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Chapter 1: Prologue

"Ugh, what the hell am I supposed to do now?"


"Yo!". Hmm? Where am I? Ugh, I'll deal with that bastard later. I look around and see I'm in a white or milky or what-the-flying fuck this is. I don't remember being here ever. "Of course not dumbass, this is my domain". Oh than- ok who are you and why am I here? "Just think of me as a ROB." Okay then Rob, can you explain what's going on? "Did you really forget? Hold on", as I felt him poking my forehead and the memories started rushing in.

Oh that's what happened, I got mobbed and then some hobo started telling me about some points for some cyoa. Then I answered it, and he said I'll get a response later in the day. Well I guess this is the answer then, damnit. I looked at the old man (don't wanna say rob) and asked, "what now?". "Nothing much, just to confirm what you selected from the form", he replied. Okay then, hit me with it, I thought. He only smiled and gave me the list:

Perk points: 50


World Knowledge Cost: 1

If you don't want to look like a disoriented tourist, I could fill your head with knowledge of the world you get isekai'd to. For example: you will know all of the major cities, the history of the different kingdoms, the names and deeds of famous heroes, and such.

- Encyclopedic Knowledge Cost: 1

Instead of gaining basic knowledge of the world, you will gain advanced knowledge about the world. For example: detailed data about monsters, magical metals, alchemical herbs, etc.


Wilderness Cost: 2

You will find yourself in the middle of a forest. You're in a random wilderness and the nearest towns will lie a couple of weeks away. On the bright side there is plenty of animals, plants and berries to eat and there are several sources of water spread out across the wilderness. So you won't have to starve. The wilderness is an excellent place to safely explore your powers and get a feel for them.

- Specific Environment

Cost: 2

You may choose what kind of wilderness you appear in. For example you could appear in a tropical jungle full of rare and exotic monsters or a forest bordering an elven kingdom that is regularly patrolled by elven rangers.


1. Infinite Mana Cost: 10

Unlike other magic users, your mana pool is infinite. This power won't teach you any spells, but because of your absurd amount of mana you will be able to physically manifest your mana. A feat which is sure to impress any magic user and grant you any kind of apprenticeship you would like.

- Hidden Power Cost: 3

With this upgrade you will be able to completely conceal your magical presence at will. Normally magic users are able to sense other magic users magical powers. Without this upgrade you will be like a beacon of power which will draw both wanted and unwanted attention to yourself.

2. Magical Affinity Cost: 20

Choose 1 type of magic, for example Elementalism, Necromancy, Demonology, Holy Magic, Divination, Summoning, Nature Magic, Enchanting or Eromancy. You gain a powerful magical affinity for your chosen magic type. You will be able to learn spells from your chosen magic type 2 times faster and when you cast them they will be twice as potent. (I picked ice)

- Magic Resistance Cost: 2

You gain a 80% magic resistance to any spells which you have an affinity for.

3. Swift Learning Cost: 5

Anything that makes it into your short-term memory will be added to your long-term memory and your muscle memory will be more malleable during training exercises. This will basically make you really good at learning, memorizing and mastering new things. For example take a couple of fencing lessons and you're guaranteed to be best in class. Your amazing learning speed is sure to bring you lots of attention, admiration and envy from your fellow students.

- Perfect Memory Cost: 3

Anything that makes it to your long-term memory stays there and won't ever be forgotten.

- Apply Knowledge Cost: 1

The first time you use something you have learned, outside of a training setting will be twice as potent.

4. Accelerate Cost: 10

This power basically increases your speed and reaction time the longer you fight. At activation you start at gear 1, which will double your speed. After 10 seconds of use you will reach gear 2 and become 4 times faster than normal and your sweat will begin to evaporate into mist. After 40 seconds of use you reach gear 3, you can now jump short distances at a speed akin to teleportation and your body will be radiating steam. After 2 minutes of use you reach gear 4, you now move at a speed which is hard to detect for the human eye. After 3 minutes of use you reach gear 5, your speed is further increased and when you move you will create multiple afterimages. After 4 minutes of use you reach gear 6, you now move at a speed which gives you the illusion of time being stopped. You will only have less than a nanosecond in this state. But to you it will feel like roughly 1 minute, then you will collapse and lose consciousness. When you deactivate this power it's deactivation is delayed, until just before you reach the next gear. This power has a cooldown equal to the activation time of the highest gear you reached when deactivate it.

-Ignition Cost: 3

At activation you may choose which gear you start in. Activation times will be changed accordingly.

5. Sexual Prowess Cost: 3

Ever wanted to be really good at sex? With this power you will basically become a god in bed. Your sexual skills will be second to none and borderline supernatural.


1. Power Source Gain 10

You gain a medium sized item of your choice. For example: a urn, dagger, crown, gauntlet, mirror, goblet, or mask. You can only use your powers when your chosen item is within five meters of you. When you are using your powers, the object will glow brightly, making it obvious to everyone else that your item is the source of your powers. If the item is destroyed or lost, you will regain it after One Week. (I choose vision)

2. Elemental Alignment Gain 10

Choose 1 element, your choices are wind, water, earth and fire. Your powers gets a visual makeover which makes them more thematically aligned with your chosen element. When you use your powers in a biome which isn't aligned with the element you choose, your powers will be 75% less potent. While you can't even use your powers in biomes associated with the element opposed to the element you chose. Wind is opposed to earth, fire is opposed to water and vice versa. For reference here are some examples on biomes: forest (earth), jungle (earth), mountain (earth), underground cave (earth), grassland (wind), floating island (wind), the sky (wind), plains (wind), desert (fire), volcanic landscape (fire), savanna (fire), a burning biome (fire), island or coast (water), swamp (water), ocean or lake (water) and arctic landscape (water). You can't be harmed by environmental effects inside a biome that is aligned with your chosen element. For example if your element is fire, you could swim in a volcano's lava. (I choose water)


I guess that's all, old man. "Sure", he replied. "so where are you going, and how do you wanna get there?". I replied "Genshin impact, a year before the story begins, and transmigration". "Okay then, but some of the powers will be adjusted". Hmm, how so, i thought? He replied, "your infinite mana will be reduced to 5-fold magic power, as in regeneration, density, volume,e.t.c. your accelerate will also be nerfed so that you will only be able to unlock the gear 2 and above with training. Your magical talent will be linked to your vision, which will be linked to your power source flaw." Ugh, that's not good or bad, but oh well, nothing i can do about it. I'm still happy about the fast learner, but the elemental alignment is gonna be a pain, mostly in the sumeru deserts. Is there anything else i need to know about? "No, that will be all", he chuckles, " have a good second life", he bids me farewell. I smile back and thought, 'sure i will', as i disappear to teyvat.

Barru04 Barru04

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