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66.66% Alec Cullen

Chapter 2: Horrorville Acadamy chapter one "The Truth"

In 1984 there was a war between humans and vampire it effected the whole town and in hiding was a young girl in her teens named Kathrine trying her best to stay quite but it didn't work she sneezed and she heard a loud growl coming from above her and all the sudden the floor was ripped up and Kathrine was taken by a vampire but he was in his teens from the looks of him he was the same age as Kathrine.

Kathrine looked around frightened and terrified she screams and the young vampire come down from above and covers her mouth and says "Shh if you stop screaming i can help you get out of here just be quite, what's your name?"

Kathrine looked at him and said "Why should i tell you my name and why would help me out of here you're one of those things"

The young man looked at Kathrine and said "Look all i start my name is Alexander and yes i am one of them but I'm not like them i wanna help you people not kill you, I don't want to kill at all so if you could please help me by helping you"

Kathrine looked at Alexander and smiled and said " Well my name is Kathrine and i wanna run away from here with you.

He looked at Kathrine and smiled and said "You want to run away with me a vampire why?" As he looked at her his eyes gazed upon her necklace and he thought out loud and said "Holy shit you're her daughter you Christina's daughter I told your mother once I found you I would keep you safe."

Kathrine stared at him for a while watching him smile and thought to her self he has the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. She started smiling out of the blue the Alexander managed to look over and catch Kathrine smiling when she noticed and she stopped smiling and shyly looked down with her now not smiling cheeks bright red.

Kathrine was starting to get tired so her and Alexander stopped for the night because they both needed sleep even though he is a vampire he sleeps at night. Alexander couldn't sleep so he just stayed up and made sure Kathrine was okay and asleep.

The next morning Kathrine woke up to a horrifying scene outside the loft, It was the other vampires coming for me and Alexander for what reason I'll never know. Alexander yelled for Kathrine and when Kathrine hears the pain in his yell Kathrine rushed outside and to no surprise the other vampires were trying to kill Alexander Kathrine ran out there and got in the middle of the fight that was already at it's peak end I stopped it at the right time. They dropped Alexander at my feet and Kathrine started to pick him up but his breath turned her into Jell-O.

Alexander looked at Kathrine and asked if she was okay and if she needed to lay down for a bit?

Katherine looked at Alexander and said "I think I'll be okay I think I just, I'm going to faint Alexander help me I'm fainting. Looking at Alexander and passing In and out.

Alexander catches Kathrine before she could bash her head on the concrete. I looked at Alexander and asked what happened to me and he said " You was about to hit my head off the concrete really hard cause I was falling from a distance and when I looked over you were almost hitting the ground and I caught you at the right time"

Well my head does really hurt like I hit it or something, I looked over to what seemed to be a dead man laying in the corner of the room of the boat. So I asked Alexander "Who is that man over there that seems to be dead?"

He looked at me and laughed and said " No he's not dead he's sleeping and that is my brother Xander he'll be awake shortly so you can meet him"

As soon as I said "Well when is he going to wake?" Xander looked up at me and said "Well hello miss Kathrine I heard a lot about you from my brother Alexander"

I looked at Alexander and asked " You've been talking about me to your brother and told him what?"

I looked at Xander and asked "What did Alexander tell you about me?"

Xander looked at me and said "Well he said you're beautiful and smart and caring and kind"

Looking at Alexander in awe I smiled at him and he saw me smiling at him and said "What it's true and you are beautiful and caring, kind.

It's almost like Alexander can read my mind and everything I'm thinking at the moment, I've never seen Alexander so in lightened about my thought then I never knew him I do not think I know him.

I wanted to ask him if I knew him but I wanted to wait for him to show me like he did before I hit my head. Alex looked at me and said "You know you can just tell me what you're thinking instead of making me feel weird cause you like it when I stare at you.

I looked at Alex in disbelief and said " I do not just sit with you on my mind"

which he could totally tell I'm lying and he started to laugh at me and said "I can tell you everything you are thinking but I highly doubt you want me to do that now do you?"

Alex leaned over and started to whisper in my ear "I know everything you are thinking right now"

Not going to lie I blushed a little bit but I knew he was serious the tone of his voice and his actions spoke louder then his words.

That night I was having a dream about Alex and it was very sexual and intense. I woke up in a sweat I looked over and Alex was sitting there with his shirt off just looking at me like he was maul me to death or something I don't know what was going though his head at the moment till he leaned over and started kissing and touching me all over I whispered in his ear "We can't do this your brother is here and we don't know if he's actually asleep or not"

Alex looked at me and whispered back " I don't really care I want you tonight right now, for the rest of my life"

I looked at Alex and smiled and whispered "Okay then have me for the rest of your life then I want that more then anything right now"

After a long night we woke up and Alex's brother was at the end of our bed and looking at us like we did something horrible.

Alex looked at his brother and asked "What is your deal creeper?"

Xander stared at Alex for a while like he was possessed or something then out of the blue he said "I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me today I feel weird today something just isn't right with me"

Later that day we kept hearing strange noises outside so I got and starting looking outside and found there were people taking apart our boat and everything out of the seat of the boat. I went outside and asked "What the hell are you doing to our boat?"

They all looked at me with blood coming out of their mouths and all looked at me said "She's the one who must die tonight to be with our master.

Ale came storming outside and demanded them to go away and they left but not without a fight first.

The night after that I had the worst dream that Alex died in the fight but when I woke up and he was still there next to me. He woke up and looked at me and asked "Is everything okay babe?"

I looked at Alex and started crying and said " I hate this life I wanna be like you I don't wanna die without you I don't wanna grow old without you I mean hell you don't even age anymore, Sorry babe I'm just in a mood"

Alex looked at me and said "Baby it's okay all of this is so much at once and it's driving you crazy I know but look at me and listen okay, When the time comes you will be like me but only if you're actually ready to become one of us"

I looked at Alex and said well what if I'm ready now what if I'm ready to be one of you now?"

Alex looked at me and said "Then we'll go to my place and spend the night or nights how ever long it takes okay babe"

I looked at Alex and smiled and asked "Are you actually going to do this cause if not I can wait for a while?"

Alex looked at me and said "If you want to become one of us yes I'll actually do it but you have to be sure it's what you want not what you need, I wanna be sure you're safe and not just taken care but safe"

I looked At Alex and said "Then let's go to your place now and spend a month there to make sure I'm ready"

The next day went by fast and I was impatiently waiting for us to go to Alex's place I'm so glad I'm not going to be on the boat with his brother anymore and be creeped out with his brother just standing at the foot of the bed.

The next day we got to shore and got in a car that took us to his beautiful house in the middle of nowhere I loved it I wanted to stay there forever and not leave there, It was so beautiful. Alex looked at me and asked "Are you ready to see your new home with me?" We stayed up all night and day unpacking into the house and having some fun if you know what I mean and it was amazing but on the down side the bed is broken.

Alex and I got in the car and got to the store to get a few things for dinner which honestly didn't know vampires could actually eat food and not die. I always thought if vampires ate human food they'd die or something but I was wrong they don't die or even get sick here I am thinking their like animals or something. I don't even know what to cook for dinner yet because I don't know what he likes or doesn't like yet. I want to ask him but i'm scared he'll be like take a guess or you should know my favorite foods by now.

The next day there was a knock at the door I went to go answer it and Alex stopped me before I could open the door he looked at me and said "Kathrine you don't want to open that door you'll see something you'll regret"

I wanted to open the door so bad just to see what was out there so I peaked through the peep hole and he was right I now regret seeing what I saw out there was rotted flesh and skin of the living dead I quickly ran upstairs to our bedroom and locked the door and said "Come get me when the living dead are actually dead dead"

Alex walking up the stairs laughing because I'm scared of getting killed by the living dead he came to the bedroom door and said " Babe it's going to be okay their not going to hurt you"

I got up close to the bedroom door and asked " So your telling me if we walk outside right now their not going to try to eat our faces off and that their just going to stand there like nothing is going on?"

Alex looked at me and started laughing and said " No their not going to try to eat you I have them compelled to do all the yard work at night so that the people that come by and look at the house don't freak out and try to kill them cause everyone I know is a hunter for them"

I looked at Alex and asked " Are you kidding me you have zombies working for you because why, their dangerous and they eat people and turn other people into zombies?"

Once again Alex looked at me and laughed and said " Kathrine listen to me their not going to tear your flesh apart and eat you not under my command, they won't hurt you while i'm alive, The only way they'll hurt anyone is if they try to hurt me or you I made it were they won't hurt you at all"

I thought to myself knowing he can read my thoughts but oh well I don't care anymore, I knew what I was getting myself into with him and I didn't care because I care about him in way that I've never cared about anyone, I think I'm starting to fall for him harder then ever, It's been almost a year and he's been calling me babe and and all of that, I just want someone like him to be more exact I want him and I want to be with him.

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