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Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are

Katherine's POV: When I told Sarah what Anna said about her on the phone she seemed mad, but also a little upset, I think she had a crush on her. But now she was determined to get the darkness out ASAP! We know exactly where she's at, but if we go for her she'll know, so we have to find her when she's least expecting it. So Sarah and I decided that she'd call Anna and get her to fess up on what her plan was so we could make a move on her without her knowing. Also, did I mention how annoying it is working with a 16 year old vampire, because it is...

Anna's POV: I got a call from Sarah, I answered, I figured it was Katherine again trying to provoke me some more, but it wasn't, it was Sarah! She said Katherine left after I threatened her, which I think is a great thing. I told Sarah if she was still wanted to be around me then she could come visit me in Italy. I didn't tell her the town though, even I won't say anything about that, top secret mission going on and all! But I knew she heard what I said on the phone earlier to Katherine so I'm just preparing myself for any tricks or diabolical plans, Sarah is a pretty clever girl after all. Anyway, in the meantime I'm going keep tracking Clarissa, I cannot wait to kill her, but I haven't decided how. I could drag it out so painfully by ripping her apart, I could just stand her but that's no fun, I can tear her head off, or just rip her heart out. There's so many fun ways to kill a vampire, this is a tough decision...

Katherine's POV: After Sarah got done on the phone with Anna we started our plan, we think it'd be smartest for me to stay here for now, Sarah will we going to Italy to meet Anna but she'll also be figuring out what she's doing and how to distract her long enough for me to get there without Anna knowing! It's a complicated plan, but if we do it right and have luck on our side then we should be able to do it. I'm also dragging Ian into this Incase things get messy, he decided he wanted to help Anna after I told him her little killing-no-humanity spree. So I have him on our side, but I'm not bringing anyone else into this because Kaylee won't try to help, she'd get herself killing in a heartbeat, and Nik is to kind hearted to try anything that may hurt Anna, but we're not. The rest of us want to old Anna back, the sweet one who isn't possessed by a 500 year old dead witch, or plotting some sort of master plan! She won't ever come back to us if we don't get her now...

Anna's POV: Sarah called and said she was almost here, I brought Bella along to meet her so they could catch up, I figured I could tell Sarah what I was doing, not every detail of course, because if she tells Katherine then I have a threat I can always back up. And before I knew it Sarah showed up at the very public coffee shop, I told her that I was in Italy to find out how Elijah and Hayley's story got here... but I also needed a way to stay, so I told her that I wasn't ever going to follow through with my threat, that I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I needed to stay here and figure this out and have some space to myself. She totally bought it. So I decided to give the same sob story to Katherine...

Katherine's POV: My phone started ringing like crazy, so I answered and it was Anna! She said that she's fine and so is Sarah, what a relief. I asked why she called and she said she's ready to tell me about why she's in Italy and why she's been gone so long. It's because she heard someone tell her that people in Italy knew about Elijah and Hayley, and Anna! She was trying to figure out how to get people to either forget, or tell who it was that told them. But I didn't really care about that as much as what she said next, she was never going to hurt anybody, she never did either, it was a false threat. But Anna being herself said that if I even tried to come for her that she'd be the one capturing me, not the other way around. But I simply said she need not worry, now that I knew she wasn't going to go on a killing spree I had no reason to stop her from keeping herself and the rest of us safe from anyone in Italy who would hurt us...

Anna's POV: I finally got off the phone and introduced Sarah to Bella once she got here, they hit it off pretty well, even though Sarah is 16 and Bella is I think she said 25. But I'm not complaining, I've compelled Bella to keep Sarah distracted the entire time she was here so I'd be able to do what I needed to do, find Clarissa. Also, fun fact, I can compel other vampires just like the original family can, isn't that awesome, and it comes in handy right about now. Anyway, I have a lead on where Clarissa is, someone sent me a message saying she was somewhere in the Bahamas! How the hell did she end up there meanwhile I'm like all the way across the world! Looks like it's time for me, Sarah, and Bella to take a little vacation...

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