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Leaving Rebecca's quaint little shop behind, I strolled towards the hunters guild, soaking in the sights while paying little heed to the gasps and astonished stares trailing my path.

Why didn't I divulge my name to Rebecca? Simple. I wanted both Rebecca and Emily present when I unveiled my true identity and explained the profound changes that had befallen me.

"Ah, might as well grab a mask first," I mused to myself, veering towards a familiar mask emporium etched into my memories. Stepping through the entrance, I was greeted by a kaleidoscope of masks, each more intricate than the last.

The shopkeeper, Robert, an elderly gentleman with a sturdy frame, mirrored the astonishment of the patrons as his eyes locked onto mine. 

 Robert and I shared a cordial acquaintance; for the past two months, I had lent a hand in managing his establishment. Yes, I had embraced my new identity as John Walker, the formidable 'Dragon of Lust,' progenitor of a new race of dragons.

Amidst a sea of elaborate masks, one stood out—an austere black visage with mere eye slits. It wasn't ornate like the others, but it resonated with me. Snagging it for a mere copper coin, I found it to be a perfect fit, both physically and metaphorically.


"Here we go," I declared, gazing up at the imposing building of the Hunters Guild, its name emblazoned atop like a beacon.

"Time to join the ranks of hunters." With a grin concealed beneath my newly acquired mask, I pushed through the gate, entering with an air of anticipation.

Now, you might wonder why I've chosen the path of a hunter. Two reasons, really. Firstly, it was once my dream—or rather, the dream of the John who inhabited this body before me. And secondly, the financial allure. Hunters, especially those of high rank, rake in substantial earnings. The bounties on the monsters they hunt fetch princely sums, earning even the loftiest of nobles' respect.

"Hey, who's that?"

"Beats me. Never seen him around here."

"Why's he wearing a mask? And check out that hair—like a damn lion's mane!"

As whispers trailed in my wake, I pressed onward, undeterred, until I reached the guild's reception.

"Hello, how can I assist you?" greeted a woman in her prime, her features decent but paling in comparison to Rebecca's.

"I'm here to apply as a hunter," I announced.

"Ah, please wait a moment," she replied, disappearing briefly before returning with two crystal orbs.

"The first is to detect mana," she explained, gesturing to one. "And the second assesses your rank—ranging from E to S." With practiced efficiency, she guided me through the process.

 Hearing her I placed my hand on the first orb, its brilliance confirming my mana presence.

"Congratulations, you've passed the first test," she beamed. "Now, onto your rank evaluation."

"Hey, what do you reckon his rank will be?" One hunter leaned in, his eyes alight with curiosity, addressing his companion.

"Maybe E or D," the other replied, his voice calm and measured.

"You're likely spot on. After all, no one in our village has ever achieved a rank higher than those during their evaluations," the first hunter added, nodding in agreement.

As the crowd's curiosity peaked, I braced myself. Amidst their murmurs and speculations, I touched the second orb, revealing my rank—a letter that sent shockwaves through the room.

"B... B-Rank," the receptionist stammered, echoing the incredulity of those present.

"Bloody hell, B-Rank?"

"I thought he'd be an E or D at best!"

"I'm as surprised as you are!"

Beneath my mask, a smirk tugged at my lips as I savored their disbelief.

"And now?" I prompted the receptionist, jolting her from her stupor.

"Ah, apologies. Please wait while I inform the guild master," she stuttered, just as a booming voice resonated through the hall.


The booming voice shattered the chatter, compelling me to pivot towards the source and there she stood—a vision on the staircase. Only one word reverberated in my mind: "Chocolate skin." Though my lips moved, the words remained unheard by all. She exuded a rugged allure with her cocoa-toned complexion, her hair cropped close in a boyish cut. Clad in trousers and a scanty top that accentuated her muscular form, she exuded a raw, untamed energy.

'A tomboy,' I mused, a smile tugging at my lips as she descended the stairs and approached.

"G-Guild master, his rank is B," the receptionist announced, her tone brimming with deference as she sidled up beside me, clutching the orb.

'So she's the guild master,' I deduced, my gaze flicking between the two women.

"Say that again," the guild master demanded, her initial shock giving way to a grin as she laid eyes on the crystal ball.

"Sorry for my earlier behavior. Would you please come with me for a moment?" Her apology was genuine, softened by a glimmer of contrition.

"Don't worry, it's okay," I reassured her with a nod.

"Thanks, let's go," she replied, pivoting towards the stairs before halting abruptly. "And you bring some refreshments," she instructed the receptionist, who nodded in compliance.


"Let's start with the introductions. I'm Barbara, the guild master of Hgae village's Hunters Guild," she declared, extending her hand for a handshake.

"John Walker, pleasure to meet you," I replied, clasping her hand and noting the calluses that adorned it. 'Looks like she trains rigorously.'

As we withdrew our hands, the door creaked open, admitting the receptionist who had evaluated my rank. She approached with a tray laden with treats, placing it delicately on the table before joining Barbara.

"Please, help yourself," Barbara offered graciously, gesturing towards the assortment of sweets, juice, and other delectable offerings.

"Thank you. But may I ask why you've brought me here?" I inquired, casting a curious glance at the spread before me.

"Of course. As you may know, there aren't many high-ranking hunters in our village—just ten of them, all at the C rank. And I'm the sole A-rank hunter here," Barbara explained, her tone tinged with concern.

The revelation struck me. Only one A-rank hunter in a village so perilously close to the forbidden forest—it was a sobering realization.

"Our village sits on the brink of the forbidden forest, making us particularly vulnerable to monster attacks. In the past, high-ranking hunters would appear, only to leave for the cities soon after. So, I've made it a point for everyone in the guild to notify me when a high-ranking hunter arrives. It's essential for the safety of our village," Barbara continued, her sincerity palpable.

'She genuinely cares for the village,' I noted, listening intently to Barbara's words.

[You're right. It seems this village holds significant meaning for her] 

Yue remarked, her voice resonating in my mind. I smiled, focusing on Barbara to gauge her status.

[Name: Barbara Mill]

[Level: 40]

[Species: Human, Rank: A, Hunter Rank: A]

[Element: Fire]

[Strength: 200]

[Agility: 185]

[Defense: 190]

[Sense: 195]

[Mana: 2000]

[Skills: Fire Arrows Lv. 3, Fire Tornado Lv. 5, Fire Dance Lv. 6]

'She's truly an A-rank,' I marveled silently, impressed by Barbara's prowess.

"I would like to request that you stay here and refrain from moving to other cities," Barbara implored, bowing her head earnestly. The receptionist mirrored her gesture, a sign of respect for their guild master's plea.

"But what's in it for me?" I countered, prompting them to lift their heads, startled.

"Do you expect me to protect people who treated me like trash without any compensation?" I continued, my tone laced with anger. Though there were exceptions like Rebecca and Emily, I had no altruistic motives. I wasn't a hero.

Barbara's brow furrowed in confusion at my mention of being treated poorly by the villagers, but she didn't dwell on it. Instead, she focused on the matter at hand, her commitment to the village evident in her resolve.

"N-No, that's not what I meant. I don't have much to offer, but I can give you everything I have, including money," Barbara stammered, her desperation palpable. 

"I'm not interested in money. I could earn more by taking quests in the cities," I replied bluntly.

"T-Then what do you want?" Barbara asked, bewildered.

"You," I stated simply.

Silence enveloped the room as my words hung in the air.

"W-What do you mean?" Barbara faltered, her voice trembling.

"Just as I said. I want you to be mine," I affirmed, a smirk hidden beneath my mask.

[Woah, look at this bad boy]

Yue teased. For a moment, no one spoke. Then, Barbara's voice broke the silence.

"Alright, I'm fine with it."

"But, guild master—" the receptionist interjected, only to be silenced by Barbara's raised hand.

"I must admit, I'm surprised. I never expected you to agree so easily. It seems this village means a lot to you," I remarked, genuinely taken aback by her swift acquiescence.

"More than you know. So, what now? Should I dismiss her so you can fuck me?" Barbara's tone turned icy as she fixed me with a glare.

[It looks she didnt liked your joke] 

As Yue's remark echoed in my mind, I realized I had indeed overstepped with my joke.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down a bit. Okay, I'm sorry. It seems I went too far," I admitted, raising my hand towards my face and removing the mask making Barbara and the receptionist to both held their breaths.

As Barbara and the receptionist gazed at my unmasked face, their expressions softened from shock to mesmerized admiration. Barbara, who had initially regarded me with anger, now had a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she studied my features intently.

"Sorry for offending you," I apologized, offering a charming smile that seemed to momentarily stop both women's heartbeats.

"Hello, are you here?" I gently teased, nudging Barbara out of her reverie. Her blush deepened as she realized she had been staring for too long.

"S-Sorry," she stammered, casting her gaze downward while stealing occasional glances in my direction.

[Congrats on getting one more girl]

Yue chimed in teasingly. I chuckled inwardly, acknowledging her role in the interaction.

'No, it's all thanks to you.'

[Good that you know.]

"Uh, so w-what about me?" Barbara asked, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

"What about you?" I replied with a teasing smile, causing her to blush even more and look away bashfully.

"I-I mean, me becoming y-yours," Barbara stuttered nervously, finally voicing her thoughts.

"Oh, about that. You can if you want, but there's no pressure. And don't worry, I won't be leaving the village anytime soon," I reassured her.

"NO! I want to be yours!" Barbara blurted out loudly, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment as she realized her outburst. She quickly averted her gaze, resembling a rose in full bloom.

"Hahaha, okay, if you insist. And don't worry, I won't force you to do anything," I responded with a smile, appreciating her candidness.

'But I don't mind if it's you,' Barbara thought to herself, her face flushing even deeper at the realization of her own thoughts.

Suddenly, a voice piped up from beside us, breaking the moment. Barbara and I both turned to see the receptionist speaking.

"Can I be yours to?" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Hey, you're already married!" Barbara exclaimed, pulling the receptionist out of her daze and causing her to blush furiously at her slip-up.

'Hmm, she is not bad and on top of it she is married. I might fuck her'. I thought and looked at the receptionist with a seductive smile making her to blush even more.


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