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Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Impulsive

The kingdom was animated, the bells from the church were chiming in celebration of the Princess's arrival, her presence a gift from the heavens and almighty god. Which would've been true if she'd entered the castle of her volition, on the contrary she was dragged into a carriage and left in a cell for the majority of the afternoon. An unpleasant experience for anyone, royalty or not.

A speech was held by the one and only King David the V, a man of stubborn and irritable character. His wife couldn't stand his distasteful traits; it'd be a miracle if anyone had anything good to say about him.

The throne room was loud with the King's chant, and Prince Caspian appeared from behind the dark oak tower-some doors. Laced in the purest gold, Prince Caspian bowed as they were eloquently shut.

"My son, Prince Caspian of Britannia!" the king sat straight faced with a chalice in hand. Downing the cup of wine with its contents refilled without asking.

"Father, King David the V of Britannia. I'd like to present, the future queen of Britannia, Princess Clémence de Bellerose!" turning on the spot with his hand reached out in a gestural motion, the doors opened to a beautiful woman with red hair and lightly freckled cheeks.

Her exquisite beauty astounded the room. The king adjusted in his seat, his eyes fixed on her slim but juicy figure. The knights glanced at the Princess only for a moment and their heads turned, disrespectful before the King, but went unnoticed.

"Your Grace, I am grateful for your comforts. I cannot thank you enough for welcoming me into your home." the Princess curtsied. Her handmade pink and cream gown, finer than all but the King's crown.

"Princess, I wish you and my son a pleasant honeymoon until the wedding is upon us." he paused. "Are you taken by my son? Does he give all a Prince should give?" he slouched. His tone was poisoned with sin.

"Father, I beg your pardon, a Princess shouldn't be questioned in such a manner. Should she not?" Caspian defended the Princess. His eyes told a story of annoyance, understandable as he was playing the role of a woman.

The King sighed. Sitting up right in his throne, he ordered his right hand over with a flick of his wrist. The light muttering between whispers gave Prince Caspian an unfavourable feeling. However, he could do nothing but wait for Lord Lance Gerbera to speak on behalf of his father, the king.

"His royal highness has overseen Princess Clémence De Bellerose and holds a feast in her name to celebrate her arrival in the Kingdom of Britannia!" he paused. "May the court follow the guards to the dining hall, where we shall feast in Princess Clémence's name." he bowed to the king, then the court.

The room swiftly hurried into silence as the doors stayed open, and the King rose to his feet. His stature aged and obviously rounded by wine and red meat. He was no longer the formidable King David the V, just an old man with a title.

"I pray your days as King are honourable and without such rotten attitude." he insulted. Exiting the court with Lord Lance Gerbera and his personal handful of royal knights.

"Goodness, he's an arse, isn't he?" the princess commented. His bottom sat on one of the stools lining the wall.

"Ha. Indeed he is." Caspian sighed.

Joining his future "wife" on a stool, he leaned against the wall in defeat. His father would never change, and his marriage was a prime example of that. To drag a princess from her home and confine her in the dungeon was barbaric. Certainly, not the way his mother would've done things, she was an angel.

"The maid's spoke of our marriage until my ears were bleeding, and it got me curious about our bedding ceremony." He sounded amused by the traditional ceremony all royals must fill.

"Ah, I hadn't truly thought about our wedding night. You only arrived yesterday, it'd be improper to imagine you in my bed this early on, would it not?" he nervously spoke. The mention of fornication, a flustering subject for the Prince of Britannia.

"Ha… ha ha! You're a virgin?" he cackled.

"No. I just don't think about sleeping with someone the day after I meet them."

"Is that so?" he teased.

"You're also a virgin, are you not?" His question was serious despite the humorous tone to his voice.

Clémence's laughter slowed to a stop. The question hitting a nerve or perhaps upsetting him in some way. "Yes… of course. I'm starving, let's join the dogs!" he hurried out of the throne room, his French accent slightly stronger this time.

Caspian hadn't a clue of Clémence's past, he dared not to question his answer out of fear of what he'd uncover. His mother did die when he was young, who knows what misfortune fell upon him in a home with a man who was a stranger; or so Clemence made it sound.

The dining hall was live with chatter, the atmosphere writhe with wine induced laughter and the many women pawning over the king. Something Caspian found utterly disgusting, women were beautiful, intelligent creatures, not a satchel to be worn.

The soft cough of his future wife caught his attention, the chatter dull and void of intelligence. The only person who spoke with sense and had an ounce of integrity was Clémence. He was something of a miracle to come into his life and save him from the incompetent hell he knew as his social life.

"Are you quite alright, Lady Clémence?"

"Uh yes. Sorry, the meat is dry… I think I got a tasteless serving." he patted his mouth clean.

"Let me? I wouldn't wish your stomach to suffer from our kitchen's accident." he took his plate and approached the buffet.

'Why would a Prince care for my appetite? I'm not a woman, why does he treat me like one?' the princess thought to himself? Leaning on his elbow when a man suddenly appeared before him.

"My lady, come, join me in my chambers? The party is underwhelming and my company is far more entertaining. Wouldn't you agree?" he attempted to humour the princess while asking for sexual favours?

"I decline," he confidently replied. "I have no recollection of your name, nor are you of royal importance." he sat up in his chair. "Do enjoy the King's, underwhelming party." he tauntingly smiled. Joining the Prince at the buffet.

"Master Baron, a man of wealth. What did that slob ask of you?" the prince asked, amused. Overhearing their conversation and finding no reason to intervene when Clemence was completely capable of fending for themselves.

"A joust of the genitals." he sighed. "Men of the court favour indecency over manners. How do you live among such gremlins?" he made no room for argument of his opinion on the men of the kingdom. Understandable, considering his first interactions were that of disrespect and lying in prisoner's filth.

Caspian was taken by the fiery Princess, his way with words that of a poet, so he believed. "Honestly Clémence, for the short forty-eight hours I've known you, I'd say you're secretly a renowned poet." he handed him a small platter of various fruits, meats, and cheese.

"If I was, you'd never know until it was too late." platter in hand, he ate a grape off it with a smile before returning to his seat.

'Funny, very funny.' he grinned. Returning to his seat. The room was silent as the king took the stand and made a statement; one that would take the prince and princess by complete surprise.

"Lords and ladies; I have an important announcement!" he held his chalice of wine to his breast. "I, King David the V of Britannia, invite every one of you to the royal wedding of Prince Caspian and Princess Clémence on the 11th day before Kalends of October. May the future king and queen be untouched by darkness!" he turned to his son and gave a smug look. The speech was full of spite from their argument earlier.

Clémence and Caspian had been blissfully ignorant to the king and his irrational behaviours. It seemed he disliked his son far more than he originally stated because of this abrupt announcement, which resulted in his reign as King coming to a swift end. If he'd planned to marry the princess in a matter of days, there was no need for his weeks of lecturing Caspian about learning from his father's mistakes and waiting for an heir to come into his life.

It was moronic. Jeopardize, your last few years of ruling to watch your son's life crumbling from afar, or that's what he hoped. Negligent as it was, King David cared not for the consequences, it was enough to live without the title of king if it meant he was right in the end.

"Father, I appreciate your blessing and confirming you will be funding our wedding. I am eternally grateful!" The Prince bowed to his father, the King. The statement got cheers from the court, and his father's face turned to a displeased frown.

The King raised his glass in honour of the bride and groom. The chalice emptied of its contents as his personal knights escorted him back to his chamber. The short speech allowed the court to enjoy their fill for however long they desired.

"Caspian, may I speak with you in private?" Clemence asked with a serious expression.

"Of course, I know just the place!" he took his hand momentarily to help him to his feet; social etiquette between any royal couple.

The request for privacy made Caspians heart warm, he wondered what he might have to say, man or woman; he discovered his soft side for him. It could be his facial features or long red hair, but whatever his feelings stemmed from, them were true, his heart beating faster with every second they were alone.

On the next floor, on the terrace, with nothing but the mid-September air. Clémence's hands rested on the concrete railing with relief, his lids shut and hairs on end.

"Caspian, we are strangers." he sighed. "I don't mean to sound rude, I just have to get this off my chest." he turned on the spot, leaning against the railing. "Are you attracted to men?" he didn't hesitate.

"Um… I've never thought about it" he leaned on the balcony.

"You have to think about it because, if you don't, we'll have an unhappy marriage." he looked tense. "I've thought about your father's words, the way he treats you and it's obvious our wedding date is final." he lowered his head. "If you aren't attracted to me, the bedding ceremony will end in failure." Clémence didn't mean to sound commanding. "Do you feel for me?" his eyes fixated on the Prince. His unwavering gaze gave Caspian butterflies.

He wasn't sure how he felt, they'd known each other for two days. Such time allowed two people to learn basic information, not how their heart reacts to their slightest touch or the way they sound in the morning.

"Clémence, I am unsure of my heart; however, I find you completely beautiful. Your hair reminds me of autumn trees, and your skin is lovely as maple oak." the space between them decreased. "I understand the distrust in my words, we are nothing but strangers to be wed. Your fearful worries are completely valid." they got closer. "If you'd let me, I want to get to know you as a person and as my husband?" they were just a foot apart.

The air taking the breath out of them, while the sky darkened as evening crept in. Clemence stood up straight and accepted Caspian's kiss. Their eyes closed and lips engaged in a soft kiss.

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