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Chapter 2: Founders

He was wrong. It wasn't no god. Or any Heaven.

It is however a heaven to some, and even there was a god. God's.

And this Heaven and it's inhabitants have many differences and similarities to what Frank was used to.

Though that wasn't the only thing that is different.

In one of the district's near the rainbow bridge, a few kids around nine to ten years old ran around playing with a few toy devices.

As they did so, a small figure jumped over roofs constantly over the many kids in the playing areas.

This boy was 8 years old with red hair and donned a bored expression. After every jump he would quietly and gently lower himself as if not to be seen.

He jumped a few more houses before he was far enough for any kid's around.

He stood up sigh in frustration, and before he could make any more moves a voice sounded beside him.

"It amuses me to know you still hide from these kids, Ysmir."

The voice spoke.

Frank, who is now Ysmir, jumped a bit but tidied himself again as if he wasn't just spooked.

The boy who spoke had blonde golden hair and wore gray and yellow noble robes with nordic symbols on it. Odin.

Whereas Ysmir simply wore a tunic with bland colors which would also be easily identifiable as an equivalence of commoner in this Heaven.

For the past 8 years he has been living as an Asgardian in Asgard, or to be more precise, Aesir. Something he can barely pronounce.

There were many new things for him when he suddenly woke up as a crying baby. The sudden birth surprised him but that was only the beginning.

His surroundings, the people, the strange mystical powers, impossible strength and weird...but new ways of life.

As a baby he was fed milk which seemed normal, but the milk tasted...different. And it wasn't just milk, there was also juice.

Milk was understandable but juice? He didn't know what was going on, and it wasn't because of the new uncomprehending language barrier.

But about a few months of milk and fruit juice, he was suddenly able to crawl around and even have some clear thinking. Because before it was like his mind was everywhere thinking about everything at once.

The two liquid might have done something, which probably makes babies...not cry? Unclear.

A year and a half and Ysmir was able to power walk and even say a few speeches in this new language.

When he finally understood the basics of the language he found out that the milk that was fed to him strengthens his body while the fruit juice has more to do with ones mentality and more.

But that's not what he was excited about, what was on his mind the mosh since he realized it, was magic, or more commonly known to the Aesir, Sorcery.

But it's more than just simple Sorcery, traditionally they call it Seidr, something he had trouble pronouncing at first. But it was expected since even his new name was...hard at first?

Ysmir was able to see that there were many other kids who were just like him, already walking talking and running (trying).

But the only difference was that the other infants seeked to play while Ysmir seeked the knowledge of Sorcery.

The closest thing he could put together on this giant city, was that they were golden fancy vikings. A lot of weird tiny creatures as well, and most amazing of these beings are some creatures called Land Spirit.

There were trees, rocks, fire and water that moves around slowly like zombies, Ysmir is still investigating those Land spirits but there are two types: Young spirits and Old spirits.

They were made to help the Aesir when they are in need of them. The Young spirits are guided and controlled by the citizens of Asgard to either provide water, wood or even fire at night.

The Old spirits are self conscious spirits that are both helpful and dangerous. Ask for resource and it will grant you resource, but annoy it and it will knock you out or your breath.

The current ruler of Asgard, who is also sometimes referred to as the All-father, is King Bor Burison.

Son of Buri.

And that's one other thing Ysmir found new, the children would take their father's name as their last name.

(History time)

Bor is considered a God here and around other realms, just like his father Buri.

Buri is is considered a God, the first God. But not a King. Buri was the first ever being to exist for the Aesir and Vanaheim, as the one and only, Buri created the artificial planetoid which is Asgard himself.

Though Ysmir would call it an island instead, but who is he to judge.

Free creating the Asgard planet he had three sons Bor, Mimir and Njord. Buri lived together with his sons, but soon created more people with his own power making the population increase more.

As time went on, Buri taught the people hat would lead them to be from today and beyond.

The three sons as expected exceeded in their progress more than the people, the sons of Buri are indeed the sons of Buri.

Bor exceeded in strength.

Njord exceeded in Sorcery.

While Mimir only seeks knowledge and wisdom to become the All-knowing and even All-seeing.

Centuries more passed until only Buri's power could rival theirs categorically, and the three soms became more independent and have dreams of their own.

Soon enough, Bor challenged his father to duel of strength and won, after winning Bor then rules the people and Asgard itself. Njord left Asgard with some people to a distant world that was in line to the not yet known Yggdrasil and made what was now known as Vanaheim. Mimir stayed in Asgard but also traveled back and forth from both his brothers realms advicing with as much as he can with his wisdom.

At this point on from these stories, Buri was gone and everyone seemed to have forgotten about him. Sure they knew who be was but it's like their minds of him disappeared.

Asgard grew and grew in centuries to even millennia's, oh and there ks also that common longevity for Asgardians and Vanir. About 5,000 years of life.

As Asgard grew, it became home of the Aesir, who are mighty and focuses their Seidr arts in strength and enchantments in body armor and weapons.

While Vanaheim became home tk the Vanir, who focuses more on Sorcery and many schools of magic that Ysmir dreams of learning.

Who wouldn't, even in his previous world many have entertained the thoughts of having powers or magic or even something simple as flying.

But after being born into this second life, Ysmir's desires for fictional powers increased.

When you have lived long enough in Asgard as a former human mortal, then you will want to fly around the city and gaze into the city from afar.

It never gets tiring to Ysmir.

And so Ysmir has been learning as much as he can for the past 4 years more or less. But as he does, the kids around the district always asks him to come play with them which prompted him to always try and avoid them.

His many repeats of avoiding the kids has caught the attention of many adults as well as Odin, the very own Prince of Asgard.

Odin might be a few months older than Ysmir but age doesn't really matter, it won't soon enough anyways.

Odin saw Ysmir as someone just like him, a person who doesn't have time to "play" but work hard as a warrior and prepare for future glorious fight for Asgard and it's people.

He may be a bit weaker than him, but Odin has been helping Ysmir here and there every once in a while and he was surprised of how smart Ysmir is easily absorbing lessons.

But most of the time for the past four years, Odin mostly brought books and would get it back as early as the second day. His rate of learning is top notch.

And so Odin wanted to see how much knowledge he can gain and so stacks and stacks of books frequently come and go from the royal library to a civilians home.

It became so frequent that Odin had to make a guard do the weekly book runs from the royal palace and Ysmir's home.

Back to Ysmir and Odin.

"And I still question why a brat like you don't play with your friends back there." Ysmir mocked as he walked forward casually.

"I don't have time for childish games, I have more important duties to attend to as the prince of the throne."

"Okay high-horse, you came to show off your maturity? I think your brothers are off playing with kids as well."

"What they do is not of my business, my focus is on me and Asgard."

"Yeah yeah, enough talk you coming?"

Ysmir and Odin stood in front of the rainbow bridge which was called the Bifrost. In front of them was a bridge stand support. Climbing them will lead them onto the bridge.

They soon stood on the bridge and Ysmir looked around in awe of everything, this wasn't their first time on the bridge but it also won't be the last. And no matter how many times Ysmir gazes around, it never gets old.

The bridge is the best viewpoint for sightseeing.

Odin stood their letting Ysmir take in the view, for like, the thousand time...literally.

Odin was glad Ysmir liked Asgard a lot but it was getting old, in fact his awe shocking moments have gotten old 3 long years ago.

"Hehehe race you to the middway!!" Ysmir screamed out before he pushed Odin back and sprinted on the bridge's path with peak human speed.

"Stop fooling around!! It's a foolish and childis-"

"LAST ONE THERE EATS POOP!!" Ysmir yelled out as he got farther.

Odin paused for a bit, for some reason he was affected by these words. In the end he was just a child as well and rushed after Ysmir quickly catching up.

About a mile and a few minutes later they were over the edge of the small ocean under the bridge.

For some reason nobody comes here, to some Aesir's the concept of "going to the beach" is probably nonexistent, or maybe something they don't consider as fun. At least that's what Ysmir thinks.

But as a former mortal, the little things are some of the most enjoyable things. Odin is either always around or follows him.

Odin wouldn't admit, but he was looking for a friend. Someone to hang out with, and he is picky on who to hang around with. Luckily Ysmir has a bit of sense that most adults don't have, let alone the children running around.

And being with Ysmir opened up a lot of wonder for Odin, for example they only see the ocean as a decoration and such but one day Ysmir unclothed and dived in. That day Ysmir convinced Odin to also swim and it was more fun than he thought.

Swimming under the bridge became something they do every once in a while.

As for the race, Odin easily won and led a few paces ahead of Ysmir.

As they reached the middway, Odin slowed down and then looked back with a smirk, but that smirk disappeared when he saw Ysmir in the air behind him and before he could do anything he was tackled.


The two fell laying on the ground.

"Hahahaha" Yamir laughed hysterically.

"You fool! Enough of your childish games!"

"Oh come on, why so serious?" Ysmir stood up and put out a hand to help Odin up, Odin grabbed the hand and was helped up but that wasn't the end.

Before he could get his balance, Ysmir crouched and then picked up Odin effortlessly before raising him up with both his hands.

"What?! You fiend!! Put me down!!" Odin demanded in the air.

"Hahaha!!" Ysmir quickly moved to the edge of the bridge and threw Odin over to the ocean. He had to be quick or the prince would quickly get out of his hold.

Odin is definitely stronger and has many abilities he still doesn't know about, and as the Prince who is being groomed daily by the King, it's obvious he has to be mighty.

Ysmir was happy there were no guards around here, who knows what they would do when they see a civilian throwing the prince down the bridge.

"Oh dear, I forgot he is still clothed, he might not be happy about that later." Ysmir chuckled as he proceeded to uncloth down to his undergarment.


"You will regret your actions, Ysmir!!"


With a smile, Ysmir backed up a bit before running and jumping off the edge. While falling, he folded his limbs and hugged his knees as he flipped repeatedly until he spread wide and splat on the water making a huge splash.

Odin complained a bit but Ysmir soon changed the topic and made Odin race him to the east side of the city and back. No doubt that Odin won and took pride in it, but Ysmir didn't care much and looked for more fun.

He was a child again, no reason to stress himself over things he can't mess around with. Being a kid again is a gift, but having his memories is a miracle. With his intelligence and young self he will make something of himself, he can take his time since he got his life ahead of him.

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