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Chapter 42: Eggcellent

"So, I was called back from my very important mission, because you want to chat with a kid?" Qrow asked, obviously still unamused that his work had been for naught.

"Yes, that sounds about right." Ozpin quickly admitted without any hesitation.

Qrow's cheek twitched at Ozpin's casual admittance of the fact. letting out a resigned sigh and spoke "Fine, this kid must be important enough if it's making you of all people, change the plans"

"Hmm, I certainly hope so…" Ozpin muttered under his breathe.

"Now, Arthur, first I would like to ask you more about your past…" he was about to ask before Arthur held up his hand to stop him from talking.

"Let me stop you there, I'm not going to talk about my past, I've done that enough by now and It means little at this point, my past is just that, my past. Plus you were there when I was talking with team RWBY. So I see no point in continuing with that topic" Arthur quickly shut Ozpin down.

"Understood, I shall respect that" he admitted.

"Also, I won't be telling you anything about my Tome, it is not for you to use, nor will it ever be." Arthur added, earning him a contemplative squint from Ozpin and a confused look from Qrow.

"Tome? A book? Why would we use a book? We're fighting grimm, what we gonna do? Read them to death?" Qrow mocked, sweating as he earned another spite filled glare and grin from Summer.

"Hmm, and may I ask why that is? I don't have any intentions of taking it, if that is what you are worried about" Ozpin said.

"You may not, and even if you did take it, you wouldn't be able to use it" Arthur explained "So, just move on from those topics, I will judge when I tell you anything about myself or my secrets." He adamantly said, not willing to budge on those terms.

"I, can see you wish to remain an enigma, mr. Fielder" Ozpin replied with a critical eye "Then let us move on" he said turning his gaze away from Arthur and standing from his chair and walked to the display case with the Grimm egg inside.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked.

"I'm guessing the Grimm egg from initiation" Arthur answered.

"You would be correct; this is the same egg that was spawned from the black substance that was excreted by your body when you were saved by the Byakko." Ozpin explained, lifting the glass case from the pedestal.

"Waitaminute! Byakko was here!? Why wasn't I told this!?" Qrow yelled

"At the time I was unable to contact you and I didn't expect a Grimm from Mistral to be here in Vale. It was unexpected to say the least" He answered

"I have had signal for the last week! There was more than enough time to tell me that one of the most dangerous Grimm was here in Vale! Where my nieces are studying!" Qrow added, still angry at his lack of being informed.

"Well, after initiation the Grimm has been unsighted, no one has seen it, and I have been keeping surveillance over the entirety of the Emerald forest along with having alerts set up and warnings sent out to the villages surrounding Vale, and not one has even remotely as seen a single piece of fur. So I deemed that the Grimm had left or has gone into hibernation" Ozpin explained.

"That's not calming me down, at all" Qrow crossed his arms and let out a peeved grunt.

"If I may, it's probably still in Vale" Arthur said

"And why would you say that?" Ozpin questioned

"During initiation I had a run-in with it" he said getting a nod of recognition from Ozpin, remembering the camera feed of the Byakko standing over Arthur as he was cowering away from it, before it just left without attacking him.

"Well, after it left I heard a voice saying we would meet again, I think I also remember hearing the same voice later but my memories are fuzzy, so it was probably when I got impaled by the nevermore feather."

"It…" Qrow began, sounding confused

"Spoke?" Summer finished, sounding equally as befuddled.

"Yeah, honestly not sure if my mind was just playing tricks on me, it could have been a panic induced hallucination for all I know."

Ozpin remained quite as he stared at Arthur before turning back to the head sized egg, gently picking it up before turning back to Arthur and handing it to him. "Hold onto this will you?" he said

"Uhh, Sure?" Arthur asked his voice filled with uncertainty as he lifted the egg from Ozpins hands, feeling a jolt run through his arms as he felt a sort of connection with it. Looking down at the egg which was now in his grasps Arthur could see small, glowing, red veins appear on its surface which had previously not been there, the glow being particularly dull, making it unnoticeable from a distance.

"Interesting…" Ozpin muttered as he picked the egg up from Arthur, causing the Veins to disappear completely once contact had been broken with Arthur. "It seems you have a connection with this egg" He said "In the last three weeks not once have I seen those veins, and yet when in contact with you…" he said handing the egg back to Arthur, causing the veins to become visible once again "They appear, an interesting phenomena indeed." He mumbled.

"Seriously, what did I miss, why is there an egg here?" Qrow whispered to Summer who began to explain everything to him.

"For now, I would like you to take care of the egg, it seems to react to your touch or possibly proximity to you" he said.

"Great… now I have to deal with an egg and Summers training…" Arthur mumbled before raising his voice and asking "Do you want me to try and hatch it then?"

"Yes, if possible" Ozpin agreed.

"You know, I would expect you to be a little more cautious about letting a student hatch a possibly dangerous Grimm inside of your academy" he blankly stated.

"Oh, trust me, I have taken the proper precautions, the room directly in front of yours has been set up to be as secure as possible, so if the egg shows any sign of hatching you are to take it into that room and place it within the cage at which I will be notified."

"And if I forget to put it into the cage?" he asked.

"Results may vary, if it's non-hostile, I see no problem, if it is hostile and harms any of my students then it shall be put down swiftly and you shall be punished appropriately, so don't forget."

"Fair enough." Arthur placed the egg back on its pedestal, letting the dull red glow dissipate from its black crystalline shell.

"And Qrow, you are to be keeping an eye on it until it hatches as added security, you are also to put it down if it harms anyone at all." Ozpin ordered.

"Great, I'm going to be watching an egg hatch…" he muttered, pulling out a silver flask placing it up to his mouth and taking a swig from it, his body freezing cold while his eyes darted open, his body mechanically turning to the side, flask still in his mouth, his eyes locking with Summer who looked particularly angry.

"Qrow, what did I say about drinking near children?" she asked, her voice venomous and demanding.

Quickly screwing the top back onto the flask Qrow placed it back onto his belt with a wry and fearful laugh.

"Sir, could I ask a question before we continue?" Arthur asked

"You just did" Qrow said, earning a fist to the top of his head by Summer "Ow!" he yelped as he began to rub his head.

"Please, go ahead" He said.

"How much does Ruby know?" he asked causing all three adult to squint and turn to him, stopping all form of sound.

"About?" Ozpin questioned trying to see how much Arthur knows

"Her eyes, her heritage, what happened during initiation. Don't act stupid, you know full well what I mean, she is a silver eyed warrior, she deserves to know, especially now that it's unlocked. She killed two powerful Grimm at the same time" He said

"You… seem to believe that it wasn't her semblance at work" Ozpin said, his eyes squinting at him.

Putting his hand to his temple Arthur began to rub it "Ozpin, I already know that about her abilities, I've known about them for longer than I've been on Remnant… don't ask, won't tell." He quickly added onto his statement "So just stop beating around the bush and tell me why Summer hasn't told her yet."

"W-why do you think I haven't told her yet?" Summer asked with a slight stutter.

"Summer!?" Qrow shouted

"Oh, come one! he already knows! No point acting dumb now!" she said silencing Qrow.

"If you did, I would have heard by now, Ruby isn't exactly the type to keep that type of secret, it would weigh on her, and I'm sure she would force herself to join in on our training so she could learn to control it. It's the type of person she is." he said

"It bugs me that I can't refute that…" Qrow muttered in response before adding "You seem to know my niece quite well?" he questioned.

"Well, she was literally the first person I met when I arrived her, and we've been friends since, that and something else, but that's for another time." He muttered the last part quiet enough that no one heard.

"Let's not forget about the wedding ring and you sleeping with her" Summer added with a smirk causing both Qrow and Arthur to spit take.

"Summer!?" Arthur shouted in surprise

"Explain… Now, before I end your life" Qrow said, unsheathing his sword from his back, holding it in one hand and pointing it at Arthur 'Oh, god, not again' Arthur thought, having flashbacks to the night where the Grimm of Beacon originated.

"Now, now, no need to get violent, Qrow. I will tell you all about it later." Summer said lightly pushing down on the back of Qrow's sword, having to add more pressure when Qrow didn't let it fall. Letting out a growl Qrow lowered his sword before saying "I want to know everything, I'm tired of not having the facts, I expect to be kept informed" he muttered angrily.

"Let's be fair, Ruby and Yang's life's aren't exactly important to your missions" Summer added

"What does Yang have to do with this!?" Qrow shouted

Covering her mouth with her hand Summer turned her head to the side while muttering "Nothing?" very unconvincingly.

"What did he do to my nieces!?" Qrows voice rose, pointing at Arthur.

"Qrow, Summer, I do believe we are busy here. You can continue your conversation later." Ozpin said interrupting Summer who was about to say something. Turning back to Arthur he said "You are wrong to ask me as to why Ruby hasn't learnt of her heritage, you will have to speak with Summer about that, I was quite adamant that she learn to control her abilities."

"I see…" Arthur murmured and let out a sigh "Well, luckily she won't have to use it anytime soon…" he unconsciously muttered.

"What does that mean?" Summer asked, having heard him

"Nothing, at least I hope so…" he answered, thinking to certain event that could play out in the future if he didn't do anything to change them. Summer quietly stared at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Now, I do believe you wished to speak with me about something else?" Ozpin said


I've added a Q/A chapter go there if you want to ask me anything (It's in Auxiliary)

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