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Chapter 18: Ch. 17 Legacy of Monsters

POV Black Cat

Location: Valon mansion

"So who is this guy and where did he come from?" I asked the two others who most likely had the information, but the girl of very few words didn't even acknowledge my question.

[That is Maximillion Pegasus former Ceo of Industrial Illusions and creator of Duel Monsters and other popular games.]

The egg shaped robot said refilling my empty glass of water I smiled at the action, but inside I was trying search my memory for the person and company name but neither rang any bells much to my irritation.

Just as I was about to repeat the last part of my question the Duel or wherever it's called began and Helperbot projected a screen showing the duel through a format that showed the moves each person did and the cards information.

I had watched the quite girl and ma-...Shawn duel enough times to follow what was going on damn if it wasn't difficult to not get invested in the action matter how much I watch the duels.

The first turn ended I couldn't help but feel the duel was already over as the little cartoon magician looked up at the large demonic like dragon that had jets of flams spewing out of it's neck.

Then this Maximillion Pegasus summoned a monster that made ever instinct inside my body want to run I dropped my glass of water upon seeing it almost choking on some water even the quite girl looked up from her own Duel Disk to look at the thing.

"!?!" I said coughing but no less forceful but I couldn't keep my eyes off the creature ever instinct telling me if I looked away from.the thing even for a moment I would be dead.

[Maximillion Pegasuss' Ace monster Relinquished a level 1, Dark, Ritual monster with both 0 Attack and Defense.]

"...Wait no attack points at all?" I asked and the robot bobbed up and down its only way of nodding but I was still shocked.

Sure everytime I've seen one of these duels certain monsters gave me goosebumps or sent shivers down my spine, but they were at least powerful or in some way intimidating like quite girls warrior women.

I looked at the flouting abomination it's one eye starting at mast-...Shawn and I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen.

POV Shawn Valon

"So this is what it feels like to face such a legendary monster...I honestly can't even describe it," I said more to myself the Pegasus but he smiled none the less.

Pegasus: "Why thank you now let me show you the incredible, extraordinary, unparalleled and insurmountable power of my beautiful monster!" he said and I heard my dragon roar out in pain.

Archfiend Black Skull Dragon was suddenly restricted by black tenticals that slowly began to drag it towards Relinquished.

Pegasus: "You see once per turn Relinquished can take one of your monsters and equip it to itself gain their attack and defence say good by to your dragon Shawny-boy," he said as my dragon tried to fight off the black tenticals.

"Maybe I do need to say goodbye but not yet I activate my face down card the continues trap Return of the Red-Eyes," as the card rose and shined a black most spewed forth from it covering the ground.

As the ground was covered in the black most a shape rose up from the most to reveal Summoned Skull it's arms crossed and knelling in front of me.

"You see since I have a Red-Eyes monster on my side of the field even for just a moment longer I can special summon one normal monster from my graveyard," I said but Archfiend Black Skull Dragon was still pulled into Relinquished.

<Monster- Summoned Skull>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 6>



Attack- 2500

Defense- 1200

<Monster- Relinquished>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 1>



Attack- 3200

Defense- 2500

Pegasus: "Ahh that monster sure does bring back memories but sadly it won't be sticking around Relinquished destroy Summoned Skull Hellfire Blast!" he shouted.

Relinquished did as it was compared but unlike the original attack the torrent of flames the monster fired was a dark purple.

Summoned Skull countered with it's own attack dark lightning crackled around it's fist then with a leap it jumped fist first into the attack dispersing the flames but destroyed in the process.

Pegasus: "Such sacrifice from a monster it's a wonderful thing to see...But to bad your face down can't protect you from my Toon thanks to Toon World my Toon Dark Magician can attack you directly," he said and the cartoon monster did as much.

It raised its wand in the are were a small cartoon storm cloud with angry eyes appeared and with a wave of Toon Dark Magicians wand the cloud fired a bolt of black lighting at me.

I felt my body jurk and spasm as I flew backward I wanted to yell out in pain but the energy caused me to clench my jaw shut making me groan and growl before it stopped after a few seconds.

As my body began to stop spasaming I noticed Pegasus giving me a weird as I stood up and dusted myself off.

Pegasus: "Mmm...Oh Shawny-boy before we continue our duel I must ask why don't you use your Millennium item to protect yourself in fact I haven't seen you use the Millennium Ring except passively," he said his voice curious.

"Let me answer your question with a question what's the point of training as hard as I have if I'm just going to use a crutch to win my battles," I said the Founder of Duel monsters paused and said nothing for a few moments then with a smirk nodded his head.

Pegasus: "I see you're for more interesting then I could have imagined Shawny-boy," he said setting one card and ending his turn.

[Turn 2]

Shawn: 1600 C: 2 +1

Pegasus: 800 C: 1

"I draw!" I said swiping the top card with all my might climbing at the card I couldn't help but smile "I active the spell card Red-Eyes Insight by sending Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon to the graveyard I can add one red-eyes spell it trap to my hand," I shouted out.

The vissage of two glowing Red appeared below me in my shadow and from my deck a card extend out and I took it eagerly.

"This duels been fun Pegasus but now it's over I activate Red-Eyes Fusion!" I shouted and placed the card on my duel disk.

Pegasus looked on with shock and awe at what he was seeing my smile widened.

"I Fusion summon the Dragon who Falls from the stars and with him Bring infinite potential to all who survive it's arrival Go Meteor Black Comet Dragon!" I shouted out the summoning chant a feeling of some kind caused my body to feel...enegized and as if I could and would do anything.

The massive dragon appeared but not from the sky but from my shadow something I found confusing as I looked down and saw the warm golden glow of the Millennium Ring and saw the Glowing Red Eyes in my shadow, in fact my entire shadow had changed completely and was now a black swirling void.

But before I could do anything else and as Meteor Black Comet Dragon was halfway from fully appearing a blue screen appeared in front of my face.

[Pegasus has surrendered]

Shawn: 1600- Winner

Pegasus: 800- Losser

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Pegasus: "We'll done Shawny-boy I just knew you'd be impressive but to think you would be this talented," he said walking towards me.

"Huuuuuuuuh?!?!" I said completely flabbergasted and a bit disappointed that he ended the duel before the climatic finish.

Pegasus: "Yes you will be perfect to bring the great game of Duel monsters to this world," he said circling me and looking me over as if he was checking to see what size suit I wore.

"But why did you surrender," I asked feeling my disappointment quickly and suddenly become an intense rage and I had to hold myself back surprising myself with my reaction.

But Pegasus didn't seem all that surprised in fact he has and was smiling the entire time.

Pegasus: "You see Shawny-boy this wasn't about the duel it was about seeing if you were worthy and now I know you are and far more interesting then I originally thought," he said leaning forward getting uncomfortably close to my face.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked finally getting a hold of my emotions but my heart was still pounding in my chest.

Pegasus: "You see Shawny-boy..." he said dramatically before point a finger right at me "...That wasn't part of our deal," he said and I stood their starting at him.

"Seriously you spout all that a d your not even going to tell me what's so special about me?!?" I raged barely keeping myself from tackling the man.

But Pegasus just smiles and laughs softly to himself leaning back but held up a finger that before taking a more serious attitude.

Pegasus: "But I will keep my end of the bargain so shall we begin," he said reaching out a hand.

I didn't even hesitate to grab his hand and shack it and immediately a blue screens appeared.

[Mission: A world without Duel monsters] (updated)

•You are in a world without the joy of duel monsters but now you have taken the first step in changing that.



As I finished reading the update multiple new blue screens appeared.

[You have defeated Maximillion Pegasus]

•Toon construction Deck

+2,000 Gems

[The shop has been updated.]

[New gates have been revealed.]

[One new legendary Duelist has appeared.]

Pegasus: "Now now Shawny-boy no getting destracted there is much work to be done," he said getting my attention and I nodded and made our way inside.

(Some Time Later)

POV 3rd Person

Location: ????

In a desert area a large cube like building stands far away from civilization surrounded by specialized soldiers and equipment built and trained to contain what's inside.

Inside a dark corridor a man walked the grey concrete walls the sound of his footsteps the only sound heard and the only light to show the path of the hallways being the occasional lightbulb that hung from the sides of the walls.

As the man walked he passed by the occasional door but he paid none of them any attention and for a few minutes he continued to walk passing door after door each one slightly different then the last until he stopped in front if one.

He pressed his hand to a screen on the side of the large metal door the screen flashed and a slight *ping* was heard and the sound of locks coming undone echoed down the long corridors.

The door slowly so won't inward showing that it was a few feet thick of metal with two large cylinders inside that acted as locks.

The man walked into the room and in the middle of it was a being held in which chains each attached to cuffs attached each appendage arms and legs restrained the being and they also wore a thick helmet helmet that covered most of they're face except for their eyes.

*Sniff* *Sniff* *Sniff*

???: " don't know you...who are you...?" a deep voice reverberated out of the helmet and two glowing yellow eyes shown with savage curiosity.

???: "Who I am is not important Commandor Emil Blonsky or do you go by Abomination," the man said his voice calm "But what is important is what I can do for you," he said.

The Abomination laughed a deep, raspy, cruel and savage sound echoed through the room and down the halls of the prison know as the cube.

Abomination: "Oh and what can you do for me?" he said a chuckle in his voice.

???: "Me and my associates want you to retrieve our lost product and eliminate any and all witness," the man said.

Abomination: "Oh and I want a full British breakfast and..." he began to say only to be intrupted.

???: "In exchange..." the man said his calm voice cutting through the Abominations monaloge "my associates will not only set you free and give you a very sizeable paycheck they will also help you take down the hulk," the man said.

The silence in the room was deafening and for a long time the savage eyes of the Abomination stared at the man.

Abomination: "I'll accept but on one condition..." the man nodded his head motinoning for him to continue "...I don't need help killing the hulk or banner I've had a long time to think about how im going to make them suffer so all I need from you is to know we're Betty Ross is," he said his glowing slightly.

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