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Chapter 28: One more day

I entered my newly created dimension and, taking pride in all my hard work, I surveyed all the important places. It was a giant circular island with a diameter of 2,000 km with all sorts of environments properly placed. The underside of the island was magic-hardened rock and an infusion of cooled goblin silver. The appearance was quite similar to stalactites only in a menacing metallic tone. There were runes written throughout the undercarriage to increase durability and magical conductivity as the island should be able to channel the magic of the ley lines once established.

There were 81 circular cities and a grid capital in the center of the island. The city of Apolya, the capital of the Kingdom, named after the Greek sun god Apollo and a narcissistic reference to my second name, Sollaris, was massive and gave off a rather pleasant adventurous city feel. The city itself was divided into properly organized districts for citizens, merchants, doctors and academics... among others. In the center of the city was a huge lake with an island where the core of dimension and my castle, and the castle where grandfather would be made king, was. The castle was also big. As much as Nurmengard, but it was much lighter and less depressing on the whole. There were 18 towers strategically placed to surround the property, Fields and gardens were added for a warm and visually pleasing welcome, and dozens of popular houses were there for the future Eldenian servants who worked here.

To close with several golden keys, I had delimited fields where massive forests full of wildlife of all kinds were located. In these fields, there were dozens of wards that prevented humans and beasts from harming each other and many magnificent herbs. I made sure to add several common animal species both to feed the magical beasts and to enrich the environment with vitality.

The island was simply the most onerous and satisfying job I had put my beautiful brain in... but the source of energy was still my magic core... which was being drained quite a bit by now. After all I had connected with several Eldenians and they used magic channeled from me to build everything… good and good, my stuff was ready. At least the structural part was complete.

I was proud.

I visited each of the cities to define my teleportation arrangement and thank the Eldens for their hard work. Memphis became King Elden with my permission and created a suitable chain of command and a stewardship academy to serve the future royal family.

He was getting too far ahead. My plans still needed time to be consolidated. I still lacked an enormous amount of material and human resources. My grandfather would need to go through a permanent shifting ritual like the Eldens did before they bonded with me... not to mention forging a new identity... I believe he could pose as a supposed younger son of himself. himself and become my great-uncle. After all I had already become quite capable of human transfiguration and could restore her youthful appearance and irrigate her body with vitality. With that there would not be much to question about his suitability when he became king. It wasn't a sin to be the son of a criminal, I can attest to that... If all went well, I would have completed it in my 4th year at Hogwarts. But there were goals to be accomplished every year.

In the first year I must obtain the Philosopher's Stone to supply the energy need my island had. That goal could be achieved when Dumbles' plans for Harry advanced. If I'm not wrong, and I'm not, the Stone was not yet placed in the erised mirror, but was duly in an inner pocket near the old man's chest. My eyes saw two streams of external magic linked to the old man, it showed that he was in possession of the stone and had added tracking spells to it... would that be a problem for me? Not at all. I could isolate the caster's magic just by placing the Stone in my Kamui dimension directly after stealing it. It would be impossible to track when you do.

My Magan is quite useful in this.

Because of this I couldn't snatch the Stone before the fateful end-of-period events where Dumbles' biased aspect is evident by giving the Houses Cup to Gryffindor out of the blue. After all I couldn't just steal the Stone so right away...I don't want to get caught after all...becoming a player in this game among wizards decades older could be exciting, but only if I can get away with it without getting caught.

Stealing a stone would not help my reputation, which was already being partially denigrated by the British press. But until then all the international newspapers became fans of this young master and I didn't care about this group of wizardskin of Great Britain.

My 2nd year, on the other hand... it wasn't a big deal. I wanted the basilisk that was in Salazar Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets to try to turn it into an oriental dragon with eye slaying abilities, but after getting so many magnificent species of magical beasts, I kind of considered it irrelevant. Not to mention that I had already stolen Hagrid's dragon and let me tell you, Yulong went into a frenzy wanting to proliferate his bloodline...

Well, I would have a brood of dragons spawning soon if I depended on this horny grown up dump. I wonder what breed the cubs will be... would they be Welsh dragons? Jade dragons? Whatever the dragon stolen from the gamekeeper is?

My goal in 3rd year was to save Sirius and prove his innocence. I'm not fucking going to let Petegrew get away with putting my older brother in jail. I just haven't done anything before because I think it will be good for the idiot to have a proper ending. He deserves a better life and, if all goes well, I'll make him give me cute nephews I can spoil. After all he is family and family is united. I'm also not going to let him die on Bellatrix more and I'm going to try to get Bellatrix back as well, in this third year. If nothing goes right and she doesn't listen to reason, I'll mind-rape her and mold it to my liking. Anyway, she goes home.

It's not like she was a good person anyway, as you know, she tortured dozens of people just because she could... I would need to find a way to purge her body and mind of the effects the Dark Arts have on a wizard, but so far, it wasn't a hard thing to do.

My fourth year goal was pretty interesting too. Replace Cedric as Hogwarts champion in the Triwizard tournament, win the tournament and stop the Potter brat from resurrecting Voldemort. Why? Simple, I didn't want him to have time to cause me trouble and we know it took the Dark Lord No Nose 3 years to mobilize an army large enough to fight the Battle of Hogwarts in the 7th year of the Potter heir...

I don't know if the whole body-retrieval ritual thing was one of Assholedore's plans or not, but this will be the first time I've interfered with the man's plans and that's for a few simple reasons. I would establish my kingdom in my fourth year. At least that was what was planned. After that, he would start working to increase the population with the werewolves and veelas who decided to live there. They will have their own cities and will manage them for me. Then I would start inviting centaurs from the forbidden forest who were still investigating the massive disappearance of magical animals and beasts to join the Kingdom as well. This time to live in the forests and protect animal life.

In all my planning, stepping in and participating in the Triwizard tournament will allow the attention of all magical Britain to be focused on the event... I will make sure to have screens available to make the judging of the event as public as possible so that everyone countries can watch from their respective magical communities...

That way the world wouldn't interfere or notice my actions in the middle of the ocean. Not to mention that my personal Aurors corps should have been properly trained by then. This corps of Aurors was made up of my grandfather's slaves and his descendants. I had a total of 173 of them and each one had their families and children also linked to magical servitude. I was still amazed at how much my grandfather had achieved in his rebellious youth, but I benefited so I wasn't complaining.

The fifth year I'm not really sure what to do at school, but I'll just concentrate on developing the Kingdom until it's functional and then I'll use my grandfather's blood to create a blood clone (magic based on the jutsu clone of blood) to replace him and forge his death while I bring him to become the king of... I haven't thought of a suitable kingdom name yet. I will think about it carefully. It will also be this year that my personal auror corps will begin hunting Dark wizards and witches for recycling. I would personally shape their minds while making them loyal to me. I was a wizard with mental abilities and, following Dumbledore's demand, killing these wizards would be a bit of a waste. I would just take them, make them physically different from their initial appearances, rape their minds until only an empty soul remains, then edit a new set of memories and voila, a new group of loyal servants.

Of course I will purge your bodies of black magic and use your own old memories as the basis for your new memories, so it shouldn't be a problem... interestingly the ministry of magic ignores the possibilities that mind magic intuits but that's good for me .

My sixth year won't change much, my grandfather must take charge of the situation on the island thatit would be like home after completing my education... but I should start creating physical copies of books from Hogwarts and other schools of magic and witchcraft to establish my own school of magic in the Kingdom... I can start that right now, after all it's not hard to accomplish after all... I just need to use my thief spell to absorb the knowledge, use my occlumency to edit it and then connect all the knowledge to some golems who will then transcribe everything into books and more books of suitable magic.

I'm starting this this year and should finish it by sixth grade...I'm not in a hurry with this part of my plan after all.

In seventh grade I'm just going to relax and enjoy life. A lot on my mind since I was born in this world... although my training doesn't diminish at all, I won't need to create any new spells, no new techniques, no new application of magic... I'll just relax and play increasingly iconic pranks in school. I also think I'm going to launch some innovative products and services that have increased my vault even more...

What? My projects made me poor again after all.


I was relaxing in transfiguration class the next day when teacher Minerva caught my eye.

"Mr. Black, the principal would like you to meet him in his office." She said as I finally realized that all the students other than him and the twins had left.

"Any special reason?" I asked curiously.

"I'm not sure…" She hesitated, but it didn't seem to be because of the meeting with the old goat. "Mr. Black... I read your book on Muggle physics..."


"In the book you specify that any spell cast via a wand to 'shape reality' could be used with the methods described..." she began. "I wonder if that's the case why not demonstrate your mastery of transfiguration?"


So that was it. She was upset that she wasn't paying attention to her class. Well, to be fair, I hadn't paid attention to any of the classes since I got to Hogwarts and just attended them so as not to draw attention...more than I'd already called it, that is. Anyway, Minerva looked very intrigued if her body tension was a clue.

I sighed.

I think I can try to smooth things over with her here.

"Well I have nothing to learn in your class, no offense. I already knew how to use high-level transfiguration last year and that was pretty...easy to do...the only area I have a slight interest in would be animagus transformation and that's it."

"Got it...but isn't that the same with every other teacher?"

"Yes. You know, but other teachers are... different. Although I know how to use transfiguration in battle it's not an area that's very established and there's only one person who flexibly uses it in battle." I explained. "That someone is Professor Dumbledore. I don't want to be disrespectful to you, teacher, but I'm not wrong to not be interested in that when I don't have much to learn from you."

And I wanted to soften?

Hell, if this didn't end up killing me, I don't know what would. Well, the two twins were looking at me quite strangely now.

I sighed.

"What I mean is that I'm not interested in transfiguration when it's just for everyday things... I need to know how to change soil into spears and turn water into acid mist to throw at my opponent... it's not that I'm prejudiced against you." I've tried to explain it better... but I still don't think I've improved the situation.

"I understand Mr Black." She sighed. "We must go, Professor Dumbledore is waiting for us."

"Can they come along?" I pointed to my future wives.

"Of course, it shouldn't be a problem." She nodded and I smiled happily.

"So come on, you want to know what the old goat wants from me...ahem ahem...Professor Dumbles...ah sorry Professor Dumbledore." I corrected myself twice before I got it right...I wonder what she would be like if I called him Assholedore...sure she would physically assault me ​​in that case.

"Come on, Mr Black."

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