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A Mere Troublemaker A Mere Troublemaker original

A Mere Troublemaker

Author: Someguylolz

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Rivalry

A din of chatter flooded the hallways as Mason stumbled around the corridors. "Mason! Hey!" A crowd of students chased after him. Mason didn't look back and took to the stairs. The main problem was the kids in the front: Adam, one of the upper-classmen, and the average teacher's pet. He signals the entire flock their separate ways, whether to turn left or right, which corner is to be cut, and which path to take; Noah, a boy around the same age as him who can easily tackle someone to the ground. To Mason, he was the biggest problem if they caught up.

Mason fumbled to input his locker password and got inside. He leans his ears to the door, listening to the posse's footsteps. When it subsided, he got out and sprinted to the library where he found Kyle. "Kyle!" Mason whispered. Kyle put down his book and looked at him. 

"What now?" he asked.

"I got it. Your journal."

"My what?"

"Journal. Adam stole it from you, right?"

"You stole it back from him?"

"Take it."


"Take it."

Kyle hesitantly complied and placed the notebooks back into his bag. "But what if he comes to me? Why else would you steal my journal?" he asked, clearly panicked. "Don't worry," Mason said. "I snatched Abbie's sketchbook and Leo's cell phone." Kyle paused, trying to understand the situation. "What good does that do?" he asked. "That means they'll be confused. They won't automatically think of you as a suspect. You keep denying your involvement in hiring me, and they won't know what to do."

"They'll see right through it."

"Adam's posse is filled with people specialising in physicality, not brain cells. Now hide it somewhere safe." Kyle just stood there, dumbfounded. "What are you doing? Go!" Mason whispered. As if by reflex, Kyle grabbed his bag and waved goodbye. Mason sat down and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He dusted his student uniform off and breathed a sigh of relief. He almost laughed at how he got away with it.


An hour later, the two were poring over the charts stuck to the wall. A list of classes with distinct courses in the same subject was inscribed on two separate papers. "I heard you can do the same at Elysian. It's like college, but as a high school. Weird, huh?" Kyle smiled. Mason scanned the papers before saying, "I'm going with Mr. Trevor. He explains proof better than everyone else."

"Shouldn't Mrs. Casey be in Room 2-C?"

"She was moved. The school has its schedule, you know."

"And how did you know? This is our second day here."

"I didn't. I just listened to some others inside the cafeteria."

They entered the classroom and took a seat, flipping open their notebooks. As Kyle said, it was only their second day here, and their journals were spilling with equations, laws, and mathematical structures. Mason tapped the bottom of his pen on the table and began taking notes. 

"Mason," a voice from behind whispered. Mason turned around to see Abbie waving at him. "Thanks for the sketchbook," she said. "Oh, yeah, no problem. They aren't bothering you too much, are they?" Mason asked.

"Adam? No. Noah, a little, but he's stopped."

"Abbie?" Mr. Trevor yelled. "Are you paying attention?"

"Oh, yes sir."

"Then don't distract others." He paused for dramatic effect and returned to the board. "We'll speak after class," Mason told her. "But what about you?" Kyle asked him. "Adam doesn't have any proof about us, but they saw you. You need to do something."

"It's a responsibility. I'll worry about it for another day," Mason smiled. "I'll be fine, don't worry."


The principal tapped a stack of papers against his desk. It was evident from Adam's expression that he knew Mason had tattled on him. "Now, I know this is your first time at this school, but still. Causing a scene is not—"

"Mister Halen, with all due respect," Adam interrupted, "Abbie and Leo willingly gave their belongings to me."

The principal put on his glasses. "I've already interviewed Abbie and Leo beforehand, and they never complied, Adam."


"Nevertheless, Mason, you, too, are at fault. Instead of taking matters into your own hands, you should have spoken to a teacher."

Mason's hands dropped to his side. "I've done that before yesterday and he doesn't stop." The principal pondered this for a moment as Adam's cheek twitched. Mason didn't care. With the principal involved, Adam could easily be reported if he laid a finger on him during school time.

 "Very well then," Halen said finally. He began jotting down a few letters. "Although I admit that gathering a posse as large as that is impressive, using it inappropriately will not be tolerated. Any sightings of you stealing, playing pranks, and disrespecting the teacher in class or on cameras will be reported to me and your parents. I hope you understand, Adam."

Mason smirked.

"And to you, Mason-" Adam gave a grudging nod, ready to hear the consequences enlisted, "-although I won't bother you with anything, I encourage that you avoid interfering like this from now on. I understand you wanted to help your friends, but—"

"I know sir," Mason replied.

"Then I believe we're done here." Halen stood up and motioned to the door. "You can all go home now."

"Thank you sir. I'm sorry," Adam said softly.

"And Mason?"

"Yes sir," Mason nodded.


"You think you're so smart, don't you?" Adam spat, slamming Mason against the wall. "Ratting me out to the principal like that." Mason tried to break free, but Adam held him in place. "I never ratted you out. The teachers just saw what we did and got involved," Mason replied. Adam's fist connected with Mason's stomach, causing him to double over in pain. "That's no excuse, and you know that. Think about how friendly we were on our first day. Now look at what you've done. Think about it: this is how you repay me? I helped you with the assignment."

"We hardly talked yesterday, what do you—"

Finally, Adam grabbed Mason by the hair, forcing him to look into his eyes. "Listen up, and listen good. You're not going to say a word about this to anyone, especially not Principal Halen. If you do, this will be nothing compared to what we'll do to you. Understand?" 

Mason, battered and broken, could only nod weakly in compliance in a somehow sarcastic tone. But Adam brought it. "I'll see you tomorrow then," he said.

Mason got up and slowly headed home. Once he had reached the front entrance, he laid his backpack on the table and rushed upstairs. His mom was in the kitchen, tending to the stove. She greeted him with a warm, "welcome home" as usual. Mason took advantage of the fact that she hadn't noticed him and tended to his wounds.

"Sheesh," he muttered.

He took a shower, put on some pyjamas, and hopped on his computer. His school enlistment email was still in his inbox. Ignoring it, Mason quickly switched to the news, hoping to pass the time.


"Hey, wake up!" Kyle whispered. Mason jolted awake from his nap. "You okay? Class is over." Mason looked down at his notes before responding, "Sorry. Must've fallen asleep again."

"How much do you study overnight anyway?" Abbie asked. "My mom told me that you stayed up until 12." Mason scoffed. "My mom's sometimes crazy," he explained. "Besides, the only time I am up until 12 is when I'm playing video games."

Mason strolled out of the classroom and into Room 4-B, one of the biggest in the school. Surprisingly, only a few students decided to attend the class, which was strange considering Mrs. Casey was the least strict teacher in the school. Mason didn't bother to question it, though. Paying attention to the teacher was the best thing to do, especially with exams coming up so quickly. He glanced around the room, taking in the view of a few familiar faces — including Adam, who was sitting a row behind him.

"Seeing an enemy sitting behind you is like a murderer breathing down your neck," Mason thought, sinking into his seat. 

Before long, the session had begun, and everyone was furiously taking notes. Now and then, Mason would notice Adam whispering to his friend and looking at him from the corner of his eye. Ignoring him was the best option. But after Adam had punched him on his way from school, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious. "Is something wrong?" Abbie asked him. "No, Adam's just staring at me," Mason answered, continuing with the session.

Kyle motioned for her to not get involved. He knew Mason best, and he was under stress whenever someone interrupted his private affairs.

"Excuse me!" a voice yelled from the back. It was Halen. "Sorry, may I pass— yes, thank you." The principal took a few shortcuts before reaching the front. He adjusted his necktie and cleared his throat. "Alright, so!" He clasps his hands together and points at Adam. "Brown, could you please come up to the front?"

Kyle poked Mason with his elbow. "This is it," he whispered. "Watch." Mason looked behind him as a wave of footsteps scurried inside. More people were coming into the room. But why?

Adam — sensing potential embarrassment — nervously walked up to the board. "Students of the academy, it is to my utter disappointment to inform you that the boy you see today is nothing more than a rapist and murderer of seven children around this neighbourhood. In this town." The gathering looked at each other, muttering uncertainly. Adam just stood there, shocked. 

"What? No!" he yelled. "Who told—"

"As I was told by the police, this boy is not only responsible for the missing children but for the deaths of many foreign women!"

Mason hardly had any time to react as several adults began passing out folders.

"What you have in your hands is a criminal dossier provided by the police department. It details all the crimes Adam Brown has committed."

Noah slammed his fist to the table. "Adam, what the hell?!" Adam looked at his friend, shocked to see him turn on him so quickly. He had expected Noah to defend his actions.

"Noah, believe me, I—"

"As you can see, this boy is not only someone who tortures people, but eats them alive! He is nothing more than a snobbish cannibal who has no right to be here!" Halen motioned to the crowd.

Kyle whispered to Mason, "Something's wrong."

Abbie turned to him. "What do you mean?"

"No, he's right," Mason said. "We need to leave, now."


"A bunch of unknown adults just came in here and passed us folders about Adam's crimes. And for some reason, people are believing Halen right off the spot. I think things could get ugly."

"Adam, what do you have to say for yourself?" Halen continued. "What- what are you on about? I never did those things!" Adam stuttered. "See? He continues to lie," Halen added. "And why do you think he should be allowed to stay here?" he yelled. "That's right! He shouldn't. Someone like him who has committed such crimes is not safe for our community."

"Okay, time to go!" Mason ordered. Abbie and Kyle followed suit as they squeezed past the students running towards the front. Screams and shouts echoed behind them as they fled the chaos in Room 4-B. Not looking back, they made a beeline towards the library. It was the safest place in the school — for now, at least. When they had arrived, they saw Halen sitting at one of the desks, reading.

Panting, Mason asked, "Mister Halen, how did you—"

"Quiet now." Halen held up his hand. As if by reflex, the trio stopped. "We can wait it out here."

"What about Adam, sir?" Abbie asked in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry about that. Uh, hold on…" Halen flipped through several pages. He raised his brows before closing it altogether. "I was hoping to find some more information for the other teachers. Shame." He got up and placed the book back on the shelves.

"So, how-" Kyle struggled to catch his breath, "-how did the police tell you?"


"The police documents. How did they give it to you?"

"The police didn't give it to me. I did."


"I wrote the documents myself last night."

The group sat right next to him, trying to cool off. "So how did you know about Adam's crimes? There were pictures in the documents. When did you take them? Did you report it to the police?"

"Those pictures weren't real, Kyle," Halen shrugged. The three paused, staring. Halen only laughed. "Oh, come on! Mason, you watch the news, don't you? There's no criminal named Adam Brown. Adam didn't commit those crimes. If he was a criminal, I wouldn't let him in this school." He leaned back in his chair, smirking. "It's very easy to control the younger generation, no matter how advanced they are in society. You know, there was a study conducted—"

"You killed him," Mason interrupted.

"Oh, please," Halen chuckled. "He bullied you, didn't he?"

"He didn't deserve it."

Principal Halen said nothing, only pondering what he should do. "Tell you what. Since everyone's in Room 4-B, why don't you all have some free time? Go on, get your devices out."

"You've killed someone, why are you being so calm?!" Mason yelled. 

"I didn't kill him, Mason," Halen replied politely. "He simply killed himself. It's not me or your fault. It's nobody's fault, actually! None of us laid a finger on him. Now then, if you'll excuse me-" Halen packed up his things, "-I should probably go check on the drama."

He waved goodbye and left.

The three students looked at each other, not saying a word. The silence seemed to speak for them.

Someguylolz Someguylolz

Okay, so... Probably not the best story. I'm still pretty new to writing, but I'm proud of the outcome. The next few chapters will add more lore to the school (no, it doesn't have a name) and how Mason ended up in it.

Again, this is one of my first stories, so it's fine if you don't like it.

But with all that out of the way, thanks for reading!

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