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Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Confrontation & The Gamble.


And another handful of chips were packed into his mouth as the dark Orange haired figure looked at the board before him, looking on from up, down and side to side at the whole details of plans contained in it while putting another chip into his mouth and wiping the crust off his lips with the back of his hand.

His gaze went towards the television as he listened to the news with a stoic face, then turned back to his board again and couldn't help but crack a slight smile while putting the last chip into his mouth and tossing the bag in the trash, he would truly have to thank those guys, they made his job so much more easier than he could have imagined.

"Oh you old Bastards, thank you for your invitation" he shook his head lightly with a smile and turned around as he began humming a haunting tone to himself, Ahhh today was going to be quite the busy day indeed.

"Hm?" His senses were alerted by a vibration so he walked towards the table and picked up the tab, his gaze froze for a moment before he finally smiled.

He dropped the tab and rubbed his chin in thought "Hmm, although quite enticing I don't think I should take it yet. It'll be all out of order if I do that, and having that monster breathing down on my neck will cost me greatly right now. I don't think I'm ready to kill such a legend....yet, that guy isn't ready to do it now no matter how much he hates him".

He shrugged and turned around to leave "tis a real shame, but compromise is part of life afterall. And I've got time, ".....

[At the world meeting]

"We've all been in peaceful co-operation for a good while now, I've been making sure to keep my end of the deal and I've made sure to stay out of your business most of the time regarding whatever your looking for beyond this planet. Only thing I've asked is that you make sure whatever you search for doesn't cause harm to the world and it's order that you've promised to keep also" the current world leader ran his gaze around the room again.

He gave a slight nod to seemingly no one, a second later a huge holographic screen lit up in their midsts and their gazes went towards the screen.

One family head raised a brow and turned his gaze towards the world leader who was watching his gaze too "yes, like I have said. "MOSTLY" out of your business. I have no further knowledge past this but it's clear that somehow, someway you came across something that's beginning to cause the sour taste in our relationship" he said.

One of the beings around the table who had on a light blue suit and blue hair to match along with it, along with bright yellow Irises and a well chiseled face. He had a hand resting against his temple and looking at the projection with aloof eyes, "you guessed wrong"

The world leader turned his head in question to what he meant "what" he asked.

The blue haired family head Rosinante expanded "Luckily or unluckily, nothing has been found yet. And this also isn't the cause of the disturbance within the families" he lazily turned his head towards the world leader "it's a matter we prefer you not intervene yet, We'll solve it ourselves.... won't we" the last part was directed towards the other heads who had been keeping silent the whole time.

"Let's move on to other things" a family head calmly suggested, just by his looks alone it was obvious to figure out exactly what he was. The naturally engraved flame pattern along the tips of his hair and the dark Orange suit he wore, the strongest flame user in the world named Azazel.

Whatever his birth parents were thinking by giving such a name to their child remains to be unknown, but there was one thing. It fit perfectly with him, because he truly was a lurking demon and the second most powerful family head while being the actual man feared the most amongst the top 3 strongest beings on the planet.

As each family head was responsible for a running and handling different parts of the world and it's necessities as a whole they got down into deep politics involving the well being of the world and signing on different documents, either renewing New deals or crossing out unneeded ones. More than half of the world's population were ability users, the were only about 23% of humans born without an ability.

For the current world leader it didn't feel like he was leading humans but living weapons of destruction, one of the only reason why a cripple was even allowed to stand so high in this position now other than the respect they had for him was because of the fact that family heads recognized that their kind weren't the first beings on the planet although being the majority to exist in it now.

Of course not everyone was okay with this decision, but who would dare to oppose their thoughts in this, the current world leader had been put on a trial lead and has indeed proved himself capable of handling the job no matter how left out he may truly feel amongst them right now in truth..

"It's really rude you know"

Everyone calmly turned their gazes upwards, up above in the air was Dawn with both hands in his pockets and floating right in the air above them. Of course they couldn't sense or see him arrive, this old Bastard was still just as dangerous as ever, but they were indeed expecting him.

"That should be my line Dawn" the world leader said.

"Ehn, didn't see the not invited sign so I took the liberty of gracing you with my presence" he slowly came down a till he was a meter above ground and then looked around the place "you guys truly didn't save a seat for me, I'm quite hurt" he made a slight pouting face while running his gaze around the place but silently praying for the worst not to happen.

"You're regretting coming here now aren't you".

Dawn raised a brow and turned his gaze to the light golden brown haired family head on a white suit and pair of round circular shades resting on nasal bone and was looking on with a bored look

"There's obviously a good reason why we didn't inform you Dawn, no matter how suspicious you are.... you should have at least trusted the decision of your dear assistant. I'm betting you've already been aware of some of the things we've talked about and regretted every second of it. But your pride wouldn't let you leave like a lil bitch, so to save some dignity and make it seem like you actually came for something you decided to make a presumably cool entrance right.....Dawn" a slight smile crept up on the sides of his lips as he pushed his glasses up.

"....god I hate you Absalom. Fucking Chunibyo four eyes" Dawn spoke with pure passionate hate in his voice, no matter how much you may prepare yourself to expect it, the bastard really is just too sharp with his delivery, wanting to make sure it hits you where it hurts and in the best way.

Absalom gave a low laugh "you'd never understand my brilliance Dawn, being so analytical and cursed with such good looks at the same time, your low level ape mind can never" he covered his forehead with the back of his hand in a manner of distress and you could swear that you can see the imaginary flowers around this bastard.

Dawn pressed his lips in a forced smile and nod his head "good one, good one..." Dawn suddenly paused and turned his head towards a particular direction as if staring straight at something.

"Heh, as expected unable to come back with anything" Absalom gloated in himself.

The two other normal leaders besides the current world leader weren't even the least bit surprised by how childish they were now and just let them be as it seems even the current world leader was letting them be, although serious with their duties there truly wasn't anything capable of holding them down so they could randomly burst into this mode at any time. Sometimes it got annoyingly derailing to the point of being a headache and could make someone want to just give up on everything, especially Absalom's tongue.

*Sigh* "I'm losing interest in this meeting now, is there anything else we possibly have to discuss" asked the fourth family head Goethe, he had extremely silky green hair and matching sparkly green eyes, a well trimmed beard and a perfect shade green suit.

"This meeting was already approaching it's end anyways, we all have things to do still in our daily lives" the world leader said in a tired voice.

But then they all turned to Dawn whom had been standing there for quite a bit looking in a particular direction as if searching for something, "is something the matter Dawn" asked Rosinante who was somewhat confused.

Receiving no answer he turned to the others who were looking at him also, he turned back to Dawn and then his eyes glowed as did the others but sometime later they all stopped and raised a brow. "I sense nothing" he said.

"Shouldn't be..." a small whisper escaped Dawn's lips as he scrunched his brows, but the high senses of every family leader in this room caught it.

"What-" he was cut off when Dawn turned his gaze towards him and then began floating upwards "well since there's nothing I came for I'll be off now".

He burst out into multiple icy blue light particles and swirled out of the building leaving them all with confused looks, Absalom had suddenly turned very serious. That playful demeanor was nowhere to be seen and all that was left was the aura of a powerful man "he's sensed something dangerous" he voiced.

All family leaders got up and turned around to leave the place, the world leader didn't say anything about this and just let it happen. The only thing he could do now was watch and let them solve whatever the problem is, and he of course had no doubt it was getting solved.

After they had walked outside, making sure to avoid the press and other people, Rosinante asked "can you track him".

Absalom's eyes glowed "not.....exactly, we're not going towards whatever he's identified cause I'm sure it'll irk him when he feels my power trying to reach" his eyes went back to normal and he turned to the rest.

Azazel put a hand in his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out and putting the pack back inside as he created a small flame atop his thumb and lit it up "let him deal with whatever it is, as long as it doesn't come to threaten us then we have no problem" then he puffed a hit.

"Hmm, it's most likely those guys making a move so it may possibly involve us anyways" Goethe said.

"A stupid one if so" Rosinante finished, they all began walking side by side to where their lined up modes of transportation.

"We've remained in accordance with each other and maintained mutual benefits for both sides, it'll be quite saddening if they want to put a dent in our relationship" Goethe sighed and shook his head.

"Ehn, they know better than to try starting anything between both sides, we have the two biggest and most powerful guns in the world not counting us" Absalom shrugged nonchalantly and then snapped his fingers "that does remind me" he stopped in his tracks and the others paused and lazily looked at him as they wait for him to spill whatever beans he's carrying.

" just trolling you actually" he smiled and walked forward before them, they dropped their heads down and sighed "But someone's making contact to make sure everything's still good on both ends" Absalom suggested still.

"Well see anyways, whomever is interested in making contact first should do so" Rosinante said as they reached their waiting chauffeurs.

"And as usual, wanting the least amount of dirt possible on your hands Rosinante" Absalom said with a little disappointment present in his tone.

Rosinante gave no reply and stepped into the car, his chauffeur shutting the door behind him as the other three family heads went separate ways into theirs, leaving the premises entirely.

If you're asking what happened with the last family head and the reason for absence, she never comes out for this or barely anything at all, she's the most reserved of the five. It may have been a year since they even got into contact with her at all and only ever meet with her trusted right hands.

[Meanwhile with Dawn]

He had already reached his destination, he floated high in the sky looking down at the subway station full of people that had been diced up into multiple pieces but somehow everything looked to be near frozen in time.

With all the tapes around here it was obvious the police were already on the job, Dawn couldn't move or muster any ounce of will as he stood there looking with sad lost eyes the scene.

His heart had never been so heavy and in an instant he looked to have aged even more, he tried to calm his beating heavy heart that was getting heavier and heavier by the second, if he doesn't the growing pain might overwhelm him.

He looked away for a moment and then looked down again as he burst down deep into the earth without destroying it and just phasing through as blue crystal light particles, he kept going until he had found himself inside a particular chamber deep into the earth.

The chamber walls were flowing with magma and pouring out into the sea of magma all around, but right in the center of the chamber was an altar with multiple engraved deep runes on the floor, two special chains hung up from the ceiling broken and destroyed.

Dawn looked at the runes engraved into the concrete of the altar, there was crimson blood running through them and at the very center Dawn saw a small green rock with a green aura around it. He walked up to it and picked it up carelessly as he knew what it was, he crushed the rock in between his finger and then closed his eyes as the message left in it poured into his mind.


Minutes later he opened his eyes, they were so cold. So extremely cold, the larva all around Dawn began freezing up with the slightest aura that escaped from his body in this moment, Dawn opened his hand and let the broken rocks fall to the ground and then absorbed all the ice back into his body.

He clenched his fist and heaved a deep breath, it was his fault. He should've ended this all those centuries ago when he had the chance but he couldn't bring himself to do it that time, but now he willed. This time there's just too much he has to lose, this time it wouldn't be for the sake of the world but for that of his family.

Dawn burst into crystal blue light particles and ascended out of the chamber then left back for Nexgen at a steady speed so he could have enough time to his thoughts, Dawn was truly aware that he wasn't anything like he was at the prime of his powers. This time he knew as he always already had, he wasn't going to live because the one he has to fight, IS stronger than him in this current state of his now.

He heaved mentally, it's not hopeless but he knew he wasn't coming out of this alive at all. There's no being other than him currently capable of taking on him now... except her, the only other being who could match him at the prime of his powers and perhaps....

Dawn shook his head of that thought, he knew her all too well, she very much would be staying far away from this battle, asking her to do so may in fact result in his death and he wouldn't blame her for doing so.

It truly was all his fault, he started this alone so he would be ending it alone too. *//I knew 6 years was just too good to be true, I've spent too much time in this world anyways and I'm happy with what I'm leaving behind//* Dawn smiled and sped up a little, reaching his Destination in seconds...

[Back with Aria and Venus]

Venus sat in the living room with Aria laying on the couch and resting her head on Venus's laps as they watched something engaging together, she already told Aria everything she promised she could for now and so decided to do this just for the sake of creating a warm atmosphere between them.


"Hm?" Venus looked down at Aria with a raised brow

"nothing..." she brushed it off and kept to herself.

Venus kept her gaze on her for some more seconds but then decided to forget about it too and keep watching the movie playing, meanwhile Aria's mind ran with different thoughts.

She wanted to confirm it for herself, if it was just some freak accident of a mistake that caused the mutation or he does actually possess that ability. She remembered the words he said to her when he first approached her and she had asked the reason for his approach, it still didn't seem right, her discovery of some of his secrets just made her more and more unsure if he actually spoke the truth.

She knew she read his pulse and felt the straightforward genuinity in his tone but....she was going to trust it...for now, until she figures out just how genuine he can be then.....

[With Vincent and Silver]

Vincent had come in to see his friend already up and recovered from his injuries but silently reading a book on his bed, it was a pleasant surprise for him and the two had a small catching up with each other.

Sometime later Vincent asked if Silver had been aware of the earlier disturbance in the school and had confessed he did, he already judged the cause as a fight between two powers in the school but having no idea who also.

"It was Adam"Vincent said.

Silver couldn't even be surprised by this and just kept a serene look "the chances were too big not to involve him" he said calmly, crossing his hands behind his head as delay down with his leg outstretched "seems he went all out this time though if I could feel it this strongly from way over here".

Vincent gave a tired "mhm" and lay down on the other bed opposite Silver's , looking up at the ceiling in silence for some seconds"there's been a big change Silver, a huge shift occurred" he said.

Silver looked to Vincent with a lightly confused expression "Why does your tone make it sound like it's been literal years I've been in here, it's just been days you know" he said jokingly and with a small laugh which Vincent too accompanied in.

"Well, even I am caught off guard by the number of big events and reveals that could just happen in the span of a few days" Vincent confessed and sighed.

"Oh? I'm all ears then" Silver made his willingness to listen known.

Vincent smiled and in a span of 30 minutes he told everything to Silver, sparing no details out whatsoever. And Silver too couldn't believe his ears at how shocking it was, for there to exist two monsters so powerful and yet so young. "And that's who fought Adam?" He asked for clarification again.

"Yeahh" Vincent nod his head and rubbed his eyes as he fought the fresh wave of mental tiredness washing over him.

"Wow, this is insane" Silver expressed, Vincent flexed a brow in response but said nothing else.

"I finally lost it today and gave Adam a... good talk" Vincent said, prompting Silver to turn his gaze towards him "Oh...I see.."

"Yeahh, it still pains me to see what he's become, I know that if I keep forcing myself to stay on the sidelines, avoiding conflict while he progresses, then it'll truly be too late. The fight against this boy opened my eyes to this truth"

".....Did he really mean it"

"Hm?" Vincent sat up on his elbows and looked at Silver

"When the boy threatened to erase his family off the planet if they come for the sake of Adam" he clarified.

Vincent stayed quiet and looked at Silver for some seconds "you...fear him already don't you" he said calmly.

"Hah" and then Silver chuckled"if you mean the kid powerful enough to fully toy with Adam without unleashing his ability like you said? Then yes, of course I do. I'm not asking for another Adam on my hands, I'm staying two years longer than you have to Vincent. And by default he's already King now isn't he" Silver stared Vincent dead in the eyes as he said the last part.

"Yes" Vincent answered and then laid down with his hands behind his head once more "you don't have anything to fear Silver, the kid is for sure ruthless but no conflict he's engaged in was started by him and he seems to be the lazy type. He does have reasoning and calm else he wouldn't have taken my advice into consideration and killed Adam anyways" Vincent's voice became more and more drowsy as he spoke.

Silvers eyed widened a little as something struck his mind but then his gaze was back to normal again and said nothing, both lay there in silence and some minutes later Vincent's drowsy eyes finally closed as he fell asleep.

He kept his quiet and let Vincent get his rest while he reached out and took the book he was reading before to pick up from where he left off, he hummed a serene tone to himself as he smoothly flipped the page to his next read....

[With Arlo]

Arlo had opted to come back to the training ground, he sat down in a lotus position with his chin resting on his knuckles while he searched his mind for alternatives on how go about the least painful and efficient way to use his abilities at least until he regains a fully fixed body again.

Although getting stronger everyday of his life in both passive-active physicals and potency, as long as he doesn't engage in an extremely taxing fight with an opponent strong enough to push him to his current limits his growth will remain on the slow and steady, but he can't just depend on his physicals alone to solve every problem he comes across.

Especially for his enemies with flight or with intangible abilities, Arlo sighed mentally as he fell back onto the grass and closed his eyes, *//so many people flaring up their auras//* he thought to himself as he could feel every aura strong enough in a particular radius, it was something he was able to do subconsciously and not something that he had to pay attention towards so he force it to the back of his mind most of the time.

He was about to drag his mind away from it all but then felt something, a weird spike in aura. It was something he's felt before, something.....that felt like him for some reason.

He scrunched his brows, there's no way he shouldn't have been aware of something that unusual existing here the moment he stepped into this place. But well it's just been about 3days since he came here after all and whomever it might be might not have spiked their aura this high before now, although he could also blame his extremely low senses too.

"Can't be Venus, her signature isn't anything close to mine even after the weird fusion" he got and gently swayed his tail "I don't trust whatever coincidence this is, but I'm killing it if i find out it has something to do with me". He rubbed the back of his neck while cracking it then leaked a small thin passive field of aura around him as he vanished from the spot leaving blades of grass flying and a gust of wind washing over the fields....

Rozaria breathed out and put her hair in place as she tired again, her eyes glowed and her aura flared up to extremes. All space around her began distorting to extremes, but the distortion was all under her control else just the slightest slip and she would be wiping this place out in it's entirety.

So she focused on her spatial sense to feel the space around her, she wanted to extend it further and further, she had two goals. One was to be able to connect two points in space, basically her own made portal. The second goal was a much harder one, condensing and warping space into a small visible point.

It was incredibly easy to cause controllled spatial distortions, in fact she could use them in direct combat as she could create those spatial distortions around her body. She set her sight towards a lone tree and at the slightest distortion created, the tree instantly burst into a zillion pieces then all was crushed to nothing.

There was no dust, not even a sound was made as it was all just too fast for even most ability users to comprehend. It was incredibly easy to do this, not many beings on the planet are capable of surviving spatial distortion let alone ignore it, and this was one of the weakest ones she could create.

Her ability let's her fight so far above her level it almost seems unfair, but she wasn't invincible and she knew it. At least not yet, she focused on her spatial sense which was a passive-active ability.

It was always there but it acted like a subconscious instinct so even if her outward mind isn't on guard, her spatial sense commands her body to make the right move for any incoming threat.

She took in a deep breath let her active conscious spread out over multiple thousand miles of where her spatial sense reached, she felt almost omnipresent.

Although she couldn't literally see and be everything she was able to get something like a graph in her mind, so she perfectly knew the shape of everything in her range. Even the invisible wind itself or the skies, she wasn't letting herself feel the limit of everything she can now and just trying to give herself a good enough distance that would require her to connect two spaces.

Sounds simple but it wasn't, she has no true idea how to do this yet and also the main reason why she wanted to be able to create portals was because she can't teleport someone else along with herself.

An object was viable as long as she was touching it, but a living thing was impossible to teleport. But just being able to connect spaces too wasn't just her concern, the problem was the skill it took and speed too.

If she eventually learns how to do it but then it requires her to use at least half an hour to he able to open up a portal then the whole thing is just practically pointless, she needed to train her skill to the point where it becomes just like breathing to her.

If she could master this fast enough, this too would increase her overall combat ability a little. The next goal would be to open up multiple portals with shift able size anywhere she wants in her spatial domain, but that goal was long term was was this too.

She settled down and began the process of trying to connect two spaces together, she pushed her active conscious away from all other distractions and only focused on one path to where she wanted.

It was a long process of focusing and trying to slowly ease herself into being familiar with this feeling of being able to try linking two spaces at once, she wasn't of course making any progress, not even the slightest dent.

The main goal now was to just be familiar with it, be able to adapt to it and in a way, mark it with her signature. And just as final motivation for her, the more familiar she becomes with her ability manipulate space on more and more creative levels, her level will be taking a very welcome increase, and with the new increase comes a new level of proficiency and familiarity with space and the same with which she manipulates it.

And so like this hours upon hours passed, Rozaria still sat alone in the field with her eyes closed and just blaring her aura all around her but in a controlled state.

While she used her active conscious to get more and more familiarity with space, her subconscious was put to work in managing the heavy distortions all around her. It couldn't be allowed to lose even the slightest bit of control, right now she was the definition of half asleep and half awake.


And so morning came, the sun hadn't risen yet so everything was still pretty dark. Out in the fields was a sitting figure with a white flaming but serene aura all around her, then her eyes fluttered a little as she felt something deep in her mind.

It was only for a fraction of a second, not enough time for her to get a grasp on the feeling. But she wasn't discouraged, in fact she was joyed. This was truly unexpected, it seems she was underestimating her potency a bit, this very much was good thing as it confirmed there was indeed hope for what she wanted to achieve.

She finally opened her eyes which shone like a bright star in the night, those starry blue pearls were truly a beauty to behold as was her snow white silky hair swaying gently in the wind.

Rozaria stopped the blazing flow of aura around her and gracefully got up, she felt a little lightheaded but this was to be expected. The distortions all around her slowly ceased until space was now back to normal and her spatial sense now direct to no more than a kilometer around her, she looked towards a particular direction.

He had been gone for a while now, the kid who was watching her. How he managed to get this far without a single soul noticing is the feat, a suspect was coming to her mind but it would make no sense why.

She could remember graphed feel of the kid's face and body via her spatial sense, however an immense oddity caught her a bit off guard too. Rozaria turned around to leave and pushed her active conscious out of her spatial sense as her training was over for now and she was going to sleep now so she turned to leave but then paused as a cold gust of wind blew by.

"Who are you" a very chill and cold voice asked.

*//Fast//* was the only thought in her mind, then she turned around to meet with the boys eyes which was the spitting image of hers. And the kid was beautiful, more than anyone she'd ever seen.

But the swaying tail behind was what caught her attention the most, it truly was a strange anomaly for even her who is a real anomaly in and of itself.

The more she looked at him the stranger she felt, something was extremely off with his presence and it didn't sit right with her. "You're trespassing" she said calmly to him.

His head tilted a little to the side still looking at her, making sure to read her properly "hmm, not an incarnate with memories it seems" he spoke softly but still good enough for her ears to hear.

"What do you mean" she asked as a small look of confusion appeared on her face.

*//Mhmm, if I still had my eyes I would trace the history of her existence. A shame//* he took a step forward and by pure instinct her eyes glowed catching even her off guard as her subconscious hasn't ever forced her to the extent of her truly activating her powers against a threat when off guard as it would always do is teleport her out of the threat range.

Arlo raised a slight brow "I came in peace" he raised his hands in surrender but Rozaria also raised a brow "came?" She asked.

He tilt his head and tapped his chin with a finger "well that's...the the wrong order. I came with intent to kill before but it's gone for now" he said in a pretty nonchalant tone.

Rozaria stared at Arlo without saying a single word, "and what would I have done to prompt such an emotion from you" she genuinely asked.

"Being someone who recognized my existence. But as it seems you don't, then please forgive my trespassing" he gave a slight smile and then stretched his hand out to her "Arlo" he introduced.

"You're truly not sane at all are you" Rozaria said.

"True" he didn't deny as she gracefully took his hand also "Rozaria" she introduced and then they dropped contact with each other.

"Mhm, would you like to be my friend" he proposed out of the blue making it the sixth time he would cause a reaction in her, all in the span of minutes. And yes, she was counting.

"Sure" she casually agreed.

Arlo turned around to leave but then stopped "Ahh, that reminds me now. How can you and Vincent be equals? You feel greater than him and a quite possible threat to me also in a way".

This time Rozaria wasn't to be surprised he could know who she was as she figured out his strength too the moment she laid eyes on him, "he isn't" she said.

"Mhm, Is that so".

"Yes, though I do acknowledge him as a rival" Her voice was full of composure as she spoke.

"....I see". Then Arlo was gone from her sight, the glow of her eyes receded and then she was gone also....

[In Dawn's office 4:45AM].

Hera stood with pure terror present in her face as Dawn relayed everything to her, "How--how is it possible he could break out of it" her trembling voice asked. This would be one of the rarest and in fact the only moment her composure would be this broken and disheveled.

Dawn avoided looking her in the eyes and looked down instead "he had help, i have no idea who but whomever they are is clearly dangerous".

Hera placed a hand on her chest and disorientedly reached for the chair and then sunk in it, this was incredibly maddening. She could still feel it, for some reason the seal still felt intact and untouched whatsoever. It was the worst part about how just crazy this was for her, runes are incredibly sensitive, the most sensitive ability amongst everyone to exist now.

Her grandmother passed the link of the rune onto her before she died and then showed her the history of the monstrosity that seal held in place, it was the reason why she was so terrified.

It terrified her so much that she had to ask why seal such a monstrosity instead of killing it in the first place, her grandmother never told her the reason and just smiled as she gave some vague metaphor she couldn't understand at the time.

But something caused her even greater worry than that monstrosity being out in the world now, it was the being who had to stop him now. She looked up at Dawn who was still keeping his gaze down...

"We both knew it my Dear Hera, six years just seemed too good to be true. There is no other way, I'm sorry" he looked up at her and smiled, but immense sadness was in those eyes. Dawn could already feel everything she wanted to say before it even fully formulates in her mind and said his piece before she would try saying anything already.

"I see, shall I know when you plan on ending it Sir" her voice and demeanor was suddenly back to normal, she couldn't be weak and emotionally compromised now, she had to be the strongest she's ever been.

Dawn looked up at the ceiling "there is no time frame" he announced and then looked at her "I don't know where he is now, but the message he left said he would he coming for me when he's ready".

"That's not comforting at all" she said, and Dawn couldn't help but agree as he slumped into his chair and sighed.

Some moments of silence passed between them..."It has to be them isn't It, we already they were in a stabilized with the family heads too" she unconsciously balled her fist. Dawn was the only existence capable of holding both sides in place, his presence caused a lot of limit to their movements and prevented anyone from acting stupid.

But Dawn still gave them their freedom, he's let himself not interfere with most of what they planned or did, as long as the world is unharmed they were free to do anything they wanted. Even come after him also, though nobody has dared tried this directly except...the incident that led his injury.

"I don't... know..??" Dawn's tone was one of uncertainty, he didn't know why but something was just making him doubt

Hera looked at Dawn with visible confusion "who else would it be Sir, there's no other existence capable of truly pulling something like this even if we don't know how they did it" Hera expressed.

Dawn couldn't answer that, but the strong feeling in his gut was just telling him it wasn't them. Or is just him unwilling to believe that 'he' would go so far as to release someone that dangerous and knows he's unable to control.

He groaned and rubbed his temples to calm himself, but it wasn't working so he just sighed and got up "Forgive me Hera, I'm going back to take a rest" he took his jacket and hung it over his shoulder as he walked out.

Some minutes later after Dawn had left the office Hera sat alone in the office lost in thought, she needs all possible pathways to solve this. Dawn was truly walking into his death, according to what she witnessed when Dawn was in his prime Even he couldn't easily beat that monster.

And right now he's not the same man he used to be, to ascend to that same strength he had even for a moment meant permanent death! And she knew he was planning to do this, but it couldn't be allowed to happen. She wasn't prepared to lose him, not even to that monstrosity of all things.

In moments it came to her, an idea she truly didn't like at all. But it was truly the only thing she had now, or should she wait and think this through some more she wondered.

Hera held her face in her palms and breathed out in exasperation, it was decided. She got up and then activated her ability, runes travelled all around her body and in seconds her clothing had changed.

She was now wearing a pitch black suite and making sure to keep her hair right, she was ready now, but before she goes...

[At her destination]

Hera took in a deep breath to calm her nerves as she looked at the beautiful, incredibly large well guarded estate which was even larger than Nexgen on all accords. She see and feel the barrier created around it, something that even reached all the way to the atmosphere in height, thankfully this was a no-fly zone.

Hera truly could be dying her and she knew it, this definitely would be the greatest gamble of her entire life.

"Truly hope I'm able to get my last phonecall if this fails"...



Welp, I finally did it.

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