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A Multiverse With Outer God Zhynns'i A Multiverse With Outer God Zhynns'i original

A Multiverse With Outer God Zhynns'i

Author: StoryCraft

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: I just want to be a tier-0

So this is how I die. Not by a disaster, a disease, or even killed. I just died, I had a normal life but sheesh! Can somebody tell Death to up the purgatory? It's boring in here!

I wasted my infinite time singing random songs. I wasn't even mad that I died, just annoyed at how boring it was. Where's the stairway to heaven? Where's the line of people waiting to be judged?

I yawned. "Can't even conjure anything in here. If this is how I'm spending my eternity, no wonder ghosts exist." Unfinished business... HA! They probably got bored and decided they might as well have fun.

Then I see a ray of light. Can this place be even more get cliche? What's next? Is God giving him Gamer powers? Wish granting genie or demon?

Then a slender fellow in a dark suit appeared. He had a pair of glasses. He picked a list and started writing while looking around.

"Are you God?" I can't help but ask. I was doing my best not to think of anything that might sound bad or offensive.

The man looked at me and made the typical move of moving his glass to see better. " No, I'm just an inspector. God has a lot of things to do than this."

"Then again, he gave me this task, about taking care of you."

"Please tell me I didn't die by mistake."

The inspector rose an eyebrow. "No, you didn't die by mistake, you're just early." He spoke as if it was a different matter.

"That's the same thing!" I yelled.

"For humans, maybe, do you think God can make mistakes? Everyone dies. The only question left is how and when."

I can't counter that. No one can fight Death except God, but the way he spoke was terrifying. It's like I'm talking to the Grim Reaper himself.


"Your Death..."

The man stopped whatever he was doing and glanced at me. "What gave you that idea?" He asked.

I can't help but shiver under his gaze. This guy gave me the creeps. "I don't know, just a hunch."

The man raised an eyebrow. Then continued inspecting the infinite void. Once done, he turned towards me.

"I will go straight to the point. Child, we allow you to choose your fate. Do you wish to pass on? Reincarnate or Transmigrate?"

"Transmigration. I don't wanna go the whole rebirth thingy."

The man nodded and wrote something. "And what power would you like?" He asked again.

This time, I thought it through. Everything has ups and downs, but the question of which power will fit with him was tricky.

"Does a race of a species count as power?"

Earning a nod, I think again about my options. Gamer was out of the list. I have no patience or mental will to endure that much grinding. It's easier to say that the Gamer is the most Op ability, but it is the roughest kind of power.

No, I need a shortcut, the perfect power that fits my mentality. I am a fan of hard work, but I will not subject myself to that.

I began thinking that it was impossible to choose. So many good options, but none fit the idea I had. Then I finally had it.

"I wish to be an outer god equal to Azathoth."

This time, the man blinked, taken aback by such a wish. It wasn't the wish that surprised him, but the idea I chose this route. The Gamer has the power to change you into one, but the requirements will take a lot of time and patience.

"Are you certain? You realize you will stop being human." He asked. I nodded. "I think nothing will change. My motives are human, my ideas are human, my goals are human. The only difference is the race body. I just bigger speck of dust than before." I wasn't trying to impress the guy, but I can't help myself say those lines.

The man chuckled at my words. "Boy, at first you gained my curiosity, but now you have my attention." They gave many souls powerful abilities and believed they became a god.

That is not the truth. A god has no ambition, goal, reason, or logic.

He wondered if this young soul, will remain the same or end up like the rest. He wrote once more and saw the soul fading away.


Once the empty fade changed into an endless void of stars, I couldn't help but feel scared.

It shouldn't be this easy. That inspector should have rejected me. I glanced down at my body and saw it was not human anymore.

I can't describe my body well. I'm having a hard time telling what it's composed of, but if I was human, it looks like a mixture of tentacles, vines, roots, and void. And the way it moved was like a flickering flame.

I tried using reality-warping, but it didn't work. Damn, it looked so easy, but what should I expect. Maybe I need something more than just wanting a change. Willpower? How do I use an abstract like that?

Eh, I'll try it, anyway. I began to will a mirror to exist. It took a couple of tries until I got it right. Finally, next up is my appearance. I didn't change much but made some slight modifications.

I made my version of a perfect body. The Reaction and strength of an expert fighter. Speed, and stamina of world-class runner, Plasticity of Gymnast, and Durability of a bodybuilder. It's a normal human body.

It was buff and shredded. I changed the hair to white and styled it akin to Gojo. Next, I added horns similar to a Ōtsutsuki clan member, but red instead. As for my heterochromatic eyes, my right nearly looks like it has ten thousand suns exploding while my left was a space with glittering stars.

Now I need combat experience. There's a difference between knowledge and experience. So I pulled off a Neo-move. I downloaded every fighting style and technique.

Next were self-imposed rules. Now, why would I do that? Simple. I don't want a mundane or intense fight; I want a funny one.

Rule#1: no reality-warping unless it's an emergency or someone I like died, as well as making my waifus like me. If I want a waifu, I will earn it.

Rule#2: no omniscience, actually maybe a little just enough that I know whatever I do doesn't come back to bite my ass.

Rule#3: the wheel chooses my destination. No cheating.

Rule#4: have fun as much as I want.

Finally finished, I picked which reality to enter. Too many to choose from, so I conjured a spinning wheel. Wherever the arrow lands, I'll go there. Hell, I even added the hentai-verse.

I spun the wheel and waited in excitement. Just as the arrow was about to point to the hentai verse, I couldn't help but grin. Then it landed on Bleach.


My disappointment was immeasurable. I wanted to blast the damn arrow for betraying me. You had one job arrow, ONE JOB!

I sighed. Beggars can't be choosers and might as well go there. I still haven't picked a name yet. My real name was Zhynnsy'i, but I need something that won't kill or get my attention. Eh, I'll think about it later. My reluctant adventure awaits.

Opening a tear, in reality, I stepped in.


Where the fuck am I!? I'm pretty sure I set the tear on Ichigo's house. I looked around and saw nothing but trees around me. Dead trees, to be exact.

I felt the ground shake. I'm pretty sure I wasn't responsible for that, so what caused it?

There was a roar, followed by another shake. I looked around and saw a Menos grande. Oh, I'm in Hueco Mundo.

OH SHIT! I'm in Hueco Mundo!

My teleportation skills need improvement. Still, seeing that thing was terrifying, I almost peed my pants. The Hollow ate me. Jokes on it, though. No matter how hard it tried to crush or swallow me, I remained in its mouth.

Time for a Jotaro stunt. Starpla- cough! Sun-Platinum! I conjured a spiritual being behind me. Its body was something any bodybuilder would kill to have.

"RATATATATATATATATA!" I roared as it punched each tooth into pieces. Then I finished it by turning my arm into a giant drill and went right through its skull mask.

"Sky-Driller!" I yelled, like a shounen character. Unfortunately, I didn't realize I struck the ceiling too hard, and it collapsed on me.

"Shit! I overdid it!" I yelled as it buried me alive. Once it stopped, I appeared on top of it.

Damn, that was embarrassing. Hopefully, no one saw that. Seeing the moon and eternal dark sky, I began my aimless walk.

I encountered some hollows on the way, but a simple punch here and there was enough to make them back off.

I was wondering if the plotline has already started. It wasn't until I encountered Starrk and Lilinyette. They're wearing ragged fur cloaks, which means I'm too early in the story.

The two noticed me and looked confused on why I wasn't dead yet, but on guard. I need to look exceptional and friendly towards them.

I raised my hand in a friendly gesture. "Sup." Shit, I messed up! What was I thinking!? Sup? That's not cool, me!

The two were looking at me weirdly. Lilinyette approached me while Starrk was ready to blast me if I did anything to her.

"How are you not dead?" she asked. I gave her a shrug and answered. "I guess I'm just strong enough."


"A lazy one," I said. What am I supposed to say? I'm an outer god?

A tick mark appeared on her head while Starrk rose an eyebrow. "So, is there anyone else, or is it just the two of you?"

"It's just us. Our reiatsu usually kills any hollow that comes close to us. You're the first one that didn't die. I'm Lilinyette and that's Starrk."

The man just gave me a lazy greeting, which ticked the girl off. Then she focused her eyes on me.

"What's your name?"

My name, right my name? I was named Ren, but that name died in my old world. I can't say my new name either. I needed a new name, something simple, not complicated. Something that won't drive anyone to madness or notify me.

"Shensei..." I muttered. Divine rule, heh, it's not a bad name. Why are you looking at me? I have a giant ego, okay!? Plus, it sounds like my name and the word Sensei.


"Call me Shensei. You can shorten it for Shen or Sei." I spoke louder while smiling. Lilinyette smiles back and offers a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Shensei."

There was a rumble when I said my name as if reality just heard a taboo, and it got worse when the girl said it.

It was weird when he heard an echo. So this is how they receive it, or it's just me.

The two were on alert, but I remained calm. I felt awful about that, so I joined to make it up. I might as well mess with the lives of hundreds now.

I lost track of time on how long I was here, but one thing has changed. It just started with me, Starrk and Lilinyette. Now there are a few hollows following us. The reason is that my reiatsu was feeding them. They no longer felt the need to hunt.

Of course, that meant some hollows tried to eat me, but I ate them instead. It tasted terrible. I also sparred against some Hollows to get experience in a fight.

Only Starrk and Lilinyette put me on the ropes, but I also gave them a hard time.

A few more years and the name Shensei became well known, the Hollow without a hole. An impossible existence, the benevolent Vasto Lorde.


Tier Harribel was in a bind. As a Vasto Lorde, it was hard for something to pressure her. But with food becoming scarce and Barragan's men after her, it's becoming harder to fight.

Appaci, Sung-sun, and Mila Rose were just as tired as her. They can't keep this up forever. Their escape had led them to wander to Shensei's territory.

Sung-sun seemed torn about something, so Harribel asked what was wrong. Sung-sun took a second reply, and both Appaci and Mila Rose were angry. "I propose we head join forces with Shensei."

"Sung-sun, how dare you suggest such a thing!" Appaci roared. "Harribel-sama should never submit to another!"

Mila Rose remained silent while it also miffed her. Sung-sun had a good reason.

The Hollow named Shensei rarely attacked anyone. Those who followed him did so in their own volition. No Hollow has ever gone hungry under his wing.

However, one thing is clear, Shensei was looking for something. While it was random, Shensei often left his pack and ventured alone. No one knew what he was looking for.

An enemy, perhaps?

Harribel was in the same boat. She saw the benefits, but is she willing to bow her head? As she was about to decide, another voice interrupted her.

"Hey, if you guys are feeling hungry, do you want some of these?"

Everyone jumped away from the source, prepared for a fight, glaring at the Hollow that grabbed their attention.

It was Shensei, holding a bag of groceries.


Spending a lot of time in the desert with nothing happening, but occasional skirmishes weren't suitable for my sanity.

So I occasionally went to the human world and got some human food. I encountered some Shinigami on patrol, a good wedgie here and there. They stopped bothering me.

I also changed my clothes now instead of a ragged fur cloak. I was wearing a similar garb from Isshiki Ōtsutsuki. An elegant, slim-cut, grey long-sleeved tailcoat with maroon lining and cuffs and an oversized collar that folded back upon itself over his bare muscular torso, over a pair of baggy black pants that often covered his bare feet. The coat had foliage patterns, while the pants had flames.

I just got back from the human realm and got enough food to end world hunger for a year, but I sensed several hollows near me. So I went there to make sure it's not a big deal.

I honestly didn't think I would see Harribel this soon. My "restricted" omniscience told me the reason they were there.

I have to say Harribel, despite the mask covering her face, was freaking beautiful. PRAISE THE ARROW!

I delved my hand inside my infinite grocery bag and pulled a box full of Takoyaki. I know Hollows don't eat as humans do, but their taste buds are still the same.

"Want some?" I raised the box. No one relaxed. WELP I tried, but no one wanted it, so I'll eat it. "Wait a minute, aren't you Tier Harribel? Hot damn, those morons telling me you're terrifying need a pair of new eyes. You're gorgeous! A perfect 10 waifu material!"

Everyone just looked at me weirdly, as if I shattered their expectations with disappointment. I can't help it, babes. I don't have the charisma of a leader.

"Are you Shensei?" Harribel asked cautiously.

"Yep, and you must be Tier Harribel." I said with a friendly grin.

I can tell that she and her pack are trying to gauge my power and failing. I glanced beyond the edge of my territory and saw some of Barragan's Hollows coming towards our location.

Harribel noticed it as well, since she was looking in their direction.

Soon the Hollows arrived. There are hundreds of them, but their Reiatsu was above Harribel's pack. Still, they were wary of him.

While most saw me as a weak Vasto Lorde, Starrk and Lilinyette was another story. Facing three Vasto Lorde, whether weak or strong, is just a massacre waiting to happen.

"Arara, this is new. Can I help you, gentlemen?" I asked while putting my groceries in my pocket dimension.

"Move aside, Shensei, Lord Barragan ordered us to bring those four to him."

"Well, unfortunately, you're a bit late. We just agreed to making an alliance."

"Then we'll just have to kill you." One Hollow said.

I rose an eyebrow before deciding to kill that thing first. It took a single step, and a push before its body became a gore. To the rest, it's like I vanished at pure speed. I just frame-skipped, cutting time and space, and glue both back together while taking away the middle.

The rest of Hollows jumped back in terror. Harribel and her pack were wondering if they were lucky that I didn't consider them a threat.

"So, anyone else with bright ideas?" I taunted while flaring my 'Reiatsu'. Quickly, everyone fell to the sand face first as gravity became a thousand times heavier. I then lowered my energy back.

The leader got the message and got up. "Barragan will not be happy." He warned.

"Since when is that geezer ever happy? He sits in that chair doing nothing." I said.

The hollows left via sonido while I ate the body. I turned to Harribel again. Everyone went on guard again, now eyes filled with fear.

"So I know I was lying about the whole alliance thing, but if you really want to, then I won't mind."

Harribel was having this complicated look before walking towards me. I knew she was going to kneel, so I stopped her before she could.

"I said an alliance, not fealty. I have no need or use for servants. An alliance is equal standing by both parties. So you don't have to kneel."

I offered my hand for a shake. Harribel was still skeptical about me, but she accepted it. I can't help but grin.

"So want me to fill up those holes?"

They blushed and glared at me like I was a pervert. SHIT! That came out wrong.

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