/ LGBT+ / A Pebble in the Water

A Pebble in the Water Original

A Pebble in the Water

LGBT+ 12 Chapters 3.7K Views
Author: Lisa Gray

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Stephen’s lover Emmett accuses him of being boring and way too predictable. To prove him wrong, Stephen plans a surprise romantic getaway to a cabin on the river. But Emmett has plans of his own for romance -- ones that don’t include Stephen anymore.<br><br>Depressed at yet another break-up, Stephen wonders if it isn’t time to give up hope. But finding that elusive man he longs for -- the one willing to risk everything to be with him -- would take a miracle.<br><br>So Stephen travels alone to the cabin in search of a new perspective. Resolving to be more adventurous, he tries kayaking for the first time in his life. It’s great until he dozes off and wakes in the middle of a raging flood.<br><br>Terrified, he fights for his life, nearly losing his battle with the river. On the edge of surrender, he’s rescued by an unusual stranger who might not really exist.<br><br>Nothing makes any sense after that. Mystical explanations seem no less likely than rational ones. But does it matter? Because if Stephen wants an adventure, taking one last chance on love might turn out to be the best one of all.


  1. Brandy_Germick
    Brandy_Germick Contributed 81
  2. Anonymous0
    Anonymous0 Contributed 81
  3. VitaminCdotC
    VitaminCdotC Contributed 75


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    Author Lisa Gray