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Chapter 8: Ch.8 Getting a Millennium item

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Museum of national history

I walked along with the tour as we made our way through the museum and instead of focusing on my goal I couldn't help but paid attention to the tour finding it all very interesting.

Until we walked past another tour and into the Egyptian section and immediately spotted the Millennium Ring inside a glass box.

As soon as I laid eyes on it I felt something shift inside me like a switch that was off was suddenly flicked on.


Hearing the growl I looked around for the course but couldn't find it and no one else had noticed it.


'Wait Red-Eyes is that you,' I asked myself and felt a feeling of confirmation as I looked into the glass box I saw bright glowing red eyes look back at me.

'What is it?' I asked and I watched as the red eyes turned to the Ring I felt a few emotions and I shook my head.

'No I am not taking it in the middle of the day in front of people I'm going to follow my plan,' I thought and got a growl in response 'Yes I have a plan,' I thought as I followed the tour.

As the tour went on I snuck away to the bathroom and waited.


'Yes, this is my plan!' I said sit cross-legged on the toilet put in my earbuds and balanced my phone on the door and put on Netflix and waited.

(Hours later)

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

???: "The museum is now closed kid time to go," a security guard said and I got up put my stuff away, and putting some magic behind my leg kicked the stall door open.

*THWAK* *Bam* *Thud*

The door almost broke off its hinges looking down at the unconscious guard I apologized before making my way out of the bathroom then stopped as I caught the image of what I looked like.

Dark Magician Robs had changed my appearance without me even noticing I looked like Limbo but instead of glowing Yellow yes I had white glowing eyes and the outline of a face hidden inside of a black hoodie with a black leather jacket, gloves, jeans, and boots.


"Ok this is new," I said and immediately covered my mouth as the voice that spoke wasn't mine it was deeper and sounded glitchy and distributed.


"Ok ok I'm going sheesh," I said still not used to my voice as I walked out of the door and made my way to the Neckless.

As I walked I noticed that I wasn't making any sound at all and taking a chance I stomped on the ground and nothing with some trepidation I clapped my hands together and nothing happened a smile grew on my face.

'I love magic,' I thought as now with some confidence I ran to the Egyptian section and smiled at the empty room and my first Millennium item.

'I hope this works,' I thought as I placed a finger on the glass case and imagined it as a claw and began making a circle on the case, and to my surprise, it worked.

My gloved finger was now as sharp as a dragon's claw and with little resistance I cut the perfect circle and with some hesitation grabbed the thing and pulled it out of its case.

"Well that's better than I thought it would," I said.

???: "Drop the artifact and get on the floor now!" a voice said and turning I saw three guards standing pointing racers at me one of them being the guards I had knocked out.

'I spoke a little too soon,' I thought but then noticed as the guards looked at me with disappointment.

???: "I thought you said they went this way!" one guard yelled to the one I knocks out.

???: "He did when I came to I saw him run into here look he took one of the artifacts," he said pointing.

???: "Great ill call the cops you guys check all the doors and emergency exists," one said and all three split up.

'What just happened it was like they couldn't see me?' I thought and then looked down at the Millennium ring.


•Millennium Ring

-Primary power is to guide the owner to whatever he seeks.

-Camouflage into the darkness around you.

Looking around at the dim lights I couldn't help but feel how ridiculously vague the powers of the items he had so far were.


'Yeah your right let's get out of here,' I thought and made my way staying in the shadows as I walked out of the front door I walked a few blocks before making it to my Duel Runner.

Walking over to the bike I suddenly felt something was off and I looked up to see a figure looking at the museum on top of a building.

A part of me wanted to see who it was but the rational part knew I need to leave fast and the ladder part won out as I got in my Duel Runner and left.

"One down six to go," I said as I drove I noticed that my clothes had changed back to my casual wear 'Man I love magic,' I thought driving home.

POV Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat

(A few minutes earlier)

'Dame someone got here before me,' I thought as I heard the police respond over my scanner to the museum's call of a robbery.

I had been scouting out the museum since yesterday the new artifact made of solid gold piquing my interest but now and being a cat person anything Egyptian would look good on me.

But my disappointment was pushed aside as I heard then watched a motorcycle I was sure hadn't driven by suddenly drive out of an ally and speed off.

Quickly I made my way off my lookout and down to the ground and got on my motorcycle and chased after the bike following from a good distance but to my surprise, the guy never looked back to check if anyone was following.

'Did I seriously get my score stolen by a novice,' I thought continuing to follow along until I watched the bike go up a gravel road to a large mansion in the middle of nowhere.

"This has just got a lot more interesting," I said to myself taking some binoculars and watching as getting off the motorcycle a boy around her age with gold blond hair tone or stocky build walked inside.

Getting off my bike I snuck closer found a spot that gave me a look inside and watched as the boy held the Golden artifact up to. . .is that a robot?

And a moment later was a girl also by the looks of it my age as well I watched as the two looked over the artifact as it lay on the table and he spoke to them.

I watched as they spike well that wasn't exactly true the boy talked the mouth of the robot glowed making me think that's how you knew it was talking and the girl just stood like a statue in the kitchen staring at the boy barely blinking.

Then as if out of nowhere the girl turned in my direction looking at me the boy and robot noticed but before anything else could happen.

*Crash* *RAAA* *SNIKT!*

The girl without warning crashed threw the window and let out a scream that sounded more like a roar as two metal claws extended from each of her hands and charged at me

Taking the hint I fell from the tree and unfurled my wipe from my waist and flicked it the girl's way hoping to keep the girl at bay only for that idea to quickly be dashed as the girl let the who hit her but ignored it and ran up to me.

'Shit what the hell is wrong with this bitch,' I thought dodging the swiping claws and in a swift motion grabbed a flashbang from and threw it into the girl's face.


The girl reeled back in pain clothing at her eyes but I didn't give her time to recover I kicked her as hard as I could in the stomach but the girl barely moved only dropping to the ground

Quickly I grabbed my whip off the ground and with all the finance I could muster I made the whip wrap around the golden artifact with a pull it was flung into the air and I held out my hand to catch it.

"DON'T TOUCH IT," he yelled out but I smirked.

"Sorry but this little piece is-" I began to say but as the artifact landed in my hand a cold shiver went through my body and I felt goosebumps on my skin.

Then suddenly my vision became blue and then my hearing started to disappear but before I could process anything else my vision went black.

POV Shawn Valon

"Shit Shit Shit Shit-" I continued to repeat as I ran over to the now still form of Black cat and found her skin pail and cold she was dead.

Quickly I grabbed the Millennium item and pointed at the dead body of the Black cat and began putting my is into it.


"Why wouldn't I bring her back to life," I said and Red-Eyes sent me multiple images of Black Cat following me and spying on me through the kitchen window "Wait you knew she was following me why didn't you tell me?" I asked.


"Ok fine ill do better next time but that's no reason to let her die," I said, and after a few moments. . .

*Grrrrrr* *Roar*

"What's your idea?" I asked and as the Millennium item Glowed and Black cat suddenly breathe in a deep breath of air before falling back unconscious.

But that wasn't all as the glow grew brighter and form an ornate golden chain that appeared in my free hand the lead to Black Cat's neck was a thick metal collar that appeared suddenly wrapped around her neck.

"Red-Eyes what the hell is this?" I said but got no reply as the golden chain between me and the collar suddenly disappear leaving a broken piece of it on the collar the piece that was in his hand made a bracelet out of itself and was now around his arm.

Everything was happening too fast for me as I stood there trying to cope with what was supposed to have been a simple snatch and grab had become something more of a fight the Millennium item being taken and a dead person.

"Are you ok?" I asked X-23 who got up and turned to see the Black cat on the ground and stepped towards her I immediately stood in between the two and shook my head.

X-23 simply looked at me then back to the black cat then back to me before growling and retracting her claws and walking back inside.

Taking the idea I picked up black cat bridle style and took her up to one of the guest rooms as I passed by Helperbot it turned to me.

[Do you plan on bringing any boys over soon]

I couldn't help but fake laugh at the statement as I carried the cat girl up the stories wondering what am I going to do next.

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