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Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Dragonstone

Days at sea were monotonous and soon passed by.


In the depths of the night, the ocean's waves surged and crashed onto the ship's deck, creating a thunderous roar.


The two-masted merchant ship cut through the wind and waves, tearing apart the fog that blanketed the sea. In the distance, an island shrouded in darkness gradually came into view.

And then it grew larger.

Viserys stood on the deck, cradling a small black cat in his arms. The sea breeze tousled his hair, and his face reddened slightly from the exposure. During this time, he had endured the relentless battering of the sea wind, truly understanding the hardships faced by sailors.

In addition to the torment of loneliness, he had also suffered physically. The sharp sea wind now stung his face, feeling like tiny knives cutting into his tender skin.

The excitement he had initially felt upon setting out to sea had long since vanished.

During their brief journey, they had even encountered a minor storm. However, aside from giving Viserys some experience, the journey had been uneventful and without danger.

Ultimately, they reached their destination.

From a distance, the island of Dragonstone loomed larger in the boy's field of vision, appearing like a mountain peak rising out of the sea. It also resembled a massive dragon baring its teeth and claws, overlooking those who dared approach it from Westeros.

It seemed as though at any moment, a scorching breath of dragonfire could be unleashed.

Viserys, with the small black cat in his arms, stared fearlessly at 'it.'


Due to seasickness, Rhaenys had not left the cabin for quite some time. She spent her days holed up in the room, eating a little before falling asleep; otherwise, she would vomit everything out.

The girl felt dazed and even ran a slight fever, frightening Queen Rhaella. For the past few days, she had been devotedly caring for her granddaughter.

"Your Majesty, the Queen, we've arrived at Dragonstone "

Standing behind Viserys, a portly man dressed in lavish attire bowed slightly, then grinned at Queen Rhaella as he spoke.

His voluminous sleeves failed to conceal the bracelets made of various precious gems adorning his wrists. The greasiness on his face and the gleam of the jewels under the bright torchlight were nearly blinding.

Viserys instinctively felt that there was more to this man than met the eye. Perhaps it wasn't a mere coincidence that he happened to pass by Duskendale and then just happened to be en route to Pentos, passing Dragonstone Island.

He may have had a hidden agenda.

Nevertheless, they had finally arrived at Dragonstone Island, and Viserys kept these thoughts to himself, telling no one.


The sound of water lapped at their ears as the boat approached the shore. People on land noticed their arrival, and after some exchanges, the ship docked smoothly. Those who had come to greet them soon arrived.

"Your Grace, the Queen."

"Your Grace, the Queen."

Two people hurried over: one was an elderly maester clad in white, and the other was the steward who had been governing Dragonstone in Prince Rhaegar's absence.

Both kneeled to welcome the Queen and the Prince. The maester was quite old and trembled as he knelt. Viserys, with a nod from his mother, quickly stepped forward to help the elderly maester to his feet.

"Maester Daniel, it has been a long time."

Queen Rhaella rested a hand on her belly, her silver hair gently blowing in the sea breeze. Her beautiful eyes stared at the white-haired old maester, as if gazing upon the relentless passage of time. She eventually spoke softly.

"Indeed, Princess Rhaella..."

As a servant who had served the Targaryen family for generations, Maester Daniel began his service during the reign of Rhaella's great-grandfather, Aegon V.

Maester Daniel had watched Rhaella and the current King, Aerys, grow up.

He had seen Rhaella Targaryen's lively and adorable side as a young girl, and had blessed her passionate love with Ser Bonifer Hasty. In the end, Maester Daniel bore witness to Rhaella's wedding with her brother, Aerys.

Because of their long journey, they did not linger at the harbor. The group walked and talked along the rugged path, making their way towards the castle on the distant hill, shaped like a massive dragon.

As the distant villages were shrouded in the darkness of night, a deep silence prevailed. Dragonstone had a small population and scarce resources, yet it was the very place where House Targaryen had risen to power, the 'Land of the Dragon's Rise.'

Over two hundred years ago, Aegon Targaryen the First had devised his plan to conquer the continent of Westeros from this very location, alongside his two sisters.

Queen Rhaella was seen supporting Maester Daniel, their conversation reminiscent of a grandparent and grandchild reminiscing about the past. Viserys, on the other hand, was dragging a still dazed Rhaenys, whose steps alternated between shallow and deep. Another middle-aged man who had accompanied Maester Daniel cast a few glances at Rhaenys.

"Daevi Sand."

The man, clad in leather armor, abruptly spoke after observing Rhaenys for a while.


Viserys, upon hearing the man's voice, tilted his head slightly and noticed the man was looking at him.

"My name is Daevi Sand, Your Highness."

The middle-aged man spoke once more to clarify.

"Nice to meet you, Ser Sand."

Viserys courteously nodded towards him while still holding Rhaenys, unsure of why the man had approached him. As he spoke, he suddenly paused, realizing something.

The man, unfazed by Viserys' expression, seemed quite accustomed to such reactions.

The surname Sand was a designation for bastards hailing from Dorne, and the man himself had been presented as a 'gift' to Prince Rhaegar when House Dorne and House Targaryen had formed a marriage alliance.

Many of those loyal to Rhaegar came from Dorne, and their allegiance was due to this very reason.

Two people exchanged greetings, then fell silent once again. Apart from Queen Rhaella, who was catching up with Maester Daniel, the rest of the group remained quiet.

The imposing castle atop the hill gradually came into view. The Drum Tower, as the main keep of Dragonstone, would resound with thunderous echoes within its ancient walls whenever a storm arrived, thus earning its name.

Upon entering through the main gate, the castle's entrance took the form of a dragon's mouth. Flanked by dragon claws on both sides of the walls, torch stands blazed with roaring flames that stretched the shadows of the party, illuminating the castle's interior.

Constructed entirely of black stone, the atmosphere within Dragonstone Castle felt somewhat oppressive and solemn. Viserys wandered inside, his curiosity driving him to take in every detail.

Eventually, the group arrived in the great hall of the main keep.

Queen Rhaella took her seat at the head of the hall, while Maester Daniel and the former steward, Daevi Sand, sat on seats to the side.

The elderly handmaiden who had fled to Dragonstone with the queen took little Renis away to rest.

Inside the castle, servants and soldiers busied themselves with cleaning and tidying.

At that moment, Queen Rhaella looked at Viserys and abruptly spoke.


"Kneel here."

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