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Chapter 2: chapter - 2

As I lay unconscious in the throne room, my mind drifts into the realm of dreams. The memories come flooding back, as vivid as ever. I find myself standing in the midst of a dimly lit room, surrounded by the whispers of my past. Yes, I remember it now. It all started on that day, the 30th of December 2004.

The clock was about to strike midnight, signaling the end of one year and the beginning of another. My mother, Minamoto Miki, was in labor, and the anticipation filled the air. As the clock hand inched closer to midnight, the world held its breath. And just as it struck twelve, I was born. That was the start of my forsaken life.

I was taken into the arms of the doctor, their gender a hazy memory in the depths of my mind. The doctor turned to my mother, a glimmer of excitement in their eyes, and declared, "It's a boy." My mother cradled me in her arms, her love and joy radiating from every pore. She called my father, Jhonathan Andreas, into the room, and together we formed a small, happy family.

In that moment, I was named Lucifer, the weight of the name yet to be realized. My full name, Lucifer Andreas, carried the hopes and dreams of my parents, a fusion of cultures and identities. I was their precious child, their beacon of light in the darkness of the world.

As the night progressed, the hospital room buzzed with activity. Measurements were taken, and I was weighed, the numbers etched into the medical records. I can only imagine the joy and exhaustion that filled the room as my parents prepared to take me home.

Finally, the day dawned, and we left the hospital, venturing into the world beyond those sterile walls. My parents' car became the vessel that carried us from the realm of the medical professionals to the realm of our everyday lives. It was a simple journey, yet it marked the beginning of a new chapter.

We arrived at our humble abode, a four-room house that would become my sanctuary. It may not have been grand or extravagant, but it was filled with warmth, love, and the promise of a bright future. My parents decorated the rooms with care, creating a space that would nurture my growth and dreams.

In that small house, I would experience the wonders of childhood. Every corner held a treasure waiting to be discovered, every room echoed with laughter and the sounds of my parents' guidance. It was a place where imagination thrived, where I could dream and explore the world within and beyond those walls.

But little did I know that this day, my birth into the world, was just the prelude to the extraordinary journey that awaited me. The events of this day would shape the path of my life, leading me into a world of challenges, mysteries, and self-discovery.

As the day drew to a close, my parents tucked me into bed, their gentle kisses and soothing words bidding me goodnight. The night sky outside my window twinkled with stars, promising endless possibilities. And as I drifted off to sleep, my dreams carried me forward, eager to unveil the secrets of my own existence.

In the years that followed, life seemed uneventful. Nothing of great significance occurred during the first five years of my existence. I had an older sister, who was around thirteen at the time, and together, we navigated the ordinary rhythms of childhood. I made friends in kindergarten, although their names have faded from my memory over time. It was a time of innocence and simplicity, where the biggest concerns revolved around playtime and snacks.

But everything changed when I turned six. On that day, my father took his own life. The reasons behind his tragic decision remained a mystery to me, even to this day. It was said that he was battling mental illness and depression, a darkness that consumed him. The news shattered our family, leaving my mother, sister, and me in a state of shock and grief.

I remember that moment vividly, as my mother collapsed in a corner, unconscious, overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions. My sister and I huddled together, tears streaming down our faces, as we tried to comprehend the magnitude of our loss. It was the first time death entered my young life, leaving an indelible mark upon my soul.

Soon after, a funeral was held to honor my father's memory. The somber atmosphere weighed heavily upon us, as friends and family gathered to pay their respects. The reality of mortality sank in, casting a shadow over my perception of the world. It was a stark reminder that life could be cruel and unpredictable, forever altering the course of our lives.

In the aftermath of my father's death, my mother took on the daunting task of supporting our family. She found employment, but the nature of her work was something I would come to despise. She turned to prostitution, seeking financial stability to raise my sister and me. The revelation was a bitter pill to swallow, tarnishing the image I had of my mother and injecting a sense of shame into our lives.

As the years went by, I entered middle school, hoping for a fresh start. It was during this time that I found solace in the form of a girlfriend named Sarah. For the first six months, our relationship bloomed with the promise of love and companionship. But as time passed, Sarah's affection waned, and our connection grew distant.

The final conversation I had with Sarah still echoes in my mind, haunting me with its painful truth. She admitted that she had feelings for someone else, not just one person, but two. The revelation crushed me, tearing apart the fragile remnants of my trust and leaving me feeling utterly betrayed. To make matters worse, I discovered that she had cheated on both of them with me, a painful revelation that further deepened my sense of guilt and despair.

I still remember my last conversation with that girl. It went something like this. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the painful memories that were about to resurface. It was a conversation that shattered my trust and left me questioning everything I believed about love and loyalty.

Lucifer: I still can't believe what you did, Sarah. We need to talk about this. It's tearing me apart.

Sarah: Oh, come on, Lucifer. It's not that big of a deal. People cheat all the time, and they move on. It's normal.

Lucifer: Normal? Are you serious? How can you brush off such a betrayal as if it's nothing? We were supposed to be in a committed relationship.

Sarah: Look, Lucifer, relationships are complicated. Sometimes people make mistakes, and it doesn't mean they don't care about each other.

Lucifer: Mistakes? Cheating on someone isn't a mistake. It's a deliberate choice that shows a lack of respect and disregard for the person you claim to love.

Sarah: You're being dramatic, Lucifer. I've cheated on people before, and they were fine with it. It's not like we're married or anything.

Lucifer: That doesn't make it right! Cheating is a breach of trust, regardless of the nature of the relationship. I trusted you, Sarah. I gave you my heart, and you stomped all over it.

Sarah: Well, maybe you shouldn't have been so naive, Lucifer. This is how the real world works. People have multiple relationships, and it's not a big deal.

Lucifer: No, Sarah, that's not how the real world works. That's not how love works. Love is about honesty, loyalty, and respect. It's about cherishing the person you're with and being faithful to them.

Sarah: You're just being overly dramatic. I thought you were more understanding. But if you can't handle it, maybe it's better that we end things.

Lucifer: Maybe you're right. Maybe it is better to end things. I deserve someone who values me, who understands the meaning of commitment and fidelity.

As the conversation came to a bitter end, I felt a mix of anger, hurt, and disappointment coursing through my veins. It was a conversation that shattered my illusions and forced me to confront the harsh realities of the world. Love wasn't always what it seemed, and trust could be easily broken. In that moment, I vowed to protect my heart and never let myself be vulnerable to such betrayal again.

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