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Chapter 2: I am an idiot pt 2

After my tantrum at getting a system. I calmed down a little bit and recalled the letter.

'Based on my performance so far.'

So basically, if I didn't have an existential crisis every 5 minutes over the last two weeks I would have been able to get better rewards?

Yep, it official. I'm a certified grade A dumbass.

Whatever, I hope I can customize the system. I just need a few things to change, to make it more manageable. I honestly never got into the rpg games and such. So this is going to be a shit show.

And like every idiot ever. I say out loud. "System."

A green HUD pops up in-front of me. Very much like a fighter's HUD.

It displayed my meagre stats.

Name: Jeremy Morgan

Level 1: 0%

HP: 100/100

SP: 0

Titles: Certified Grade A Dumbass (self proclaimed)

Strength: 7

Endurance: 9

Vitality: 5

Intelligence: 3 (see titles)

Wisdom: 3 (see titles)

Magic: 1


Immense stupidity

Petulant rage

Dungeoneer: create a dungeon using the hosts' current environment. Commands are; open dungeon and exit dungeon.

Wow, what a dick. I play around with the system and it's submenus.

There is settings, inventory, shop, HUD and skills. I use the settings menus to merge the stats. So now they look something like

Mind: 3.00

Body: 7.00

Soul: 1.00

All the merged stats are averages of their underlying previous stats. I really don't want to complicate things.

I have a skill Dungeoneer. So I guess that's where I go to level up and shit. I really hope I get money for killing whatever is in there. Otherwise there's no point.

The shop is 10x more expensive than real life. A Big Mac is $2.50, in the system it's $25.

Note to self, stock up on food, water, and medical supplies.

Being 19 in the States is horrible. You can be drafted to fight in wars but you cannot drink, legally. That's dumb as hell.

Wait the inventory is a nearly infinite storage. I can move so much cocaine! That means so much money!

First I will create several companies. A few holding companies in America, operating companies in tax havens. A few consulting companies in the Bahamas, UAE, and Panama.

Then, I don't have a fucking clue. I'll figure that out later.

Now to register, Alphabet, Amazon, Blackrock and Tesla. Apple already existed and died out here. Stark was far too good for Jobs. So good in fact, he offered Jobs a job. But Jobs just ended up selling to Stark and collecting dividends.

Well Stevie boy, I'll just do what you were going to do.

Also I'm not going to be making horrible electric cars. I'll be making high end luxury cars. Cars that look good sound good and feel good to drive. I'll need to figure out the science behind the big arc reactor. Make a smaller one that runs out in 5-7 years, and we're good to go.

There no way I'm getting involved with the military, any more than absolutely necessary. I'll provide server farms for their cloud storage, but beyond that, nothing.

Ideally I want to be an investment company. Simply using money to make more money. But I'll put together a team of people to make products for the companies as well.

It's Thursday today. So Saturday I'll talk to mom and mum and see about setting up my little empire.

I check my inventory again. I see a chest that's lit up with a golden halo. I mentally select it and a message appears on my HUD.

'You have open the starter chest.

You have been given:

1x spear

1x sword

1x knife

1x shield

1x legionnaire armour

10x warm underwear

All item are placed in your inventory. Please equip responsibly.'

Why do I have sticks and stones? Where are the guns and body armour? The fuck am I supposed to do with a sword? I can handle a chefs knife, but that's for cooking. Not to mention I'm not interested in hacking and slashing.


This is going to be so annoying.

I open the window all the way and light up a blunt. I need to think this through.

It's Thursday evening. Ladies night. No point in going out. I have ingredients in the fridge. I can make a sandwich or a wrap.

'I'll need to restock the fridge on Monday.'

I can either experiment with the Dungeoneer skill, or workout in my apartment.

Considering my workouts in the last 3 years have been hazy breathing exercises, I think I'll experiment with the Dungeoneer skill.


Well that's not creepy at all.

The moment I said open dungeon the sky turned every shade of red and purple. The sounds of New York were silenced and I was standing just outside my room. In the dark hallway.

I equip my armour. It's very uncomfortable. I dismiss it and exit the dungeon.

I change from my jeans and hoodie to thin track pants and a long sleeved shirt. I equip the armour. It's a bit better. I take off individual pieces and look them over. There are ways to adjust them. I do the best I can and 40 minutes later, I look ridiculous.

Comfortable, protected, ridiculous.

Name of my sextape.

I enter dungeon again. I start off at the same spot as last time. I try to open my door, it opens, and I exit the dungeon.

Ah, I see. I will enter the dungeon as close to a safe space as possible. It will be up to me to either exit the dungeon or come back to my starting location.

That being said, it means there are ways and conditions to keep me in the dungeon or to keep me from safely leaving the dungeon. And by going back to my starting location, I will be leading my enemies there as well.


Mind +1

Well at least I'm not a complete idiot.

Alrighty then. I equip the sword and shield. The sword is a one handed Roman sword and surprisingly light. The shield is a massive rectangle. A bit heavier than I expected.

To the left is the end of the hallway, leading to the stairs. To the right there is the atrium and other hallways.

As quickly and quietly as possible I make my was to the end of the hallway. The fire doors are jammed open.

Ok, so I have an egress point, but also a point of infiltration. I need to secure this floor before moving up.

Yes up. I want to make sure I'm the highest thing in this building. Both literally and mentally.

Yep, I'm in a dungeon after smoking a blunt. The smell alone isn't doing me any favours. But I suspect the enemies here are not entirely human.

Just a feeling.


A few minutes later I secured the floor. Well I thought I did. I relaxed a bit and leaned against a wall. My armour made noise. And all hell broke loose.

Exit dungeon!

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