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A journey of a Minecrafter A journey of a Minecrafter original

A journey of a Minecrafter

Author: Luster_Sinner

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: chapter 1: Beginning (rewritten)

I rewritten the first chapters I hope you find this of better quality...


The sun's gentle rays filtered through the window of my apartment, casting a warm glow upon the cluttered space. My gaze lingered on the bustling cityscape below, yet my mind dwelled in the depths of despair. The recent loss weighed heavily on my shoulders—not a loss of a tangible possession or fleeting moment, but a loss that struck the very core of my being.

It wasn't just any loss; it was the demise of a world—a Minecraft hardcore world I'd meticulously cultivated for a decade. Ten years of dedication, construction, exploration, and survival evaporated in an instant, leaving me adrift in an ocean of desolation.

The ache within me pulsed with the weight of unspoken grief. How does one quantify the loss of a digital realm that held the echoes of countless memories, victories, and defeats? It wasn't just a game; it was a testament to perseverance, creativity, and the passage of time.

As I peered through tear-streaked eyes, thoughts of redemption flickered across my consciousness. "I can't alter the past," I murmured to myself, a feeble attempt to pacify the storm raging within. "It's time to cease dwelling and forge ahead. A new world awaits—perhaps with mods this time."

With a resolute nod, I aimed to usher in a fresh chapter, one laden with promise and innovation. But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

A sudden shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. The room bathed in an eerie, crimson hue, painting the walls in an otherworldly glow. I instinctively glanced upward, expecting to witness a celestial anomaly, yet what materialized above me defied all logic.

A flaming object hurtled toward Earth, its trajectory converging with the precise coordinates of my being. Panic surged within me, a visceral fear gripping my senses. "MotherF*CK—"

Darkness engulfed my consciousness, and those words hung suspended in the void as my world dissolved into oblivion.


The embrace of consciousness returned in a flurry of disorientation and throbbing pain. Blinking against the persistent ache, I attempted to make sense of my surroundings. Familiarity collided with bewilderment as I found myself standing within a room that echoed of familiarity yet bore inexplicable alterations.

"Was it all a dream?" The thought echoed through my mind until my gaze alighted upon the window, revealing a sight both foreign and strangely reminiscent.

A cityscape sprawled before my eyes, a futuristic metropolis pulsating with life and technology. The skyline, adorned with towering structures and holographic billboards, evoked a sense of awe mingled with disquiet.

A shiver coursed through me, not solely from the disorienting shift in my reality, but from the flood of fragmented memories that inundated my consciousness. Memories that didn't belong to me but bore the resonance of a parallel existence.

The narrative of this world unfolded before my eyes as if fragments of a distant past intertwined with the present. A realm once akin to mine, until the convergence of scientific curiosity and cosmic anomalies. String theory, quantum links, and the enigmatic veil of dark matter collided, birthing spatial distortions that wove threads between dimensions, threading portals into existence.

Humanity initially embraced these interdimensional gateways with hope, envisaging a symphony of exchange and mutual advancement. Yet, fate had a twisted hand to play.

The portals, conduits to realms teeming with war-hungry races possessing inexplicable talents, bore unforeseen consequences. A collision of worlds ensued, ushering chaos and conflict upon this realm.

But within this chaos, humanity discovered a glimmer of salvation—radiations from these dimensional intrusions bestowed upon them unique talents, serving as a bastion against the onslaught. But talent alone was insufficient.

Enter the hallmark of human resilience: innovation. They birthed 'dimensional technology,' a fusion of alien resources and their own ingenuity, a beacon of hope in the throes of annihilation.

Despite their ingenuity, the struggle endured, an ongoing battle against interdimensional invaders and the enigmatic meta-humans traversing the Earth.

As the weight of this revelation settled upon me, a whirlwind of emotions churned within. A sense of wonder at the boundless possibilities intertwined with a haunting dread of the precarious existence in this perilous world. I was a mere fragment in a labyrinth of uncertainty, adrift in a sea of danger.

In desperation, I delved into the recesses of my memories, seeking solace or a semblance of defense against the impending perils. Amidst the labyrinth of recollections, I stumbled upon an elusive thread—a revelation that plunged me deeper into the labyrinth of emotions.

**[Ability Replication]**

**GRADE: Abysmal**


**DESCRIPTION: A unique yet severely underpowered ability capable of replicating skills from any entity. Its rarity demands stringent conditions, bears a low success rate, and manifests at a mere 5% performance level of the original.**

The words etched into my consciousness, weaving a tapestry of possibilities entwined with limitations. From euphoria to despair, the pendulum of emotions swung wildly, leaving me grappling with the dichotomy of this newfound revelation.

Amidst this whirlwind, a peculiar shimmer danced within my mindscape—a vibrant purple hue encircling the description of my ability, accompanied by vivid green text.

"{An enchantable target is detected. Would you like to enchant? Y/N}"

A haunting question, echoing through the corridors of uncertainty. The answer, a precipice between embracing newfound powers and navigating the treacherous landscape of this volatile world.

What lay ahead was an odyssey fraught with choices, dangers, and the enigmatic allure of uncharted possibilities. As I stood at the precipice of this brave new world, I grappled with the weight of destiny, teetering between exhilaration and trepidation.

This was not merely a journey; it was the unraveling of an epic saga, an odyssey destined to etch its narrative upon the fabric of this enigmatic cosmos.

Luster_Sinner Luster_Sinner

tell me your thoughts as it'll help me write better as the story progress..

and thank you for reading...

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