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Chapter 2: Cap 2 Apocalypse

Seeing the messages I stop attacking the creature that had died, and I observe the messages and read them calmly.

 'Status' I think hoping that somehow the screen would pop up at any moment.

 The screen had a nice design it was a standard square screen I could see my own body that was in the middle of two other rectangular screens dressed in my clothes I was with my feet on the Earth while behind us as the background shooting stars passed over the earth and other celestial bodies of the solar system slowly transiting and I appreciated their details when I turn my attention to my status and I notice some characteristics that are cheap copies of games and anime of the RPG genre.


Name: Alex

Species: Human (Possible Evolution)

Physiology: Evolved Human

Biological Gender: Male

Deity: None

Age: 16

Rank: F-

Strength: F-

Speed: F-

Agility: F-

Stamina: F-

Vitality: F-

Resistance: F-

Reflexes: F-

Senses: F-

Intelligence: F-

Energy: F-

Inherent Ability: Absolute Adaptation (F-Type: Growth)

 Sub Skill: None

 Active Skills: None

 Passive Abilities: None

 Reminding me of the information the system gave me that I just had to focus on a certain aspect of the system and I would get some more detailed information.

 I focus on my race when the screen changes to a bluish-black screen that seems to have a bit of opacity as I could see me over the land and the stars with the shooting stars still showing movement.

 The following message appears on the screen:

 Species: Species can be defined as a group of organisms capable of reproducing and producing fertile offspring.

 When I was about to find out about the other features of the system someone simply starts rocking me from side to side taking my attention away from the system which clears my vision by disappearing from my sight.

Seeing that it was Vitor who was swinging me, I take a brief look around me and realize that Samuel and Maycon were confronting a lizard beast with great difficulty. I looked at Vitor and noticed that he was trembling with fear.

 Seeing my friends fight I run my chair to help them in a few steps I was close to the monster and my friends were still equipped with the lizard killer chairs when I'm very close he tries to attack me with his claws, but I dodge naturally in a very elegant way and I give him a chair on the back that sinks the animal into the concrete making few cracks around it.

 "GRRRR!"  the lizard screams in pain spitting blood.

I don't understand where I got this strength from. I was distressed when a voice sounds in my head.

 [Passive Ability: Minor Enhanced Physical Ability (F-) Obtained]

Not caring about this announcement I keep hitting the monster focusing on its head and after bending the "iron chair" I don't know if I can still call it that yet because its shape was unrecognizable I stop attacking the monster that was all injured.

When I look at my friends I realize the shock that my attitude caused not only them but also the people close to me who watched me some with sparkles in their eyes others with apparent envy and fear among other emotions.

I see some people start whispering when someone yells in the block below and everyone looks at the block that was right below ours.

"We have to get out of here fast!  We're not sure now that all life forms are evolving, everyone listening to me I know you're all confused and scared but pay attention you've heard the message I know it may seem impossible to fight these evolved shits but understand that you need to adapt to the situation we'll all get skills! You as! I became stronger after we killed the giant lizard you must fight to survive or else we will all die! We don't know what dangers we're going to have to face now pass this information on to other people and form groups to find weapons and attack to kill! Good Luck, Thanks, and Goodbye " I said shouting for all the people close to me to hear and I turned to my friends.

 *Thanks, Goodbye {Brazilian slang, example: when you're going to leave and you don't want to explain why you just leave, so people use it to say that when you are performing a specific task and haven't asked your opinion about it, and why I have to doesn't it matters any way})

"Come on, we have to find a safe place!  Let's go to the amphitheater there it's spacious and it fits more people and you know that many will follow us but just care about the safety of the group they fight for their survival we'll have to worry about us already" I said loud enough so that only my friends listened I saw that they nodded in agreement and we ran towards the amphitheater which was located 2 blocks above our current block and another 3 to reach the secretariat was also located at the school exit to the city streets.

We are making our way to the amphitheater and as we pass through the open area towards the next block we notice that around us it was crowded with several bodies lying on the floor with their heads chewed, mutilated bodies, and pools of blood around them all were dead.

With this terrifying and bloodthirsty scene, I hold my mouth to keep from vomiting as the scent of blood enters my nostrils.

Beside me I see Vítor and Maycon unable to hold back the feeling of vomiting for a few seconds and expel everything out Samuel was always expressionless but frowning looking back I notice that some people who followed us started to vomit and scream.

Wishing to keep my calm and sanity I hear a notification sound again.

[Passive Ability: Calm Mind (F-) Obtained]

The only ones keeping their sanity were me and Samuel turning to support my friends who were throwing up I try not to throw up too almost losing concentration.

"(Screaming sound of a monster)" screamed an animal over my head

Looking up I see some giant birds flying above us that start to approach at a fast speed.

Wasting no time I drag my friends with me to escape to the next block I'm not stupid to face more than one bird at the same time.

My two friends have recovered from the situation and follow me to the next block.

When I was looking back to see if the birds were about to catch up with us I saw that they were attacking some people behind I could hear a lot of crying and screaming for help but I kept trying to get as fast as possible to the block when I hear a sound in my head .

[Passive Ability: Lesser Improved Speed ​​(F-) Obtained]

To my surprise again in my greatest need now my speed has improved and I say some good words in my mind and I run faster keeping me close to my friends to help them in case of need

We arrived at the block and quickly entered the corridor and didn't stop running until we reached the halfway point, thank goodness.

Panting and tired of running I stop for breath looking around I can see my friends approaching and slowly stopping with no more than 20 people following us still alive taking a deep breath I speak.

"Let's get some rest and let's run again to the next block let's take advantage of the chaotic situation outside to go our way" I said

An average looking boy in gray sweatshirt tracksuits with lots of bloodstains splattered on his clothes he looks like 14 years old being smaller than me approx 1 meter 60 tall approaches us he looks angry and grabs me by the collar pulling me to eye level.


I feel bad initially thinking about how many people are dying out there but being rational was the single most efficient way I could survive without being in danger.

"How can I not think about taking advantage of this situation what can I do to help these people when I don't know if I can survive?"  I ask calmly I'm not mad at him but I'm going to make him realize what situation we were in.

 "You are strong and fast you could have saved some people with your powers!"  he said screaming angrily

"You could have saved my friend (imagine a tiny sound of crying)"  he said now almost crying with his eyes drenched in anger

With that said I could hear the people around us whispering and giving me angry looks and blaming me.

 "Would you risk your life to save a stranger at the risk of losing your life to several giant birds?"  I ask

 "Yes ???"  he said knowing he hadn't told the truth

"Then why didn't you stay to fight for your friend's life and leave him to be eaten by birds?  You say you would save a stranger but you abandon your friend and let him die did you think of him when he asked you for help?  Do you blame me for not saving you when you didn't dare to do it yourself?"  I asked him looking into his eyes I felt his strength drain with every word I said and saw his world fall apart at every moment probably thinking of all my harsh words but still true.

Looking around I take a deep breath and speak to all the people

"You can hate me you can curse me but think and answer me what would you do in my situation?"  I ask everyone present

Silence fills the hallway when we hear a nearby cry for help.

"I will say the answer in your mind that you refuse to say out loud I WOULD SURVIVE I would do anything to live!"  I said turning to look at the exit of this block on the other side watching some people who were still running there

"THEN SURVIVE AT YOUR OWN RISK, I'M NOT A HERO WHEN I'M NOT SURE I WILL SURVIVE IT MYSELF!"  I said signaling my friends to follow me to the exit

 And so my friends and I continued to run until the exit of the block looking back I could still see the same people who thought me following us with more serious faces and especially the boy who had caused the last scene but his look was different it was someone's who wanted to live but also full of hope even though he was still holding back tears he took each step with conviction.

So I focus on the exit of the corridor that seemed more like a light at the end of the tunnel for all of us and I run towards it, getting closer and closer.

SharonMeuToba SharonMeuToba

Passing by to ask you to leave stones of power to have a FeedBack I don't know if you're enjoying it anyway.

I have a lot of ideas for the novel I'm thinking if I add dropped items/artifacts.

Raise 1 for the marbles to be used for magic/energy cultivation.

2 add the possibility of dropping items being them Artifacts, Active/Passive Skills, Extremely Rare Drop Inherent Skills probably if I have it I'll add it in a distant arc may be in the war for territory.

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