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Chapter 118: Love, Sumire

[3rd POV : Sumire]

"I-...I have work"

Oh God she did not just say that.

Please tell her she said that in her mind. Please tell her she only thought of that and did not actually say it out loud.

But the way his face changed subtly in sadness and disappointment was enough for her to realize that she had indeed said it.

His shift in expression was subtle, so subtle that only a mother who had taken care of him for 16 years would be able to see it.

She saw it.

'Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!!'

She bit her lips until it bled as a punishment for her lips that had moved too soon. His downcast face when he heard her reply was stuck in her head, and regret followed.

She shouldn't have said that, even though it was true.

She had a lot of work to do, a famous exhibition was coming up this winter and she was invited to showcase her art there.

It had always been her dream to show her art in that exhibition until of course that dream changed into her son's happiness alone.

But as she had always dreamt of doing so, she was excited. It was to be held in Paris sometime in December and she had been incredibly busy selecting which art she should showcase while also improving said art.

There were also many paperworks to be done so she had been extra busy.

But surely she could've worked something out for Yuito!! It was his first MMA fight for god sake!! Something he had always told her about since he was a child.

So it was his dream or her dream.

And obviously, she would choose his, what kind of mother would choose her dream over her child?

She did not know why he hesitated back then and why she even said what she said.

'Stupid, stupid bitch.' she berated herself while listening to his conservation with the blonde girl Kitagawa. Apparently, he was going to leave 4 days later and he would be away for roughly a week.

Which might not seem much to a normal person but for her, a week without her dear son would be an eternity. Heck she missed him when she was at work, forget about a whole damn week.

It was another reason why she should clear this misunderstanding soon. She would be honest with him and ask him to take her along with him.

He was going to another country, it would be his first official MMA match. Surely there won't be any people to support him in that foreign country so she HAD to be there for him.

She must be there for him.

She would still be able to do her exhibition as well, maybe the art would not be as good since she would have less time but that was a cheap price to pay to be with him.

She will talk to him about it soon.



"We will invite Komi as well and we could all go together!! It would be super fun." Kitagawa said excitedly but her son was not convinced.

"But it's not even that hot anymore." he said and Sumire couldn't help but smile at his hesitation. Her son, with all his strength and power, has always been afraid of water.

"Plus, we can wear swimsuits." Kitagawa added and that seemed to convince her son immediately.

"Swimsuits? Like Bikini?" He asked with faraway eyes, he looked like he was already imagining them in bikinis.  Kitagawa laughed and said yes.

The girl also turned to her, "You will come too right? Miss Fujita?"

Her son immediately turned to her with wide hopeful eyes. Sumrie would not let him down anymore so she said with a smile, "Of course. it would be fun."

Kitagawa let out a happy yelp while Yuito made a thoughtful suggestion, "Forget about going there the last day, let's go tomorrow."

He was hesitant a moment ago and now, after realizing that he would be able see the girls in their bikini, he couldn't wait even a few days anymore.

Sumire laughed at her helpless son. Mature or not, he was still just a teenage boy with a crazy libido.

And she also had applauded Kitagawa, she had only known Yuito for half a year and she could already get what she wanted from him.

Sumire looked at the two of them fondly, they seemed perfect together. She was happy for her son.

At first, she had been jealous of Kitagawa and feared that she might steal him from her, but now she was not jealous anymore. She realized that her son's happiness was all that mattered and if the girl could bring him happiness, he should be with her.

Besides, she was confident of her place in his heart. He won't forget her so easily, she made sure of that using her heart and body.

Personally, she would like it if he did not reveal the intimate relationship they share with each other to Kitagawa. That could ruin his relationship with the girl.

And Sumire was more than happy with being his mother and watching over him from the sidelines. If it is sex he wants, he could also get her body whenever he desired, there was no reason to complicate things.

But her son, like always was not happy with that simple solution. He said that he wanted to reveal it to Kitagawa soon.

He was trying to have them both and basically create, a harem is it? She honestly could not see how that could work but her son always surprised her so she couldn't deny the possibility,

She was not going to tell him that the idea was stupid and that he should just remain quiet and keep it a secret. It was his decision and she would only support him and give him advice where she could.

But hey, he might pull it off. Maybe Kitagawa will realize his insatiable libido and would prefer help from his own mother to other random girls or prostitutes.

No matter how twisted that sounds, it was still a possibility.

And she did not believe that Kitagawa would be able to satisfy him alone, her son was a different kind of beast in that area. If she couldn't satisfy him, the girl had no chance.

Well, she would see how it goes.

The only thing she knows is that she would love and support him all the way.



She watched with a small smile as he conversed with Kitagawa.

The way he talked and the way he acted were seeming perfect in her eyes.

Wavy short purple hair he got from her and mesmerizing dark purple eyes a bit different from her's.

His face was crafted with the aim of breaking women hearts and his body was made to put women in a long, deep imagination.

His muscles were a testament of his hard work and strength. Thick fibres of muscle hugged his bones and one could tell that he was strong just from the muscles in his forearm

She watched him and wondered how she made and raised this wonderful man.

Maybe that was why she loved him so much. She raised him just in the image of the ideal man in her heart.

She played with such thought in her mind but one thing rang true.

'I love you, Yuito.'

Not just romantic love, not just familial love nor only mother's love either. But all of it

Her love for him was perfect

She love him.

In every sense of the word.


[Sumire Best mom pic]

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