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A Midnight Past A Midnight Past original

A Midnight Past

Author: Elysian1233

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Who are you?

" Hello, darling you've kept me waiting." A mischievous voice spoke out as I peeked through my disheveled hair. A massive man towering over me, tall, proud. A black mask covering half of his face, from his forehead to the tip of his nose. Even he was followed by a dark shadow less mass seemed to emanated from him. Helping him appear fearful. In fact, everything that he wore was black, even his raven hair. The only clear features were his skin and eyes. Yet his gaze colder than death itself, but there was something that death didn't have.

What laid behind those ocean eyes?

Why did they seem so familiar? They reminded me so much of Kol. My darling, Kol.

" You have no right interfere in this matter Bel-"

" Oh, but it does. You are selling her, and I want her." He interrupted King Vernon who sat with gritted teeth. Oh, yes here I was about to be sold like a piece of gold- well piece of shit. After all

" She is much too valuable too be in the hands of someone like you." King Vernon barked as if he was trying to defend me. The damn bastard was the reason I was here in the first place. I wished I could have killed him, when I had the chance. Although maybe I was too ambitious for my reason doing all of this was money. Just like every other human being.

The man in front of me scoffed, barely turning his attention to him, his eyes always on me. And my eyes always on him. " Exactly why. She is too valuable, to be in the hands of the filthy and low." He argued with persuasion, I didn't know why he defended me. He didn't even know me, yet for an instance of a second I was grateful. I was quiet valuable, because I was one third of the Blessed Trinity. However, that didn't matter I just needed to keep my sisters safe, regardless what happened to me.

" You cannot take her!" King Vernon yell pierced the room.Nobles, royals, magicians, and even mortals widened their eyes at the outbreak of his majesty.

A wicked smile crept upon the strangers face, swaying his head side to side, " I didn't ask." He remarked as he knelled before me wrapping his hand around my fragile waist holding me close to his chest as he rose. Feeling like a small child I felt like I was being rescued.

" You bastard Eternal!" King Vernon cursed as my eyes flashed to the face of the man who held me, with his jaw clenched. His grip tightening on me feeling his hands leaving a mark on my fair skin. Not seeming to breathe. As if he exposed something he shouldn't have? He was an eternal! Why? Why was he helping me? What did he want from me? " You don't even have wings!" He informed as a flash of wind passed us, the next moment my gaze tore from him as I noticed another man dressed in all black holding the precious asshole King by the neck, single handling.

" Do not insult my King." The second mystery man hissed. Gripping even tighter as the King scratched at his palms, but held no avail. Wheezing and coughing as he turned purple. Though the second man was the one I was focused on.

" Mckenna, leave it be. He is not worth your time." The masked man advised, while the assailant gripped his hand tighter as he digged his nails, more like claws since blood spurted from the King's neck as he dropped him to the floor. Then the man seemed to turned his head slightly peeking at me as he sent a wink- a wink? Seriously, at a time like this? Sending his wings as he burs ted into black mist and out of it formed a raven black bird soaring around as he made a piercing sound that called forward thunder. Flying away out of the chambers as the masked man moved forward my eyes peering over to the fallen king surrounded by nobles and royals, that was the last thing I saw before I left the retched place.

He trailed further walking through the town as the town people gawked at us.Mostly at me. Maybe some at him. Faces I had seen before, but most likely well never see again. Leaving all that could have ever been, all that would be. I shrunk myself into his hands, wanting no one to see ,clenching a fistful of his coat onto my palms. Wanting those lingering gaze to disappear and go back to their daily life.

Soon enough those gazes were just shadows in a distance past. The past, and now this was my present. He was my present and future. But what kinda of life would it be? " Where are you taking me?" I asked speaking first before he would tell me to do his bidding. After all he was my master now, and I was his slave. The least I could know was where? If I knew I could send a message to my sisters to let them know I was safe. Well, safe not being the right word to describe my position but alive.Eventually they can catch up with me, and once again we could be reunited.

His face rigid, not an ounce of what he thought. Carrying.... moving forward. Never taking a step behind or straying from the path. Then he came to a halt gestures in front. As a black marble carriage with four rare breed ebony horses ready for command. Something as luxurious was fitting for a king. A king his friend said he was, yet he was much more than that. Turning my eyes back on him there was a touch of a smile of his lips," Home." He breathlessly whispered as I blinked. Home. Home?

Was there such a place?

Elysian1233 Elysian1233

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