/ Fantasy / A Forced Contract With An Evil Goddess

A Forced Contract With An Evil Goddess Original

A Forced Contract With An Evil Goddess

Fantasy 40 Chapters 304.0K Views
Author: Reacix

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"The boy has no affinity with our power." The goddess exclaimed.

And thus, Levi was declared useless by his own family, exiled from his home for having no affinity with the god’s power.

At the age of ten, he barely made a living by being the porter for a prominent C-Rank party. No one cared about him. He was beaten up on a daily basis by his party. All who saw him chose to mind their own business.

One day, years after becoming a slave of the C-Rank party, Levi found himself on the verge of death, abandoned within a hell-like dungeon. As he was about to die, he heard a voice inside his head.

"I’m not letting you die."

That day, a calamity that could destroy the world was born if he, now she, so chose to.

Will she destroy the world to get her revenge, or will she change along the way, and save it. Join the journey of the calamity to find out…


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  1. Zachary_Patterson
    Zachary_Patterson Contributed 368
  2. charon413
    charon413 Contributed 76
  3. Neet_Weeb
    Neet_Weeb Contributed 43

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Hello, I come to ask if this is a Yuri story with only one love interest, the harem is not to my liking but that is up to you. .

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haven't read it yet but seems like I would probably like it

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LV 15 Badge

it's gaybating the mc is a dude, waste of time

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Author Reacix