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Chapter 4: Luna's Birthday and Introduction of Luna and Asher

It didn't surprise most of the nobles when they saw a huge amount of maids suddenly start appearing from one to another, coming from the two doors on the sides as they were always on their guard so, they already sensed the maids when they are just coming.

It's also not like the maid's appearance is to surprise the nobles.

But most are surprised at Luna's graceful and cold appearance.

Although they were already got surprised by the two sisters before, the adorable charm of children doesn't despawn.

'So cute!'

Most adults instantly got charmed after they saw her and have a huge urge to stand up from their seats and walk towards her to pet her head but they firmly held it.

While most of the children got bewitched by her charm and suddenly wanted to marry her as they looked at their parents with pleading eyes.

Although they wanted to talk with their parents, they knew that if they made a noise, especially at this moment, they will get punished.

And yes, most of the nobles in the Empire are weak to cute things, Dukes and the Imperial family are included in this weakness but this isn't known to the public as they firmly hide it.

It didn't make them happy as they were vulnerable to cute enemies.

It's a major weakness they had, so they actively trained their resistance to adorable things by playing and interacting with their children or reading cute things every single day.

*Step*... *Step*...

Every step Luna made rhythms with the noble's heartbeat.

This frustrates the nobles as their weakness is so pathetic, that they all felt pathetic!

Why do cute things are their weakness, why is it of all the things?

This hurts their pride as proud nobles.

Although some don't mind it, most of the nobles mind it.

But thankfully, it's easy to make resistance to adorable things so the pros outweighed the cons as their only cons are dissatisfaction and embarrassment.

So they are still thankful for only getting this weakness as this doesn't affect their judgment on most things.

But still...

They all have the same opinion on Luna's current appearance, and that is Luna's dress very much fits her.

Her unsurprisingly, ''cold'' personality fits her dress like her two sisters

A smooth silk light blue dress that is the evidence of being made by a great dressmaker, has long sleeves and a skirt that reached her ankle,

Anyway, it's a very great dress that suits her.


Although Luna had a stoic expression on the surface, on the inside, she is very embarrassed by her mother's plan to do a grand opening for her.

Luckily, she got trained by her mother to hide her expression to appear strong!


''Mm...'' She's getting more nervous every second from the Emperor and the Duke's intense gaze.

Her fake stoic facial expression is going to break!


Almost as if it was a coincidence, the Emperor and Dukes' gazes stopped when she was about to cry from nervousness.

''Huff...'' Luna sighed in relief and continued walking gracefully.


The Emperor observed Luna hiddenly, as Luna didn't notice it.

'She's going to get along with my precious youngest daughter...'

The Emperor knew Luna's personality from observing her and so did his 1-year-old daughter.

They are almost similar!

Only almost, as Luna is a little different.

From the Emperor's decades of experience of observing people, if he wasn't wrong...

'Please don't turn her into a very obsessive person...'

The Emperor already encountered a person like that, and it's so troublesome as they don't care to die if it's the gain for the someone they loved.

Although Luna is a Sylvia, what if she fell in love with a person whom she or he hated his Empire? What if Luna fell in love with a very ambitious person that wanted to conquer this Empire?

'I should tell this to Eleanor and Carter...'

Before he decides to send some of his personal guards to observe Luna's interactions and actions, he needed the permission of his friend, Carter.

He doesn't want a pointless conflict with his friend because of his obsessive daughter.

But after thinking more about his actions toward Luna,

'Maybe I judge too early... I should wait for her to grow before deciding what should I do about it.'

People can change, and so is Luna so maybe, just maybe, Luna might change for the better in the future.

She is just a child, so she doesn't know that much.

Maybe her personality will change if she learned more?

*Step* *Step*

The sound of walking stops as Luna is in the middle of everything.

Every noble is looking at her and the line of maids quietly left after Luna finally arrived in the middle of the huge room where her birthday is.


Luna doesn't know where to start as she was too pressured and became nervous by the gaze of all the nobles in here.

She can't cast a mental spell here to calm herself down as that will be cheating on her mother's test.

Without anything to do, she decides to cheer herself up.

'Think about our parents' proud smile... Big sister Amelia and Evelyn... Daisy... Miss Lisa...' Luna kept imagining the proud smile on their faces when she did well at her birthday party.



It's not working!

''W-welcome and thank you for coming to my party.'' Although she stuttered once, she's doing good at forcing herself to be calm.

Some nobles saw this and chuckled as it was too adorable.

Some even snickered but they didn't get caught as everyone was too focused on Luna's speech.

''I am Luna Sylvia, a family member of my great family.'' She didn't stutter in this sentence.

''I once again, thanked you for coming to my birthday party with gifts...''

Luna continued her speech as everyone listened to her self-made-up speech.


After 4 minutes of Luna's gratitude of speech for visiting her birthday party, everyone continued they were before Luna's entrance.

Of course, after praising Luna after her speech ended.

The Adults are just sitting in their seats while their children play with other children.

It's a wholesome atmosphere if you didn't include some of the noble's schemes.

It's natural as everyone wanted to have more power. Although you can have the natural way by working hard, everyone doesn't want to waste their time for many generations so they can rise.

Even the Neville Imperial family before is just a whole revolution organization against the former Imperial family to do coup d'état thousands of years ago.

And they won.

Although history says that the former Imperial family is corrupted, and evil, and the current family is the righteous one, or is it?


''Sigh... No thank you.''

Luna sighed for an umpteenth time as she kindly decline the invitation of another noble child.

''Okay...'' The noble child walked away from Luna with a depressed expression on his face.


She's getting tired of it.

Are they only after her status? Their expression says anything that they are only here for her status, and her beauty?

She's getting uncomfortable of this and wanted to go to Eleanor's bedroom right now, but...

''Mom says that I will gain a true friend here... Although I already have Daisy, I still wanted more...''

Guess she's just being greedy, so as the consequences of her action, she's suffering the swarms of noble children that wanted her attention.

The swarm of noble children slowly disappeared as some don't want to get rejected by their crush or they are just too cowardly.

Most got rejected and left with a depressed mood.

They didn't bothered her anymore as their parents said to just test their luck on her.

They agreed with an excited expression on their face as this was their first or second crush.

They got a high expectation of getting accepted but sometimes, reality is often disappointing.


They got rejected.

Well, they didn't confessed right away but their intention is clear as they tried to invite Luna, but the rejection is clear either.

She doesn't want it.


While most parents are consoling their children, saying they still got a chance in the future, Luna is still sitting at her lone table, sitting with a tired expression on her face as she was tired from the swarm of noble children try to gain her attention.

And again, someone approached her but this time, a young girl have an annoyed expression on her face as she approached Luna.

''Hello! What brings you here, Ms. Alice?'' Luna is the first to talk with a friendly smile on her face as she looked at the young girl who had an annoyed expression.

A Long smooth bright yellow hair that reaches her hips, with those purple eyes and pink lips, she emits an atmosphere of an teasing girl especially with her wearing the red dress.

The girl- Alice bowed first and showed a friendly expression before replying with a smile on her face,

''Although I'm suppose to act like someone completely normal with a hidden intention after I approached you, I'll be direct. I'm here to be your friend, or so what my parents wanted to.'' She rolled her eyes in her last sentence.

Her father, the Armstrong Duke begged her to approached Luna and make a good relationship with her.

Seeing the stupid face of her father, she can't reject it...

Luna, blinked repeatedly, getting confused by Alice's behavior towards her as the girl is pretty mature.

She isn't like the noble children she met today.

Maybe all the Duke family is the same as her family? They mature and grow fast?

''Hmm?" Alice noticed Luna's expression and smirked as she completely knew what the confused girl is thinking.

She experienced it too, after she met an another Duke family.

So taking advantage of her situation as she want to tease her to see her reaction after it.

''Yes, what you're thinking right now is correct. Ms. Luna's family isn't the only one who got blessed, as the other three Dukes family, included mine, is the same. I'm surprised that Ms. Luna didn't know this... Basic information.'' Alice said with a clearly little mocking sound on her voice as she looked on Luna.

It's not surprising that she doesn't knew about it as it was hidden.

So she was just tricking Luna into thinking that information is normal, and her victim fell for it!

''I..'' Luna noticed how Alice just mocked her, she didn't refute it as it was true so she was embarrassed for not knowing the basic information about the other three Dukes.

She's focused on major information about the other Dukes like the specialty of the three Dukes, their history, their insignia, their ancestors, etcetera, etcetera.

Her two older sisters might laughed at her for neglecting the basic information!

Thinking that Alice is trying to make her better, Luna thanked her.

''Thank you for this!'' Luna bowed a little, showing her gratitude to the confused Alice.


Although Alice is hoping that Luna isn't petty, she's still startled by this reaction.

'I guess she's worthy to be my friend.' Her test for Luna is completed, she passed.

Interrupting Alice's thoughts, Luna suddenly said that surprised Alice.

''Umm, and if Ms. Alice, about your reason to be here, I don't mind becoming your friend!'' Luna said with a bring smile as she held Alice's both hands.


Alice thought that it will take a long time becoming friends with Luna, as her father said so, but she didn't expect it will this fast...

Calming herself down, Alice replied with a smile.

''Thank you.''

''Mm! You're welcome... Wait, I forgot to announce something!'' Luna quickly said as she swiftly grabbed the glass cup with juice and a spoon.

''...?'' Alice became again confused, but decides to wait Luna's announcement.

''Mm!'' Luna drinks the orange juice before tapping the spoon on the cup.


After tapping the spoon on the cup, Luna got all the attention in her party as the nobles looked at her.

''I forgot to announce something, and I will announce it now.''

Her cheerful atmosphere suddenly disappeared as it startles Alice at Luna's sudden change.

''My beloved mother, Eleanor, give birthed to my little brother yesterday, Asher Sylvia.'' With the drop of an very significant information, Luna casually sits again and looked at Alice with a smile on her face as she found her new friend.



Words: 2080

I don't know what did I write... Please tell me if this is better than the unedited version.

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