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Chapter 70: Quite an odd one

Seeing that he had both of his hands full carrying Sho, Shin summoned Oni and had it hold the bad with Sho's loot.

One might argue that Shin was using Sho simply for farming, but this whole thing didn't happen with his intent. Sho simply started killing shadows because he was feeling bored, while the reaper became annoyed with the trash littering Mementos, thus he decided to pick it up then and beat some sense into Sho's thick skull later.

Much to the reaper's chagrin, the redhead had access to the Meta-Nav, so he was free to come and go as he pleased. Thus, he felt he needed to take this problem to someone who had power over Sho even outside the Metaverse, as the redhead would just fight with him to a standstill inside.

That someone was Shin. The black-haired teen was shocked at the things going on in Mementos while he was out and about, but he quickly came up with a plan to make everyone happy, in theory, at least.

Sho would still rampage inside Mementos, and the reaper would still collect the loot, except now Shin goes there from time to time to make Sho take a break, for both the redhead's physical health and the reaper's mental health.

Basically, he turned the situation around so that he was making a profit off of them without doing all that much.

"So who the hell is that guy?" asked Ryuji, as they were walking to the exit of Mementos.

"This is Sho Minazuki. His Arcana is the Sun, and his Persona, Tsukiyomi, is of the Moon Arcana."

"Uhh, okay... But what's an Arcana?"

Shin sighed.

'This is gonna take some time.'


And it did. In fact, Shin and the others had already gotten back to LeBlanc by the time he finished explaining what Arcana were.

Seeing as Sho didn't wake up even then, Shin just dumped him on his couch upstairs and went down in the kitchen to make some curry. They were all hungry after going around Madarame's palace and Mementos.

He didn't forget about Morgana either, of course. He opened a pricey can of cat food for him.

The cat didn't seem to appreciate it, as he looked at his bowl in disdain.

"Cat food...? And this smell..." Morgana tried to cover his nose with his paw. "Disgusting."

He tried to push the bowl away, only to accidentally spill some on his fur.

"Yuck! Now my fur's going to stink."

He tried shaking it off, but the cat food was quite sticky as well. Resigned to his fate, Morgana tried licking it off, as his tongue should be able to clean the smelly sludge.

Meanwhile, Shin placed the servings of actual food at one table where the other 3 thieves were seated. Ryuji was already drooling just from the smell, while both Ann and Shiho had stars in their eyes.

"So, how's the curry?" asked Shin with his arms crossed.

"Thish ish too good! *Burp*" said Ryuji, barely pausing to breathe while he ate.

"I actually like sweet curry more than spicy curry usually, but I have to say, this one is just too good. The spiciness is just enough to be stimulating, but not too much to be an annoyance." said Ann.

"I agree. This is possibly the best spicy curry I have ever eaten." added Shiho.

Shin smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that. Sojiro's been drilling me even harder nowadays. Says that my curry skill is still lacking, and I need to make it more often to get better. Though I suspect he just wants me to work for him in the kitchen." said Shin, sighing as he remembered the older man's antics.

Suddenly, the peaceful atmosphere that permeated the cafe was interrupted when Shin heard some gagging sounds coming from below his waist.

In fact, it was Morgana, who, for whatever reason, put his whole right paw in his mouth.

"What the-" started Shin, befuddled.

In that time, Morgana continued rolling on the floor, trying in vain to dislodge his stuck appendage.

After a few more moments of wondering where the hell did nature go wrong with this world, Shin finally picked up the choking cat and forced his mouth open as wide as possible.

It took a bit of tugging, but the paw could finally get out of Morgana's mouth.

All that time, the others were just watching the two, stupefied at how such a situation came to be. One second they were talking about curry and then this happens.

"How did it turn out like this...?" muttered Shiho.

"Well, I got dirty, so I tried licking it off. It appears that this... thing has some sort of weird attractive properties regarding cat-shaped beings. I, unfortunately, fell for this ploy." said Morgana, trying to scramble whatever remains of dignity he might have after this humiliating display.

But no one really believed him.



0. Igor (The Fool) - Rank 2

I. Morgana (The Magician) - Rank 3

1. Takuto Maruki (The Councillor) - Rank 1

II. Makoto Niijima (The Priestess) - Rank 2

IV. Yusuke Kitagawa (The Emperor) - Rank 3

V. Sojiro Sakura (The Hierophant) - Rank 3

VI. Ann Takamaki (The Lovers) - Rank 7

VII. Ryuji Sakamoto (The Chariot) - Rank 6

IX. Futaba Sakura (The Hermit) - Rank 3

XIII. Tae Takemi (The Death) - Rank 4

XVIII. Saki Yoshiko (The Moon) - Rank 2

XIX. Sho Minazuki (The Sun) - Rank 2

XX. Sae Niijima (The Judgement) - Rank 1

Shiho Suzui (The Hope) - Rank 8

RealSam11 RealSam11

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