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Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Team Battle Part 3

As the dust settled, Kuroi, Kokubo, and Goetsu could be seen on the ground, defeated. The victors, Sumire, Wasabi, and Namida, stood tall, their eyes shining with pride.

"Inchou, your idea was very good," Wasabi said, grinning from ear to ear. "We didn't even have to fight Boruto."

"Our objective was to steal the flag, not fight," Sumire replied, her gaze fixed on the flag in her hand. "And let's be honest, we didn't stand a chance against that monster."

"Inchou, are you being a bit harsh on Boruto?" Namida asked, her voice soft and gentle.

Sumire's expression hardened. "He is a monster," she said firmly. "I won't change my opinion on him."

As they stood there, catching their breath and basking in their victory, another announcement rang out. "Sumire's team has stolen the flag from Kuroi's team."

The three girls exchanged high-fives, their faces glowing with triumph. They had done it, and they had done it without resorting to violence. It was a victory they could be proud of, and one that would be remembered for a long time to come.

Back to the fight,

Iwabe rushed towards Boruto, his stone hammer raised high in the air. He launched a downward strike, but Boruto blocked it with his left forearm, as if it was nothing. Iwabe was shocked by Boruto's strength, and he saw Boruto grinning as he revealed a Rasengan in his right palm.

But then, someone came to Iwabe's support - it was Metal, in the air. Metal launched a downward kick, helping Iwabe strike Boruto, but Boruto held it, and you could see veins bulging from his skin as he tanked the attack. He then put his Rasengan on the Stone Hammer, causing Metal and Iwabe to fly back due to the impact of the Rasengan.

Two people came to Boruto's side - Mitsuki launched a Lightning Style: Snake Lightning towards Boruto, but Boruto simply sidestepped, avoiding the lightning snake. Unfortunately, the lightning snake headed towards Sarada, but she slid down, avoiding it just in time.

Inojin, now opposite Iwabe and Metal, launched his Super Beast Imitating Drawing Jutsu. A small lion appeared from the scroll and flew towards Boruto, headbutting him. But Boruto grabbed Iwabe by the shirt and used him as a shield. Iwabe took the hit and fell to his knees.

Then, a large fist came flying towards Boruto's face, but Boruto caught it easily. It was Chocho, but she didn't have enough strength to punch him. Boruto looked at her and said, "If you did more physical exercise, you would have beaten me."

Boruto's eyes darted between Sarada on his right and Metal on his left. He knew they were both preparing to launch an attack. Meanwhile, Inojin threw his sword to Mitsuki, who caught it and leaped over Iwabe, ready to slash at Boruto.

But just as Mitsuki was about to strike, Shikadai finally made his move. His shadow sprouted and locked Boruto's legs, preventing him from moving. For a moment, it looked like Boruto might be defeated, but then he activated the Eight Gates: Gate of Opening. With a burst of strength, he broke free of Shikadai's shadow and jumped away, landing behind Inojin.

"Tch," Shikadai muttered in frustration.

Chocho, Sarada, Mitsuki, Metal, and Iwabe were all clustered together, watching as Boruto took out Inojin with a quick neck chop. As Boruto began to do handsigns, they spread out, but Metal picked up Iwabe and carried him away, forgetting that Shikadai was still out in the open.

Boruto released a Water Release: Water Trumpet, shooting it at what he thought was Shikadai. But it turned out to be a clone, and the real Shikadai was hiding behind a tree, waiting for his chance to strike.

Metal put Iwabe back on the ground, and Iwabe slowly got to his feet, still feeling the effects of the hit to his stomach.

Iwabe's eyes widened in shock as Boruto's strength seemed to increase with each passing moment. "How is he this strong?" he muttered in disbelief.

Suddenly, Boruto disappeared and reappeared behind Chocho, delivering a swift neck chop that left her unconscious on the ground. Sarada took a step back in fear as Boruto flickered toward her, but then Metal stepped in, unleashing his own Eight Gates: "Hachimon Tonkou: Kyumon."

With a burst of power, he arrived behind Sarada and grabbed Boruto's wrist, pulling him to the left and opening up his stomach with a straight punch that sent Boruto flying.

"Sarada-san, take the others and get away. This is my fight now," Metal said, his voice filled with determination.

Boruto got up and dusted himself off, his clothes torn and a hole in his hoodie. He was smiling, and he casually ripped the hoodie off, revealing his muscular body.

Mitsuki grabbed Inojin, while Sarada picked up the unconscious Chocho, grunting in surprise at how heavy she was.

Iwabe, Mitsuki, and Sarada watched in awe as Metal and Boruto faced off, ready to do battle. Suddenly, Shikadai appeared next to them, his eyes fixed on the fight ahead.

"Let's start our fight, Metal," Boruto said, entering his fighting stance.

Metal mirrored his opponent, taking on the same stance that had been used by Rock Lee's father. The two of them stared each other down, ready to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.


Hoki's eyes darted around the battlefield. He had already set the girls down and now he was wondering about the whereabouts of Mitsuki and Metal. The loud sounds of battle echoed in the distance, drawing his attention.

"I wonder what Mitsuki and Metal are up to," he muttered, his eyes narrowing in thought. Without wasting any more time, he started running towards the source of the noise, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Let's hope I'm not too late," Hoki said to himself, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that whatever was happening, he needed to be there to support his teammates. With a renewed sense of urgency, he quickened his pace, determined to reach Mitsuki and Metal as soon as possible.


Observer Room,

Naruto, Shikamaru, Sai, Shino, Anko, and Konohamaru were all gathered around a large monitor screen, their eyes glued to the intense fight unfolding before them.

"Lee's son is quite talented," Shikamaru remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "To think that he's unlocked the Eight Gates: Second Gate at such a young age."

Anko turned to the others, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Who do you think will win this?"

"I believe Metal has the upper hand," Sai responded, his gaze never leaving the screen.

"Boruto will win this," Konohamaru countered, his voice filled with conviction.

Sai turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you say that, Konohamaru? Care to explain?"

Before Konohamaru could respond, Shikamaru interjected, "Boruto hasn't gone all out yet. I'm glad my son knows what to do in this situation."

As the others continued their discussion, Naruto remained silent, his eyes never leaving the screen. He was ready to jump in and intervene the moment the fight became too dangerous. He knew both boys were strong, but as the Hokage, he would do whatever it took to ensure their safety.


A powerful shockwave reverberated through the air as the fists of Metal and Boruto collided with tremendous force. The ground beneath them cracked and trembled, unable to withstand the impact of their clash.

Despite the intensity of their battle, both fighters wore confident smiles on their faces. Each one determined to outmatch the other and prove their strength.

In a swift motion, Boruto swiftly ducked, his body fluidly evading Metal's incoming uppercut. With lightning speed, he retaliated by launching his own attack, aiming to strike Metal's face with a powerful uppercut. However, Metal was prepared, blocking Boruto's strike with both palms.

Not one to back down, Metal swiftly followed up with a right knee aimed at Boruto's face. But Boruto's quick reflexes saved him as he skillfully moved his head backward, narrowly avoiding the blow.

Undeterred, Metal pressed on, launching a devastating teep kick that connected with Boruto's chest, sending him hurtling through the air. The impact was jarring, causing Boruto to crash into the ground several feet away.

Metal seized the opportunity to continue his relentless assault, rushing towards the airborne Boruto with unwavering determination. However, Boruto managed to regain his footing just in time, deftly landing on the ground and preparing to defend himself.

As Metal closed in, he unleashed a powerful left straight punch, aiming to land a decisive blow. But Boruto's agility and skill came into play once again, as he deflected Metal's punch with precision, narrowly avoiding the attack.

With determination in his eyes, Metal unleashed a powerful right punch, aiming to break through Boruto's defenses. However, Boruto swiftly reacted, raising both forearms in a tight guard position to block the incoming strike. The impact reverberated through his arms, but he stood firm, refusing to yield.

Seizing the opening, Metal swiftly followed up with a powerful right hook, hoping to catch Boruto off guard. But Boruto's instincts kicked in, and he capitalized on the opportunity. In a swift and calculated move, he grabbed Metal's wrist and elbow, using his opponent's momentum against him. With a surge of strength, Boruto hurled Metal towards the ground, causing a massive crater to form upon impact.

Metal's body convulsed, and he involuntarily expelled saliva from his mouth, the force of the throw leaving him disoriented and vulnerable. However, Boruto wasn't finished. Seizing the advantage, he swiftly mounted Metal, straddling him to gain control. With relentless determination, Boruto began to rain down a barrage of punches, aiming to overwhelm Metal's defenses.

Metal, though stunned, managed to raise his guard, blocking the majority of Boruto's onslaught. The sound of fists connecting with forearms echoed through the air, as Metal fought to protect himself from the onslaught.

Suddenly, Metal's instincts kicked in, and he swiftly executed a hip-up maneuver, using his core strength to thrust his hips upward. The unexpected move caught Boruto off guard, causing him to lose his balance and roll away, momentarily destabilized.

Both fighters quickly regained their footing, their bodies poised and ready for the next round of their intense battle. The determination in their eyes mirrored their unwavering resolve. The fight was far from over, and both Metal and Boruto were prepared to give it their all.

Perched on a sturdy tree branch were Iwabe, Sarada, and Shikadai, their eyes intently focused on the fierce battle unfolding below. However, one notable absence was Mitsuki, who was nowhere to be seen. Curiosity got the better of Iwabe, and he turned to his companions, Sarada and Shikadai, with a question burning in his mind.

"Can your eyes keep up with their lightning-fast movements?" Iwabe inquired, his voice filled with awe and intrigue.

Shikadai, known for his analytical mind, responded confidently, "Yeah, I can follow their every move."

Sarada, on the other hand, shook her head with a hint of frustration. "No, I can't."

As the battle raged on, Shikadai couldn't help but ponder the implications of the ongoing confrontation. He turned to his companions, a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes, and posed a question of his own.

"Inchou Team has already begun collecting the flag. Don't you guys want to intervene and try to stop them?" Shikadai asked, genuinely interested in their perspectives.

Iwabe, however, had a different mindset. He leaned back, a contented smile forming on his face. "No, I want to watch this match unfold. It's a rare opportunity to witness such incredible skill and strategy."

Sarada, always direct and to the point, couldn't help but question their inaction. "Why are you asking us when you can go and stop them yourself?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Shikadai let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I'm simply asking out of curiosity. Besides, my team has already suffered defeat, with two of my teammates being knocked out. It's better for me to observe Boruto's abilities closely, so I can devise a more effective plan in case we face each other again."

Sarada nodded in understanding, acknowledging the logic behind Shikadai's reasoning. "That makes sense," she conceded, realizing the value of analyzing their opponents and using the knowledge gained to strategize for future encounters.

As the battle continued to unfold beneath them, the trio remained perched on the tree branch, their eyes glued to the spectacle before them. They were captivated by the display of skill, determination, and the potential for growth that this intense match held.

Taidanotsumi Taidanotsumi

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