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Chapter 10: Chapter 10

A Simple Fisherman in RWBY

Chapter 10

- Argenti Ovans –

I entered the ship's deck and took my time to look. It was honestly the first time I had ever ridden a vessel in both my lives. I scratched my head in confusion as I noticed how bad the current state of the deck was. Various crates scattered around the deck as if the Frigate went against a storm before coming here. However, I was interested in those crates since they were formally from Team Plasma; I'm sure they packed a lot of valuable and maybe rare stuff in those crates.

I strolled toward the upper deck and arrived in one of those piles of crates. I gripped the lid and frowned a little. They were surprisingly tightly shut, but that was not something that could hold me back as I ripped the cover open. I set the lid aside and looked inside the box with curiosity.


I slowly closed it back and went to the next crate beside it. I opened the next one… only to close it back. I held back a sigh of frustration from leaking from my mouth. Don't get me wrong, there were great things inside those few boxes, but not from me.

There were multiple machines and wonders of technology inside of them, and unfortunately, I was at a loss since I knew nothing about technology and stuff. I was a complete scumbag in this particular situation. So they were utterly useless for me… well, at least for now. Maybe I'll get something to help me use them, but I could only rely on my Gacha.

I wanted other stuff like Pokeball, revive, potions or other helpful stuff that could help me and my Mudkip. This is, after all, the Team Plasma mothership; indeed, they have some good stuff inside, right?

Many more crates were lying around the deck, waiting for me to open them. I honestly felt a little giddy, and it was like opening Pokémon cards. Something that I loved opening up in my first life. Ah… Me and my Gacha addiction…

I went to the next batch of crates in the center of the deck. I immediately opened them, and my eyebrows shot up in surprise as I let out a grin. "Jackpot…!" I muttered as I swept all of the potions with me.

Potion x15: A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It can be used to restore HP to a Pokémon.

There were 15 inside these crates, and my expectations suddenly rose. I didn't waste time with them as I gently stored them inside my storage. I felt giddy about my situation as I rubbed my hands excitedly. I quickly opened the crate and held my breath when I saw the next reward.

Team Plasma Grunt Uniform x1: A dark and militaristic uniform.

I was left disappointed since I was holding a team plasma uniform. "Trash.." I said as I flung the uniform back inside the crate and shut it tightly. I was not fond of their uniform style, especially that stupid hat.

I took out my scroll to look at the time as I frowned. It was still late in the night, but It was still not too far for the early riser of the island to wake up. Then, I stepped up my game to check if Kyurem was there.

30 minutes later…

Poke Ball x29: A device for catching wild Pokémon. It's thrown like a ball at a Pokémon, comfortably encapsulating its target.

Revive x5: When used on a fainted Pokémon, it revives the Pokémon and restores half of the Pokémon's maximum HP.

TM 67 (Retaliate) x1: Its base power doubles from 70 to 140 if a Pokémon from the user's party has fainted in the previous turn.

I was stoked when I found a crate full of Poke balls since I didn't have one for my Mudkip. Of course, I used one on my Mudkip since he was technically considered a 'wild Pokémon.' So with this Pokeball. Mudkip was now regarded as my own!

The revive was nice in case my Mudkip or future Pokémon fainted. The TM was interesting, but that's it. I don't think it was worth something teaching to my Mudkip. So yeah, I was pretty much done with the ship's deck, which was unfortunate since I thought I would get more freebies, but then again, I barely scratched the surface.

I was now ready to explore the ship's inside, but I currently have four paths available to explore. I have two stairs leading to the downstairs of the vessel and two paths leading me somewhere else. I took a few minutes to think about my choice until I took the entrance near the ship's bow.

I was left speechless by seeing 16 electrical laser barriers blocking my path. Unfortunately, I couldn't simply ignore this path since a green teleporter was at the end of the road. I scratched my head in annoyance until I noticed a PC near the barricade. I walked to it with curiosity as I played around with the keyboard.

Luckily, it was pretty easy to navigate the PC as I received a warning from the monitor. It told me I needed a card key to enter a password to turn off the security. And much as I tried to destroy this nonsense. I don't think it would be wise for me to do it. It is, after all, my flying ship now and no longer something that belonged to Team Plasma. I'd instead not break the security system if I could.

So, I can only go back and find the password elsewhere. I genuinely hope that some grunts kept note of the password somewhere in this ship, or I'm cooked. I returned to the ship's deck and used the stairs near the stern that led me downstairs.

This place was indeed more promising as I had access to six rooms. I walked around briefly until I walked through the top right room. I pushed the door open and saw four bunk beds. It looks like I was inside the living quarter of the Team Plasma Grunts.

I walked around the dorm and reviewed everyone's belongings, from clothing to everyday items, notes, laptops, etc. It took me a few minutes since there wasn't much stuff inside the room where I was.

I then focused on the four desks on each side of the room. It took me a few minutes to go through every desk, but luckily, I did find something that helped me immensely in unlocking the path to the portal. I found a yellow notepad on the fourth desk and inside the drawer. The notepad was also used and written, and I looked at the content.

The boss gave me the password for the gate, but I was half asleep during the meeting. I could only remember the number 0…? I should ask Tier for the rest of the password.

I swept the notepad inside my pocket and swiftly left the room since I was done in this area. It left me five more room to go as I suddenly stopped moving. I looked at the bored Mudkip at my feet in thought. "Mudkip, can you please help me search those rooms on the left? Just bring me anything that looks valuable or a notepad." I crouched and patted my partner.

Mudkip looked to his left with suspicion until he nodded with a smile. "Mud! Mudkip!" He then dashed toward the top room on the left, leaving me alone in the hallway. "Well, I can't slack off, can't I?" I sighed and entered the middle room on the vessel's right side.

It took me some time, but I searched every room on the right side. However, Mudkip wasn't out yet, so I might as well look at everything I found inside the last two rooms I brought back. Unfortunately, the middle room was a bust, like there was nothing worth mentioning inside of it. However, the previous room was something else as I found much helpful stuff.

Note x1: A note left by a forgetful Team Plasma grunt.

Poke Dollars P5000: The primary currency used in the Pokémon World!

Full Health x3: A spray-type medicine that is broadly effective. It can be used to cure any status condition a Pokémon may have.

I found another note from a member of Team Plasma, and the note was straightforward.

A four-digit number and the last number is 9

While it was nice since I felt closer to turning off the security, I couldn't help but complain at those grunts. Why couldn't a single one of them write the complete code? I wasn't any closer to finding the key card, either.

I let out a sigh of frustration and waited for the return of my Mudkip. And speaking of the Pokémon…

"Mudkip!" cried the little blue guy as his voice caught my attention. I saw Mudkip at the door nearest to the stairs. I also noticed a pile of objects on his feet, but what caught my eye in this pile was the small booklet. "Good job, Mudkip! You are the best."

"Jean-Paul…" I muttered and read the name of the owner. The booklet was locked, but I forcefully broke the lock with my strength and read through the diary.

So it was basically from an Ex-Plasma member who thought he did the right thing by saving the Pokémon but decided to turn a new leaf by becoming a spy. He wanted to expose the horror of the new team Plasma with someone named Mr. Looker.

How foolish of him to leave this booklet inside this ship without supervision. Did he think no one would go through his small diary like me? I can respect him going against the organization, but that was stupid of him to leave such a trail… moreover, this guy wrote his fucking name on it!

I was speechless but decided to read further. Interesting… It also mentioned that if someone wanted to reach the heart of the ship. They needed a password from various grunts and a Plasma Card to write the password to turn off the security barrier. This information was too late since I already knew everything about it.

I also saw a passage in the diary that caught my attention: something about Ghetsis having a special Poke Ball that could capture any Pokémon from a rumour circulating inside Team Plasma he had heard about.

I instinctively thought about the Master Ball when I read this with a frown. Was Ghetsis planning on using the master ball on Kyurem? That could be a problem… or did he already use it? Or was it lying somewhere in the ship… like in his office? So many questions, yet no answer.

As I was going to close this journal, a small rectangular card and a folded paper fell out of the booklet. I took the card from the ground as my eyes shone with admiration. Then I quickly opened the folded paper and almost creamed in excitement.

The first number of the password is 9, and three of the four digits are the same number.

Never mind, Jean-Paul! You are the fucking GOAT! From this small booklet, I could find the Plasma Card and the rest of the code.

"Good job, Mudkip! You are the best." I said and rubbed the head of my Mudkip with passion.

"Mud! Muudkip!" cried the Pokémon as he jumped in place with a grin. As I was leaving this area to the barrier, I felt a light tug on my pants and saw my Mudkip holding it. "Mudkip! Mudkip! Muuudkip!"

Huh…? OH!

"Did you find something else?" I asked with some curiosity and smiled when I saw Mudkip nod vigorously. "Then lead the way!"

Mudkip then returned inside the room and led me inside the kitchen. I let out a deadpan face and looked at my Mudkip. "…We aren't going to eat, Mudkip. We have a mission to accomplish."

"Mudkip?" said the Pokémon in confusion until he shook his head furiously.

Ah? Did I make a mistake, and he wasn't hungry? I curiously looked at Mudkip, who ran toward a table with a box on top of it. "Mudkip! Mudkip!"

'He wants me to look inside the box?' I thought curiously and walked beside him. I opened the box and saw two rare objects inside of it.

Magmarizer x1: Man-made evolutionary item that allows Magmar to evolve into Magmortar.

Electirizer x1: Man-made evolutionary item that allows Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire.

That was an incredible finding, and I'm not going to lie, but I loved their last evolution design. However, their strength couldn't support their excellent design, which was unfortunate.

However! This is real life, not a game controlled by numbers and other mumbo jumbo! I'm sure Electivire and Magmortar would be something great and impressive! I can't wait actually to get one of them.

I came back to my senses when I felt Mudkip touching my face. "Do you have something else to show me?"

Mudkip nodded as he jumped out of the table and left the kitchen. I quickly followed after Mudkip as I saw him enter the top room on the left side. And let me tell you, I was completely surprised by what I saw inside the room.

It was a room with Pokémon Eggs in it! I saw five Pokémon eggs lying on a table with no care. I quickly approached the egg with excitement. Then I searched the entire room to see if more eggs were hiding, but unfortunately, I didn't find any more.

But! I found three egg incubators that could be used to hatch those five eggs. Well damn, I have an entire team of Pokémon in the future then. I wonder which Pokémon are in those eggs…

Pokémon Egg (Steel) x3, Pokémon Egg (Poison) x1, Pokémon Egg (Dragon) x1

Unfortunately, it couldn't identify which Pokémon egg it was, but the type was better than nothing. I was then conflicted about which egg to hatch first since I only had three incubators for five eggs.

I was more hesitant between the three steel-type eggs than the poison and dragon. It was a no-brainer for me to incubate them. I would have more type variety in my team in this way. However, the dragon-type Pokémon did make me nervous. After all, this was not a game anymore but real life and from the Pokémon anime, I know that the dragon-type Pokémon are known for being rebellious and hard to cultivate.

I wonder which dragon I would get from this egg… If I remember right, Unova has three species of dragon Pokémon.

1-Axew Fraxure Haxorus


3-Deino Zweillous Hydreigon

Shit… none of these dragons are known for being gentle… well, maybe Axew, but then again, the bar was still fucking low for dragon-type Pokémon, and who knows? It was also possible that the dragon was from another region... Anyway! I quickly put the dragon and poison eggs inside the incubator and activated it as a green liquid spread promptly inside the machine.

As for the steel type… Well, I randomly chose one from the trio and put it inside the incubator as well. I silently watched the incubator doing its job by spreading a green liquid inside the machine.

I sighed in relief as I paused when I was going to store the eggs inside the storage space. I was lost in my thoughts as I took a backpack out of the storage space and set the incubator with the dragon type inside the bag while storing the rest of the eggs.

I wasn't sure if the Pokémon egg worked like in the game mechanics related to the number of steps. I would try to see if it would work with those inside the storage and the one I'm carrying outside the storage system.

I also choose the dragon egg because why the fuck not? Dragon Pokémon are naturally stronger but take a long time to cultivate and become a powerhouse. So, if it does hatch, I would rather spend time cultivating a monster first.

I then looked at my Mudkip, who was slightly bored around the room. "Are there any more places where I should go, Mudkip?"

Mudkip looked at me with surprise as he shook his head. I smiled, and then I wore my backpack behind me. "Good! Then let's go to the mysterious portal, Mudkip!"



Haluo Haluo

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