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Chapter 11: A brief History Lesson

For the last 200 years the world had been plagued by illness. In the year 2019 a pandemic level plague escaped from a lab in a country on the eastern continent. In a matter of months the sickness had spread across the globe.

The world's response had been slow, and most of the citizens thought of it as a joke. It was true that people were getting sick, but the vast majority of them recovered with little issue. Most were not even aware they had been sick. A small percentage of the population had died from it, but not enough to cause immediate concern.

The illness however was much more sinister than the world was aware. The Illness did not just make a person sick, it altered their very DNA, causing a long term mutation to occur. The results of the mutation were not seen immediately, but after 100 years had passed there had been subtle changes to the population.

There had been rumors of people developing strange abilities. These abilities were not enough to be classified as super powers, but they definitely gave an edge over the rest of the population.

The 100 years after that had resulted in the biggest evolution of man kind to date. These abilities had spread, and almost every adult in the world had developed one.

These abilities changed the world. Groups of powerful ability holders hand banded together, forming super groups. These groups, termed "Guilds", became the the true powers of the world.

The guilds took over the various areas of the world, splitting countries into territories of these guilds. Thus rose the current era. The era of magic, the era of power, the era of the supernatural.

50 years later a horrible change overtook the world. The rising mana in the world had created a series of large rifts through out the world. These rifts, termed as dungeons by the locals, were filled with incredibly powerful monsters.

The dungeons did not contain only monsters however, as humanity explored the dungeons they found that they contained treasures of immense power. Not only that, but the humans who survived managed to gain an increase in their power.

These humans were given what was called a "class" and by exploring these dungeons they could go stronger. As the monsters were slain the humans would recieve "Experience" and as "Experience" increased so did the "Level" of the human. These levels gave the human extra "Stat points" which they could contribute to Strength, Dexterity, constitution, Intelligence, wisdom, and charisma."

These humans, who took up the term adventurers, rapidly gained power. Their original "super powers" or innate talent as it is termed now, would guide their growth, further augmented by their class.

The guilds began to wage war over these dungeons, causing many to lose their lives. Worse, the neglect of the dungeons had caused the dungeons to grow over populated. 30 years ago, when the war was at its worst, The first dungeon outbreak happened. And it did not just happen with one dungeon, but several, all at the same time.

The outpouring of monsters caused devastation to humanity. Entire cities were wiped out in a matter of days. The monsters were not satisfied with this, they continued to expand as they relentlessly assaulted humanity. For ten years the monsters assaulted humanity, slowly driving the humans to retreat.

Finally, 10 years ago, humanity managed to build what they termed as a fortress city. This city was the last light of humanity, and it was built under the combined power of all the guilds. It was a super city, and the only place humanity still existed in this world.

The guilds knew they did not have the power to defend the city forever. Not with the limited power that they possessed. They would need to invest into the future. The greatest minds of all the guilds came together and created the Training Institute of Humanities Excellence. However most simply called it the Accademy.

The accademy focused on building up the strngth of the cities youth. They focused on building a society that could defend against the monsters, and one day gain back humanities control of the world.

Selena sighed as she recounted the effects out loud. This was the most basic of history, but she knew that the kitten before her would need this information. She knew that it was an incredibly intelligent beast, and if she could get it to become her familiar the chances of it becoming humanoid would be extremely high.

However now was not the time. She would offer the contract only when they had defeated the boss and earned the right to exit this dungeon. If they could not win, then none of it would matter as they would be stuck here forever.

She leaned down and pet the kitten who had fallen asleep in her lap. "Sleep well my friend. In the morning it will be time for us to leave this place. Either Alive and as as partners, or as spirits."

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