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Chapter 6: System powers

Adam looked at the status window on the blue screen in front of him, where his life had turned into a series of numbers and information. He sat there, watching his status window with a curious eye, it was full of minute details that illustrated aspects of his personality, like a database that memorized every moment of his life and its details.

[Name: Adam Wilson.

Age: 25.

Race: Human.

Gender: Male.

Original World: H0X13E3H8I4D

Current world: M3X7D1M3N510D

Power Supply Index: 1%

[Stats] [Skills] [Abilities] [Abilities] [Tasks]]

The status window showed various information such as his name, age, etc. but what puzzled him was the home world, current world, and power supply index, he had some guesses so he decided to ask the system to clear his doubts:

"Hey B4T6L3V3L, why are there two different world fields?"

[This is because the first box represents your original world, and the second represents the world you are currently in]

Adam's answer didn't differ from Adam's guess.

"By the way, B4T6L3V3L, since there's a box for my current world, does that mean I can go to other worlds in the future or go back to my world?"

[Yes, Adam, you can go to other worlds in the future or return to your world].

Adam wasn't happy with that answer because based on his knowledge of his system, it wouldn't be that easy.

"Well B4T6L3V3L you can shatter my expectations now, and tell me how I can get back to my original world." Adam said in a resigned tone.

[I don't know what you mean Adam, but you can return to your world using the Ticket of Worlds.]

"Never mind, I don't mean anything... the point is, how do I get the Ticket of Worlds?" Adam didn't comment on his normal black-bellied system.

[Once the power supply indicator is full.]

"Uh, so at a hundred I can go to another world?" He said, realizing its meaning, which was as unclear as the other two; the original world and the current world box.

"By the way, B4T6L3V3L, can't you give me a complete answer to my question?"

He said, annoyed with his system's sparing answers, if he continued like this Adam would spend the rest of his life getting answers out of him, Adam had no time to waste, he only had a day at the most before the officer came to take him to jail.

Going to jail was inevitable given the charge, he had nothing to prove his identity, and even if they found his wallet and phone, he would be charged with identity theft.

So Adam wanted to take advantage of his current situation, alone before daylight, to clear his doubts before he saw whether or not he would try to escape.

[But I'm answering fully, Adam.]

"Look, when I ask you something, tell me all the information you have about it even if I don't ask you, got it?"

[Okay Adam, as you wish]

"Good... how do I fill in this power indicator?" Adam said, pointing to an indicator on the screen in front of him.

["By world energy... As long as I stay in this world, I will automatically absorb world energy, and once it's full, I can then create a Worlds Ticket."]

Seeing that his system had stopped answering, Adam gestured with his hands for him to continue and tell us what he knew, and once he had finished, Adam clapped happily at the effort his system had put into answering unusually well and showered him with various praise.

"Well done B4T6L3V3L, well done, you're amazing... genius... you're the coolest system I've ever seen."

[Thanks Adam I didn't do anything😡... but aren't I the first system in your life 🤔]

Adam froze in place after hearing what he said and seeing the angry emoji as if his girlfriend had caught him in a lie, but he quickly calmed his nerves, remembering how his system is bad at expressing his feelings, he must be blushing from the praise, and secondly his habit of putting his hands on his chin when thinking, so he answered confidently:

"Yeah, and is there a problem, I don't think there's a better system than you, you're the first and the last." 

[This... thanks Adam😡 👈👉]

As Adam expected from his infantile system and his repetition of the previous emoji and hand gesture, it's clear that he's just shy of praise.

Although Adam felt a little bit of guilt in his heart for cheating the system, in retrospect he didn't lie to it, he was truly grateful for being saved and that's what makes him great and also Adam never thought he would have another system in his life other than his current one. 

"How long will it take to fill the energy indicator? Can I do something to speed up the absorption?"

[The filling of the needle is influenced by several factors. First, the type of world we are in and how much of the world's energy is available plays a crucial role in how quickly the needle fills up as it varies from world to world...]

[Second, part of this energy is consumed for our own personal consumption, you and I. After you bond with me, you can no longer do without the energy of the world, and the energy of the world is now like air and water for both of us...]

Third, part of the energy is consumed to protect you from being rejected by the world...]

Fourth, the speed of absorption is affected by how much influence you have on the world, the more influence you have, the faster you absorb...]

[and... the end]

Adam was amazed at the amount of information he was hearing and even more amazed at his system's ability to tell him all of it at once, for the first time he felt the reliability of a system.

 'Is this his revenge on me... for making fun of him? Adam thought to himself.

 'He doesn't growl he can always go on like this. Adam thought and didn't mind receiving that kind of revenge. 

Adam remained silent for a few minutes, absorbing this massive amount of information, not realizing that his system kept repeating the last word, appearing to be finished, as if it was waiting for something.

After Adam finished sorting through his thoughts, he noticed the system's strange behavior, so he asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you, why do you keep repeating the word end?"

[Nothing, just reminding you that I'm done.]

Adam quickly understood his strange behavior, realizing that his infantile system had become addicted to receiving praise for its sweetness, and was now waiting for him to praise him for his information.

"Thanks B4T6L3V3L, how lucky I am to have such a great and reliable system."

[You're welcome, this is just a small thing]

"So from what I understand, the energy of the world is like fuel." Adam expressed his understanding.

[Totally Adam]

"But I don't feel any difference."

[That's because it's so little and you can't feel it and you don't have a way to utilize it yet.]

"That makes sense... so how can I affect the world?"

[Anything Adam does affects the world, whether it's good or bad, or even if you change anything in the course of the world or participate in it, even your interaction with people in the end you're not part of that world].

"So like if the world is threatened with destruction and I prevent it or destroy it myself, there will be an effect." He said summarizing what he understood.

[Exactly Adam.]

"Well that's good... I don't like being restricted in my actions." He said with relief, not preferring to be constrained by certain laws or actions.

"And now the question you haven't asked... when is this indicator going to fill up." 

Apparently his system had indulged in bragging about itself earlier and forgot to answer the most important question.

[Under normal circumstances, it would take ten years.]

"Ten years? Isn't that too much?" Adam was surprised by this number, he didn't expect it to be this long.

[No, it's already too fast, our consumption of the world's energy is too much.]

Adam realized that his system was right, the world's energy was now a big deal to them and was involved in almost everything.

"So at worst I need to survive until ten years have passed if I want to get out of this world."

This was a very long time, and Adam could only hope that he was lucky and his current world was at least non-dangerous so he could live like a normal person until his system had enough energy.

"And by the way, can I go back to my world?]

[Sorry Adam, you can't, we're not connected yet, and I haven't gotten the coordinates of your world.]

"So this is just his name... and will the next worlds be random?" Adam was only slightly saddened, he wasn't expecting much.

[Yes, and you can change it if you want. And yes, the next worlds will be random.]

"It's okay, there's no point in changing it... You said earlier that you didn't record the coordinates because we didn't connect, does that mean you recorded the coordinates of this world?"

[Yes, I can record the coordinates of any world we go to, and you can go back to it if you want.]

"Okay, that's better." Adam was happy with this answer, at least he could enjoy what he had built in each world and not just be a visitor, and even if he came across a dangerous world he could return to a safe world.

 "I think now it's time to see the rest of the windows."

As Adam looked at his sub-windows, he found himself immersed in a world of detailed and precise information, so detailed that it made him wonder about the potential of his internal system even more. He began to explore each window individually, realizing that each one held important keys to understanding the details of his life and abilities. 

Adam began by examining the first option, [Stats]:

Power: 1 Strength: 7 

Endurance: 7 Agility: 8 

Dexterity: 6 Intelligence: 7 


Wisdom: 6 Luck: 9 

Spirit: 3 Gravity: 7

The stats were more varied and comprehensive than he had expected.

"Wow." Adam whispered in amazement, "So these are my stats... but I don't know if they're good or not, how about B4T6L3V3L?" Adam looked at his status window with interest, he had only seen it in games, it was interesting to see his power represented in numbers. 

[For your species in your homeworld it's a good stat, the most anyone can reach in your homeworld is 10]

"If you say so I think it's really cool, if the average is 5 so I'm a little above average and those who excel in their fields are 10 like Olympic athletes, scientists..."

"I guess it's normal since I've been playing sports since I was young..." Adam said, recalling a particular memory from his childhood.

Although Adam was passionate about movies, novels, and manga, he did not have the stereotypical otaku image.

When Adam was young, he was like other children who dreamed of having superpowers like the cartoons he watched, so he went to his parents to ask them how he could get superpowers like them.

His parents took advantage of Adam's eagerness in this moment to make him an obedient son who would do what they said, such as: "If you eat this vegetable, you'll be fast like Sonic.", "If you do your homework and excel in your studies, you'll be smart like Batman.", "Sleep early and wake up early to get enough sunlight and you'll be strong like Superman."

His parents continued like this, and whenever Adam got suspicious, they tricked him and told him that he was getting closer and that this was training like the training in the movies. 

Although he understood why they did this, it was when he was older, and it was so traumatizing for him as a young boy when he found out the truth that he went on strike.

But one day Adam noticed that he was different from other kids, for example, he didn't get sick as easily as other kids, he was taller than most kids, faster and stronger than most kids because of his training and diet.

Waking up early was easy for him and hell for other kids.

Adam gained an important inspiration that he somehow achieved what he wanted even though he didn't gain superpowers, he became smarter, stronger, and faster than other kids, which gave him a sense of accomplishment and that his efforts were not wasted.

Adam was not a child who was easily bored, but as long as he set a goal, he would achieve it. He was also helped by his father's love for sports, as he was always going to the gym, and his mother, a doctor, and her knowledge of the human body.

These three factors combined to make Adam an exemplary person, which is why his father was upset when he found Adam continuing his hobbies even after he grew up, as he realized that he had better abilities that he could use in other areas that were better for him.

But he felt guilty about his childhood, so he didn't stop him from practicing as long as his grades were excellent and continued to play sports in the hope that one day Adam would stop on his own. 

Well, that's a thing of the past, so let's get back to the topic at hand...

"What does the energy statistic represent? Does it represent the energy of the world? How can I utilize it?"

[Yes, but it's currently too small for you to utilize it.]

"The rest of the stats are like those in games... Hmmm, I have above average intelligence haha, agility is one of my highest stats but that's not surprising, I always dreamed of being as fast as Sonic and Flash so I focused more on my speed, possibly Justin Bolt's 10 as he represents the pinnacle of human speed..."

"But what surprised me more is my luck, I have a 9, which means I'm among the luckiest people in the world, but in what sense am I lucky... Before receiving my dream job I was hit by a truck and thrown into a dark alley in another world to wake up and find myself tied up and threatened to go to jail and my phone and wallet were stolen, is that called luck?" he grumbled. He said grumbling about his luck. 

["Look at it from the other side Adam, you could have died but you met me so you're lucky.]

"..." Adam looked blank-eyed at his ostentatious system.

"Well I'm lucky to meet you." Adam didn't argue too much, he was kind of right.

"The rest of the stats aren't bad either, strength and endurance like intelligence 7... hmmm wisdom 6... not bad... I don't think a wise man, gravity 7... probably because of my exercise and attention to my diet..." Adam said, happy with his stats.

"Wait... if I didn't exercise and pay attention to my diet, would I be a normal person and be a 5." Adam was shocked by his sudden realization.

"Well then, I guess I'm lucky to be in shape." Adam thanked his luck in his heart.

"But what is a soul and why is it my lowest statistic?" As Adam was saying this, he tried to touch the statistic to see if another sub-window would pop up.

And he was right, a window popped up showing him what the statistic represented-

[Spirit: It represents how resistant it is to spiritual and mental attacks, how strong the mind is, and the mental quality of its owner.

"So that's what it represents... but why is it so small?"

[Because under normal circumstances in your world, no one has a chance to grow that statistic, it just depends on your luck at birth.]

"That makes's always been uncharted territory in my world."]

Adam quickly loses track of what the rest of the stats represent.

"Can I keep increasing my stats past the limit?" 

Adam's question wasn't whether or not he could reach the limit, but whether or not he could break through it. After all, his world is just normal humans, if he goes to other worlds that contain mythical beasts or fantasy races like dragons, giants, elves, or superhumans, for example, worlds like One Piece or Marvel, there's no way their stats would be ten times as high as his.

[Normally you can only reach the limit of your world, but now you are no longer part of any world, and thanks to the world energy in your body, you can break through the limitations that bind you].

"Wow... do I understand that as long as I continue to absorb world energy, I can increase my stats by training endlessly." 

If that's really the case, Adam would be more than happy to be displaced between worlds.

["Yeah, but it's not that easy Adam, you need to train so hard that you pass out from exhaustion every day if you want to break through your limits, and that doesn't apply to all stats, you need special items, special events, or the use of world energy to increase them.]

The system's answer didn't discourage Adam, he didn't expect it to be that easy, but as long as it's the result of hard work, Adam is more than willing to do his best, as his childhood dream comes to life.

Who wouldn't be willing to have incredible powers like those people in the movies and others.

But Adam noticed something important: he could use the world's energy to increase his stats.

"How can I use world energy to increase my stats?"

[That's easy, each world energy point is equal to one statistic, whatever it is, but that's only until you reach ten, which is your natural maximum, you'll need more than that if you want to increase your stats.]

In the middle of the first sentence, Adam was happy and only needed to figure out how he could get more world energy, but the system soon ruined his plans by telling him the second part of the sentence.

"As expected from the spoiler of my happiness..." Adam sighed.

"I think it would be better to increase the stats by training up to ten before using world energy which is rare, or at least increase the stats that are difficult to increase by training such as Wisdom, Spirit, Luck, and Charisma."

"The rest I can only train, and I think intelligence can be increased by increasing knowledge I guess, right?"

[Yes, it is possible]

"Is it possible to increase my attractiveness through plastic surgery?" Adam said, thinking.

[It can, but the effect is negligible at most one point, it doesn't include looks.]

He remembered the description of this statistic and found that he was right, nor was he willing to let anyone play with his face. 

"Let's move on to the next option which is [Skills]." Adam chose to display the skills window and soon all the skills he had appeared.

[Programming: Expert.

Cooking: Intermediate.

Drawing: Intermediate...]

Soon, a list emerged of the various skills Adam had mastered in his life, from big to small.

"Not as bad as I expected, there are a lot of skills..."

"I guess it makes sense... Design and programming are my field of work and study... Cooking is because I live alone and want to save money and eat delicious food at the same time... Drawing, I guess it's because I learned it when I wanted to draw manga, but then I found that movie design is better."

"What are the skill levels?" Adam wanted to know the maximum number of skills.


Adam tried tapping on one of the skills and soon a brief description of each of them appeared such as stats and there were even sub-skills such as Cooking which included skills when cooking certain recipes such as fried eggs and so on.

"Okay, next up are the abilities..."

[Abilities: None].

"Well that's normal... the last option then." 

When Adam saw an empty Abilities window, he went straight to the last one, Tasks.

[Tasks: Currently unavailable.]

[Why aren't there any tasks?" Adam sped up his system when there were no tasks.

[This is because you didn't fulfill the conditions to open them.]

Seeing the return of this familiar answer, Adam's mouth twitched.

"And what are those conditions?" 

[I don't know, it varies from world to world, but when you explore a world you're likely to have a quest associated with it.]

"So all I have to do is wander the world and rely on my luck." Adam paraphrased what the system said.

[Yes, exactly.]

"Do you assign a reward for it?"

[Yes, when you complete it you get a reward.]

"Where does this reward come from?" Adam wondered if his system could give him as many rewards as he wanted.

[Through the energy of the world he has absorbed, I can issue a reward.]

"So that's how it works."

Now that he had a good understanding of his current situation, he relaxed a bit, and decided to chat with his system a bit to get to know it better, although it was long past his bedtime now that it was midnight, especially since he was unlikely to have free time like this in the coming days.


And here's Chapter 6, firstly thanks to The bogeyman for the Power Stones, he's now the first to comment and donate Power Stones, and thanks to everyone who donated Power Stones.

There is a second chapter that will be published right after this one, to be honest these two chapters are like a dump but they are necessary, I can't start right away without explaining the main character's information, his situation and his system, I didn't want to make his system information vague and appear at the end of the novel, I tried to make things as clear as possible even though this caused an increase in the amount of information.

Honestly, as a reader, I wouldn't pay attention to a novel like this, however, I hope you like the novel and the upcoming chapters, did you guess which world the protagonist is in?

You were left with a clear hint in the previous chapters.

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