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Chapter 20: Chapter 20- Ringo Ameyuri's new life

Ringo Ameyuri POV

Swords clashed and sparks flew as she engaged in a sparring match with Ren.

Beads of sweat fell down her chin as she struggled to keep up with the boy. The same boy she had injured many times in their first battle.

It's only been three months since that fight. The fight that changed the course of her life. And now here she was, struggling to stay on her feet despite Ren not using even a fraction of his abilities.

Because Ren had improved so much since their life and death battle, that if he truly wanted to defeat her, he could do so in an instant.

It was both scary and humbling.

The greatest amount of growth he had shown was in Genjutsu, by the simple fact that he could now easily slip past her defences and put her to sleep with a single look.

The other great improvement was that he'd learned Hiraishin. Which was a game changer on its own. And while Ren claimed that he was still not very good at using it in a battle, whenever he used it against her, she didn't last a single minute.

In addition to these accomplishments, Ren demonstrated overall enhancement in every aspect. His skills, combat experience, speed, and strength had all shown significant improvements. Most concerning was his heightened Resistance to Lightning, allowing him to withstand her most powerful attacks without a single scratch.

If 'Not all people are created equal' was a person, then that person would be Ren.

That's not to say that she has not improved either. In fact, due to sparring against a superior opponent on a daily basis, she has shown greater improvement in the past few months than she'd shown in the entire decade when she worked as a Bounty Hunter.

The spar eventually came to an end as Ren slipped past her defences and put his sword to her throat.

Her breasts heaved from the exertion of the long and tiring sparring session while Ren remained as immaculate as ever. Not a hair out of place.

As she said. Unfair.

"Do you want another spar?" He asked and she looked at her trembling hands, evidence of enduring Ren's tremendously powerful strikes.

"No. I'm done for the day." She said somewhat reluctantly. Knowing how to pace herself and not overdo her training was an important skill she'd learned as a Bounty Hunter.

It was to ensure that she was always prepared for an ambush from the other Bounty Hunters who might be after her bounty.

A smile graced her face as she seized Ren by the arms. "Time for a bath, brat," she declared, leading him towards the hot water bath build within the house.


"Ah~ This is life~" She said with a relived sigh as she relaxed in the hot water pool, feeling her exhaustion melt away.

She stared at the Fuinjutsu seals drawn at the bottom of the pool used to heat up the water. She personally understood none of it but could respect the work, effort and skill required to create a pool like this. Her attention then shifted to the little Fuinjutsu master who was relaxing some distance away from her.

She got up from her position, her perky breasts out in the open and walked over to his side.

He opened an eye and glanced at her, his eyes resting on her breasts. "What are you doing?"

"Shhh. Don't ask any questions." She told him as she raised him up and then sat him down on his lap, his head now buried in between her breasts as she wrapped her arms around him.

It was not like she was unaware of the brat's plans to marry and breed her in the future.

She still wasn't sure how she felt about this entire thing. But if she was going to become his concubine or lover in the future, then she might as well start grooming him right now to hold some affection for her as well.

That way, if she turned out to be infertile or some other problems cropped up, then fostering his affections now would make him more inclined to keep her by his side rather than throw her away like disposable trash.

And while she had own pride as a powerful kunoichi and took some offence at the idea of becoming a broodmare, she didn't really mind bearing the children of the person who was destined to become the next 'God of Shinobi'.

As far as retirement plans went, hers was definitely better than most other rogue kunoichis out there.


"Relax your body." Ren said as she lay naked on the futon, his steady hand gliding across her naked body with practiced ease.

"It tickles." She said, a soft moan leaving her throat as the cold ink of the brush went over her breast.

"Quit distracting me," he commanded, and she suppressed a chuckle as he continued in his task, his chakra coursing through the ink and embedding itself into her body.

"How much longer will it take?" She asked as she squirmed in a deliberate attempt to distract him. Ren shot her an annoyed glance before returning to task of inscribing Fuinjutsu seals across her body.

"We're… just about done." Ren said as he made one last seal on her toned stomach. "You can get up now."

She did so, deliberately parting her legs and show him a glimpse what's waiting for him in the future.

"How do you feel?" Ren asked as he took all of her in, an amused look on his face.

"I don't know. How should I feel?" She asked as she moved her body around and then paused at how most effort it took for her to do so.

"I assume you can feel the Restriction Seals starting to take effect?" Ren asked and she moved around a bit more, discovering that even the most basic movements had become ten times more challenging than before.

"Oh, it's working alright. I feel like a prisoner in my own body." She told him as she picked up her swords and swung them around.

Yeah… a normal Jounin would easily kill her right now due to how slowly she was moving.

"That's good. This is one of the seals made by the Uzumaki clan. And improved by yours truly. With this seal, the results you get from your training should improve considerably." Ren said and then handed her another scroll. "I've also prepared a new training regimen for you."

"My own training regimen worked well enough for me." She complained, knowing well enough that she was just being childish at this point.

"Yeah. That training regimen helped you when you were a normal kunoichi. And it took you to the realm of S-class. But that was about two decades ago." Ren said. "How much have you improved since then?"

She bit her lip, grappling with a truth she was reluctant to confront – that she had stagnated since leaving Kiri. While her skill and experience had grown modestly over the past two decades, her strength and speed had largely plateaued.

"And you use these seals as well?"

"Yes. And at a much higher setting." He said.

She bit her lips and asked. "Aren't I too old for this stuff?"

"No." Ren said, not explaining any more after that as he tossed her clothes to her. "Put them on and join me outside. My Shadow Clones will monitor your progress and then we'll assess the adjustments needed to create an improved training regimen for you."

She let out a sigh and nodded.

She sensed that the upcoming months were likely to be quite challenging for her. But despite all her complaints, she was rather looking forward to it. The prospect of improving as a kunoichi after having stagnated for so long really appealed to her.


"That guy, in the Red haori with long brown hair." Ren pointed out as they perched on the tree branches, hidden from view and observing the people in the marketplace.

"Is he a spy?" She asked.

"Worse. A traitor." Ren said with some disappointment. "Follow and capture him while he's out of public view. I'll have a Shadow Clone send him to the T&I."

She nodded and ignored her sore and tired muscles as she went to complete Ren's orders.

Capturing the traitor was easy as he was only a Chunin. And once she'd downed the guy,

Ren's Shadow Clone took over from there and she quickly returned back to the tree to continue with the scouting mission.

This mission had extended for over a month at this juncture, with Ren uncovering an increasing number of spies, traitors, saboteurs, and assassins each passing day. Though this was the first time she had joined him on this mission so she didn't know all that much about it.

After sitting still for about an hour and finding a corrupt official, Ren rose from his position and face her. "We're done here. Follow me. We're going to the next place."

The next place was the Jounin Headquarters, where the Jounins came to mingle, get missions, fill up paperwork and all that jazz.

Ren covered the both of them in a shroud of Genjutsu and then they went back to waiting.

They did this with two more locations before they finally stopped near the Hokage Tower.

"Are you really allowed to spy on the Hokage Tower?" She asked, wondering how the 3rd Mizukage would've reacted if someone tried to spy on his office.

"I'm spying on the people coming and going from the tower, not the tower itself." Ren told her. "And yes, the Hokage specifically asked me to do so."

She arched a surprised eyebrow at the revelation. However, from what little she knew, Ren and the Hokage had a pretty good relationship with each other. So she probably shouldn't be so surprised by this.

Before she could say anything else though, an Anbu arrived in front of them.

"Shisui. I didn't know that you joined the anbu." Ren said and once she paid closer attention to the young looking anbu, she could definitely see the resemblance to the young Uchiha girl who came to spar with Ren every now and then.

"Ren. Please don't call me by my name while I'm on duty."

"Sure, Shisui." Ren said with an amused grin and the anbu sighed before he glanced over at her.

"Umm… hello to you too Ringo-san." The girl said. "And I don't mean to be rude, but are you allowed to leave the compound right now?"

"No. She isn't." Ren answered on her behalf.

Shisui stared at Ren for a moment before her shoulders slumped. "You know that you can't simply break rules because you feel like it, right Ren. The rules are there for a reason after all."

"She was feeling antsy after staying cooped up in my house for so long. So I decided to take her out with me." Ren said and she felt gratitude well up in her heart for the boy.

She had indeed been feeling a bit confined after staying in that place for an extended period. However, she had assumed the Hokage had finally granted her permission to move about freely. Apparently, he hadn't.

"I'll have to report this to Hokage-sama." Shisui said with a resigned voice.

"You do that. I'll come and talk with Minato-san once my mission is over." Ren said and Shisui vanished in a Shunshin.

She watched the anbu return back to the Hokage Tower before she turned to Ren. "Was this really wise?"

"Probably not. But you don't need to worry about this. I'll deal with any fallout." Ren said and she felt a familiar warmth in her heart once again.

She leaned toward him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you. I really needed this."

"Don't mind it." Ren told her and then they continued with his mission.


"Get up."

she instructed Itachi, Anko, and Rin Nohara, all three lying flat on their backs, injured and exhausted from their sparring session with her.

The trio of girls showed rapid improvement, and each one of them possessed the potential to surpass her in the future. However, they were still a considerable distance from being able to defeat an S-class kunoichi.

The girls groaned as they slowly got up and dragged their bodies back into the training ground.

"Ren. A little help over here." She called out to one of Ren's Shadow Clones who had been busy practicing his Healing Technique on a half dead fish beside the lake.

The shadow clone came over and quickly started healing the minor injuries of the three kunoichi, preparing them for yet another intense sparring session.

While the Shadow Clone did that, she mused about how Jiraiya had entrusted her with the task of teaching these Kunoichi on how to survive an encounter with a very strong enemy.

From what little she knew, the skirmishes at the border area had increased in intensity and Jiraiya had been sent to the Northern border to take charge of the shinobi deployed there.

Judging by the situation, it was likely that a war could break out any day now. And if that happened, these girls would either be ready to face their enemies or they would become just another statistic in the battlefield.

She was still surprised that Jiraiya put her in charge of her three apprentice.

She still wasn't sure whether to be flattered by this show of trust of annoyed at having to teach three brats.


With widened eyes, she observed as the lightning-formed dragon descended from the skies at a speed faster than she could blink and crashed onto the ground with a thunderous boom.

The ground shook underneath her and the area where the Lightning Dragon crashed turned into a 100 meter wide crater.

If that Jutsu struck her… then she would definitely die.

She knew a few defensive jutsu but they would not last an instant against an attack of such calibre. And while she was fast, the Jutsu was far faster so she can't escape either.

"That… that was an S-class Lightning Release Jutsu." She said, her voice trembling from the shock.

It was difficult for her to fathom that he had only begun seriously honing his skills in Lightning Jutsu after her joined him. In just a few months, he had crafted an S-class Jutsu, while she, with a lifetime affinity for it, had only managed to create or recreate B and A-class Jutsu.

Ren descended from the towering tree, where he had commanded the Lightning Dragon, and landed next to her. Then he took out a scroll from within his Inventory and threw it at her.

"That's your birthday gift." He told her and she blinked.

"Today is my birthday?" She asked, as she herself had no idea when her birthday was.

"No. I'm just kidding." Ren said with a cheeky smile. "Regardless, take that S-class Jutsu as a gift. But remember, it can only ever be used while there are clouds in the sky. Though the scroll also shows a few ways to create cloud in the skies."

She cast a glance at the overcast sky and nodded. "I understand." Then she became alert as she sensed multiple powerful Chakra signatures coming in their direction.

"Relax. It's just Anbu." Ren told her and her lips twitched.

Who else in Konoha had the gall to treat anbu like they were nothing special. Probably only S-class shinobi.

…which there were quite a few of in Konoha.

In fact, it was kinda absurd just how many S-class shinobi there were in Konoha.

And two of them were Kunoichi. Tsunade Senju and Ren's Sensei Kushina Uzumaki.

Three. If they counted her in that rank.

And that number will probably change to six when Shisui, Itachi and Rin Nohara grew up. Perhaps Anko as well.

And that's just the people she knew. There might be more hidden gems in Konoha that she's unaware.

Yeah. Absurd indeed. But it also explained why Konoha was seen as the strongest shinobi village in the Elemental Nations.

A moment later, a dozen anbu arrived in the clearing and surrounded them.

The ANBU leading the group gazed at the aftermath left by Ren's Lightning Dragon and then fixed his eyes on Ren.

"What did you do this time?" The anbu asked in a resigned voice.

"Just practicing a new S-rank Jutsu." Ren said with a nonchalant shrug.

the Anbu stared at Ren for a moment before he nodded. "Lightning Release?"


"I'll go and inform the Hokage." The Anbu captain said and then left the clearing, the other anbu quickly following in his wake.

Once they were gone, she turned to Ren. "Just how many S-rank Jutsu have you created?"

Ren thought on it for a moment and then shrugged. "I'm too lazy to count. Besides." He threw her a few more scrolls. "Those are a few more A-rank Jutsu that I created with Kakashi's help. Feel free to learn them if you the S-rank Jutsu is beyond you."

She licked her lips and then knelt down before pulling him into a hug, burying his face deep in her bosom. "Thank you, Ren. For everything you've done for me these past few months."

"Meh. You're my minion now, so the stronger you are, the better it is for me."

She chuckled at his words but didn't refute it.

For now, she'll be his minion. But once he's older, she'll become his wife. Despite her initial reluctance, having witnessed Ren's swift development firsthand, the prospect now held a certain allure for her.


"I've seen you do this a dozen times by now, but I don't think I'll ever get used to it." She said as Ren sat on his bed and prepared the proper containers filled with nourishing fluid.

"This is important." Ren told her, and she could hear the resolve in his voice.

"I'm still not so sure about this plan of yours." She told him as he reached for his scalpel. "Are you sure this'll work?"

"Kinda. If hadn't learned about the Hashirama cells being researched by our R&D Department then I wouldn't be doing this. As without those cells, this entire plan would be meaningless" Ren said and then paused. "On second thought, I'd probably still do it. If only out of curiosity and for personal research."

"Personal research…" She said in a deadpanned voice, and then pursed her lips as Ren reached for his right eye and took it out of its socket.

Just like that.

He cut the optical connection with the Chakra scalpel and then put the eye in the glass container. 

Then he used mystic palm jutsu to stop the bleeding from his now empty eye socket.

She quickly used a towel to wipe away the blood dripping down his chin. And despite having done this a dozen times by now, the sight of his empty eye socket still made her feel queasy.

It wasn't even the blood or the empty eye socket, as she'd seen plenty of them throughout her life. It was the realisation that someone she cared for was willingly subjecting himself to this. The boy must have truly grown on her for her to feel such sentimentality towards him.

Ren gave her a reassuring smile (as if it would make her feel better) before he reached for his right eye and took it out as well.

Once he had put both his eyes inside the glass container, he closed the lid and put it inside his Inventory, where it'll be safe and frozen in time.

She quickly went about cleaning the blood from Ren's face. And once that was done, he laid down on the bed and covered himself with the blanket.

"Goodnight Ringo."

"Goodnight Ren." She told him and the very next moment, he fell asleep.

'And now my watch begins.' She thought as she gripped her two Kiba swords. 'At least until the 6 hours it'll take for his eyes to regrow in their sockets.'

The fact that Ren's bloodline helped him recover from any wound and regrow any lost body part with just 6 hours of sleep was still baffling to her.

And the fact that Ren used this ability as a cheat to collect multiple Mangekyo Sharingan eyes left her utterly speechless. But despite the brutality of it all, she could see the importance and pragmatism in what he was doing. Especially with the plan he was crafting.

A plan to give a pair of Mangekyo Sharingan eyes to every single Uchiha Jounin.

That, along with a pound of Hashirama Flesh should turn any Uchiha Jounin into a monster capable of throwing hands with S-class monsters. Or so Ren claimed.

Especially with Ren's Mengekyo Sharingan's abilities to recover the Chakra and health of the wielder at any moment.

She thought about fighting a Uchiha Jounin who can recover from any wound and has nigh infinite chakra and felt a shiver go down her spine.

Yeah, if Ren's plan actually worked then Uchiha clan will easily become the strongest clan in the entire world.

And considering that she would be the wife of their future clan leader, she was all for it.


AN: And here we have it. A glimpse of Ringo Ameyuri's life.

She's not a good person. And she doesn't really love Ren either. But she's a pragmatic person and can see the way the wind is blowing. So she decided to hitch her cart to Ren's and join him on his ride to success.

She might come to love him in the future once they have a few children together but for now, she's only in it for selfish reasons. Nevertheless, Ren's evident care for her has undeniably caused her to develop a certain level of affection towards him.

Aside from that. Anko has joined Itachi and Rin Nohara's team since Orochimaru is too busy with his work and doesn't have the time to teach her.

Ren is helping Ringo become stronger since he sees her as his waifu.

The situation in the border area is deteriorating and a war is in the horizon.

And finally, Ren has started to collect Mangekyo Sharingan eyes in order to empower his clansmen and help Konoha by providing them with a group of powerful shinobi.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon for those interested in reading ahead.

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Have a nice day 

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