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A Wolf in Future Japan A Wolf in Future Japan original

A Wolf in Future Japan

Author: IAmGuavaFruit

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chrono

A/N: I couldn't get this out of my head. And unless I wanted to keep on being distracted when I write my other fics, I needed to get this out. Anyway, I'll be updating Souls Hero Academia soon, maybe a week from now 'cause school is being a bitch.

Also, I am not a Sekiro lore wiz. If you see something out of place, then please, let me know.

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia or Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. They belong to Kohei Horikoshi and FromSoftware respectively.




Izuku couldn't believe what was happening. A simple trip with his class a week into his high school. And villains decided to show up.

He had an inkling the break-in with the press a few days earlier had something to do with the sudden invasion, but he didn't expect the villains to strike this early, or this hard.

"Greetings, we are the League of Villains. And we are here today to put an end to the Symbol of Peace." A villain whose body was outwardly composed of mist declared with his baritone voice as he teleported between the group of students and the only viable exit. "Forgive me for asking, but where is the guest of honor? He was supposed to be here, judging from the schedule we graciously borrowed from your desk, Pro Hero Thirteen."

The hero in question, wearing what amounted to a modified space suit, glared at the villain beneath the visor. Seeing that the pro hero was not keen on speaking, the mist villain sighed before slightly expanding his own body.

"Well, if you refuse to speak, then I shall continue with my tasks." As the villain was about to encompass the entire area with his own mist, Thirteen was about to use her quirk on the villain, only for her to stop immediately when she saw two of her students jump out with fearsome snarls.

"Wait! No! Get back here!"

The two students in question were Katsuki and Eijiro, an ash-blond and an artificial redhead, respectively. Crackling sounds were heard as Katsuki thrust his palms forward with a deranged grin, while Eijiro hardened his body with a determined roar.

The two students blew past the villain, his mist seemingly dispersing as they roared in triumph.

"I said get back! You two!" Their cheers were abruptly stopped as the mist villain reformed himself in a few seconds with a hum.

"Hmm… You truly are golden eggs. Such a shame you all will die today." Without much fanfare, the mist easily covered the area, causing most of the students to be sucked into the purplish-dark pools of mist. As the mist subsided, the villain noticed a few more remaining. "Well, well, it seems a few of you remain."

Thirteen glared even harder at the villain. Because of two eager students, the majority of the class was now in jeopardy. She'll have to request some discipline for the two of them once they get out of here.

If they survive, that is.

Hero life isn't what the media makes it out to be. It is a dangerous world, filled with dastardly traps and dangerous villains.

'I hope they all make it out alive.' Thirteen could only hope for the best as she readied her quirk against the mist villain.




Izuku cried out in agony as he landed on asphalt, sweat pouring down his chin from the combination of nerves and heat around him.

His eyes stung as the bright flares of the flames danced around him. Hissing in slight agony, Izuku brought himself up, hand covering his mouth, hoping to avoid breathing in the plumes of smoke.

'I need to escape!' Mind going into overdrive, Izuku scanned the surroundings while making sure to remain low. He was certain that it wasn't safe to stay in this area. But that begged the question of how he was going to get out of here in the first place.

He wasn't familiar with the layout, he was alone, and worse of all, most of the pathways were blocked by the intense inferno raging about.

'This area wasn't burning earlier, did the villains start the fires?' If that was true, then this situation was bad. Incredibly so.

Not only were his paths blocked with flames, there was also a possibility of villains roaming about the area with quirks or equipment suitable for the environment.

Just then, Izuku heard some voices coming from behind him. Panicking slightly, Izuku ran in the opposite direction of the voices and looked for a suitable place to hide where he wouldn't get burned, die of suffocation, or be spotted easily.

With the flames raging, peering into the dark was harder, which made him duck into a nearby alleyway that was surprisingly untouched by the flames. Izuku decided to think of the reasons why later and focused on trying to stay hidden as he observed the source of the voices coming closer.

"We're going up a bunch of kids?" The lead villain, someone who was showing off a huge burn mark on his chest, cried out in disappointment. "I thought we could take a crack-shot at All Might. Not, slaughter children."

"Well? What can you do?" Another villain, a female with only one eye open, shrugged. "Boss wants us to thin the crowd. Said us cannon fodder too weak to be fighting All Might. And I agree with him."

"But are you sure we should be doing this?" The last one, a villain with blazing eyes, nervously added. "We're thieves and thugs. We kill a child, a hero-in-training no less, and we can say goodbye to any future we have if we get caught."

"That's if we get caught, dumbass." The lead villain snorted as he squinted his eyes when he saw movement in the alley. He grinned. "And I think we found our first victim. In the alley! Over there!"

Pointing his hand in his direction, Izuku cried out instinctively before bolting deeper into the alley. Behind him, the trio of villains rapidly chased him with extreme gusto, as if spilling the blood of a child was something they relished.

Scared out of his mind, Izuku ran and ran, not confident enough to fight the three with his body or his quirk. Sue him for not fighting. His quirk, a quirk handed down from the weakened Symbol of Peace, will instantly put him out of commission with just a single use.

That's not even taking into account his fighting experience, or lack thereof.

Izuku's textbook judo throw against Katsuki in the Battle Trials a few days ago worked because he knew Katsuki. He knew how he would move. The three villains behind him?

Not so much.

'Crap, crap, crap.' Izuku desperately tried to outrun the trio, only to hear their footsteps getting louder. His breath now quivering, he turned into a corner, only to be trapped by a wall tall enough that he wouldn't be able to scale in time before his pursuers arrived.

What caught his eye, however, was an innocent-looking dumpster sitting pretty on the side, as well as some cans on the ground. Developing a plan, Izuku grabbed a can and quickly opened the dumpster before diving in.

Once inside, Izuku threw the can over the wall and quietly closed the lid.

He waited and waited, the footsteps now clearly audible within the confines of the relatively clean dumpster.

Except for the body of an unconscious man he was stepping on.

Izuku was about to shriek, only for his hand to quickly clamp down on his mouth. He didn't want to alert the villains outside, who seemed to have taken the bait and scaled the wall in order to pursue a decoy.

Once they were far enough, Izuku unlatched his hand from his mouth and sighed in relief, only to remember the man he was standing on.

Who now seemed to stare at him with his yellow, cat-like eyes.

Of course, being the nervous wreck that he is, Izuku could only scream.

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