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Chapter 3: Causing Trouble At The City

"You left yourself wide opened." Sora's father said as his knee slammed into Sora's chin, sending Sora flying a few meters off the ground. When Sora came falling back down, he slammed Sora in the back with his foot, sending Sora flying, and rolling on the ground, Sora slowly tried to pick himself off the ground, seeing this Sora's father snorted.

"A simple attack like that and you're already down for the count?" He asked, making Sora grit his teeth, shaking off the dizziness from that attack. With a battle crazy, Sora shot forward and attacked his father with a fist, his father dodged the attack, and launched a counter, sending Sora flying backward, only for Sora to get back up and try again.

the maids stood at the side waiting to be called on, but they couldn't help but turn away from the beating Sora was getting. seeing the once warm-hearted village head being so ruthless, it was a hard sight for them to accept,

But the village head saw something different, each time Sora came back at him, his skills were more refined. at first, the punch Sora threw was that of a person who had never thrown a punch before, but when he threw a fist at Sora, Sora copied it, and from then Sora was either copying him or learning, removing his opening.

not even 5 minutes had passed, yet Sora's skills were reaching a point that would take others a long time to reach, after months of hard training. yet Sora seemed to have a physique made for martial arts,

Seeing this, Sora's father realized the best way to teach Sora might not be through words, but to show him and beat the knowledge into him. So he was doing just that, each time he attacked he spoke on Sora's flaws, and the next time Sora came along, the flaw was gone or at least hidden,

But Sora soon ran out of energy, he was only able to fight like this for 10 minutes straight before he grew tired. seeing this, Sora's father shook his head.

"you waste too much energy, your breathing is all wrong. go and heal up, the next training should be breathing, and energy control training." He said calmly, to which Sora nodded as he went to get some herbs which he rubbed on the injured parts of his body.

The whole time, Sora had kept his right eye closed, due to the newly awakened eye he had gained. he couldn't control it, so he just kept it closed, until he had better control of his energy or whatever that he could better control this eye.

with the herbs rubbed on his body, Sora only to wait a minute or two before he recovered, and once he had recovered he was shocked as he felt as if he was a step closer towards a breakthrough.

This was the power of the Saiyan bloodline, Zenkai Boost. with this ability, one would embody the saying, 'What Doesn't Kill Me, Only Makes Me Stronger'. meaning, that Sora could suffer all types of injuries, so long as he recovers, he could break through.

But it was unclear if this could help in his energy cultivation and Soul Cultivation, Sora planned to look deeper into this power soon. but one Shouldn't look down upon the power of a Zenkai boost, in the anime, Goku got 33 times stronger from one, just the thought of a power-up so huge was crazy.

Anyways, Sora went on to return to his father. the two sat down cross-legged, and Sora went on to try and match his father breathing. each time his father took in a breath, a huge amount of Qi entered his lungs, and once he breathed out, it was within a perfect rhythm with the rest of his body.

Sora tried his best to enter such a state, but his father quickly explain that he needed to relax, and not force this. the more thoughts were in his head, the harder this would be, so Sora tried to clear his mind. which took a few minutes before his breathing entered a perfect rhythm with his body,

"Now, with this state, you should be able to sense your physical energy. its everything, your hair, and down to the smallest cell within your body. that's physical energy, draw it out." He said calmly, Sora frowned for a moment as he tried to take hold of his physical energy, but he found it harder than expected.

"don't force it, remain within that rhythm, flowed alongside it... let's stand up and do a few stances which would help you draw upon that energy." He said calmly while getting up, Sora followed and the two got into a stances, Sora copied his father's movement while trying to remain within the rhythm state, but it was much harder while moving.

it took over 20 minutes of them moving around, but it was then Sora slapped forward with a plan that sent a shock wave flying forward, destroying a tree in front of him. but Sora didn't seem to notice as he continued doing more stances, each move drawing upon his physical energy, which made the maids run to take cover,

Stepping forward, Sora's father snapped Sora out of the state, causing Sora to be stunned upon seeing the damage he had created all around him. The power of 20 fists shouldn't be looked down upon,

"you did well, now it's time for you to learn to draw upon physical energy without the need for such stances. first, get some rest," Sora's father said calmly, causing Sora to realize he was tired as if he ran a mile. Sora took an hour's break, going on to go get something to eat as he found himself hungry as well.

'He is doing something which others take months just to get the hang off... I might leave within 2 days.' He thought with a smile while looking at the chaos Sora caused all over his once beautiful mansions.

After Sora had recovered, he returned for more training. in the blink of energy, 3 days went by. and with thin these 3 days, Sora's father drilled everything he could into Sora's head, allowing Sora to reach the Initial Stage within energy control of all 3 energy systems,

the energy control stages were split into 5 stages, the first test was the average level, which is where the average person stood. their energy control was based, on they gave the needed amount of energy for what was needed and wasted some energy, although some manage to become skilled, allowing them to have better control of their energy, allowing them to have less energy and show strength 2.4 times greater than those of the same level.

Those who manage to control their energy to the point where they could show energy 2.5 times greater than those of the same level have reached the initial Stage. those at this stage could give a technique that needed the energy to be active less than half the needed energy, yet the technique's power would not drop and would be even stronger,

Above that was the Skillful Stage, those at this stage can control their energy to such a skillful degree that they could show strength 5 times greater than those of the same level.

Above that was the perfection Stage, those at this stage can control their energy seemly perfectly that they could show strength 10 times greater than those of the same level,

above this was the Godly Stgae, those of this stage had reached the peak of energy control, allowing them to control energy so smoothly that they could show strength 25 times greater than those of the same level.

Those who have reached the godly stage were of course hold monsters who had countless years to train and study. the same ranking was also used for energy merging,

let's say the Qi had the power of 10 fists, and the physical energy had the power of 10 fists as well, they could come together to show strength far greater than when they were alone.

a normal person only would add the two energies together, and waste a huge amount of energy, that was the basic. but those at the Initial stage can fuse the two, allowing them to show a strength measurement of 50 fists and up to 99 fists,

those at the Skillful Stage could fuse those two energies to show the power of 100 fists to 199 fists.

Those at the Perfection Stage could fuse those two energies to show the power of 200 fists, to 499 fists.

those at the Godly Stage could fuse those two energies to show the power of 500 fists.

now on top of that, one couldn't forget to add energy control to that. let's say you reached the peak in energy merging and energy control, that alone would make you 625 times stronger than the average person of the same level, just imagine being at the beginning levels of cultivation with such a great power.

of course, the more energy one has, the harder this would be. with each breakthrough, one energy control and merging stage would drop, forcing them o have to return to training once more, so for someone like Sora who would most likely have a fast breakthrough, reaching the Godly Stage was impossible for the time being,

But Sora was amazed by how good his energy control talent was, he, of course, knew this was mostly thanks to the Saiyan bloodline. he wished to keep his energy merging in Initial Stage as well as his energy control capability,

if he had time, he would try and increase their stages, but for now, it was best he forced on something which would stay, instead of growing weaker with each breakthrough.

"I will be heading off now, I will stop by from time to time to time if I have the time," Sora said with a smile, his father nodded slightly while watching him leave, but he stopped Sora after some thought.

"There is something I think you should know before you leave." Sora's father said seriously, confusing Sora who turned to look at him.

He had not told Sora anything about his past or even how he had such things, Sora didn't ask as well as he knew he was too weak to know such things. But Sora did know his father was injured, and forced to say at the village, so one of the goals Sora had was to one day get a Senzu bean from the system and give it to his father to heal up.

"... I'm not your father, I'm your uncle." He said calmly stunning Sora slightly,

"I can't tell you much about my past, or where you came from. but I can tell you this, my brother is waiting for you along with my sister-in-law..." He said with a smile looking at Sora's stunned eyes,

"Well, I see you more as my birth parent than my actual birth parents. it makes no difference to me. and I will find a way to heal you." Sora said as he turned and left, ucle smiled slightly hearing those words.

"Dao injuries are not so easily healed, I'm only your protector and even that is getting harder and harder every passing day." He said softly as he returned inside the mansion...

4 days later, Sora jumped off the flying Nimbus, landing smoothly on the ground. looking up ahead, Sora looked at the huge wall uphead. that was the city walls, a wall that surrounds a whole city,

"So, this is white cloud city. it should be at least 5 times bigger than Ox Village." Sora said softly while looking at the huge walls, he walked on the roar and quickly arrived at the city entrances where guards stood, checking those who entered.

this was the south side entrance, rarely would anyone come in from this side, it's usually villagers who come in to trade goods. there where no one at this time, which allowed Sora to quickly get through, but he couldn't just walk through the entrances

"proof that you're a resident of the city." They said as their spear moved, blocking Sora's path. Sora was stunned for a moment as he never heard of such a thing, seeing this the guards had an annoyed look, another brat from the village was coming out to play.

"listen brat, if you don't have the needed papers, you would need to pay up to enter." A guard said coldly, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"how much is the entrance fee?" Sora asked calmly, the guards rolled their eyes slightly, how could someone with no bag on them pay anything. was he hiding the monkey in his underwear?

"1 silver coin." the guard said calmly, Sora nodded slightly before he took out the monkey from his storage ring, stunning the two guards who looked at the ring on Sora's finger. the guards looked at each other, and seeing the looks of greed which were about to explode, they spoke

"brat, where did you get that storage ring? you must have stolen it," They said before one of them made a move, reaching out to grab Sora's hand. Sora snorted slightly, and at a speed greater than the guard, he grabbed the guard's finger and bent it.

the guard yelled in pain as he fell to his knees, trying to get Sora to let up of his finger which might just be broken under Sora's action, the other guard seeing this stabbed forward with his Spear, but Sora grabbed and let go of the guard finger, only to grab his arm and throwing him towards the guard,

the two were sent flying, slamming into the wall hard. These guards were only at level 4 Qi refinement, the past few days with his father, Sora managed to learn more about the Zenkai boost, which was just overpowered in Sora's opinion

every time Sora gets injured, all his cultivation stages would improve, if he suffer enough injuries and recover from it. the most impressive thing about this is that the breakthrough happens within the cultivation art Sora had comprehended, and chosen to cultivate.

currently, Sora was at level 3 Qi refinement, level 3 Soul refinement, and level 5 Body refinement. because of the Zenki boost, Sora's breakthrough was aimed towards making the 3 cultivation realm balance each other out, so currently all of them gave Sora a strength measurement of 20. this meant each allowed Sora to skip 2 realms,

when all are fused, Sora could show a shocking strength of 120 fists, although he couldn't keep that level of power for long, Sora was still not someone to be picked on. but what happened here allowed Sora to remember something, he was not within the village anymore and his uncle wouldn't scare off anyone who wants to bully him. but what's done is done, now he had to face the greed of the whole city.

"You dare to harm a guard of the city, you're done for." the guard roared angrily, before running off to get back up. Sora didn't care and simply stood there, waiting for the trouble to come this way.

this world city was ranked into stars this city was only a 1-star city, meaning it had a level 10 body refinement realm expert... by the way, the Body cultivation realm is unique in many ways, its also the only one out of the 3 cultivation system which had different names for each cultivation realm.

for example, the body refinement realm can also be called the Copper realm. the naming after ores is pretty much because one hardens their body to be a lot like metal,

Soon, a role of guards stood before Sora. Sora looked at them all, he didn't fear a fight, pick on him and he would fight back... plus, this was a perfect chance for him to rest his strength, so he waved at the guards to come at him, which enraged them, and had them shoot towards him

Sora shot forward, his fists flying left and right, slamming into the guards at blinding speed, the guards couldn't even react, they would all knock after a few blows. Sora left the guards who had run away to get back up awake.

"Now, where do you think your greed has gotten you?" Sora asked calmly, the two looked fearfully at Sora while backing away from him, they didn't expect Sora to be so powerful,

"w-we were wrong," the guard said said in horror at Sora's power, how could they not be fearful? how else can take out a small group of guards in a matter of seconds but a freak?

"I of course knew that, so take me to your boss," Sora said calmly, stunning the two, but they of course nodded and took Sora to a building where their captain was correct in. The captain was a middle-aged man who was currently going over some paper, works. seeing two guards enter his office, he grew annoyed and was about to yell until he saw a young man among them, who had his right eye closed.

He went on high alert seeing how these guards were acting as if they were walking on glass and were too scared to act up. there was a chance this person had a huge background, so he was on guard,

"no need to worry, I'm from a small background... but your guards here had caused me great emotional stress, so much so I have to come to you," Sora said with a smile, making the captain frown before looking at the guards, waiting for them to explain,

the guards quickly got away from Sora and began to explain everything that happened... of course, they had to add a few extra details to make their captain angry. but the captain ignored 99% of what they said, his eyes landing on the ring on Sora.

a storage ring, only the 2 people within this city had it. that the mayor of the city, and his late father who was trying to break through to the realm above Qi refinement, hoping to increase his lifespan with that breakthrough,

"I have heard a storage ring has gone missing, so it was you who stole it." The guard asked, his aura at level 6 Qi refinement exploded out, causing the ground around him to explode, he disappeared, shooting towards Sora,

Sora sighed softly before he punched forward, the captain sneered seeing a brat attacking him so straightforwardly, how strong could the brat be?


The captain was sent shooting through the building and countless other buildings while coughing up mouthfuls of blood.

"Well, I put too much power into that attack, I thought he was a big shot with that show he put on," Sora said lazily before he turned his attention to the guards, who almost shit themselves seeing Sora looking at them.

"Well, I gave you a chance..." Sora said as he disappeared, handing two fists to the two guards' stomachs, instantly a gust of Qi shot their bodies, before they fell to the ground, disbelief written all over their faces.

"y-you cripple me." They said with lifeless eyes, Sora destroyed their Dantian with that attack, making their year's worth of hard work turn into nothing. they were now weaker than a normal human, barely able to lash out with 1 fist of strength,

One should know, cultivation for people was hard. They go to work, get paid, and had to split their pay into 4 parts. Food, Housing, Self Care, and Cultivation. Sora's action of crippling them had years worth of pain, suffering, and so on go to waste, and they couldn't even start over as Sora destroyed their Dantian, they would be worthless,

Sora ignored the two and went on to go to the captain, who was knocked out from his attack. Sora slapped him away, causing him to awaken with a confused look, but everything that happened returned to him the moment he saw Sora.

"Now, how is your boss?" Sora asked with a smile...

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