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Chapter 49: CH 49: A scornful hunt

Strength: 420 tons (925) -> 430 tons (947k lbs)

Speed: 4,000 mph (6.43k kph) -> 4,100 mph (6.59k kph)


Chaos. Chaos everywhere. In the streets, in the night, in the minds of civilians. Causing them to go mad and attack everything in sight. In the dead of the night, people, gone insane for some reason, were out and attacking anything and everything that didn't share the same lunacy as them. That included even a bus full of children. Heck, they looked like they were gonna eat them alive if they got their hands on them.

The chaos was something else. No, not that Chaos. The state of complete disorder and confusion type. Not the Symbiote kind. But this entire situation was indeed connected to a certain Symbiote. The same one who was beating the life out of Spider-Man and Iron Man without remorse. And his partner some distance away, holding a woman, had some kind of weird arm attached to her face.

On the roof of a building, out of nowhere, an invisible red light illuminated before someone walked in, Natasha, with Chaos inside of her. Or rather, enveloping her in his Suit Mode. Always ready to get into action and protect his host in times of need.

- (Earth-616: Carnage 2011)

"(Holy moly, what happened here?)"

"Definitely not something good for the city or the citizens."

"(Yeah, definitely. Look at them. They're about to tear each other apart.)"

"Uh-huh. And I bet whatever is happening, has to do with that."

Nodding towards the Symbiote fighting the two superheroes, she raised a confused eyebrow :"What in the hell is that? It looks like a Symbiote, but it's full of metal or something. It has tendrils all over it."

"(Huh... that's Carnage.)"

"It is?"

"(Yeah, it is. He seems to have somehow bonded with some sort of technology. It looks something like Tony's suit. But that's not the important part. Look at the real prize.)"

As a tendril gently floated out and pointed, Natasha turned to look at the arm attached to the woman's face. An orange arm with three fingers and a liquid-ish surface. It was covering half of the woman's face and making a mask similar to Chaos's in Suit Mode. The two could also see some small tendrils coming out of it.

Looking at it, Chaos's excitement surged. Sure, hunting Symbiotes was fun, but it had been a long time since they encountered a new kind of it. And seeing one of the most special Symbiotes, one that was half-Symbiote and half-technology, he obviously figured out its identity and which universe they were in.

'This should be the comic where Carnage makes a comeback after his "death" by the hands of Sentry, and the one with the first appearance of an extremely special Symbiote, Scorn! Carnage in 2011, if I'm correct. Holy shit, I came looking for copper and I found gold! A Symbiote that not only is super strong because of being Carnage's daughter, but can also fuse with Technology! The shit I can pull with that! Saying that getting that ability will boost our strength tremendously wouldn't be overestimating it. Especially since the battle with Ultron isn't that far away! Ha hah! This is just lucky to a whole nother level!'

"Is that... a Symbiote? Why does it look like that? Why is it an arm?"

"(It's not a normal Symbiote. It's weird. It's as if it's not just "pure" Symbiote.)"

"Not pure? What does that mean? Is it mixed with something else?"

"(Yeah, accurately, with technology.)"

"So, like that Carnage?"

"(Not quite. Carnage has simply bonded temporarily and is forcibly keeping all that technology attached. Like how I do with guns. That one, which hasn't even been completely born yet because of not having attached yet, is like a fusion of technology and Symbiote. Seems its birth was linked robotically, I think.)"

"Ooh, so it's basically a machine/Symbiote hybrid?"

"(Basically, yes.)"

"*Smirking* And if that's so, its abilities would include..."

"(*Smirking* Bonding with technology, an extremely strong and useful ability with godly potential.)"

"*Chuckling* A potential that I think is making your mouth water."

"(Damn straight. So isn't what we should be doing obvious?)"

"Of course it is. Now then, let's enjoy our meal, shall we?"

"(Hehe, I'm gonna enjoy this food.)"

With a snicker, Chaos went Symbiote Mode. He really was excited about this hunt. After all, he wasn't kidding when he said Scorn has godly potential. After all, if not for its early death, and if she had a worthy host who could make the perfect use of her potential, she could be one of the most powerful Symbiotes.

Take Tony for example. The man known for his technology and brain. The man who creates suits to go against guys like Hulk and Thor. The man who managed to create an armor strong enough to destroy a universe and go against Celestials. This Symbiote was basically godsent for someone like him. The shit he'd be able to do if he had it instead of some self-righteous bitch who thinks serial killers like Shriek shouldn't be put down. This whole chaotic scene was Shriek's doing, and it wasn't even the first time. Heck, Tony did have a Symbiote once, and he managed to make it one of his strongest suits despite not being like Scorn.

Imagine him with Scorn.

So, yeah, Chaos was definitely going to eat Scorn. Best part, Scorn nor her host need to have any knowledge about technology for her to kick ass. It's all just instinct for her. If she only had become Tony's Symbiote, and hadn't been killed off because of not having anything planned for her, she would've definitely been an extremely powerful Symbiote.

Just imagine a Symbiote fused with the armors created to take on Hulk and Thor. And not just with one, but fused with all of them at once. That would simply be terrifying. Especially since so much outrageous technology is in Marvel. If only her luck had matched her potential. But no, she had to bond with such a bitch of a host, just like all unlucky Symbiotes.

As the red Symbiote went Symbiote Mode, he grinned before shooting towards the armored Carnage, reluctantly ending his fantasies and excitement for getting his hands on one of the best Symbiotes in the Multiverse.

"Come on, break for me!" Carnage laughed as he overpowered Tony. Normally, it wouldn't be that easy. But since he had put his own biomass into Tony's suit like a virus, and had made use of his Technological Symbiosis ability, he had rendered the billionaire almost powerless.

But just as he shouted, something crashed into him, causing him to get shot away. Getting up, he quickly groaned in annoyance :"What the hell? What now?" Before he heard a sadistic and deep laughter :"What now? Now, it's time to shut you down. Permanently."

Before Carnage could say or do anything, Chaos suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed his neck with one hand, a smirk on his face :"And pun intended." Snickering at his own joke, he tightened his hold before throwing him at another building.

"Oh god... as if one wasn't enough." Holding his side in pain, Spider-Man groaned, almost losing all hope at the sight of a second Symbiote. Just one was a nightmarish day, two was just unfair. But the newly arrived Symbiote just waved nonchalantly :"Chill, my guy. I'm not looking for a fight. *Smirking* At least not with you."

"Fuck you!" From the huge hole created by the thrown Carnage, said Symbiote emerged, rushing towards Chaos. But the red and black Symbiote simply punched him straight in the face, halting him before grabbing his face :"Fucking pest, do you actually take us for a pushover like the others?"

Bringing his face down, he slammed knee to his face to completely shatter the "helmet" of his armor before continuously kneeing him in the face. "F-fuck, let go!" Carnage roared in anger, swiping his blade-like claws at him. Chaos did nothing. Didn't dodge it, nor did he block it. He just ate the damage.

Which was just nonexistent. Looking at the body that was completely unbothered and void damage, shock appeared in the serial killer's mind. But he didn't give up. He simply kept stabbing and slashing his giant claws, trying to get free from the other Symbiote's grasp on his head.

Chaos on the other hand couldn't help but chuckle sadistically :"Aww, what's wrong? Poor baby, first time fighting in the big leagues?" With two tendrils grabbing his arms and stopping them completely, he lifted his head with one hand to look him in the eye, clenching the other :"Is it our turn yet?"

Before Carnage could even see it, Chaos's punch landed square in his face. The force behind it being enough to send him flying. But instead, Chaos grabbed his leg and brought him down, hammering him into the ground before raising him and slamming him into the ground again, and again, and again.

"You think you're some big shit?!" He roared, slamming him one last time before stepping on his chest, causing him to groan in pain :"You really go for ordinary citizens and random heroes, then actually think you're some big game?! Let us show you some things then. In fact, let us carve it into your fucking brain!"

Raising both hands, his claws grew longer. No longer suitable for punching, but sure as hell usable for slashing. Each claw was as long as a man's forearm, and he brought them all down on the fallen Symbiote. Not once, not twice, but hundreds and even thousands of times in a split second. However, he didn't stop. His claws continuously and mercilessly slashed down, cutting the armored Symbiote into pieces each time.

However, Carnage's Regenerative Healing Factor really did deserve its reputation. Every time he was cut open, every time he was slashed into pieces, every time he was chopped apart, he simply healed back into one. But unfortunately for him, even though Chaos wasn't going all out, his average speed was already overwhelming enough for Carnage's Regenerative Healing Factor to be unable to keep up.

Carnage roared in pain, completely helpless and powerless in front of the slaughtering happening to him. Spider-Man and Iron Man, who Chaos had helped get rid of the Symbiotic virus, watched the onslaught from the sides.

"Holy shit..." Iron Man awed, Spider-Man standing next to him with an equally shocked face under his face :"Yeah, he's pummeling him into the ground... kinda feels nice after how much I've suffered in his hands, to be honest."

"N-no, stop!" Away from them, the cause of the whole chaos among the citizens, Shriek screamed as she saw her beloved get mutilated :"Stop! Don't hurt him-" But she suddenly noticed the Symbiote that had hatched onto her face suddenly disappear.

Before she could do anything, the woman without a right hand she was holding, suddenly grabbed her by the throat with her newly acquired right arm. The same right arm that was a prosthesis arm till just some while ago. The one who forced her into freeing the Carnage Symbiote, and the one that Carnage accidentally or intentionally left his offspring in, causing it to be a hybrid of Symbiote and technology.

"You can have me..." The woman, Tanis Nieves, a psychiatrist who was assigned to Shriek before all of this mayhem, spoke to the Symbiote who wanted to bond with her from the get go :"Oh god..."

As the purple and silver biomass of the newborn Symbiote enveloped her, her right hand lifted Shriek into the air by her throat :"Yes..." And once she completely took over her, her feminine yet somewhat robotic voice was heard :"Bond complete. We are Scorn."

"Marthar! (Mother)!" A creepy voice was heard as Doppelganger, the six armed monstrous clone of Spider-Man, who was cut in half some time ago but still lived, tried to help the woman he knew as his mother, Shriek. But Scorn simply kicked him away.

Turning to see Chaos finishing the fight with eating Carnage and his host, she grew serious. She didn't have any knowledge about him, nor did his host. He simply appeared and fought her "father". And not just that, he completely ignored the humans.

Deciding to be careful, she held Shriek's head towards the huge Symbiote. Ready to attack him with the common weakness of Symbiotes if he proved to be dangerous towards her. Seeing her boyfriend get eaten alive, Shriek didn't wait and well, shrieked in anger and sadness. But she couldn't even do it, as a red tendril suddenly entrapped her head, and Chaos appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

"Sorry, kid, but I'll be eating you as well." With a smirk, the tendril crushed Shriek's head, while one of Chaos's hands held onto Scorn's shoulder and the other grabbed onto her biomass of a mask before she could do anything, and pulled without mercy. Making sure the woman wouldn't be harmed in the process of taking her out.

Honestly, he would rather kill her as well, since this whole ordeal was her fault. Who knows how many people died because she didn't want her insane patient to die? As the newborn Symbiote screamed in agony, failing to even put up a fight, she was separated from the host she forcefully bonded to.

The two superheroes were about to intervene, fearing that he was about to kill the woman too. But he was rather fast in taking out the Symbiote and letting the woman fall on her own. Holding up the wriggling and struggling metallic Symbiote, he didn't waste time as he licked his teeth in impatience :"Thanks for the food~!"

And immediately bit into the Symbiote, his sadistic side relishing in the screams it let out as he completely devoured her without hesitation. And the rush of energy and abilities that he acquired from her proved his impatience correct. So did the shiver of excitement as he groaned in satisfaction :"Now this is what I'm talking about."


(Acquired From Scorn Symbiote)

(CH 49)


Superhuman Strength: 200 tons

Superhuman Durability: 1,500 mph (2,414 kph)

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Agility

Superhuman Reflexes



ESP (Spider-Sense)

Immunity to Spider-Sense

Organic Webbing

Genetic Memory


Constituent-Matter Generation

Constituent-Matter Manipulation

Stretching & Deforming

Offspring Detection





Data Manipulation

Efficacy Manipulation

Mechanical Intuition

Mechanical Morphing



Technological Possession



Having gotten what he had come for, or rather, had eaten, he quickly took the technological mess that Carnage had fused with himself, stored them without fusing with them, and then disappeared, teleporting back to their own universe before the superheroes could stop him.

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