" The Symbiote gave the signal, and she let go of his hand before turning around and walking out of the room. Trying to pull her acting right.

"Natasha!" Steve called out as he ran after her. Turning around, she sent a calm glare at him :"Why was Fury in your apartment?"

Steve :"Sigh... I don't know."

Rumlow :"Cap, they want you back at SHIELD."

Steve :"Yeah, give me a second."

Rumlow :"They want you now."

"(I wanna tear this guy's balls off.)"

Steve :"... Okay."

"You're a terrible liar." Natasha said after Rumlow walked away, and so did she after saying that. Steve also walked towards Rumlow after that, and left to where they wanted him to go.

"(Let's not leave.)" Chaos spoke up in his host's mind. The host that was sitting in an empty room. Alone. With only her Symbiote keeping her company.

"I wasn't planning on leaving. Rogers was obviously hiding something."

"(Yeah, and I know what.)"

"Really? What?"

"(Remember that flash drive you saved the SHIELD files into? He just hid it somewhere. And I know where.)"

"*Raising eyebrow* And how do you know that?"

"(With this.)" He spoke smugly as a camouflaged tendril came inside through the opening of the door before becoming visible, causing Natasha to raise an eyebrow with a smirk :"I don't remember telling you to do that?"

"(I just thought I might be making our job easier by keeping an eye on him. Did I do a good job? Feel free to praise me if you'd like to.)"

"*Smirking* Yeah, yeah. Good job, bud."

"(Should we go and pick it up?)"

"... Yeah. We'll do it... In a bit..."

As she leaned back on the chair,and put her head against the wall, a silence filled the room. An uncomfortable one. With only the muffled voices of the outside being heard.

"(Why were you so sad? As much as I know, you two aren't related at all. He's just a close friend of some sort.)"

"... Yeah, a close friend. A friend that gave me a second chance in life. To actually have a life..."

"(... Do you want to talk about it? I'll listen.)"

"*Sadly smirking* For someone who says that he doesn't care about me, you sure are acting against that today."

"(Yeah... I guess I am. But even so... I'm still willing to lend an ear if it means that you'll feel better.)"

"Heh, you don't have any ears, remember?"



"... Sigh, don't you already know? Venom has said that you Symbiotes can read our memories. He did it."

"(Yeah, but I didn't.)"


"(I... Don't really know... I wanted to, when I bonded with you. But something told me that I shouldn't. So I followed my gut feeling, and didn't do it. All I know about you, is from what I've seen and experienced myself.)"


"... Sigh... Before I became an Avenger... Before I became a part of SHIELD... I was a killer. A spy. An assassin. Nothing but puppet trained from childhood to the bidding of an organization...

On a certain mission, I met Clint who was sent to kill me. However, instead of killing me, he spared me. He gave me the option of going with him to SHIELD, or getting killed.

I chose the first option. There were obviously many who were opposed to me being there. But Fury, director of SHIELD, decided to give me a chance.

A chance to get a new life. A chance to redeem myself... Ever since then, he was something of a... An uncle figure. Or something like that.

Someone who looks out for you. That's why I was so sad and nervous. I thought that the man who gave me a new life was going to get his taken away. But I guess... It's alright now. Thanks to you."

"(You're welcome. I don't... Really know what to say... How to comfort you... I guess I'm too inexperienced. Heh, too young.)"

"*Chuckling* Hehehe, well, you were born just a few months ago."

"(Hahaha. Yeah, that's true. But even though I'm young, I know one thing. You're a wonderful person. It's not your fault for being what you are or were.

You didn't have a choice back then, right? Sometimes, just surviving can be a lot more difficult than people imagine. We have to choose. Have to decide.

But with every choice, there's a price to pay. A price that can be very difficult to pay. But for the sake of surviving. For the sake of living. They have to be paid.)"

"... But what if they weren't the right choices...? What if in the end, all of which were sacrificed, yours or not, were only because of selfishness?"

"(Wanting to live isn't selfishness, Natasha. It's an instinct. One that every being in the universe has. Bugs, animals, humans, Klyntars, aliens. All of us have it.

As long as there is a sliver of hope, we'll try to grab onto it so we can survive. It's not selfishness. Nor is it a bad or evil thing. It's the most pure thing.

I won't judge you for feeling guilty about your past actions. But I can tell you that it was only in the past. And the past should stay where it belongs, in our memories.

As lessons for growth, and experience. You may have killed many in the past, but it's nothing compared to the number of lives you've saved.

Number of children that can wake up safely. Number of families that are thankful everyday for being saved. I've seen and know about that Battle Of New York.

I've seen how many people are thankful for you. So don't beat yourself up for the past. Haven't you said it yourself? You have a new life now. You're a new person. And I want you to know something, Natasha.)"

The wrist parts of her jacket began to deform into liquid, and gently expand towards her hands. The red and black liquid went into her palms, transformed into hands, and intertwined with her fingers :"(No matter what happens.

No matter what anybody says. No matter what the world sees you as. No matter what you see yourself as. I will be with you till the end of the line, partner.)"

With a gentle and sad smile on her face, small tears formed in her eyes as she squeezed the makeshift hands :"Yeah, I head you, partner. I hear you."

A new wave of silence sipped in. But this one, not of displeasure. Not an uncomfortable one. But a calm and comfortable one that soothed her damaged heart and soul as the Symbiote caressed her hands.

With a light chuckle, she tilted her head and wiped away the tears as she smiled gently :"There it is again. Telling me that you don't care about me, but willing to go this much to comfort me."

"(Fuc-...)" He was just about to curse, but he stopped and sighed, as his head came out and placed his chin on her shoulder, leaning against her cheek :"Well... I guess you're beginning to grow on me."

With a comfortable and fond smile, Natasha leaned against him as well, placing her head on top of his :"I guess that goes for the both of us, Chaos."

After a while of just enjoying each other's company, Natasha gently tapped his hands :"Alright, we should go and get that flash drive now before anybody else takes it. Knowing him, he's definitely put it somewhere stupid."

Chaos smirked and came face to face with her :"What? Don't wanna sulk some more? I'm willing to comfort you, you know?" Causing her to roll her eyes with a small smile :"Whatever, you alien blob. Let's go."

With a chuckle, he retreated back into her body before she got up :"Alright. Where to?" And he answered :"(Where did you two separate?)"

After exiting the room, and looking around to see that no one was spying on her, she made her way to where Steve had hidden the flash drive.

Once she got there, she glanced around, grateful that only a few people were around, and none of them were paying attention to her :"Alright, where is it? Where did he hide it?"

"(On your left...)"

With her Symbiotic Sense activated, she turned to see where he had put it in. A vending machine... "... Sigh, seriously, Rogers?"

"(How the hell did he even put it there?)"

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